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Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 11:25 pm
by mastina
In post 1274, mastina wrote:Elena is not very active--this could be due to a scum motive of (active) lurking, to avoid the spotlight, avoid making waves, avoid really putting herself in danger of needing to explain herself or something like that...but when I look at what she has given and what she hasn't given, I'm left with the impression she simply isn't aiming for that. It doesn't look deliberate. It doesn't look planned, it doesn't look like her agenda is to try that. It looks like she is simply, genuinely, not high-efforting.
Mind you, I'm sure someone would point out "that could be her real life interfering", but to my knowledge, Elena has not been in any way shape nor form V/LA or otherwise busy/incapacitated/etc. As far as I know, there's been nothing hindering her at all. So it's not really possible that real life, non-alignment-indicative, conditions contribute here.

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 11:26 pm
by Near x Mello
i see. Thats basically the reason I scumread her. When she is town she will do things I wont like and I will consider manipulative and such and I will end up scumreading her. Here she is quiet and has basically done nothing.


Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 11:31 pm
by mastina
In post 1276, Near x Mello wrote:i see. Thats basically the reason I scumread her. When she is town she will do things I wont like and I will consider manipulative and such and I will end up scumreading her. Here she is quiet and has basically done nothing.
I used to have her be readable by the same model as me:
"If she looks town, she's scum; if she looks scum, she's town".

Experience has taught me it's not that simple anymore.

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 11:31 pm
by Near x Mello
My other disagreements with your readlist are Dunn, who should be way higher as this is town Dunn, and Joan, who is another spewed town by both her vote and the way SSBF pushed her

Otherwise I completely agree with your townreads and you have Robert and Morality low enough. You just need to get over your three tunnels.


Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 11:37 pm
by singletonking
In post 1257, Reasonably Psychotic wrote:Let's do some freeform stream of consciousness type review of BNL's play, instead of that post by post bullshit I tend to do, way too much work and tags and

Significant facts known about BNL/BNL's role: Mastina has claimed to be "informed" about BNL's alignment, BNL has claimed miller, and specifically stated that he "investigates unfavorably" to alignment checks, which should mean that trackers and such will return true results on his slot.

Enters thread with the miller claim and votes dunnstral, questions mello the townread they consider giving dunnstral(valid question), townreads clemency based on the way he claimed, didn't dodge my question about his miller but asked for elaboration, scumreads Morality based on entrance, then questions morality questioning his miller claim, notes difference between NxM's posting and expected posting, doesn't find them verbose enough/as willing to explain their reads as town!them, but admits no knowledge of scum!nxm, declares strict townreads on clemency, dunnstral, torque, C&Y, and gamma, questions vedith wagon(which is 3/5 comprised of his town reads, questioning is just asking for information so probably nai?),walks back scumread of morality, explains belief that an entrance based off what someone else has said is scummy(need to check all other players entrances to see if he should have also suspected others for the same reason), also suspected him because the timing of his miller commentary felt like "overjustification"
(ask more?)
, and starts to fear it's a TvT
(why? no reason given for the fear, just an expression of uncertainty that they are scum(which is pretty shitty given that they were willing to vote them off basically nothing, and morality wasn't at risk of being lynched....)
so unvotes, questions mastina on claimed scumread of vedith and pink ball without willingness to vote them, then doubts that voting mastina is a good idea(after people start voting her), explains dunnstral townread goes back to (a suggestion that A50 could just as easily be scum explaining lurking in channels as town trying to prevent town from being stupid as they are inclined to do),notes a decision to ignore my request to confirm or deny mastina's(at this point abandoned) mason claim with him because of a concern that it unnecessarily gives scum information,moves morality to townlead from null(I guess?) based on , agrees with mastina with regards to wisdoms posting being lackluster, disagrees about kokichi head, declares a sheep of townreads on S&J for creatures meta(when in fact people were SCUMREADING S&J for creatures meta),
is a strict "not scum" sort of reads list, elaboration would be nice,
dislikes Drixx, finds Pink Ball more likely town than scum, but doesn't have much an opinion of Vedith or PB, but warns people of voting Vedith because he's always weird, agrees with S&J about fluffiness of my posts, expresses extra dislike of Drixx for disappearing after responding to his post, votes Drixx(starts the push that leads to 4 quick votes), and thinks gamma is unlikely to be scum, asks for cases, indicating a weakness in terms of certainty in his previous list(which showed gamma as not a possible lynch), finds NxM scummy for saying it's fine to lynch Vedith even if he's town(fair, but he WAS defending scum), says Toog's claimed role of dying to any targeting effect N2 seems town(I mean, it's definitely not a scum role, but I don't see it as being outside the realm of possibility for a scum fake claim), finds Drixx not staying and engaging even though he claimed to be "lost" to be scummy, refuses to vote Gamma or Mastina, floats voting NxM, admits to not knowing why they're townreading mastina besides thinking posts were fairly towny
(elaborate?> what makes the posts town?)
, questioned NxM about their assumption that Mastina was lying about NxM's scum meta, rather than just being wrong, questions PB calling gamma's vote a scumclaim and calls vedith's role town, asks for case on mastina, calls out a clear problem with scum!Vedith's claim(if no day talk, almost certainly town indicative...if day talk, NAI), thinks I am possible scum for asking Vedith details about how their role functions(One of which, had they answered, would have given the flipped town doctor STRONG evidence that they needed to counterclaim(which you totally did preemptively but we were short on time so I forgive you Drixx), expresses a SUPER strong townread of gamma, and that mastina is less of a townread than gamma at this point

@BNL: Please respond to the concerns that are bolded/in a larger font. Most notably, please elaborate on how your reads list thingie was constructed, and how people so easily moved onto/off it, so I can know whether or not your reads actually mean anything, as well as your gamma read and where the strength in it comes from.

Overall reads like town I would say. No internal inconsistencies, except for the weird decision to unvote morality with no intentions of voting elsewhere/they were not under pressure/with no reason why they had suddenly stopped being a suspect.

Mastina+BnL are extremely unlikely to be scum together.

(I apologize for the disgusting mess of a post I don't think I'll ever do this again it's basically unreadable).

Did you actually go through my entire iso and summarise it lol
I find this scummy

I'm out now, I'll actually answer your questions when I get back

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 11:39 pm
by Near x Mello
Town: {Chito and Yuuri, Spike and Jet, Pink Ball, singleton, Dunn, Torque, Almost, Joan, mastina}
Probtown: {Clem, Gamma, Toog, Reasonably Psychotic}
Nullscum: {Morality, Robert, Elena}


Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 11:39 pm
by singletonking
In post 1271, Near x Mello wrote:Elena, Robert, Morality

Thats the result of my reread

VOTE: Elena

Did you just name the lowest posters in the game as scum LOL

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 11:43 pm
by Near x Mello
postcounts mean nothing to me


Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 11:44 pm
by singletonking
Btw is that your own reread or did you discuss with Mello

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 11:44 pm
by Near x Mello
mine only. Mello hasn't been around.


Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 11:50 pm
by singletonking
Why is RP town

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2019 11:58 pm
by Near x Mello
its my weakest townread but i feel like hes trying to do things and also some interactions with vedith feel weird if scum/scum


Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 12:02 am
by singletonking
I found a lot of his mechanics talk nonscumhunting-y

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 12:09 am
by Spike and Jet
VOTE: reasonably psychotic
yeah i like this

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 12:10 am
by Spike and Jet
hey chito we both made it!
i can sheep you again!

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 12:12 am
by Spike and Jet
also ima stop defending robert unless he does more stuff

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 12:13 am
by Near x Mello
i dont know why you defended him in the first place

all hes done is rvs me then pretend he has a scumread on me


Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 12:17 am
by Spike and Jet
he does that stuff as town
no ragrets

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 1:55 am
by Dunnstral
VOTE: Robert2424

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 2:41 am
by Joan of Arc
VOTE: Reasonably Psychotic

Sheep mastina. If I have to force you to do it, I will, but I am not losing another game because you're too stubborn to sheep her. >.>

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 2:44 am
by Joan of Arc
And yes, I can make you do it through sheer force of will. Eventually, you'll all just give in and sheep her, because I ain't letting up.

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 2:49 am
by Joan of Arc
And so, go ahead, lynch me for daring to suggest that our wincon should be more important than individual pride and stubborness. Throw your reads away. mastina's reads are the only valid ones, as was proven time and time again. And I was there when some people decided to throw a game because they were too stubborn.

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 2:51 am
by Joan of Arc
And to those that would undoubtedly say 'what if she is wrong?', don't bother. She. Is. Never. Wrong. Unless you have some proof that she is fallible that I don't know off, that's a fact, and the sooner you accept this, the better.

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 2:53 am
by Near x Mello
mastina's reads are pretty good but far from flawless. She is prone to tunneling.


Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 3:08 am
by Joan of Arc
In post 1298, Near x Mello wrote:mastina's reads are pretty good but far from flawless. She is prone to tunneling.

You are talking to someone who witnessed several people game throw because they would rather throw the game than listen to her.