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Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 8:53 am
by Tanner
In post 1372, implosion wrote:Cons: Tanner will no longer feel the burden of having a vote that matters and will inevitably lose focus and slip into a fugue state
bold of you to fucking assume that the burden of knowing i'm supposed to be helping y'all will let me rest and step away from the game

why is imaginality a scumfuck

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 8:54 am
by implosion
Basically my reads at not-Wall are at a place analogous to a regular game of mafia where we're nearing the end of the day and it's just like, I need a flip to make progress. They could easily be wrong but it's hard to really think of events that would drastically change them at this point.

To be clear though I'm very conflicted over who scum actually is in Keep. It's just that Luke would surprise me the most. And it's not like I feel I can't be wrong there either.

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 8:54 am
by VP Baltar
Getting me out of the game is a con because I'm a fucking joy to be around

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 8:55 am
by implosion
vp is town because of his approach/attitude mostly.

I actually think is like, enough to justify a decently-sized scumread on its own that I justified .

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 8:57 am
by implosion
Like really if I'm trying to justify why I feel like VP is town and I dig deep enough I will eventually not be able to justify it beyond the bedrock of "gut". I can come up with superficial reasons though but they're just a facile representation of the actual reason which is "his approach to the game just feels like it's not coming from scum" or something like that.

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 8:59 am
by Tanner
i'm gonna go grab some fucking alcohol again i hate this game

baltar, opinion on rh9?

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 9:05 am
by Aristeia
In post 1380, Tanner wrote:i'm gonna go grab some fucking alcohol again i hate this game
is it me? :(

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 9:06 am
by Aristeia
In post 1364, implosion wrote:I'm just about ready to scream into the void.
i think there is a giant gap between where I am and where you are because when I read your posts its like you don't think I exist.

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 9:07 am
by Tanner
aristeia, you are a joy to be around and you make me keep the little bit of my sanity i have left while i have to listen to these two scream at each other

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 9:08 am
by Aristeia
mmm that makes me feel better thank you <3

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 9:11 am
by imaginality
In post 1379, implosion wrote:Like really if I'm trying to justify why I feel like VP is town and I dig deep enough I will eventually not be able to justify it beyond the bedrock of "gut". I can come up with superficial reasons though but they're just a facile representation of the actual reason which is "his approach to the game just feels like it's not coming from scum" or something like that.
Implosion, is your take that I locked into VP-me deliberately or that I couldn't swap out because it's 2-1-0 (and also for some reason I decided to IC Tanner rather than VP)?

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 9:18 am
by implosion
In post 1382, Aristeia wrote:
In post 1364, implosion wrote:I'm just about ready to scream into the void.
i think there is a giant gap between where I am and where you are because when I read your posts its like you don't think I exist.
Do you just mean in terms of like, my opinion of the Keep? I'm basically just finding you (and Pav) harder to sort than Luke. And the point of Keep is to find one town.
In post 1385, imaginality wrote:
In post 1379, implosion wrote:Like really if I'm trying to justify why I feel like VP is town and I dig deep enough I will eventually not be able to justify it beyond the bedrock of "gut". I can come up with superficial reasons though but they're just a facile representation of the actual reason which is "his approach to the game just feels like it's not coming from scum" or something like that.
Implosion, is your take that I locked into VP-me deliberately or that I couldn't swap out because it's 2-1-0 (and also for some reason I decided to IC Tanner rather than VP)?
Either's possible.

If it's 2-1-0, I think it's kind of silly to speculate on whether scum-you would rather 1v1 vp or tanner (and whether scum-vp would rather 1v1 you or tanner). Tanner said he didn't want to be cleared and then was; that's potentially reason enough.

If it's 1-1-1 then like I've described it's entirely possible scum just saw the other locations as more important to mess with for some reason. Maybe they wanted to try to make it look like it was 2-1-0 and they thought this was the best way to do so, maybe they thought putting Pav in Keep was their best shot of winning there, etc etc. I did say that 2-1-0 makes you look scummier and 1-1-1 makes you look townier and so I guess I'd probably want to reconsider some based on the Keep flip but I don't know if it'd be enough to surpass my individual reads.

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 9:34 am
by Aristeia
In post 1386, implosion wrote:Do you just mean in terms of like, my opinion of the Keep? I'm basically just finding you (and Pav) harder to sort than Luke. And the point of Keep is to find one town.
I mean you apparently don't care at all about what is actually going on inside the Keep

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 9:38 am
by Aristeia
like last night I just readflipped keep in my POV from Luke-town/Pavo-scum to Luke-scum/Pavo-town.

and you don't seem to care at all about it? You didn't even mention it. You're still waxing poetic about how Townie Luke is.

Here's the thing.

I am town. So if Luke is also Town, I am literally the only person who can possibly vote for Luke.

So like you kind of have to convince me that my read-flip is wrong for ~reasons~ but you apparently don't care?

But let's say your world-view is that you don't have to convince me because I'm scum or whatever, Pavo will vote for Luke ok cool.

Then Luke came into the thread and talked about how he wants to vote for me tonight and lay out a bunch of conditionals based on what the Keep flips are or whatever.

And you don't have a reaction to this either? You don't scream at Luke and tell him no stop! don't vote for her! she's evil! you are the one who deserves to be voted!

I just have a hard time seeing how you don't seem to care?

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 9:55 am
by RH9
Aristeia, you just described town!implosion. I think that from memory, town!implosion is distant, patient, understanding, empathetic and occasionally takes stances.

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 9:59 am
by VP Baltar
In post 1380, Tanner wrote:i'm gonna go grab some fucking alcohol again i hate this game

baltar, opinion on rh9?
Still in my scum team at first blush.

I still stand by my early game implosion read unless someone is going to make a compelling case.

NQ is a blackhole of boredom for me, so he could be scum.

I do want to closely read RH9's reads post today. I only read his section on me last night, and it felt like he was townbinning me for the wrong reasons. I'm back at work today, but I'll update when I have time.

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 10:04 am
by RH9
Baltar, what do you feel about implosion-Lukewarm and implosion-Aristeia interactions?

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 10:10 am
by VP Baltar
In post 1391, RH9 wrote:Baltar, what do you feel about implosion-Lukewarm and implosion-Aristeia interactions?
I could see someone making the case for an implo-luke-imaginality team. Not sure I'd believe it, but I could see it.

Implo has been staunchly advocating for imaginality-scum, so I really don't see him being scum with Ari. This heavily points to implo-town if Ari did end up being red as well.

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 10:20 am
by Tanner
In post 1390, VP Baltar wrote:I do want to closely read RH9's reads post today. I only read his section on me last night, and it felt like he was townbinning me for the wrong reasons. I'm back at work today, but I'll update when I have time.
damn, and here i was about to hammer imaginality. i guess the hammer will have to wait after all ))):
In post 1392, VP Baltar wrote:Implo has been staunchly advocating for imaginality-scum, so I really don't see him being scum with Ari.
explain the connection to me?

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 10:23 am
by VP Baltar
In post 1393, Tanner wrote:explain the connection to me?
When imaginality flips red, I don't think that makes Ari look better if she is still unflappable then. So it'd be like scum!implo bussing two buddies. While that's a cool cat move, it would mean he is losing the game.

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 10:23 am
by VP Baltar
If she is still unflipped

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 10:24 am
by VP Baltar
In post 1393, Tanner wrote:damn, and here i was about to hammer imaginality. i guess the hammer will have to wait after all ))):
Don't troll me just bc you living that mad IC life.

Do it you coward!

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 10:26 am
by Tanner
In post 1396, VP Baltar wrote:Don't troll me just bc you living that mad IC life.
if i gotta be miserable being the ic, you bet your ass i'm gonna be as annoying as humanly possible and make sure scum deeply regrets their decisions, whoever they might be

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 10:27 am
by Tanner
what happened with wanting to read rh9's post? (:

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 10:28 am
by VP Baltar
In post 1398, Tanner wrote:what happened with wanting to read rh9's post? (:
Drinking a red bull and going to do it right now