Incog wrote:And no, I don't support boosting one of the vanillas today -- why take the risk when one of the vanillas could easily be scum who could gain some kind of power when boosted? We're in a LyLo situation where we really don't have a large margin of error to be fooling around with boosts on the vanilla claimants. Your suggestion to do so, eldarad, is extremely scummy.
You have me worried now, because you're doing what you did Yesterday - lining yourself up so that vigging me Tonight seems plausible. It's what you did right before vigging Huntress. And it makes me think that you are hedging your bets in case you see dawn Tomorrow, and then have to justify your actions.
So, let's do this right now. We aren't lynching Green Crayons until I'm done.
Some important things to lay down first.
1) I'm pretty sure you're town, although I am not 100% sold on this point.
2) I'm pretty sure you're positioning yourself to vig me, as I mentioned above. Regardless of your alignment, that is a bad thing. Hence the unvote.
2a) Eldarad lynches take weeks. I see no reason to give you a free pass to avoid all that hassle just because you're a vig...
3) Boosting a vanilla - and having no effect - will be useful as it very persuasive evidence that your vig kills are the result of your boost, rather than a permanent what a scum might have. As TDC said, it
nothing but it will make me feel better. And for all we know, vanillas might have the most powerful boost abilities... (yeah, I know, they probably don't...)
We aren't in lylo since you are a town-aligned vig. Right? So we have a reasonable margin of error. Nobody is being complacent here.
eldarad, post 389 wrote:Skillit's wagon grew very quickly. My assessment was that, even if Skillit is scum it was very, very likely that at least one scum was on his wagon. Either:
1) Skillit was town and scum were on his wagon trying to push a townie mislynch, or
2) Skillit was scum and one of his scumbuddies had jumped on as bussing/distancing/going with the flow.
You asked me whether I still believe this to be true. I do.
Do you believe it to be true? Did you always believe it to be true, or has your opinion on this point changed throughout the game?
Incog wrote:What stuck out to me about this post was the way eldarad addressed the two people he was talking about in this post. "Xtoxm, I don't see why TDC is voting you." The wording just strikes me as odd. He doesn't address TDC directly, i.e. "TDC, I don't understand your vote on Xtoxm.". Instead he addresses Xtoxm almost like eldarad himself is viewing the whole thing as a third person and is attempting to plot two people against one another.
I addressed Xtoxm directly because I was trying to engage with Xtoxm. My post #890 was a direct response to:
Xtoxm, post 887 wrote:If you're gonna just lynch me, i'll not bother reading.
Let me know.
This, and other posts by Xtoxm around that time, had a theme of someone who was resigned to being lynched due to either (a) a 'slip' or (b) a perception that there had been a slip regarding the sthar/Xtoxm claim.
Xtoxm wasn't emotionally invested in the game at this point, so Xtoxmscum would have happily just called it a day and given up...but no more or less so than Xtoxmtown.
I was telling Xtoxm that I didn't agree with TDC's vote and I wasn't going to follow it with my own vote.
I'm surprised that that is what you have an issue with.
What do you think about Raging Rabbit reaching an opinion on Electra's alignment without considering whether her claim was genuine? Does that have the ring of truth?
When you were considering Electra's alignment, did you consider whether her claim was genuine? If so, can you explain your thought process. If not, how did you reach an opinion?
Incog wrote:This plotting of people against one another seems like a recurring theme in eldarad's play this game -- during Day 1 he even went so far as to label me/iLord/Guardian as a scum team despite the fact that we had been at each other's necks the whole day with very serious votes on one another. Looking back on it now, it seems to me like eldarad was trying to keep up the paranoia that three townies had with one another which could have been helpful for an eldarad-scum in future days.
OK, OK. I officially retract my Guardian-iLord-Incog scumteam theory...
How likely does that plan sound to you?
If I knowingly attempt to link three townies together, how much traction would that gain with the three townies concerned? Precisely zero, as all three townies would know it to be false, at least with regards to themselves. As a quick example, think about the level of suspicion you had towards Guardian and iLord before and after I drew the link of the three of you in a scumteam. Were you more or less suspicious of them after I made the suggestion? Or did it have no impact whatsoever?
Incog wrote:So that leaves Green Crayons and eldarad, which I think is the scum team we're dealing with here. eldarad's recent vote only makes me feel even better about this -- his vote strongly looks like a bussing vote to me since it's based on such weak reasoning when he previously supposedly couldn't see GC as anything but town.
In what way is "I don't believe his claim" weak reasoning?
You earlier said that we were in lylo. If you believe that, do you think it is likely that eldaradscum would be bussing at this point? How do you explain eldaradscum's switch from gunning for RR - who you believe is town - to GC - who you believe is my scumbuddy?
Can I only be scum with GC? What are the consequences if GC flips town - am I still more likely than not to be scum?
Incog wrote:Also his whole "at least one of the scums must be boosting Incog" theory seems really ridiculous to even bring up; obviously, eldarad, if you're town you should be thinking that. Like TDC pointed out, the only two people who didn't boost me were a) you and b) me (obviously I can't boost myself). Your need to bring this up just looks like a last minute weak attempt to push the idea that you're town.
I hate it when people assume that I am inept.
Yeah, the fact that there are 2 scum on your boostwagon is very significant - it's crucial for me to be thinking about it, and I need you to be thinking about it too because if we mislynch Today
get the second bite of the cherry. So I need you to be looking at your boostwagon for possible scum.
Incog wrote:Outside of those votes I haven't seen much from either of the two that would suggest otherwise anyway -- Raging Rabbit strikes me as very tunnel-visioned at times but town nevertheless
Can you elaborate more on your town read of Raging Rabbit please.
You say that he is tunnel-visioned at times but he still gives you a town read. Would you say RR has been scumhunting? Has his scumhunting been confined to relatively few players in detail, or has he touched on all players as being potential scum during the course of the game?
What do you think about my reaction to Huntress' claim (
post 699)? Do you agree with my stated opinion there? If not, do you think my opinion - further elaborated in post 712 following a question from you - is sincerely held?