Page 54 of 246

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 7:14 am
by Selkies
In post 1316, BulbaFenix wrote:I have strong townreads on you and Rift. DOMO is major scumhunting, which makes him a townread. We're town. If Serene is town, that would make every hydra in this game town, and that possibility intrigues and excites me, if only for the reason that it would allow for the possibility of a hydra town bloc. And I find that idea to be awesome.
You missed a hydra.

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 7:15 am
by Rift Adrift
In post 1325, Selkies wrote:
In post 1316, BulbaFenix wrote:I have strong townreads on you and Rift. DOMO is major scumhunting, which makes him a townread. We're town. If Serene is town, that would make every hydra in this game town, and that possibility intrigues and excites me, if only for the reason that it would allow for the possibility of a hydra town bloc. And I find that idea to be awesome.
You missed a hydra.
That was me.

jesus this could get messy.

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 7:24 am
by Calcifer
In post 1321, Zdenek wrote:Maybe across scum teams. They probably aren't all buddies.

TMT is trying to get calcifer to do his dirty work and defend his buddy.
If this game turns out to be multiscum, we're speed-lynching Zdenek.

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 7:26 am
by KingCrabd
In post 1326, Rift Adrift wrote:
In post 1325, Selkies wrote:
In post 1316, BulbaFenix wrote:I have strong townreads on you and Rift. DOMO is major scumhunting, which makes him a townread. We're town. If Serene is town, that would make every hydra in this game town, and that possibility intrigues and excites me, if only for the reason that it would allow for the possibility of a hydra town bloc. And I find that idea to be awesome.
You missed a hydra.
That was me.

jesus this could get messy.
To be fair, king and I have been pretty behind for a bit.
Rift, catching up is making my spooked out by orci here. You're pretty damn good at reading him though, so you're confident saying hes town for now?

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 7:32 am
by PeregrineV
Vote Count 1-11

(as of Post 1328)

BulbaFenix (5)
- Calcifer, Rift Adrift, Serene, dramonic, TheIrishPope
StevieT92 (5)
- Nero, The Goat, Zdenek, BulbaFenix, StubbsKVM
BROseidon (3)
- ProHawk, Brian Hollywood, DOMO
Shadi1337 (1)
- T S O
Zdenek (1)
- StevieT92
Nero (1)
- Doc Holliday
The Goat (1)
StubbsKVM (1)
- Baby Spice

Not Voting (6)
- BROseidon, Ankamius, orcinus_theoriginal, Shadi1337, KingCrabd, Metal Sonic

With 24 alive, it takes 13 to lynch

Wednesday, July 8, 2013 at 3pm Central Time.


Doc Holliday


The Goat



Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 7:48 am
by PeregrineV
Cephrir replaces Doc Holliday

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 7:54 am
by Rift Adrift
In post 1328, KingCrabd wrote:
In post 1326, Rift Adrift wrote:
In post 1325, Selkies wrote:
In post 1316, BulbaFenix wrote:I have strong townreads on you and Rift. DOMO is major scumhunting, which makes him a townread. We're town. If Serene is town, that would make every hydra in this game town, and that possibility intrigues and excites me, if only for the reason that it would allow for the possibility of a hydra town bloc. And I find that idea to be awesome.
You missed a hydra.
That was me.

jesus this could get messy.
To be fair, king and I have been pretty behind for a bit.
Rift, catching up is making my spooked out by orci here. You're pretty damn good at reading him though, so you're confident saying hes town for now?
I would call it a guarded slight leaning toward town. He spooked me out, too, but I have a ton of experiential meta with him and some of that meta suggests town.

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 8:06 am
by Zdenek
In post 1327, Calcifer wrote:
In post 1321, Zdenek wrote:Maybe across scum teams. They probably aren't all buddies.

TMT is trying to get calcifer to do his dirty work and defend his buddy.
If this game turns out to be multiscum, we're speed-lynching Zdenek.
When did you turn stupid?

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 8:21 am
by Cephrir


Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 8:24 am
by TheIrishPope
Scum ^
VOTE: Cephrir

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 8:43 am
by Shadi1337
In post 1334, TheIrishPope wrote:Scum ^
VOTE: Cephrir
Only scum read!

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 8:48 am
by TheIrishPope
Uh no

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 8:54 am
by Serene
In post 1327, Calcifer wrote:
In post 1321, Zdenek wrote:Maybe across scum teams. They probably aren't all buddies.

TMT is trying to get calcifer to do his dirty work and defend his buddy.
If this game turns out to be multiscum, we're speed-lynching Zdenek.

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 8:56 am
by Serene
Bravo BulbaFenix, you managed to bore me off your wagon.

This is more exciting.

VOTE: Calcifer

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 9:07 am
by Cephrir
Through page 10. Might start quotewalling or referring to specific posts at some point but I can't be bothered yet as this still pretty much feels like RVS.

Disliking Ank (the nefarious post 41), Bro (early posts), Prohawk, Stubbs, TSO (for the 'let me pick a completely random player, IIOA summarize their posts and vote them' method of contributing), TIP (mostly for his naked wagon hop around 180 or something) and Mr. Random Letters to varying degrees. A little concerned that ffery isn't obvtown yet based on my past experience with her. Zdenek and Stevie are probably town.

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 9:32 am
by Serene
Or you can vote Calcifer now, and read later.

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 9:34 am
by Serene
It has not escaped my notice that Mr. Random Letters is on everyone's scum list.

Just a thought. Ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 9:35 am
by Cephrir
Page 11: In which there is a case on Bro to be made and Ank does an incredible job of botching it.
Page 12: Bro 297 is among the worst posts in this thread.
In post 308, T S O wrote:
In post 300, Metal Sonic wrote:i'm pretty sure tso doesnt read
Yew, keep taking potshots outside the game while adding caveats such as "I'm pretty sure." If you're accusing me, take ownership of it.

Vote: Metal Sonic
hahahahaha you're scum
Page 14: Ank making a recovery, maybe.
15: DOMO for town.

Gonna end this post here and pay attention more closely from here on.

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:04 am
by Cephrir
15-20, not a lot here really but I want to take a break so I'll post this as-is.
In post 381, Ankamius wrote:Yeah, well, the last large game I played, I was basically targeted for death by the entire scum team N1, but completely left alone (and even saved as much as possible by them) after that because I made my reads really clear after that and I had quite a few of them as town. Keeping them uncertain what I thought of them would likely have made them a lot more paranoid of me since I had a very strong role.

The reads didn't even help town since the only ones that really mattered at that point were my scumreads.

So yes, I disapprove of full reads posts now.
Nacho already pointed out that this is a reasonable position based on the game Ank's referring to. But I would argue that he's not correct, of course.
In post 389, KingCrabd wrote:Csuddenly BRO isn't even worth mentioning? It's so weak we still have yet to see a BRO vote. In fact HOLY SHIT ISO 57.
In post 216, TheIrishPope wrote:BRO is scum
We got one boys!
In post 332, TheIrishPope wrote: I didn't understand the case on BRO.
Moving on...

dramonic seems to be set on saying absolutely nothing of value.
Yeah, wow, that's really atrocious. But I almost think it's not a scumtell because TIP is kind of a crazy player and I like to think he'd pay enough attention to keep his made up suspicions straight as scum (whereas TIP's play here suggests he just wants to be on every bandwagon all the time). On Dramonic: I'm actually starting to suspect him a little because I've gained some faith in the Beetlejuice tell after League of Legends mafia.
In post 406, Rift Adrift wrote:
That's kinda bugging me about several stevie votes. They look poorly supported, bandwagon-ho and (hate this word but what the hell) opportunistic.
Very much agree with this. I don't actually remember who's voting for Stevie, but I don't like them, whoever they are.

Side note here without a post attached: I hate Nero.
In post 421, DOMO wrote:
3. It's possible, I don't know tbh. I have limited experience with cabd, and no experience with the others. Again, read up notes. TIP was getting a lot of VI accusations, I don't feel that at all, he's stirring up a lot of shit and it seems to me like he's being discredited.
This argument is actually a little compelling. Maybe I'm underestimating him.

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:16 am
by TheIrishPope
Cephrir... who are you?
How do you know me?

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:17 am
by KingCrabd
In post 1344, TheIrishPope wrote:Cephrir... who are you?
How do you know me?
Don't worry Irish, your playstyle is already notorious here. It would be hard to NOT know it by now.

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:19 am
by TheIrishPope
It's been like 2 months

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:20 am
by KingCrabd
That said, serene, talk to me more about Calc. I'm still not seeing the angle on him as scum. Calcifer is looking pretty town from here.

Also, have been meta-stalking games Mac replaced out of. Another one just finished, and three guesses as to what role Mac had, first two don't count.

P-edit: You've flung more shit than most VI-like players around here. Maybe they'll invent a varsoon award scummy to give to you. Would you like to see my checklist about you?

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:22 am
by TheIrishPope
Who's Varsoon?
And what checklist?

Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:23 am
by KingCrabd
Oh goodie. You're about to get a present, pope.