N1 - Fonz, The Scummie Holder of Best Newbie (1A) Dies - N1 Cop Only.
Judges of 1A: Reck,
T-Bone, Captain Ajax
N2 - Quilford, The Scummie Holder of Best IC (2B) Dies - JailKeeper
Judges of 2B:
TheAm, hito,
BBmolla, and
N3 - hito The Scummie Holder of Best Replacement (1C) Dies - Bodyguard
Judges of 1C:
N4 - MoI dies
N5 - Slandaar (DeasVail) dies.
As Slandaar noted, the death of the holder of the Scummie JailKeeper (awarded on D2) over the holder of the Bodyguard Scummie (which was awarded on D1) points to the scum knowing who had each of those scummies and deciding which was more harmful than the other.
The only scenario in which this is possible is the one in which BBMolla is the provider of the inside information.
If Reck were the last scum, he would have needed to make a lucky (albeit somewhat educated) guess between the living players to go for Quilford on N2. It also means that the scum would have all been on Group 1A, and that voting Fonz had nothing to do with an ability to trample the judging process, since they would have chosen that scummie by voting block majority. This also means that Reck-Scum would have had to go lucky for a second night in a Row killing another Scummie holder on N3. That is also the only scenario that would explain BBMolla getting a Fake Scummie that neutralizing his Professor Mafia scummie, since Reck was a judge of the group that granted the award and would have known who was the holder.
On the other hand, Molla claiming to have received a Fake Scummie disabling abilty could come from scum using a known role information or some BS gimmick to provide an excuse as to not use his Role in a Pro-Town manner.