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Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 11:02 am
by pirate mollie
what is your read on me uct?
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 11:10 am
by uctriton00
TBH I'm curious to see what you're planning to do with this data.
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 11:23 am
by borkjerfkin
that's not much of an answer.
I think I know what she's doing and I'm content to let her do it.
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 11:26 am
by Kmd4390
Anyone else think Uct is more concerned with everyone's actual thoughts than finding who is scum? Looks like a pretty basic psychological tell for a mentality of "what do they think of me and my team" rather than "who is being deceptive". That alone should be enough reason to vote Uct. If Uct flips scum, we can use these posts to clear people. For example, 1351 would clear mollie.
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 11:27 am
by pirate mollie
@ uct - then give me your list
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 11:28 am
by pirate mollie
xposts - lol
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 11:29 am
by pirate mollie
nm you did
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 11:35 am
by Nachomamma8
↑ Kmd4390 wrote:Anyone else think Uct is more concerned with everyone's actual thoughts than finding who is scum? Looks like a pretty basic psychological tell for a mentality of "what do they think of me and my team" rather than "who is being deceptive". That alone should be enough reason to vote Uct. If Uct flips scum, we can use these posts to clear people. For example, 1351 would clear mollie.
mollie is already town
so is uct
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 11:37 am
by pirate mollie
↑ pirate mollie wrote:so far I have:
**borky's list**:
possible 4th of ns
nacho - nacho is a waffling read
**and kmd's**:
uct, majiffy can you guys be a dear and post your lists? tia <----- thanks in advance
add uct's:
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 11:49 am
by Kmd4390
↑ Nachomamma8 wrote: ↑ Kmd4390 wrote:Anyone else think Uct is more concerned with everyone's actual thoughts than finding who is scum? Looks like a pretty basic psychological tell for a mentality of "what do they think of me and my team" rather than "who is being deceptive". That alone should be enough reason to vote Uct. If Uct flips scum, we can use these posts to clear people. For example, 1351 would clear mollie.
mollie is already town
so is uct
So you don't get that impression from uct? Or you don't want to look because you already have Uct as town?
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 11:53 am
by Nachomamma8
I don't get that impression from uct. Mollie seems the most concerned about other's thoughts if we're going down that road but I find that to be typical from mollie town.
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 11:53 am
by Maenara
Reading this makes me so glad I don't drink. On the other hand, it also makes me need a drink.
Mollie, Buldermar, Nacho, Bork, Director, y'all can be town for now. Let's get this terribad thing over with.
Majiffy has been flopping for too long, I'm tired of this, etc. etc. etc., he's scum and must die:
VOTE: Majiffy
Questions welcome. Cannae sum up my thoughts on the game without anything to reply to. My brain doesn't work that way, certainly not right now.
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 12:33 pm
by Majiffy
↑ Maenara wrote:Majiffy has been flopping for too long, I'm tired of this, etc. etc. etc., he's scum and must die:
VOTE: Majiffy
Please, feel free to elaborate on why.
Mollie: I haven't got a damn clue. I'm just cutting the chaff at this point.
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 1:35 pm
by uctriton00
↑ Kmd4390 wrote:If Uct flips scum, we can use these posts to clear people. For example, 1351 would clear mollie.
Now you're getting the hang of Mafia!
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 1:39 pm
by Majiffy
Does that mean you'll self-vote so we can lynch you?
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 1:59 pm
by borkjerfkin
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 2:01 pm
by pirate mollie
↑ Nachomamma8 wrote:I don't get that impression from uct. Mollie seems the most concerned about other's thoughts if we're going down that road but I find that to be typical from mollie town.
this didn't really answer kmd's question btw
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 2:10 pm
by Majiffy
The first part did, silly.
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 7:17 pm
by penguin_alien
Sorry for the abbreviation confusion, and happy new year to all (who have hopefully sobered up, y/n?)
pirate mollie, my three top scum reads are Nobody Special, Maenara, and Kmd4390 right now, in about that order. Top three town reads are the director, Majiffy, and pirate mollie.
uctriton00, in the only other game I recall playing with you, I flipped scum, and you're saying I'm playing differently here, so I'm scummy? That doesn't track. And I guess some of my posts here are longer than some of my posts in Micro 52, although a quick check puts most of my longest ones around 500 words, which doesn't feel like a wall to me. If you're going to assert that I must be scum for making longish posts, go check out Newbie 1279 and Newbie 1278, both completed, and pull up my ISO.
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 7:42 pm
by pirate mollie
↑ Nachomamma8 wrote:I don't get that impression from uct. Mollie seems the most concerned about other's thoughts if we're going down that road but I find that to be typical from mollie town.
you avoided the second part of kmd's question.
where is your list
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:33 pm
by Kmd4390
Nacho answered fine. Uct's response is pretty bleh though.
Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2013 9:20 pm
by Majiffy
? There was an "or" between those two statements, implying that he was being asked to answer in favor of one or the other. He answered in favor of the first. That was the end of the question.
Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 1:10 am
by buldermar
Oh shit I feel like I'll be murdered for posting in this thread without a list ready

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 2:16 am
by buldermar
So I was re-reading a bit to try and put together the two top 3's. I think I now have a pretty strong scum read on Nacho's slot - I'll try to explain.
↑ Breakfast wrote:Fe
Why did you confirm out of thread?
I've played with BF before and he was trying to do this kind of active and forced questioning in a different game where he was scum (can provide link if required). I say forced because the question is utterly unrelated to alignment and gives me the impression of someone who is trying to be an active pro-town player.
↑ Breakfast wrote:VOTE: Aether
Still dodging the question. Why are you reading the role PMs in the first place?
This post also seems weird. Lastsurvivor, who we now know to be town, pointed it out:
↑ Breakfast wrote:Lastsurvivor wrote:
Breakfast, explain the significance of your questions in
#16 and
16 - Was wondering if they were feeling too self-aware of their behavior to confirm publicly - i.e. Will it look suspicious if I confirm too early/too late/immediately before/after my scum buddy
Instead of explaining post 16 with "was trying to trigger a reaction" or something, BF is trying to rationalize how when you're confirming is related to alignment (which I call complete bullshit and I simply do not trust that BF actually believes to be true).
I think this alone is actually enough for me to consider Nacho's slot the most scummiest, but I also read Nacho's ISO and a few things stood out to me.
↑ Nachomamma8 wrote:man these fingers are so impatient
and they appreciate the deadline extension and don't want to waste a good gift, but MY GOD will I hammer you so fast if you ignore me
This post was really weird to me because he had been lurking a lot beforehand. "Hey look at me I'm looking forward to being an active pro-town player".
↑ Nachomamma8 wrote: ↑ Majiffy wrote:Lol @ Fe taking me from top of the town list to the bottom of the possibly scum list without a single reason.
Also, hi Nacho. I didn't know you were in this game. You should probably change that.
yeah, my bad, been lurking pretty hard
Fe is town, don't lynch him, the lynch is terrible.
Majiffy is probably town, Fizz is a ? but I will vote him to save Fe
but it shouldn't come to that since we have 5 days
Fe, who should I vote?
Excuses the lurking
asks Fe who should be voted in the very same post. We obviously know now that Fe is scum and I see no reason why Nacho wouldn't do this to make Fe "make a case" and kind of force the attention on someone by sheeping him.
↑ borkjerfkin wrote:I don't think that town-Nacho would make the argument that he's making about Fe being town.
I think this is really spot on. (PS this sentence is unrelated. I want to test who is actually reading all of this so please start the second sentence of your next post with the word "so" or "and" or "then" or "this")
↑ Nachomamma8 wrote: ↑ borkjerfkin wrote:I don't think that town-Nacho would make the argument that he's making about Fe being town.
I no longer view Fe as town.
Hence why I'm promising to vote him when Maenara makes his catchup post.
This is really irrelevant because at this point Fe was one vote short of being lynched and with no obvious candidate.
↑ Nachomamma8 wrote:Don't really like Lastsurvivor right now, and might sheep Majiffy onto kmd. Might.
"Hey I'm going to buss my partner kmd a bit and then later jump on Lastsurvivor if my partner kmd gets close to lynched".
↑ Nachomamma8 wrote: ↑ Majiffy wrote: ↑ Nachomamma8 wrote:The Majiffy wagon is really, really stupid.
You know, I feel like I say this every time people vote for me. Probably because it's true.
i hate sheeping you
Vote: kmd
argtgjifrgireurgfiuehtgfiug it feels so bad
This is really lazy in a way I don't find characteristic for town-Nacho. He doesn't say "I like x and y and z about your reasoning for voting kmd, so I'll sheep", he just makes a fake emotional response about how bad it feels to be sheeping Majiffy without mentioning the reasoning at all.
↑ Nachomamma8 wrote: ↑ borkjerfkin wrote: ↑ Nachomamma8 wrote:The Majiffy wagon is really, really stupid.
Also not convinced with NS. If he was trying to defend his buddy, I really don't think he'd try to lynch me, of all people. No one (except for bork, but bork is crazy) was talking about the scumread on me, so it wasn't exactly opportunistic. And he didn't vote Fizz, which would have been a hell of a lot more telling to me. So yeah, calling him town.
Don't really like Lastsurvivor right now, and might sheep Majiffy onto kmd. Might.
I think this is about the nicest way I've heard someone calling me an idiot. I do appreciate that.
What's wrong with LS?
he pushed fizz for the longest fucking time and then majiffy tells him to put Fe at L-1 and he'll look at Fizz tomorrow, and he's like "ok that sounds like a perfectly reasonable plan" and now he's sheeping votes onto majiffy. it's stupid and scummy and scum.
This is the reason for the suspicion on LS.
↑ Nachomamma8 wrote:Unvote, Vote: Lastsurvivor
I want you to sheep me until you catch up. I want you to catch up before the 15th of December. Can you do that?
This was when kmd hit L-1. Absolute lack of explanation for the sudden jump. Majiffy points this out in the very next post:
↑ Majiffy wrote:Nacho, reason for voting LS?
Nobody votes LS, couple of people votes Maenara, Nacho jumps on the Maenara wagon and doesn't really talk about it for a while. Then people start unvoting and some start voting LS again. Then after a ton of low activity posts, out of nowhere, comes
This hugeass wall. It's based exclusively on old posts so there is no reason as to why this case wasn't made when the day first started instead of simply sheeping kmd. It seems like Nacho realized that a little effort might actually get LS lynched this time around so Nacho ISO'ed LS and pointed out some reasons to vote LS. Which, as we now know, worked:
↑ borkjerfkin wrote:I'm 180ing on Nacho -- I think he's town and the case is good.
I'm only interested in Majiffy if LS flips scum, I think.
↑ Majiffy wrote:VOTE: LS
Line 'em up, shoot 'em down. Maenara tomorrow I guess.
My top 3 town reads would be:
My top 3 scum reads would be:
dunno last one
Also I'm voting kmd because a Nacho lynch probably isn't going to happen, but if it does you know where my vote will be.
PS it's really odd that so many people have a town read on me. I feel like there is a reasonable chance that scums have decided to pick me as a town read for balance purposes. This is pretty speculative, though.
Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 8:08 am
by pirate mollie
hi buldey!
you know looking at your breakkie posts made me want to declare my undying love for you cos it is like we are sharing a brain, when I was setting up my spreadsheet last night I realised that nacho replaced breakkie and that I had the distinct feeling that breakkie was not of the same alignment in 2 games that I was playing with her. she flipped town in the other one (yes the game is over) ut since I am not in your town pile (and I really should be) you are getting one of that from me buddy. I need your third town read plz and go ahead and name a third scum it isn't like you have to be right and cannot reevaluate at a later date. qualify it with a "weak scum read" if you want to.
also I need you to be my gib in this game can you do that plz it means we work together.
@ maenara
same to you, can you plz give me 2 more scum reads. I am also going with your top 3 town picks.
waiting on the director and nobody special.
I am also going with that no one here is used to this strategy. do any of you use spreadsheets?