Mini 733- Congratulations! You are... Mafia (Game Over)
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- imaginality
- imaginality
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- imaginality
- imaginality
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Sounds like my roleblocking ability.imaginality wrote:A zertan kitten-luffink mod wrote:You could also give everyone a power role, they them they have some kind of night action that they *must* make and they can't self-target, but don't tell them what their power role is. And then sit back and watch the hilarity ensue.
True. Mine and yours fit best.imaginality wrote: Ekkkszamples: caf19, elvis_knits, desglork, SlySly, hasdgfas, Isacc,
Ze exzepschuns zeem to be Darox, dahill and destructor1.
It isss alzo interrestink zat your rrrrole ((parrranoid) cop + (rrroleblocking) gnome-liberrator) and my rrrole ((toothless?)vampyr + thief) both fit better vif zis multi-faceted rrrole theme zan Plum's does.
But that doesn't clear you (or me for sake of fairness).
The examples you listed:
caf19, elvis_knits, desglork, SlySly, hasdgfas, Isacc.
Caf was survivor. EK was mafia. Desglork was SK. Sly was Zombie/silencer/cult recruit(?). Hascow was cult recruiter(?). Isacc was town.
Darox, dahill and destructor1
Darox was mafia. Dahill was lyncher. Des1 was cop.
So that's only one town aligned in each group.
Actually. Only 2 town aligned have flipped so far. And we are still playing, which means, at most we have a town of 4. A weak doc and a cop. If anything doesn't fit with that, it's your role.
Also, I can see the jailkeeper possibility. It makes sense. EK wasn't recruited. Can scum normally be recruited? But with it also explaining Plum not being able to target you (Imaginality), that further verifies that.
If Hascow was a mason recruiter, why did he flip in pink? Seems to specify another alignment. And what's with Sly's zombie role?
I noticed nothing from your bite.
So apparently I'm probably a JK now. Plum was protected by a weak doc. I jailed plum N2. Isacc protected her N1. Still no explanation there. I'm leaning Imaginalityscum.
I smurfing agree. How the smurf are we supposed to find the smurfing scum. Brb, gotta take a smurf.imaginality wrote:Let me just add, zis game is an abzzolute smurfink mindsmurf.
KMD is the coolest dude who ever lost a bet to me - vonflare
- imaginality
- imaginality
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- imaginality
- imaginality
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Rrreally?Kmd4390 wrote:Actually. Only 2 town aligned have flipped so far. And we are still playing, which means, at most we have a town of 4. A weak doc and a cop. If anything doesn't fit with that, it's your role.
I sssee six town-aligned flips:
*also vere-llama
** also member of BBFSSS
I ssink ze fact zey are listed in blue must count for zumthing, yes? If ze BBFSSS is a cult, I vud expect hascow to flip pink (as cult leader, thereforre in no vay town-aligned). He flipped blue and pink, vhich suyyests to me zat BBFSSS is not a cult. More likely a masonrry kinda tsink.
caf19 could vell be vins-vif-town-
-if-zurvives. dahill1 could be vins-vif-town-
-if-lynches-target, or could be his tarrrget (zeeminkly you) is scum.- imaginality
- imaginality
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- imaginality
- imaginality
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- Location: Christchurch, NZ
- imaginality
- imaginality
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- Location: Christchurch, NZ
- imaginality
- imaginality
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Zo. Here iss a new thought.
Zen ve haf:
N1 - scum no-kill (EK vas jailed), Plum kills, desglork kills
N2 - scum kill, Plum jailed, desglork kills
N3 - Plum kills
Zis is interrestink zenarrrio to me. Could pozzibly explain zum of ze qvestions...
Vhat if 'scum' meansIsacc wrote:I must protect someone each night. If they are town, I protect. If they are scum, I die.
scum and scum
? And Plum is only
scum but SK? Zen ve haf:
N1 - scum no-kill (EK vas jailed), Plum kills, desglork kills
N2 - scum kill, Plum jailed, desglork kills
N3 - Plum kills
Zis is interrestink zenarrrio to me. Could pozzibly explain zum of ze qvestions...
- imaginality
- imaginality
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- Location: Christchurch, NZ
If that was the case Isacc would almost certainly not have phrased his results quite like this:imaginality wrote:Zo. Here iss a new thought.
Vhat if 'scum' meansIsacc wrote:I must protect someone each night. If they are town, I protect. If they are scum, I die.literrrallyscumand scum? And Plum isonlynotscum but SK?
He didn't say "the only exception to this is if I was roleblocked or Plum is some anti-town faction other than scum" and a non-Mafia anti-town faction would have been possible enough in his mind that he wouldn't have put it 'theIsacc wrote:Plum is most likely town, as I targetted him last night and I did not die. The only exception to this is if I was roleblocked.
exception', I daresay; as Town, especially a Townie now exposed to likely being NK'd, he would have avoided misleading town by saying that if he meant that he had only cleared me of being Mafia
. The term 'scum' can and is very often used as a generic term for 'has an actively anti-town-wincon' (and in this game the Mafia have flipped specifically Mafia); it seems pretty clear, especially having phrased it as a dichotomy (scum or town), that he was using it in that sense.- imaginality
- imaginality
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Currrent sssummary of how I sseee ze pozzibeeelities:
1. Kmd4390 iss scum and yailkeeper
- pro: explains vhy Isacc did not die (Plum is town)
- pro: fits vif town lynzcher dahill1 havink Kmd as (zeeminkly) his tarrget
- con: niytkill choice (on ze faze of it, vud make more senze to kill Plum and yail me, orr vize verza, zan to kill hascow)
- qvestion: does it make zense to haf targeted his scumbuddy EK on niyt 1?
2. Plum iss SK and Isacc only died if he prrrotected mafia
- pro: explains vhy Isacc did not die
- pro: Plum's rrrole is (IMO) morrre likely scum rrrole (or fake-role) zan mine or Kmd
- con: 2 mafia + 2 SKs lezz uzual zan 3 mafia + 1 SK (mind you zis is baaasstard-mod game)
3. I am scum and my kill vent through dezpite me beink yailed lazt niyt.
- pro: explains vhy Isacc did not die (Plum is town)
- con: verrry rrrare for jailed scum to be able to kill
- qvestion: vud I as mafia get into 50/50 vif desglork yezterday?
1. Kmd4390 iss scum and yailkeeper
- pro: explains vhy Isacc did not die (Plum is town)
- pro: fits vif town lynzcher dahill1 havink Kmd as (zeeminkly) his tarrget
- con: niytkill choice (on ze faze of it, vud make more senze to kill Plum and yail me, orr vize verza, zan to kill hascow)
- qvestion: does it make zense to haf targeted his scumbuddy EK on niyt 1?
2. Plum iss SK and Isacc only died if he prrrotected mafia
- pro: explains vhy Isacc did not die
- pro: Plum's rrrole is (IMO) morrre likely scum rrrole (or fake-role) zan mine or Kmd
- con: 2 mafia + 2 SKs lezz uzual zan 3 mafia + 1 SK (mind you zis is baaasstard-mod game)
3. I am scum and my kill vent through dezpite me beink yailed lazt niyt.
- pro: explains vhy Isacc did not die (Plum is town)
- con: verrry rrrare for jailed scum to be able to kill
- qvestion: vud I as mafia get into 50/50 vif desglork yezterday?
- imaginality
- imaginality
- Restricted Townie
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- Location: Christchurch, NZ
- imaginality
- imaginality
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- Location: Christchurch, NZ
Plum wrote:If that was the case Isacc would almost certainly not have phrased his results quite like this[...]
My point is zis is bastard-mod game, yes? I find it conzievable zat ze mod vud phrase zis rrole as "you die if you tarrrget scum" and yust sseee if ze player asks for clarrification or yust azzumes scum = all non-town-aligned players. In norrrmal game zis vud be bad, in bastarrrd-mod game is perrhaps a rrreasonable bit of mod-trrickery, yes?
I agrree zat Isacc himzelf clearrrly did ssink 'scum' = 'all non-town-aligned players'.
If you were scum rolecop? With Des as a threatening SK and a chance to possibly gain townie points, I could see distinct advantages in doing so. And scum rolecop or something along those lines seems eminently possible.imaginality wrote:- qvestion: vud I as mafia get into 50/50 vif desglork yezterday?
If he didn't know what it did . . . eh. Maybe. Not certain.imaginality wrote:- qvestion: does it make zense to haf targeted his scumbuddy EK on niyt 1?
I already explained why the second clause is very unlikely, and your follow up:imaginality wrote:2. Plum iss SK and Isacc only died if he prrrotected mafia
Your bastard-mod argument is possible, but I'm still inclined to think that if it were at all ambiguous to Isacc whether it was one or the other he would have mentioned that fact. I don't think Isacc would have risked saying 'Plum is confirmed Town unless I was roleblocked' unless he was certain that such was the case.imaginality wrote:I agrree zat Isacc himzelf clearrrly did ssink 'scum' = 'all non-town-aligned players'.
I had an idea about a possibility for you being jailed scum whose kill went through, but I have to sleep on it and I'll see if it still makes sense in the morning or what.imaginality wrote:- con: verrry rrrare for jailed scum to be able to kill
- imaginality
- imaginality
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- Location: Christchurch, NZ
- imaginality
- imaginality
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- Location: Christchurch, NZ
Affter anozzer musingk, I am leanink tovards Plum as scum. Mainly bekoz, if Kmd is scum, vhy vud he rrrroleblock me (vell actually jail me, but he may haf fourt it only rrroleblocked me) if he vanted to get me lynchsshed today? Vhy not push for me to help him lynch Plum?
(I vas prrretty surre he vas town vhen ve couldn't lynch him yezterday, it's not like I zuzpected him more zan Plum.)
Or if he vanted to get me lynched, he could haf yust rrroleblocked SlySly, or hascow (if he zought he vas plain rrroleblocker and not jailer).
It kinda makes no zense to:
(a) rrroleblock me
(b) admit to rrroleblockingk me
(c) still push to get me lyncsshed over Plum
compared vif:
(a) rrroleblock me
(b) admit to rrroleblockingk me
(c) push to get Plum lynched
(a) rrroleblock sumvun elz
(b) push to get me lynched
I am actually ztartink to ssink zat my hypoffeeezis (Isacc wrrrongly assumink zat 'scum' = 'all non-town', Plum beink SK) is likelier zan Kmd beink scum.
It cud efen haf said 'mafia' in Isacc's rrrole PM - at ze time ve claimed, it looked more likely ve had vigilante zan SK, zo he may haf assumed ve only had mafia to deal vif.
Edit: I yust looked back at Isacc's pozts; vrom my skim-through, it zeems post 1153 is ze firrrst time he consssiders pozzibility of ssecond anti-town faction:
I haf no intenzshun to leap to vote yust yet zo. I haf no vish to misvote.
Vhichefer of you is scum, I still feel zat, vif all three of us agreeink I vas rrroleblocked last night, I am more in ze clear zan eizzer of you.
If you don't agree: can eizzer of you point me to
(I vas prrretty surre he vas town vhen ve couldn't lynch him yezterday, it's not like I zuzpected him more zan Plum.)
Or if he vanted to get me lynched, he could haf yust rrroleblocked SlySly, or hascow (if he zought he vas plain rrroleblocker and not jailer).
It kinda makes no zense to:
(a) rrroleblock me
(b) admit to rrroleblockingk me
(c) still push to get me lyncsshed over Plum
compared vif:
(a) rrroleblock me
(b) admit to rrroleblockingk me
(c) push to get Plum lynched
(a) rrroleblock sumvun elz
(b) push to get me lynched
I am actually ztartink to ssink zat my hypoffeeezis (Isacc wrrrongly assumink zat 'scum' = 'all non-town', Plum beink SK) is likelier zan Kmd beink scum.
It cud efen haf said 'mafia' in Isacc's rrrole PM - at ze time ve claimed, it looked more likely ve had vigilante zan SK, zo he may haf assumed ve only had mafia to deal vif.
Edit: I yust looked back at Isacc's pozts; vrom my skim-through, it zeems post 1153 is ze firrrst time he consssiders pozzibility of ssecond anti-town faction:
and zat vas vell affter his doc claim. So, I can belief Isacc vud make zat assssumpchsyun.Isacc wrote:Also, something I have re-looked at just recently. There were two kills last night. Maybe there is a Vig, but in the off-chance that there are two kills again, I'd rather lynch based on scumminess, not lynch based on policy, and frankly I don't feel Caf has been very scummy.
I haf no intenzshun to leap to vote yust yet zo. I haf no vish to misvote.
Vhichefer of you is scum, I still feel zat, vif all three of us agreeink I vas rrroleblocked last night, I am more in ze clear zan eizzer of you.
If you don't agree: can eizzer of you point me to
game in vhich a rrroleblocked and/or jailed scum player (veffer mafia or SK) vas still able to make a nightkill dezpite beink rrroleblocked/jailed?Lynchers are not protown.imaginality wrote: Rrreally?
I sssee six town-aligned flips:
*also vere-llama
** also member of BBFSSS
Survivors are not protown.
Cults is more likely than recruiting masons. Sly was probably not protown anyway.
Arguing over dead players' win conditions is pointless though.
This actually seems to make sense.imaginality wrote:Zo. Here iss a new thought.
Vhat if 'scum' meansIsacc wrote:I must protect someone each night. If they are town, I protect. If they are scum, I die.literrrallyscumand scum? And Plum isonlynotscum but SK?
It's possible that his role doesn't specifically say "You do not die if you protect a SK, lyncher, survivor, cult, zombie, or whatever else" and he didn't come to that conclusion.Plum wrote: If that was the case Isacc would almost certainly not have phrased his results quite like this:
But I always use scum to mean mafia unless I am specifically talking about mafia compared to another anti-town faction (as I just did hear). I doubt that I'm the only one who does this.Plum wrote:The term 'scum' can and is very often used as a generic term for 'has an actively anti-town-wincon' (and in this game the Mafia have flipped specifically Mafia); it seems pretty clear, especially having phrased it as a dichotomy (scum or town), that he was using it in that sense.
In a bastard game when you have an ability and don't know what it does, you generally assume negative effects if you assume effects at all. I'll admit I didn't expect effects, so I was actually guessing who would have gnomes. But no, if I was scum, I'd have asked EK who her role was at night. Don Quijote (spelling?) would probably not have gnomes.imaginality wrote: - qvestion: does it make zense to haf targeted his scumbuddy EK on niyt 1?
Not if you thought he was town. But if you were a scum thief with damning evidence on desglork to show that he is SK, then you probably would assume you'd be able to get his lynch easily and maybe even look like confirmed town.imaginality wrote: - qvestion: vud I as mafia get into 50/50 vif desglork yezterday?
Why do you assume this? Isacc is a newer player and may not have made the connection.imaginality wrote: I agrree zat Isacc himzelf clearrrly did ssink 'scum' = 'all non-town-aligned players'.
Or he assumed, "I'm a weak doc who dies if I protect scum. Plum is still alive. She's town if my protection was successful".Plum wrote:I don't think Isacc would have risked saying 'Plum is confirmed Town unless I was roleblocked' unless he was certain that such was the case.
He'd have to be untargetable I think. And I just realized this is impossible because Cow and I both got guilty results on him.Plum wrote: I had an idea about a possibility for you being jailed scum whose kill went through, but I have to sleep on it and I'll see if it still makes sense in the morning or what.
To be fair, I took Plum as confirmed town coming into the day.imaginality wrote:Affter anozzer musingk, I am leanink tovards Plum as scum. Mainly bekoz, if Kmd is scum, vhy vud he rrrroleblock me (vell actually jail me, but he may haf fourt it only rrroleblocked me) if he vanted to get me lynchsshed today? Vhy not push for me to help him lynch Plum?
But no, it wouldn't make sense to block you as scum. I probably would have blocked Cow because of his investigative ability.
Hmm. Sly hinted at dying anyway, so that may or may not have been a kill. But Cow's death. That was done by a player who is alive right now. Unless there is a role that is dead and still allowed to play. But only Zombie makes sense for that and he was aligned with Cow. I guess I can accept that there is a very good chance you didn't make that kill, meaning it is likely that Plum did.imaginality wrote: Vhichefer of you is scum, I still feel zat, vif all three of us agreeink I vas rrroleblocked last night, I am more in ze clear zan eizzer of you.
If you don't agree: can eizzer of you point me toanygame in vhich a rrroleblocked and/or jailed scum player (veffer mafia or SK) vas still able to make a nightkill dezpite beink rrroleblocked/jailed?
I still won't vote because I don't plan on making a quick decision and losing based on it, but I have to say you've done a good job of explaining yourself.
Also, I don't think I've ever seen Plum as scum, so I have no clue what her scum game would look like. (She saw me screw up as scum in Mirth's other game, but hasn't seen one of my good scum games yet )
KMD is the coolest dude who ever lost a bet to me - vonflare
All right, I have something new to say: I didn't make the kill last night because I'm not the sort of scum who is
I'm willing to vote Kmd off if imaginality gets here before me and votes Kmd. Scum, you have nothing to lose voting with me. Town, if you do not vote with me you will have lost everything.
to kill at all. The killer is still alive and is one of the two of you. I'm not the Raven. I am the original Were-Llama and I recruited Caf Night 1. I attempted to recruit Kmd Night 2 but was told that my action could not go through; Night 3the same thing happened when I attempted to recruit Imaginality. Kmd may or may not actually be a were-llama - my recruit - the post he made yesterday about his mid-day transformation notice isn't clear. If he is a were-llama, Imaginality must be the last scum, according to my win condition. If not, I can't be sure of anything except that I did not make the kill and that the killer is still alive. I can't win unless the other anti-town factions are all dead and the were-llamas outnumber the townies. I'm willing to cut a deal with whoever is willing to vote with me: You vote with me, we both go into Night, and I recruit you and you win along with me. I can guarantee a win for you if you - either of you - does this. If you're town, I can guarantee you that the remaining scum will win if you lynch me. Scum, you win if you lynch with me and I recruit you.Plum wrote:Llamas >/= alpacas, though.
As you can see, I breadcrumbed. To summarize my role, I am a were-llama (got bitten by one of my pack before is the flavor summary). However, because I'm a were-llama I cannot communicate with my pack, hence the crumbing (otherwise you'd of course ask why the heck I breadcrumbed a cult recruiter role, yeah). I alsoPlum wrote:The llamas ate my brains D=. No, I'm just a bit overtired and have some suspicions on myself to address and then hopefully soon will have analysis of current cases and maybe some sort of reread.
kill. At all. I only recruit via my bite. If you desire further reading, see my play with Caf versus my play with EK, which should be further indication that I'm not Mafia but am Caf's cult recruiter.Vote: imaginality
I'm willing to vote Kmd off if imaginality gets here before me and votes Kmd. Scum, you have nothing to lose voting with me. Town, if you do not vote with me you will have lost everything.
- imaginality
- imaginality
- Restricted Townie
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- Posts: 2728
- Joined: May 29, 2008
- Location: Christchurch, NZ
Ma-ia hii
Ma-ia huu
Ma-ia hoo
Ma-ia haha
Ma-ia hii
Ma-ia huu
Ma-ia hoo
Ma-ia haha
Ma-ia hii
Ma-ia huu
Ma-ia hoo
Ma-ia haha
Ma-ia hii
Ma-ia huu
Ma-ia hoo
Ma-ia haha
Alo, salut, sunt eu, un haiduc
si te rog, iubirea mea, primeste fericirea
Alo, alo, sunt eu, Picasso
ti-am dat beep
si sunt voinic
Dar sa stii, nu-ti cer nimic
Vrei sa pleci dar nu-mã, nu-mã iei
Nu-mã, nu-mã iei, nu-mã, nu-mã, nu-mã iei
Chipul tãu si dragostea din tei
Mi-amintesc de ochii tãi
Vrei sã pleci dar nu-mã, nu-mã iei
Nu-mã, nu-mã iei, nu-mã, nu-mã, nu-mã iei
Chipul tãu si dragostea din tei
Mi-amintesc de ochii tãi
Te sun, sã-ti spun, ce simt, acum
Alo, iubirea mea sunt eu, fericirea
Alo, alo, sunt iarasi eu, Picasso
ti-am dat beep si sunt voinic
Dar sã stii, nu-ti cer nimic
Vrei sã pleci dar nu-mã, nu-mã iei
Nu-mã, nu-mã iei, nu-mã, nu-mã, nu-mã iei
Chipul tãu si dragostea din tei
Mi-amintesc de ochii tãi
Vrei sã pleci dar nu-mã, nu-mã iei
Nu-mã, nu-mã iei, nu-mã, nu-mã, nu-mã iei
Chipul tãu si dragostea din tei
Mi-amintesc de ochii tãi
Ma-ia hii
Ma-ia huu
Ma-ia hoo
Ma-ia haha
Ma-ia hii
Ma-ia huu
Ma-ia hoo
Ma-ia haha
Ma-ia hii
Ma-ia huu
Ma-ia hoo
Ma-ia haha
Ma-ia hii
Ma-ia huu
Ma-ia hoo
Ma-ia haha
Vrei sã pleci dar nu-mã, nu-mã iei
Nu-mã, nu-mã iei, nu-mã, nu-mã, nu-mã iei
Chipul tãu si dragostea din tei
Mi-amintesc de ochii tãi
Vrei sã pleci dar nu-mã, nu-mã iei
Nu-mã, nu-mã iei, nu-mã, nu-mã, nu-mã iei
Chipul tãu si dragostea din tei
Mi-amintesc de ochii tãi
Ma-ia huu
Ma-ia hoo
Ma-ia haha
Ma-ia hii
Ma-ia huu
Ma-ia hoo
Ma-ia haha
Ma-ia hii
Ma-ia huu
Ma-ia hoo
Ma-ia haha
Ma-ia hii
Ma-ia huu
Ma-ia hoo
Ma-ia haha
Alo, salut, sunt eu, un haiduc
si te rog, iubirea mea, primeste fericirea
Alo, alo, sunt eu, Picasso
ti-am dat beep
si sunt voinic
Dar sa stii, nu-ti cer nimic
Vrei sa pleci dar nu-mã, nu-mã iei
Nu-mã, nu-mã iei, nu-mã, nu-mã, nu-mã iei
Chipul tãu si dragostea din tei
Mi-amintesc de ochii tãi
Vrei sã pleci dar nu-mã, nu-mã iei
Nu-mã, nu-mã iei, nu-mã, nu-mã, nu-mã iei
Chipul tãu si dragostea din tei
Mi-amintesc de ochii tãi
Te sun, sã-ti spun, ce simt, acum
Alo, iubirea mea sunt eu, fericirea
Alo, alo, sunt iarasi eu, Picasso
ti-am dat beep si sunt voinic
Dar sã stii, nu-ti cer nimic
Vrei sã pleci dar nu-mã, nu-mã iei
Nu-mã, nu-mã iei, nu-mã, nu-mã, nu-mã iei
Chipul tãu si dragostea din tei
Mi-amintesc de ochii tãi
Vrei sã pleci dar nu-mã, nu-mã iei
Nu-mã, nu-mã iei, nu-mã, nu-mã, nu-mã iei
Chipul tãu si dragostea din tei
Mi-amintesc de ochii tãi
Ma-ia hii
Ma-ia huu
Ma-ia hoo
Ma-ia haha
Ma-ia hii
Ma-ia huu
Ma-ia hoo
Ma-ia haha
Ma-ia hii
Ma-ia huu
Ma-ia hoo
Ma-ia haha
Ma-ia hii
Ma-ia huu
Ma-ia hoo
Ma-ia haha
Vrei sã pleci dar nu-mã, nu-mã iei
Nu-mã, nu-mã iei, nu-mã, nu-mã, nu-mã iei
Chipul tãu si dragostea din tei
Mi-amintesc de ochii tãi
Vrei sã pleci dar nu-mã, nu-mã iei
Nu-mã, nu-mã iei, nu-mã, nu-mã, nu-mã iei
Chipul tãu si dragostea din tei
Mi-amintesc de ochii tãi
- imaginality
- imaginality
- Restricted Townie
- Restricted Townie
- Posts: 2728
- Joined: May 29, 2008
- Location: Christchurch, NZ
I am town-aligned. I vill play to my vin condition. I vill not betrrray ze town vhich haf velcomed me into zeir arrms, and necks. Zey deserrrve better zan zat.
Chance of vinning as town if I vote for Kmd4390 = 0
Chance of vinning as town I vote for you = >0 (you may be lyink SK)
Die, essessively-conzonanted alpaca-vannabe!
Chance of vinning as town if I vote for Kmd4390 = 0
Chance of vinning as town I vote for you = >0 (you may be lyink SK)
Die, essessively-conzonanted alpaca-vannabe!
Vote: Plum
Mirth Congratulations! You are ...
- Congratulations! You are ...
- Congratulations! You are ...
- Posts: 4193
- Joined: May 22, 2007
- Location: New England
The villagers were getting antsy and there were only three of them left...oh, how their numbers had dwindled, well, it was time to decide, try to win this horrible game, and just get out of here before they discovered something really scary in Mirth's her college art projects ~shudder~ ...and decide they did. They elected
Bruce was nervous, as he had since moved on from his distinguished lecture post to greener pastures in darker lands, where he could discard that silly accent and stalk virgins in peace. Maybe be he just should have stayed in Australia.
Well, it was time to face whatever his neighbors had plotted for him. 12 year old catgirls maybe? No, that wasn't it. Porn featuring Carol and Greg Brady? Eww, no, thank Darwin. Well, it certainly wasn't sending him into space in an unpressurized capsule. It also didn't involve three-toed sloths, meat hoots, and strippers. No landmines or torts lawyers, no hair gel, no flesh eating viruses, no rabid flamingos. Hmmm...he looked around, perplexed, unsure of what they were going to unleash on him. He really hoped it wasn't a tiger, but there wasn't any place to hide one here anyway. And certainly nowhere to hide a drug fueled Naomi Campbell or that arsenic laced wine that someone made the mistake of buying off those old ladies. Hmm...No asps or vipers or secret snake pits, no homocidal female wrestlers, no LARPers or silver bullets, no crucifixes or holy water, no Keanu Reeves to ruin his movie, the world around him seemed safe at the moment.
Then he saw was a middle aged German man in far too short lederhosen and those silly Bavarian-style socks. The man was the owner of a brauhaus, and they had run out of bratwurst after the morning's influx of tourists. It was time to make some more.
Bruce tried to run, but he years as a tenured professor had left him out of shape, despite his sparkly supernatural ways. And the sausage casings had been soaked in holy water. The end was slow and painful. But tasty! Who knew the vampires went so well with rot kohl?
Bruce president
as their final sacrifice.Bruce was nervous, as he had since moved on from his distinguished lecture post to greener pastures in darker lands, where he could discard that silly accent and stalk virgins in peace. Maybe be he just should have stayed in Australia.
Well, it was time to face whatever his neighbors had plotted for him. 12 year old catgirls maybe? No, that wasn't it. Porn featuring Carol and Greg Brady? Eww, no, thank Darwin. Well, it certainly wasn't sending him into space in an unpressurized capsule. It also didn't involve three-toed sloths, meat hoots, and strippers. No landmines or torts lawyers, no hair gel, no flesh eating viruses, no rabid flamingos. Hmmm...he looked around, perplexed, unsure of what they were going to unleash on him. He really hoped it wasn't a tiger, but there wasn't any place to hide one here anyway. And certainly nowhere to hide a drug fueled Naomi Campbell or that arsenic laced wine that someone made the mistake of buying off those old ladies. Hmm...No asps or vipers or secret snake pits, no homocidal female wrestlers, no LARPers or silver bullets, no crucifixes or holy water, no Keanu Reeves to ruin his movie, the world around him seemed safe at the moment.
Then he saw was a middle aged German man in far too short lederhosen and those silly Bavarian-style socks. The man was the owner of a brauhaus, and they had run out of bratwurst after the morning's influx of tourists. It was time to make some more.
Bruce tried to run, but he years as a tenured professor had left him out of shape, despite his sparkly supernatural ways. And the sausage casings had been soaked in holy water. The end was slow and painful. But tasty! Who knew the vampires went so well with rot kohl?
Imaginality, Romanian, Thief, Vigilante - Made into Sausages, Day 4
Last edited by Mirth on Tue May 05, 2009 3:29 pm, edited 5 times in total.