@Seanald – quit being a deliberate ass…it’s almost as if you are trying to hard at it this game…which means you are creeping over to the scum side of my wall…I’d appreciate it if you would contribute…
↑ Ms Marangal wrote:you also don't call out my blantant defense of Syr... I was kinda expecting someone to pick it up :/
Not sure what your purpose here is? Care to explain?
I also really don’t like the fact that you second Mollie’s “Hey let’s vote Pala” and use GM’s posting as ammo to try and start and fuel a wagon, yet you still avoid voting…and yes, I do realize that you don’t throw votes around nilly willy, but considering you’re giving your stamp of approval on it and also trying to tie GM into the mix to help justify it, all the while keeping your hands clean, makes me worry about you.
Also, what exactly about Pala’s 117 “especially” gave you bad scum vibes?