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Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 1:56 pm
by Menalque
they're churros (which they've outed) but they've been around since before then on other alts

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 1:56 pm
by Menalque
we've all played together in a game before

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 1:56 pm
by Bunno
I came up with the name as well

Tea Ceremony Club I think?

best team mafia name...

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 1:57 pm
by Menalque
wait were you guys on the same team?

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 1:59 pm
by Menalque
oh right, for some reason I thought teacher was on the same team as skitt but I think I mixed her up with ofrhz

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 1:59 pm
by teacher
In post 1320, Menalque wrote:1. what's your take on her fairly abruptly reversing her read on BM/noraa from TvS to TvT when it became apparent that that was the mood in the game/that people were beginning to come out in favour of that.

2. and also of her kind-of-reversal-but-kind-of-not read on me, where she jumped to "maybe mena is scum" the second I started suspecting her/pressuring her, which I think is an odd reaction to one of your TRs putting pressure on you (as opposed to "huh, I wonder why my TR is wrong on me/what they're misreading, I should try to find out and set that straight")
1. I’m still in the TVS camp here. But I guess I don’t get why Shelley is singled out for this? Like the temperature of the room was TVs. Then it evolved to tvt. So the entire room had to shift temperatures, ya? (This leads into ICo)

2. You did kind of go absentee. I was questioning my early lean too (but I always do).

I guess I can see the logic on both shifts.

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 2:00 pm
by teacher
Ah got it. I didn’t know churros was *****-San. That actually helps. I would not have seen this posting coming from them, but my meta with them is about mostly 2 years old.

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 2:02 pm
by Bunno

Blessed image edit'ed by me

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 2:04 pm
by Bunno
It's weird...can't believe it's only been nine months...

It feels forever for me. Is that just a me thing or not?

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 2:05 pm
by Menalque
In post 1330, teacher wrote:
In post 1320, Menalque wrote:1. what's your take on her fairly abruptly reversing her read on BM/noraa from TvS to TvT when it became apparent that that was the mood in the game/that people were beginning to come out in favour of that.

2. and also of her kind-of-reversal-but-kind-of-not read on me, where she jumped to "maybe mena is scum" the second I started suspecting her/pressuring her, which I think is an odd reaction to one of your TRs putting pressure on you (as opposed to "huh, I wonder why my TR is wrong on me/what they're misreading, I should try to find out and set that straight")
1. I’m still in the TVS camp here. But I guess I don’t get why Shelley is singled out for this? Like the temperature of the room was TVs. Then it evolved to tvt. So the entire room had to shift temperatures, ya? (This leads into ICo)

2. You did kind of go absentee. I was questioning my early lean too (but I always do).

I guess I can see the logic on both shifts.
(1) like, maybe? idk I'm not that interested in it atm, but shelly is being singled out because that was the one that most obviously felt to me like it was a readjustment of reads
in response to
the change in the feel of the room. it wasn't the same as someone new entering and just going "yeah, I've read this and I think it's TvT" it was a direct shift from her earlier position when she could see that would put her against the flow of the crowd

(2) dude, don't even. I had to wake up at 6am the day I got drunk (well, 6:15) to get to a meeting about not-exactly-VISA-but-more-or-less stuff at a police station an HOUR AND A HALF from where I live and my hangover kicked in /while I was waiting for the appointment/ then I didn't even get the thing I went there to do in the end bc ACAB, got home, barely napped, had to go to another appointment for a photo card for the metro network, then went to the big park here in Madrid and fell asleep, then got invited to a social thing which seeing as we're probably headed back into lockdown soon I decided to go to, then came home and my roomies wanted to watch an episode of dark together, then fell into a long and peaceful sleep

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 2:05 pm
by Menalque
In post 1333, Bunno wrote:It's weird...can't believe it's only been nine months...

It feels forever for me. Is that just a me thing or not?
no it defo feels weirdly long ago

fuck 2020

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 2:08 pm
by teacher
In post 1320, Menalque wrote:
In post 1316, teacher wrote:I guess I feel like I’m reading a 5000 page deconstructivist novel and the girth is obscuring how little is actually happening? I want to explore the yellow guys Taylor push.

The only think I’m pretty severely confident on is town Ico.

Pedit: it’s not that I think she’s town, it’s that I don’t see a reason she’s scum. There’s also things complicating my read there that I can’t discuss.
yeah this game has gone long already, I know I'm somewhat to blame for that, I'm basically just ignoring any posts that before I can come to post unless I see them in ISOs

okay, so first things first -- from whence cometh the confidence in town!ico?
Yea I think that’s part of my issue with this game — my short cut is generally not isoing but rather searching teach* to iso how people are playing with me, and here nobody has been. I generally need something to pivot around and just hav vent found it, and so the whole board is in flux.

On Ico, it’s what Battlemage said — just an sound and logical intro that changed the temperature of the room. And the re-evaluation back to Noraa. It is consistent, logical, and generating actual content that is sticking with me.

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 2:10 pm
by teacher
In post 1334, Menalque wrote:2) dude, don't even
We good on this one. I wasn’t pushing, but I could understand a willingness to revisit your slot. As it seems you should from your “mysterious” thing with bunno

That’s basically it. Remind me who her wagon is?

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 2:12 pm
by Menalque
okay, I used to be good at reading ico but now I feel like I have paranoia about him semi-regularly and I'm prob going through the same transition with him that I did with datisi (as in, too much pressure to be ~right~ on the read throwing off my ability to actually read him bc too worried about being wrong and losing the right to say I can read him) so I'll just defer to you/BM/bunno/dats and call him town for now

pedit: yeah, I didn't feel like you were, I just wanted to vent :lol:

who's on the shelly wagon? Taylor, me, datisi, TGP, bob

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 2:13 pm
by Bunno
In post 1337, teacher wrote:As it seems you should from your “mysterious” thing with bunno

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 2:13 pm
by Menalque
In post 1337, teacher wrote:
In post 1334, Menalque wrote:2) dude, don't even
We good on this one. I wasn’t pushing, but I could understand a willingness to revisit your slot. As it seems you should from your “mysterious” thing with bunno

That’s basically it. Remind me who her wagon is?
this double post was a pretty 1337 move

okay, I'll see myself out

(no but really why am I still up I need to sleep good night world)

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 2:16 pm
by Bunno
In post 1338, Menalque wrote:so I'll just defer to you/BM/bunno/dats and call him town for now
hmm, being nitpicky I wouldn't call him town, I would just say he's not a slot you should elim day 1 in this game. But I do understand the context, etc.

I've only come to the realization that half of my stress/paranoia in mafia, which is town reading the wrong people, can never exist if I focus solely on scum hunting...

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 2:18 pm
by teacher
Yea, I don’t think I’m going there for now.

Pedit: don’t go to the bathroom or you’ll be 4 posts later.

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 2:19 pm
by teacher
Menalque, talk Taylor and username to me?

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 2:21 pm
by teacher
Taylor I remember being pinged, then sated, but not really why for either. Username I remember having logical posts but they feel like they’re being oddly - almost intentionally - ignored?

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 2:27 pm
by teacher
In post 1340, Menalque wrote:double post

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 2:28 pm
by Tayl0r Swift
i feel like username is just kinda obvtown here, at least to me.

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 2:30 pm
by Noraa
My first town game finished. Go get meta if u want it. Newbie something ANCIENT ARTHROPODS

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 2:33 pm
by teacher
Ok, but why are people ignoring that/the slot/its arguments. Why are you still on Shelley than moving to be with obvtown (not that I know where they are). Why haven’t you called it out before. That’s just a real random aside to jump in on.

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 2:35 pm
by teacher
In post 319, teacher wrote:
In post 159, Noraa wrote:buddied everyone else
In what way had BM buddied Mena as of this post???
Noraa, I feel like you bounced this question off two nights ago by saying you were tired. Any interest in answering it now.