Page 52 of 161

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 5:45 pm
by tris
VC 2.2Image

Umlaut (4):
ChaosOmega , Datisi , Gamma Emerald , Titus
Chaos (2):
Alchemist21 , Lukewarm

not voting:
Vulture, Umlaut, MathBlade, Aristeia, Not_Mafia

with 11 alive it takes 6 to destroy.

not voting:
(expired on 2021-08-19 15:22:00)


Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 5:46 pm
by Aristeia
VOTE: Chaos

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 5:46 pm
by tris
oh!!! my deadlines say not voting: heehehe

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 5:50 pm
by Gamma Emerald
You still have Seanzie in the VC

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 5:51 pm
by Titus
In post 1272, MathBlade wrote:@Titus: Or just no? It makes the game really hard when I am conf town because then I become buddy food. I get you may have a reason. You may have some special Math tell that’s 100% accurate (as much as I try to avoid that) or even mod conf from a PR, I legit do not care. Conf towns poison games. You learn more seeing what scum push against the uber secret town block than confirming anyone. A well place inno or guilty makes the game go around.

I really don’t like how you’re making this into a binary thing and I am trying to hunt a reaction here and now it’s destroyed.

A good conftown doesn't poison a game. Still, I don't want or think you're conftown. I just want you untouchable by elimination.

Sorry about fucking with your test.

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 6:00 pm
by MathBlade
In post 1279, Titus wrote:
In post 1272, MathBlade wrote:@Titus: Or just no? It makes the game really hard when I am conf town because then I become buddy food. I get you may have a reason. You may have some special Math tell that’s 100% accurate (as much as I try to avoid that) or even mod conf from a PR, I legit do not care. Conf towns poison games. You learn more seeing what scum push against the uber secret town block than confirming anyone. A well place inno or guilty makes the game go around.

I really don’t like how you’re making this into a binary thing and I am trying to hunt a reaction here and now it’s destroyed.

A good conftown doesn't poison a game. Still, I don't want or think you're conftown. I just want you untouchable by elimination.

Sorry about fucking with your test.
Explain the difference here because I don’t see it.

I haven’t been scumread almost all game if at all.
What would your plan do? Just more of the same? Then why?

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 6:05 pm
by Titus
In post 1280, MathBlade wrote:Explain the difference here because I don’t see it.

I haven’t been scumread almost all game if at all.
What would your plan do? Just more of the same? Then why?
A conftown is someone who is mechanically confirmed as town. An obvtown is someone who won't be eliminate but still could be scum. For instance, Datisi fits in that boat.

I can't answer what my plan would do because that would undermine my plan. Aside from carrying through my theory about polishing you, I don't currently have a plan for this dayphase.

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 6:11 pm
by tris
In post 1278, Gamma Emerald wrote:You still have Seanzie in the VC

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 6:11 pm
by MathBlade
In post 1273, MathBlade wrote:
In post 1268, Vulture wrote:Like more than just a vote on a wagon.
How so?
VOTE: Vulture

I reject binaries and substitute my own.

This over apologetic ness is a super old scum tell. I wanna see how Vulture is sorry.

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 6:12 pm
by Alchemist21
In post 1276, Aristeia wrote:VOTE: Chaos
Why are you just now voting Chaos?

Math is weirded out by naked votes at the start of this day but I’m weirded out with people that waited and then voted for seemingly no reason. So far it’s been Titus and Ari, and both times came right after a vote count.

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 6:13 pm
by MathBlade
In post 1281, Titus wrote:
In post 1280, MathBlade wrote:Explain the difference here because I don’t see it.

I haven’t been scumread almost all game if at all.
What would your plan do? Just more of the same? Then why?
A conftown is someone who is mechanically confirmed as town. An obvtown is someone who won't be eliminate but still could be scum. For instance, Datisi fits in that boat.

I can't answer what my plan would do because that would undermine my plan. Aside from carrying through my theory about polishing you, I don't currently have a plan for this dayphase.
Great pretend I am pretty damn near sparkling then and move on.

I think I have had like 0 votes all game maybe.

Just consider it done til it’s not.

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 6:16 pm
by MathBlade
In post 1284, Alchemist21 wrote:
In post 1276, Aristeia wrote:VOTE: Chaos
Why are you just now voting Chaos?

Math is weirded out by naked votes at the start of this day but I’m weirded out with people that waited and then voted for seemingly no reason. So far it’s been Titus and Ari, and both times came right after a vote count.
I consider all six at the start of the day.

I am seeing what happens with Ari’s vote I am just happy it’s something.

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 7:08 pm
by Aristeia
I like Lukewarm's posting the most out of everything I've read today so I will help him.

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 10:31 pm
by Datisi
umlaut is scum, and the fact that there hasn't been an intent on him yet is very sad

anyway. i don't think i've ever seen titus use gifs before, so page 49 is weird to me. not scummy, just weird. lol.

is bad. you'd think townlaut would, after a 4 day night, knowing he's done jack shit and will be suspected, at least have something to enter the game with? instead he's nitpicking something math said? nah
In post 1240, Aristeia wrote:Mostly cried and had paranoid thoughts about Datisi being a scumbag who's playing with my heart.
why? i hate being the one to say "why me", but you've given no indication that you thought i was scummy, other than "i'm throwing out all my reads" i guess, and even then that doesn't explain why you jump directly onto the possibility of me being scum, as opposed to. anyone else.

i'm getting townie pings on mathblade from the was he entered this dayphase and is trying to brute force sort out what is happening. anyone with more experience with him wanna tell me if this is likely to come from scum!him?

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 10:50 pm
by Datisi
re :

i cannot explain how much this post pains me, because that is literally the exact opposite of how i approach partners in a scumgame - if i jump onto their wagon, i'm staying on it until either they flip, or i'm damn sure there's enough momentum elsewhere for them to not flip. but, in order to not turn this into a self meta argument, because i know how much the public loves those...
In post 1250, Lukewarm wrote:270 is a wild time to move away from chaos. If dats was worried about chaos enough to vote him in 230, why would he move the moment actual pressure started building up on the slot?
because i don't care about the "actual pressure" on the slot. unless i know a person and i know their specific town vs scum reactions to getting a lot of pressure (and i've never played with chaos before), other people pressuring a scumread with me doesn't help me. especially that early in the game, my votes do their own thing.
In post 1250, Lukewarm wrote:And his stated reason for moving to gamma? Because gamma called ari town in 252...
i have no clue where you're getting this, because this is a flat out lie. my stated reason for voting gamma is , which is "i couldn't remember a single solvey thing [he's] done this game". because at that point, he hadn't done anything solvey.
In post 1250, Lukewarm wrote:Prior to this vote, I cannot find a place where dats called gamma scummy. I also cannot find a place where he calls ari scumm, dats was not calling ari scummy. So a "not explicitly scum read slot" votes another "nonexplicitly scum read slot" and that is enough to abandon the chaos wagon? It kind of looks like Dats put a distance vote, and then was surprised when it turned into a real wagon, and was just looking for a reason to change course.
i did not call gamma scummy, because he wasn't "being" scummy, like nothing that he's done was scummy - it was the things he hadn't done. and when he posted -, i realized that i've seen gamma post in the game before, but that i couldn't remember anything that he'd done. *that* is what prompted my vote.

again, no clue where you're getting the "non-scumread voted another non-scumread, and that is why dats unvoted" bullshit when i explicitly said two posts later why i was voting gamma, don't put words in my mouth.

and the "datisi tried to distance, but two other people jumped on the wagon, so datisi panicked because of a 3-vote wagon on page 11 and abandoned ship of the distance attepmt"? lmfao.

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 10:54 pm
by Datisi
In post 1251, Lukewarm wrote:The fact that he opened up today voting for Umlaut when there were already 2 votes on chaos further feeds in to the worry that dats and chaos are partners
it really doesn't. scumtisi with scumega there votes omega, then waits until inevitably some townie shits their pants and goes "but gaiz the wagon is too fast!! which means there's scum on it!! which means that omega must be town!!21!!" because that is what always happens with early day low content wagons.

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 11:04 pm
by Datisi
am i insane for thinking there is something Very Wrong about the fact that luke spent a lot of time yesterday pushing omega, then once he realized that's not happening, he was suddenly a firm believer in meg flipping red, brute forced the wagon through, then the person whose literally only strong read was "datisi is locktown" is dead, and *then* luke is back on omega while making a convoluted case on why i'm a partner when that case is half made up of literal lies and empty assumptions?

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2021 11:08 pm
by Datisi
In post 1281, Titus wrote:An obvtown is someone who won't be eliminate but still could be scum. For instance, Datisi fits in that boat.
uh, titus, are you sure about that? >_>

why did you (seemingly) drop the vulture scumread? and why are you voting umlaut now?

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 2:54 am
by ChaosOmega
Umlaut, I was town reading you all D1 and then naked voted you to start D2, do you find that suspicious at all? Also, who are you currently scumreading? I know you had the initial push on Flubber, but you felt better about Prism, not sure where you stand right now.

And I'm back to not liking Lukewarm. I need to go back through and see the momentum of my and Meg's wagons when he switched, I gave him townpoints because I thought mine had more momentum, but if Meg's had more, the switch doesn't do as much for me.

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 3:32 am
by MathBlade
In post 1288, Datisi wrote:umlaut is scum, and the fact that there hasn't been an intent on him yet is very sad

anyway. i don't think i've ever seen titus use gifs before, so page 49 is weird to me. not scummy, just weird. lol.

is bad. you'd think townlaut would, after a 4 day night, knowing he's done jack shit and will be suspected, at least have something to enter the game with? instead he's nitpicking something math said? nah
In post 1240, Aristeia wrote:Mostly cried and had paranoid thoughts about Datisi being a scumbag who's playing with my heart.
why? i hate being the one to say "why me", but you've given no indication that you thought i was scummy, other than "i'm throwing out all my reads" i guess, and even then that doesn't explain why you jump directly onto the possibility of me being scum, as opposed to. anyone else.

i'm getting townie pings on mathblade from the was he entered this dayphase and is trying to brute force sort out what is happening. anyone with more experience with him wanna tell me if this is likely to come from scum!him?
Umlaut is a lurker. Why would he already be at intent? At the end of D1, a lot of people were spamming conditional reads on Umlaut assuming the alignment of others. How do you get from there to “Umlaut is scum zero discussion let’s gooooooo” and not only that a lot of people joined so far. Don’t get me wrong and this is no defense and I don’t mind moving on but if Umlaut is scum I would rather force him to give content here. The more you force a scum to talk the more content you get.

Datisi let me save you the trouble on the scum me question. Scum me and town me have similar metas I strive for it. I am good scum and can be the top town read in a 40p game. I am working on making my town game good. I brute sort as scum and town. I have enough scum games on here the answer to “have I done X as scum” the answer is probably yes. I use my prior scum games to explain pitfalls to avoid. But I think asking a really good scum player such as myself what is more likely means you’re probably getting bitten in the butt with assumptions as probably almost every player here has seen different sides of my scum game and only a few have seen me decent town.

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 3:39 am
by Aristeia
In post 1288, Datisi wrote:why? i hate being the one to say "why me", but you've given no indication that you thought i was scummy, other than "i'm throwing out all my reads" i guess, and even then that doesn't explain why you jump directly onto the possibility of me being scum, as opposed to. anyone else.


Datisi first post D2 SS4
Datisi first post D2 Micro 988
Datisi first post D2 Mini Normal 2226

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 3:42 am
by MathBlade
1224 reads to me like someone entirely uninterested in the game not scummy. Many many times I have seen completely disinterested town and scum make similar posts. Ari also did the same sort of uninterested hop in but yet you pick on Umlaut why? I have as scum taken advantage of disinterested town to get a quick elim. We just had wagonpalooza D1 and now 4 people are confident sans case?

That reads one of two things neither of which are protown to share yet. Regardless I think a scum in Chaos, Datisi, Gamma, and Titus is quite high regardless of which explanation I go down.

Premise A: (Secret premise)
If Premise A is true then scum likely think Premise A is true and therefore would vote Umlaut.
If Premise A is not true then scum likely think they may get a free elim by hopping on without discussion like everyone else.

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 3:45 am
by MathBlade
It’s rather telling that 1224 is the first attempt to explain Umlaut scum rather than using D1 and that’s after unexplained votes appeared.

To those of you who are that sure Umlaut is scum, why not go look back and see what was scummy D1?

Make a case of it.

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 3:47 am
by Aristeia
Datisi are you informed that I'm town for some reason?

Because it's really weird for me to experience no paranoia/doubt from you when we just killed a town player on D1 and I was one of the more vocal people killing Meg.

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2021 3:47 am
by Titus
In post 1292, Datisi wrote:
In post 1281, Titus wrote:An obvtown is someone who won't be eliminate but still could be scum. For instance, Datisi fits in that boat.
uh, titus, are you sure about that? >_>

why did you (seemingly) drop the vulture scumread? and why are you voting umlaut now?
In theory, you could be scum. It's highly highly unlikely but there's been no further confirmation.

As for your other questions, I scumread Chaos, Vulture, and Umlaut. I'm sheeping Gamma because he's my biggest TR. I don't see how I vote him ever.