Page 55 of 141

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 2:35 pm
by Tayl0r Swift
link pls noraa

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 2:43 pm
by Alonzo
Taylor did you do a response to that entire curbstomp thing bunno did earlier?

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 2:46 pm
by Bunno
nope taylor has no idea where her attention should be in

that's another scum tell in my book to be honest but I won't overdo it.

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 3:00 pm
by Alonzo

Noraa is shit hot , and you should all be voting BM.

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 3:04 pm
by teacher
In post 1348, teacher wrote:Ok, but why are people ignoring that/the slot/its arguments. Why are you still on Shelley than moving to be with obvtown (not that I know where they are). Why haven’t you called it out before. That’s just a real random aside to jump in on.
Yea, Taylor’s position on Shelley, while also vis a vis username and battlemage, is all kinds of odd. Like it was an RVS vote, but she’s staying with it (despite doubting Mena and Dat and not really casing/pushing Shelley so much as lolling at their past), even when there is no strong counter wagon/defense, and she townreads both members of the main alt wagon (on GP).

VOTE: taylor

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 3:41 pm
by Noraa

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 3:44 pm
by Noraa
In post 1349, teacher wrote:
In post 319, teacher wrote:
In post 159, Noraa wrote:buddied everyone else
In what way had BM buddied Mena as of this post???
Noraa, I feel like you bounced this question off two nights ago by saying you were tired. Any interest in answering it now.
Sure sure. Ok buddied is the wrong term. Not sure what term to use even rn but here's what I was thinking at the time: Bm was interacting with everyone but his interactions were all really light and useless imo. he dug up a lil dirt everywhere and kinda called it a day. But he tunneled in on me hard. What I was thinking at the time was that this was scum trying to seem like they are solving when in fact they are only trying to set up a mislim. Basically he wasn't "buddying" everyone else. He was slightly interacting with every single person. Just enough to seem protown.

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 6:18 pm
by Iconeum
14 pages?

n o

p r o b l e m

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 6:30 pm
by Iconeum
In post 1090, TheGoldenParadox wrote:here's where i'm at in terms of reads at the moment:

Spoiler: without color
Menalque - townreading. well-thought-out pushes on shelly and looks like they're providing strong and genuine analysis throughout the game. looks like they're genuinely trying to be open minded but not to the point that it's wishy-washy; their analysis and interaction towards shelly looks genuine and seem town.

Datisi - townreading as well. several indicators that they are town; good questions to shelly, generally looks like they're trying to gamesolve, and their discussion with me on the shelly/ico felt legitimate and townmotivated on my end, and asking quite good questions with interactions with large amounts of the playerbase. datisi seems real here and i don't really see scum really trying to gamesolve and work to get information like this.

Noraa - townleaning. explained this throughout: see , but essentially they ping me as newbie town.

bob3141 - townlean. bob's push on shelly looks legitimate, and generally bob is looking like their attempts to gamesolve are helpful and genuine. bob makes an extremely good point about shelly trying to change her reads to match the "gamestate", and i think they're pretty town for that. @bob do you plan to vote shelly in the near future?

iamausername - TL. pings me as a reasonable and helpful point to make and generally I think iamauser is being pretty helpful and gamesolvy. that being said, they townread Ico at the beginning for reading noraa as newbtown; now that ico's read has flipped, @iamausername what's your read on them at this point?

Tayl0r Swift - not sure. on one hand, their posts gutping me as... off? slightly weird and unnecessary. made a good and concise point, and shelly who i think is scum is attacking them, so slight TL because i don't see shelly bussing this hard d1 but that will probably be reevaluated depending on how shelly flips.

teacher - also null; i want to see more from this slot because right now there's not a ton of content here.

bunno/piisirrational - null, haven't posted anything i could use to get a real read here.

Alonzo - extremely low effort so far, slight scumlean because they seem like they're trying to avoid attention and also not have a suspiciously low postcount

Iconeum - scumreading. i've elaborated on this in and . i also think that ico's pivot from me to noraa was quite. weird and pinged me as a fairly scummy thing to do.

Battle Mage - scumreading since near the start, and my read remains unchanged. bm seems confident in posting irrelevant and unhelpful fluff, and does nothing to help with that, literally just twisting my words. the interaction you can see in . bm's pushes on me essentially boil down to "he won't let me defend him, and he uses emotive language, so he's scum"; the entire case on me that you've attempted to build is based on some really poor evidence and seems like it just exists to get an easy mislynch. not voting you because a bm flip isn't particularly helpful today (as your interactions are essentially focused on tunneling nora then me), and i'm scumreading shelly more.

shellyc - hard scumread, and my vote is on them. shelly has been tunneling, hypocritical of taylor for calling the nora/bm interaction tvt and then going back and doing the exact same thing, interacting poorly with reasonable questions from menalque, and generally feels like they've been backed into a corner and are desperately trying to lie and fake their way out of it. shelly's progressions scream fake, and generally their posts look like their intention isn't scumhunting; just posing.

Menalque - townreading. well-thought-out pushes on shelly and looks like they're providing strong and genuine analysis throughout the game. looks like they're genuinely trying to be open minded but not to the point that it's wishy-washy; their analysis and interaction towards shelly looks genuine and seem town.

Datisi - townreading as well. several indicators that they are town; good questions to shelly, generally looks like they're trying to gamesolve, and their discussion with me on the shelly/ico felt legitimate and townmotivated on my end, and asking quite good questions with interactions with large amounts of the playerbase. datisi seems real here and i don't really see scum really trying to gamesolve and work to get information like this.

Noraa - townleaning. explained this throughout: see , but essentially they ping me as newbie town.

bob3141 - townlean. bob's push on shelly looks legitimate, and generally bob is looking like their attempts to gamesolve are helpful and genuine. bob makes an extremely good point about shelly trying to change her reads to match the "gamestate", and i think they're pretty town for that. @bob do you plan to vote shelly in the near future?

iamausername - TL. pings me as a reasonable and helpful point to make and generally I think iamauser is being pretty helpful and gamesolvy. that being said, they townread Ico at the beginning for reading noraa as newbtown; now that ico's read has flipped, @iamausername what's your read on them at this point?

Tayl0r Swift - not sure. on one hand, their posts gutping me as... off? slightly weird and unnecessary. made a good and concise point, and shelly who i think is scum is attacking them, so slight TL because i don't see shelly bussing this hard d1 but that will probably be reevaluated depending on how shelly flips.

teacher - also null; i want to see more from this slot because right now there's not a ton of content here.

bunno/piisirrational - null, haven't posted anything i could use to get a real read here.

Alonzo - extremely low effort so far, slight scumlean because they seem like they're trying to avoid attention and also not have a suspiciously low postcount

Iconeum - scumreading. i've elaborated on this in and . i also think that ico's pivot from me to noraa was quite. weird and pinged me as a fairly scummy thing to do.

Battle Mage - scumreading since near the start, and my read remains unchanged. bm seems confident in posting irrelevant and unhelpful fluff, and does nothing to help with that, literally just twisting my words. the interaction you can see in . bm's pushes on me essentially boil down to "he won't let me defend him, and he uses emotive language, so he's scum"; the entire case on me that you've attempted to build is based on some really poor evidence and seems like it just exists to get an easy mislynch. not voting you because a bm flip isn't particularly helpful today (as your interactions are essentially focused on tunneling nora then me), and i'm scumreading shelly more.

shellyc - hard scumread, and my vote is on them. shelly has been tunneling, hypocritical of taylor for calling the nora/bm interaction tvt and then going back and doing the exact same thing, interacting poorly with reasonable questions from menalque, and generally feels like they've been backed into a corner and are desperately trying to lie and fake their way out of it. shelly's progressions scream fake, and generally their posts look like their intention isn't scumhunting; just posing.
hard time believing much in this

noraa has been tunneling a LOT more then shellyc, and has had much worse read switches then anyone in this game - yet you townread noraa and scumread others

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 6:38 pm
by Iconeum
In post 1172, Bunno wrote:I didn't know thatBut if he does that everytime, why scum read him like that? Especially if it's a fakeclaim? weird?
oh gosh i don't know

maybe it's RVS?


Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 6:42 pm
by Iconeum
In post 1207, Bunno wrote:Ico in page 32 isn't half bad. I'm still puzzled why you acted as if you did scum read mena/datisi?

was it all a pun? it seemed genuine to me. I didn't double check but I don't remember you instantly switching votes off mena after revealing it was all fake.
my annoyance was very very real

i wasn't actually scumreading anyone over it tho

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 6:46 pm
by Iconeum
In post 1222, Bunno wrote:
Read this post please.

Everything from Taylor screams:

uninterested in solving the game

- uninterested in solving slots alignment

- uninterested in eliminating mafia

uninterested in other people posts
(even going as far as saying noraa was overconfident when she would strumble on her own words way too often in the first pages)

- barely present

She's also someone everyone's been saying "yeah it's scummy" but very few people ever acting on those suspicious.

Do you think that it's a coincidence everyone dislikes the slot but no one is pushing it/people are always pressuring elsewhere?

Taylor is the definition of going under the radar, always try to give good excuses to everything (didn't vote because was afraid of lolhammering/ delayed posting because forgot bookmark BUT she was "frustated" that the game hadn't started).

Can we do Taylor?

I'm already voting her but I'll do it again for emphasis

VOTE: Taylor

It's literally a consensus SR, she barely has presence therefore isn't going to turn away the opinions on her slot likely, and is never getting nightkilled.
i bolded the parts that are very much true for noraa as well so… yeah

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 6:48 pm
by Iconeum
In post 1227, Noraa wrote:
In post 1220, Alonzo wrote:Noraa have you done anything to tune those reads since we last spoke?
wait til the weekend for that pls
this is bullshit

it's Obvious you are reading the game, because you are responding to posts

you don't need to reread and iso people to form reads on them

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 6:48 pm
by Iconeum
50 pages in and all you managed to squeeze out are scumreading on BM and me? And 1 townread?

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 6:49 pm
by Iconeum
scumreading me because OMGUS, which you admitted too, as well

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 6:50 pm
by Iconeum
In post 1236, Bunno wrote:Noraa/Shelly have troubling posts, but there is some good posts as well, fine for day 1.
quote me which posts you think are good from noraa please?

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 6:58 pm
by Iconeum
In post 1347, Noraa wrote:
My first town game finished. Go get meta if u want it. Newbie something ANCIENT ARTHROPODS

ngl, townie ping from this scream-out

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 6:59 pm
by Iconeum
like, so eager to prove that itself is actually town and a big 'FUCK YOU I WAS TOWN ALL ALLOONNNGGGG' to us

fucking love it :p

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 7:03 pm
by Iconeum
skimming thru noraa' iso in the finished newbie game, noraa was very reluctant (especially first day) to give any kind of reads before reading and rereading and more reading.


Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 7:03 pm
by Iconeum

what's next

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 7:07 pm
by Tayl0r Swift
In post 1351, Alonzo wrote:Taylor did you do a response to that entire curbstomp thing bunno did earlier?
theres not much to say... its wrong, and the confidence in being wrong makes me question why a good player who is town would be so insistent that im scum. i dont know what to make of it, but eh.

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 7:08 pm
by Iconeum
whats shellyc at ?

still L-2?

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 7:10 pm
by Tayl0r Swift
wow you posted 50% more than the next highest poster in that game. thats impressive...

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 7:20 pm
by Iconeum
VOTE: shellyc


let's have a claim

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2020 7:21 pm
by Tayl0r Swift

im still a few pages behind and i do not like the idea of getting a claim or that vote.