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Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 3:03 pm
by popsofctown
ok I feel guilty about the effort level I'm giving this game now
thanks guys geez

I am gonna roll 3d11 and iso some people to see if I can add more to the thread in some way

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 3:05 pm
by Taly
i mean i like you though,

some of the people i like most outside of mafia on this site have playstyles / approaches that arent too compatible with me

and i dont think enough has happened to conclude that. tbh, im starting to get townvibes from you, and im kicking myself for sitting on a scumread over you even if there were justification for it.

the worst
and i are paranoia supreme together. granted, we've never rolled T/T or S/S except one time where we were T/T and he death-tunneled me when he was in a hydra and i ended up repping out since i couldnt keep up with the game among IRL stuff.

and a lot of my favorite mafia experiences came from people i 1v1'd, one time i TvT'd someone for 3 dayphases straight on/off and we enjoyed playing together after that.

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 3:06 pm
by Taly
and i have never survived 2 game phases after one of us has died, and we've both SvT'd and TvT's on both sides before.

but i like seeing her in a plist.

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 3:20 pm
by popsofctown

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 3:21 pm
by popsofctown
apparently you aren't allowed to send PMs to yourself, I wanted to not have to go to

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 3:22 pm
by Ame
I send them to myself all the time. I just did actually.

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 3:25 pm
by popsofctown
apparently I did something wrong before
The atmospheric noise quality results I got from will supersede though and they said paragon yshtola and wiisp

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 3:26 pm
by Paragon
In post 1267, Ame wrote:Really though I consider you to be one of the better players. I had this thought on Paragon too before I knew who your main was. And I am buddying you, just not nefariously :3

I don't get why my Luca push changed your read.
Personally, I don't really agree, but I really do appreciate that! I do think I'm improving at a steady rate. I think you're a fantastic player in both enjoyment to play with, and skill, from the few games I've played with/seen of you <3

Felt genuine and the way you couldn't fathom I didn't see what you were seeing and persisted until I saw it. Side-note: Some of my earlier dislike of you also came from how you seem lacklustre in pushing popsofctown, despite being 100% she was mafia. You've made points against her which is scattered throughout the game, but it hasn't felt like it's with the conviction you should have if she's an uber-confident scumread, if that makes sense.

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 3:28 pm
by Paragon
I don't buy it, popsofctown. You've clearly just manually picked your scum partners there who you'll find easy to ISO.

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 3:30 pm
by popsofctown
Did you know I'm so ancient I played back where provable randomness was allowed, and we had some setup where we had to gift scum powers, and we all publically used dice tags so no one could gift a teammate a power on purpose?

Also, one person didn't use dice tags and just said they did and we just "yeah, whatever'ed" it.
The mod just watched

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 3:31 pm
by popsofctown
nomnomnom would have been the easiest to iso but she's the riskiest to expose my associatives with cause she's the godfather

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 3:37 pm
by Paragon
In post 1284, popsofctown wrote:Did you know I'm so ancient I played back where provable randomness was allowed, and we had some setup where we had to gift scum powers, and we all publically used dice tags so no one could gift a teammate a power on purpose?

Also, one person didn't use dice tags and just said they did and we just "yeah, whatever'ed" it.
The mod just watched
That sounds hilarious. It is tragic how many interesting/good setups are made less interesting because optimal play doesn't allow it. Justice for mods and playing for fun!

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 3:38 pm
by Paragon
Though, I don't blame players for pursuing winning in that fashion obviously. Just my personal preference.

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 3:42 pm
by Ame
@Para The reason why is because it's hard to put the read into words. As Churros said it's sometimes easier to just push the read instead of wasting your time with the details if they probably aren't going to convince anyone. I believe the read is solid, but I don't think the reasons are those that can easily be transferred from one mind to another through text in a convincing way. A lot of it has to do with my personal experience with pops, not just from her play in the one game I've played with her, but in our communication pattern. I guess it's what you would call a soul read. Hm I think maybe I'll try to better put it into words in my next post.

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 3:44 pm
by NDMath
In post 1264, Ame wrote:@Maths why is your play so different from your other two games?
Neither of those 2 games went well for me. So I'm having the conflict of wanting to do stuff different but not really knowing what and I haven't put in enough effort to effectively change stuff.
Part of it is fear to act the same way but I don't know what I'm supposed to do different/better.

I'm not gonna have stuff linked because I'm struggling with that and it's gonna slow me down way too much. I'm probably doing something inefficient and not knowing it.

Iso starting at #24 since that's around the point I started to really townread Taly beyond contribution.

#24 Although it is speculative the asking for clarification comes from town more.

#25 I understand the thought process behind and said it myself later.

#29 Nice wallpost. The robb paragraph specifically has good reasoning that I question How much of gets said by scum. The readlist is convincing in a much stronger form than just "I guess it is.".

#33 His reaction to pops saying he made eyestott an ic is a very townie reaction.

#35 Just how actively he is engaged in the thread. And his later frustration is too well placed to be fake imo.

#36 His hangpool is solid and I understand exactly how he got to all of it.

#38 Is a frustration post that is... I don't know how to explain it but that post specifically has several thoughts that I think are very townie.

#39 I like his paragon pressure.

#44 I guess I don't see what situation a scum would dare say something like this day 1.

#46 Explains my dislike of paragon/pops interaction better than I could. Though I think paragon is worse of the two.

#49 Makes good points about hanging active posters and harder to believe genuineness in some of pop's and paragon's pushes.

#53 felt townie given paragon's push of just quoting a ton of posts and labeling them scummy.

More coming SoonTM.
If I'm hanged before than I'm strongly thinking Paragon/Cherro/Pops.

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 3:47 pm
by Ame
Math you can use the [post][/ post] tag to link post. Just put the number in between without the pound sign.

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 3:48 pm
by Ame
It's the last tag on the line up next to "dice"

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 3:54 pm
by Ame
@Math how many times have you been scum and how did you do? Do you think you are better as town or scum? Do you have any difficulty emulating your town style as scum?

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 4:15 pm
by popsofctown
omg Paragon has so many posts
this is why it's hard to play mafia
@nomnomnom: please modkill the top poster to slow the game down

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 4:27 pm
by Ame
In post 1288, Ame wrote:Hm I think maybe I'll try to better put it into words in my next post.

@Luca do you have an iPhone? I just tried the highlight method on chrome and safari on an iphone and doesn't work :neutral:
I'm caught up btw

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 4:30 pm
by popsofctown
I had it fail at random when I was messing around doing it in internet explorer even though it usually works, I wonder if its a racing-issue that's far more likely to occur on a mobile device.

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 5:02 pm
by Ame
In post 772, Aloratom wrote:I get the impression that Pops is trying to drill down on everyone, although there haven't appeared to have been terrifically strong pushes. I call her obstinate town as she's the type of player to get under the skin of whomever she's engaged with while Paragon is just annoying. Pops' questions appear to shake people more than Paragon's.
Can you point out the posts that gave you the impression that she was trying to drill down on everyone (and how it has been different than Paragon). Additionally, can you explain the difference between "getting under one's skin" and "annoying": is?

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 5:19 pm
by Ame
In post 640, Aloratom wrote:You do best with VCA. How do you analyze someone like Pops using VCA. I think she has had a vote on almost everyone.
Why did you ask this?

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 5:37 pm
by Aloratom
In post 1296, Ame wrote:
In post 772, Aloratom wrote:I get the impression that Pops is trying to drill down on everyone, although there haven't appeared to have been terrifically strong pushes. I call her obstinate town as she's the type of player to get under the skin of whomever she's engaged with while Paragon is just annoying. Pops' questions appear to shake people more than Paragon's.
Can you point out the posts that gave you the impression that she was trying to drill down on everyone (and how it has been different than Paragon). Additionally, can you explain the difference between "getting under one's skin" and "annoying": is?
It's been awhile since I've posted this so I'll need some time to find examples. As far as the questioning goes, Pops' questions seem to have more substance, or at least did to that point, than Paragon's. And early on I got an irritating vibe from her where she seemed to be making people squirm a bit while Paragon was more of a fly that you just kept swatting at but couldn't shake.

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2020 5:39 pm
by popsofctown
Spoiler: Paragon
post 31 is a mini IioAish thing not labelled as such and is a towny approach to starting solving.
post 42 is a scummy post because Paragon conflates his limited time with what's "optimal", which can be seen as a cognitive slip about which resources are scarce. Explaining every little thing as scum is exposure risk, explaining every little thing is town is you might be human and have a job or an MMO account or something yknow. It'd also be more likely to volunteer a read he feels strongest about as town
post 60: I fell for this hard and feel burned. I just have the capacity to forgive.
In post 139 Paragon draws attention to Y'shtola's chronic low profile in this game, but he had the opportunity to remark on it in 130. I'm of the opinion scum push hypocrisy more than town and that it isn't scum indicative, so that's plus points. There'd be a w/w flag here though.
post 145: I didn't notice/remember how much of this there was, so more of Alolan Tom's emotiveness makes sense. Kind of uncool Paragon, this is borderline cheating. I still think it's NAI.
post 157, hrm, well this is
anti w/w for the same pair mentioned early since Y'shtola confessed to having a main account in Masons and Mafia and would be likely to do so in a scum PT. Vexing. Alts get up to some iffy stuff, no one has gone as extreme as answering the question "have you played forum mafia before with", "no this is my first game aside from playing at the dinner table with my family" as a veteran then later demanding me to read through their altmeta to clear them though. That's not strangely specific is it
It's internally consistent that Paragon claims to be very interested Ame's popsofctown read now as he was then. Getting someone else to ask seems like an effort to maximize interactions to me.
post 202 I know this one's supposed to be about Paragon but Ame's contrary interpretation to my previous line seems like the coldest of takes. Why did Ame spend time quibbling like this instead of canvassing for votes on me if she had a "cop guilty"?
Huh, I contradicted myself in the nested quote that's in205 and no one has called me out on it. I described it differently to Ame earlier. I am trying to remember why I ruled out a traitor in making that post. Likely I'm guessing I was feeling more strongly about how much RC was rating "I would like to play this setup" factor at the time of the post. RC is conscientious also of "site meta would like to play this setup". I feel the last normal RC setup I played was one both RC and site meta would love to play, I suspect RC does not like traitors without having heard him say as much for various reasons. This is not the best use of time, I'm gonna call my current guess at 10%.
post 340 I missed this shade before. You don't think my reads are easy to understand? Like even when I'm on my a game, I know you've seen my a game. :(
I dislike that Paragon naked voted FuzzyLogic99 in 504 when there's little mention of him previously in his iso. I think smoldering comments followed by a naked vote later are more town indicative.
post 514 seems so so much like a town post. It has the right level, brand, and kind of emotion, even if a similar salvo could exist for a scum slot. I don't know if emotion is the right word, because it's not a particularly emotive post.

Ok, I can't nest spoilers but Paragon absolutely needs to be teased for this:
In post 522, Paragon wrote:
In post 519, NDMath wrote:(I think this is called a p-edit but not sure), I really dislike paragon's new attack on tali, I don't see how town thinks what paragon is thinking here.
I dislike admitting this but perhaps it had something to do with the flippant way he stated ,"LOL townread deleted", I believe that may have rubbed me the wrong way and is giving my thoughts bias.

I will take a break and return to the game with hopefully more objective eyes.
In post 537, Paragon wrote:Hello!
No one, including Paragon, had towncased him as of 509 which makes it both obnoxious and a townslip.
I never answered 689 because I struggled and couldn't think of it, but now I think it's Frothing Beserker? I guess I'll launch a practice game while I keep isoing so I can check. How many Warrior cards say "draw a card" on them?
698 seems like the right question to ask.
I really like 947 questioning Taly on which ways of engaging Taly chooses, a lot of people just seem content that Taly engages at a high volume and want to write him off as town. I question the extent to which that's valid.
As an opportunity to sort Paragon further I wish he'd garcia'd me in 953. Garcia means answer a question before the intended recipient is able to do so, for eyestott.
I can listen to the links I hadn't yet in 1026 now because I'm not playing from work. The dice have their reasons. Magic dice. But does this mean I am going to abandon the next two isos, pick Isaac for the starting dice item, and play Rebirth isntead of mafia?
I think it would take a lot of work to read Taly like a pendulum and remember it and describe it as such consistently, which is how Paragon culminates in 1096

Ok, it turns out Luca Blight is Bloodmage Thalnos and can change his avatar whenever he feels comfortable with coming out of the closet as undead.
It's one of my favorite lines when using Spanish voiceovers because it correctly does not use a literal translation, in Spanish you can only thirst for vengeance, not hunger for it.
I thought of Frothing Beserker because his blade is thirsty, but it thirst only for blood, what it craves is not creamy unfiltered vengaza that is fully Luca Blight's MO.