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Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 4:27 pm
by Vandit24
In post 123, Raskolnikov wrote:I'm feeling decent focus onto me and what actually reads as some paranoia from ranger. Honestly flattering :P

I'd have zyf above beeboy considering beeboys more tonal and very experienced vs newb obvtown, but other than that. Mmm
There will eventually be reads on almost all of us before any lynches take place. That is why those who have showed that they support random lynches in the first scenario by voting again and again over sad, starting a wagon. They just might be mafia and wont they just be happy seeing townies random lynching each other and laughing themselves.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 4:28 pm
by Vandit24
support over* random lynches

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 4:29 pm
by Vandit24
And just going around voting him themselves.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 4:30 pm
by Zyf
In post 123, Raskolnikov wrote:I'm feeling decent focus onto me and what actually reads as some paranoia from ranger. Honestly flattering :P

I'd have zyf above beeboy considering beeboys more tonal and very experienced vs newb obvtown, but other than that. Mmm
Newb obvtowns more likely to get nk'ed, afaik.
Whatever, we've got time.
I think that ranger's problem with me is the same as the problem with sad: inconsistency.
Mine's mostly due to getting antsy.
I can guarantee the same will /not/ be happening irl tomorrow.

I want to trust you as town, but absolute trust usually doesn't work out...
Btw, reading Vandit as town. You?

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 4:31 pm
by Vandit24
Honestly this is the only way to get leads right now.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 4:33 pm
by Zyf
In post 125, Vandit24 wrote:
In post 123, Raskolnikov wrote:I'm feeling decent focus onto me and what actually reads as some paranoia from ranger. Honestly flattering :P

I'd have zyf above beeboy considering beeboys more tonal and very experienced vs newb obvtown, but other than that. Mmm
There will eventually be reads on almost all of us before any lynches take place. That is why those who have showed that they support random lynches in the first scenario by voting again and again over sad, starting a wagon. They just might be mafia and wont they just be happy seeing townies random lynching each other and laughing themselves.
So from the 3 and their defenses (or lack thereof):

Who seems the scummiest?
Not to ignore everyone else but I'm pretty sure at least one of them is mafia.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 4:37 pm
by Raskolnikov
In post 90, sad1492 wrote:Beeboy once posted a Ranger-style list, with me at the bottom. She is, however, not fosing me anymore. Worth an explanation.
Fox town. Zyf town (is this ur first game? Good job).
I am trying to get a meta on Ranger. Is this kind of list what he always use, his explanations before hand, etc...
Also, shouldnt ICs have a special post "hey,Im your IC which stands for inexperience-challenged......"
Assuming you mean me there instead of beeboy since beeboy put you null. If you had really looked at me you should've seen my question too though so this I doubt as genuine concern.
Actually a potential freudian slip of sorts if casting doubt here was to appeal to beeboy? :o

Not much in the game to justify fox town; they played before so this is either an entrance gut read on that experience or buddying on that familiarity.

One thing going for him is a some measure of restraint and that attention onto ranger from his position is more-or-less expected as town. I want to see followup to this at some point.
Nitpicking the lack of IC post reads inappropriate focus though.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 4:41 pm
by Zyf
The problem with voting sad right now is that it puts them at L1.
That rushes the game-and the thing is that human nature makes prolonged deception exponentially harder as time goes on.

Anyway, I'm going to bed.
Hopefully in the morning I'll have:
Beeboy's response to sickofit's reads/activity
Sickofit's explanation for why they scumread sad at the time.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 4:42 pm
by Raskolnikov
The double smileys creeped me out at first but he's solid town for me.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 4:44 pm
by Raskolnikov
is actually pretty interesting...

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 4:47 pm
by Raskolnikov

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 5:02 pm
by Zyf
Alright, here's my last post for tonight.
Isolating sad's and sickofit's posts separately, I've found that, regardless of my urging, neither of them have contributed anythign of real value.
However, while sad's simply been haphazardly defending themself and weakly counterattackig, sick seems to be deliberately leading the town astray:
In post 43, Sickofit1138 wrote:I do like what be seen some rask.

I definitely would like some more conversation to hop onto.

So 2 questions:
1. Why did you choose your username?
2. How long have you had a general experience in mafia? (Not necessarily just this site)
While the second question makes a decent amount of sense (although it's bascially a copy of mine one post prior), the first one is random, and leads the discussion down a rather time-wasting path that has a very low chance of ending with any mafia-related information gained.
In post 52, Sickofit1138 wrote:If you must know.

Zyf: Null-town.
Rask: Null-town
Ranger: Null
DVD: Null
Sad: Null-scum.
Beeboy: Null-scum.
First off, the "if you must know" shows signs of reluctance. Also, no one really had asked for their reads in the first place (although reads are always nice, the attitude of presumbaly understanding ranger to want others to post reads-rather than analyzing ranger's, seems off). Finally, the votes have no background or explained logic behind them, and do mimic ranger's thoughts a lot (with only slight shifts), although the mimic could be due to similar natural thought process.
So yeah, to me, even though sad is far from in the clear, sickofit seems scummier to me.

PEdit: what exactly about 112, rask?

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 5:26 pm
by Vandit24
I am actually so confused now some place one is being so much heroic , like a townie hero that can also be a mafia, and at one place, those who i have i suspicion are actig more trustworthy. Damn it does happen in all the matches??

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 5:49 pm
by Vandit24
Quote of Post 0 Removed ~Zaicon

You know what.. i am going to vote now.. VOTE: Raskolnikov
Now Reason-
I am not voting Sickofit as that guy might be having some troubles and not being able to post here but he is ACTUALLY being FEARLESS by not debating much here too and knowning that it would inflict suspicion on him. He also might be doing that so people like i am and wont actually vote him but dude..THAT TOO risky (espicially in a newbie match). That also might be the reason because he is knowning of himself being a Townie or either having a role of either being a Strong Townie player that functions at night and would kill the mafia/ cripple it (like jailkeeper).

Now why i voted rask??
If you actually see his posts like 3-4 times you will get that those arent strong ones and werent even goofy ones and were really WEAK ONES. Now even a mafia guy can do some strong discussion but there would easily be suspicion by seeing his tone, views on others, etc. factors which actually beeboy did very good, so a bit less suspicion. Now rask, if you would notice his posts in earlier were very worried about votes on him. He was actually worried about a wagon of votes and random lynch that could happen to him. Plus when zyf was getting even a little suspicious about him (which he is about everyone) he was the one who came out talking about him that its all turning on him etc. NOW THATS A LEAD atleast.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 5:53 pm
by Vandit24
Now even i am noticing that i am voting for others and providing strong reasons etc. so that i can avoid suspicion fron myself. Go on, discuss about me, maybe that would get us leads and somewhere close to who actually to lynch.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 5:56 pm
by Vandit24
Now there can also be a counter that actually Sickofit is mafia. And he is telling that he will be busy for a few days, and wont be able to debate much and so we dont bother about him much and just as night comes (which comes after those FEW DAYS), he starts killing.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 7:18 pm
by Ranger
Zyf wrote:is the inconsistency what's bothering you?
If I had to put a phrase to it, it'd actually more be your extreme eagerness to please.
What's your thoughts on sick's reads that came directly after yours?
Nulltown. He didn't give much of anything, though seeing what his reads are, they mostly line up with a lot of what I'm seeing loosely, which is usually a good sign.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 7:22 pm
by Ranger
As an IC, I can't help but feel very guilty.
I kind-of feel like we've got a dual-newbie scumteam of {sad, Vandit}, which as a newbie is an absolutely
place to be. It really feels like they're both scum, who don't yet know what they're supposed to be doing.

And if I happen to be right about you two, preemptively, I have to say...sorry. <3

If I'm right, in postgame, I'll try to give you advice to play better, but for now, I would ask you not to quit even though you two are my main suspicions.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 8:04 pm
by Vandit24
Ranger, rather than just flaming us for being newbs and the insulting process carried out in your post, i would tell you that i am angry NOT FOR being charged being a mafia by you, but for the sheer flaming done i would like to ask you ITS A NEWBIE MATCH, WHAT THE HELL DO YOU EXPECT.

Now, on the topic,
In your post, neither have you posted any reason, nor any question. Neither any hint/clue for all of us about the next lynch, nor any leads. Neither any good-to-know advice nor any important stuff/information. Can you please just go ahead and tell the thread about how is your post above even useful.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 8:09 pm
by Vandit24
Your post is exceedingly like 'Oh yes, i am the Big Guy (IC), i suspice these 2 noobs, they got no skills, i will teach two later but for now lynch these 2 noobs now everybody.

AND WITH NO REASON of suspicion, framing etc. Its just a raw flaming post made by you.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 10:43 pm
by Ranger
First of all, hi, welcome to, Vandit.

Second, a fair warning: while there's, strictly speaking, no rule against having super-abrasive, high-aggression playstyles, they are
discouraged on all levels: administrative (take a look at the ban list; over half are for excessive flaming), moderation (mods reject ins if they feel a player is too toxic to the game), and players (who sometimes have the power to reject a player from a game, and even when not, can sometimes lynch the toxic player).

Your posting is veering dangerously close to that attitude, so I would heavily recommend toning it down. I don't know where you come from, but on mafiascum, we're both fairly liberal and fairly civilized all things considered, so when we have conversations, they tend to be polite. Even when said conversations are about brutally murdering a player.

Now with that friendly warning established, to answer why I can't give feedback: feedback relies on me knowing alignments. I can't give tips for a player before they flip, because I don't know what alignment they are. I can guess, but I don't know. As an IC, I am obligated to tell the truth about theory. As such, I can give tips like the above regardless of my alignment and regardless of yours, about how bad an idea it is to try hyper-aggression. But while ICs are teachers, first and foremost, ICs are
. And players should generally not be giving advice to players in the middle of the game which may not even be relevant.

And to answer the main question you had...
Can you please just go ahead and tell the thread about how is your post above even useful.
It tells players where my suspicion lies in explicit detail. I have previously explained my scumread on sad. I have not yet explained my scumread on you, but the post in question is a statement explicitly laying out that I now have one. This gives the post plenty of purpose.

I think you are scum, who doesn't know how to act like town yet, because you haven't been taught how.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 11:22 pm
by Zyf
In post 141, Ranger wrote:
Zyf wrote:is the inconsistency what's bothering you?
If I had to put a phrase to it, it'd actually more be your extreme eagerness to please.
What's your thoughts on sick's reads that came directly after yours?
Nulltown. He didn't give much of anything, though seeing what his reads are, they mostly line up with a lot of what I'm seeing loosely, which is usually a good sign.
1) OK, now that one's 100% due to having nothing else to do and getting antsy. Someone did show me how to get site chat up so that helped. :P
In my own defense, aside from beeboy, I haven't been only pushing from one direction to get someone lynched, but rather been trying to get the people I trust to have good analysis post their thoughts to help out.

2) My issue is with what you find a good sign: for a read list that is very similar to yours, I find it an odd pattern that they were posted directly after yours AND have no explanations attached to them. Unfortunately, since I ended up getting your explanations first, sick may leech off of them for their own benefit.

How likely do you think it is that scum is bussing day 1?

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 11:31 pm
by Vandit24
First of all wasnt me flaming was you who was doing the flaming work. Now just stop it. Get back to Discussion.

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 11:36 pm
by Vandit24
Lets just do 1 about we just call out people whom we have suspicion on. And if somebody is common is everyone's suspicion, and just hear his defense. That surely can help in getting leads

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 11:36 pm
by Zyf
In post 142, Ranger wrote:As an IC, I can't help but feel very guilty.
I kind-of feel like we've got a dual-newbie scumteam of {sad, Vandit}, which as a newbie is an absolutely
place to be. It really feels like they're both scum, who don't yet know what they're supposed to be doing.

And if I happen to be right about you two, preemptively, I have to say...sorry. <3

If I'm right, in postgame, I'll try to give you advice to play better, but for now, I would ask you not to quit even though you two are my main suspicions.
I...find myself not trusting this.
The appeal to pity feels...forced?
I can't put my finger on it, but something's off. It's like,
gushing or something.

So, here are my views on what'll happen:
1) Lynch sad1492:
If they flip scum, then I'll feel much better about ranger and sickofit.
If they flip town, however...beeboy can definitely be more trusted and first place I'm pointing fingers is a ranger+sickofit scumteam.
2) Lynch sickofit-This is my ideal situation, as I think we'll get more 'mixed' or changing reaction out of this lynch; lynching sad is just that: a lynch. Unless sad claims for themself, their partner is highly unlikely to try and pull them out as it's very suspicious. Sickofit is a bit shakier and more discreet, and will be better for the discussion. Predictions on sick lynch:
If they flip scum, there are multiple people (ranger, apparently vandit, sad could still be scum, etc.) who could be their partners, but we'll have leads to start our investigation from the mess before the actual lynch.
If they flip town, then it'll completely change who I'm looking for. Ranger can be more trusted, and sad is gonna look more scummy for pushing sick and opposing them. Granted, it's mostly been me, but look at Sick's iso for yourself. It looks a lot like someone who's trying to fit in with whatever's going on at the time-without actually contributing anything.
3) Lynch Ranger-right now this is the riskiest one, because if they flip town we're in big trouble because we lost one of the main contributors to the discussions. And they have more experience than say, me.
If they flip scum, however, my first suspicions will be towards sick again. Followed by sad for a possible day 1 bus tactic.
If they flip town, like I said, it's really dangerous.

I'm leaning pretty much solely on option 2 because I think it will yield more than any of the other paths.

Those are the only 3 people I'm interested in lynching right now, anyway.