I just realized something. From your perspective, if you were actually town, you wouldn't know for sure if me being ninja would be scum-aligned or town-aligned. Therefore, you'd ALWAYS wait for me to claim as by having me claim anything but ninja would mean for sure that I'm confirmed scum to you whereas by having me claim ninja would strongly suggest that I'm town despite your result. Since you already know for a fact that I'm town, and that I'm not a ninja, you didn't think of allowing me to prove myself scum to you by claiming something other than ninja, because you already have the information you would have gained by doing so by virtue of being scum. Nice try, though.
You deprived us of everyone claiming, you deprived the town of seeing bulder claim VT, you deprived us of seeing all PR claims and letting us all figure out ourselves which role claims were right without any noise. You destroyed any chance of that with the only reason being your ego. How the fuck should we accept that?
Why is Mala clear? She's not. She could be your partner, you've given no reason as to why you've completely backflipped there, in
. The only one you're definitely not paired with is Bulder.
In post 1413, SafetyDance wrote:Bulder, apart from your AtE, is there anything specific you want us to read that proves your town?
Where did I appeal to emotion?
Aside from my role PM I don't think there is anything that definitely proves that I'm town. Post 1388 is important. If you understand it, you'll know that orc must be scum and that I must be town as a consequence of him being scum.
Or he could just an egotistical twat who's letting a result get to his head and affect his brain function, that's what I have to figure out and decide. You yourself give off the impression that you're resigned, defeated, why else but because you're caught scum? I'd expect an experienced player to start fighting a bit more against the claim.
ATE? Let's see:
In post 1380, buldermar wrote:That's a well thought out gambit. I'll look for flaws in it
if people actually think you're telling the truth and wants me to show that you're not.
This is how you're responding to being caught in a lie?
I hope town will carefully read and understand how you can't be town, since you'll obviously not admit to it.
In post 1412, buldermar wrote:Oh cool - now that you have finally admitted to having read the wiki, the only thing left to do
is to hope that town is actually capable of understanding that you by knowing that the role can be town-aligned would have waited for my claim had you been town.
In post 1379, orcinus_theoriginal wrote:
My n1 target was safety dance, which was why I came out of the gate with that neighbor business so hard.
In post 1415, orcinus_theoriginal wrote: No I did not have any further crumbs, but the speed at which I came out with you being a neighbor should be definitive.
In post 918, AngryPidgeon wrote:Mod Notes:
*Anybody else see the irony behind Nero rolling Miller
I find Nero to be a most curious NK choice. Maybe we can get them to NK Lurker too.
VOTE: SafetyDance
What I'd the miller was a neighbor of the scum and Nero was on to him?
(can't remember the name of that on guy: think it's conspiracy Keanu or something.)
Spoiler: So did Mala
In post 923, Malakittens wrote:Miller: Gets investigated as guilty on a cop result.
Neighbor: Usually a group that can talk. Usually is T/Sk or T/Scum on rare occasions it's T/T.
Which makes me think SD is the other neighbor which maybe can explain Syr's vote on SD.
Spoiler: She mentioned it again
In post 926, Malakittens wrote:I haven't read the thread, but going by Nero's ISO. I'm likely thinking that SD could have been the other neighbor.
There is a reason why I'm asking why Syr is voting SD..
So it was hardly something new, in fact Pitoli was there too talking so it was the current topic of conversation.
We're lynching between the follow people today
Pitoli, Lurker, Buldermar
So it wasn't a random point brought up by you and "out of the gate", well #928 is completely at odds with someone who you are only meant to know the role of. If Fery was wrong, that would mean I'm town, because she had a scum read on me, not a role read. Yet if did have a town read, you had/have no problem with voting me or considering I'm scum. See: #1085#1157#1313#1324#1415.
So it doesn't add up.
I already pointed this out to Syryana, so it should come as no surprise my position on it
In post 1129, Syryana wrote:Alright, here's my beef with orc. As you said, he switched his read on both you and SD at the start of the day.
He somehow figured out SD was the neighbor of Nero almost as soon as the Day started.
He equally quickly blew the Nero NK onto you and off of SD, because "why would SD kill neighbor lololol". He hasn't mentioned SD since, even though SD claimed the scummiest rolename in the game thus far (Zoe Graystone was a Caprica character, not a BSG character). He scumreads pitoli and has ignored repeated requests to give out his read on her until #1085, where he gave a half-assed read based on waffling and her popcorn choice. I also really don't like his "I'm busy, sorry guys, I'll just sheep Syr". I don't buy this after his D1 frenzy with buld/fery, nor do I think town orcinus swarmed by games would just stop giving a shit about one of them. I think he's civic minded enough to replace out if that really were the case (yes it's subjective, but it's a vibe I've got). I also distrust his "syr is obvtown, I'll sheep him" because I'm a paranoid bastard.
GUESS WHAT? Malakittens did this BEFORE orcinus and you even responded to that. You. Don't. Make. Sense.
And I invalidated the rest of your argument in above posts.
So considering the situation we are in, considering that (Syr's) post was made towards the end of day 2, it could look like this is where you get the idea that you came out of the blocks with the breadcrumbed info about finding out i'm the neighbor.
In post 1170, Syryana wrote:My point was fery wouldn't have hammered herself if you hadn't put her at L-1. But anyways.
So, what did you think of my case against pitoli?
Well that first point is pretty bullshit. There's no point keeping a suicidal player in town, no matter how good a scumhunter, she was basically pushed to the point of so much frustration. I also felt that town was getting far too bogged up towards her.
The fact that BOTH wagons yesterday were on town
means that something is off (and on that note it sort of clears me as scum because there isn't a single reason why I wouldn't have pushed for a fery lynch). It's okay, she's learned not to do that anymore.
That's fferyllt and I. This is a slip? There's no way you know we're both town unless you are scum. As per above post, there's no way you'd push someone as scum if you did think they were town.
Tell me you didn't just lose the game for town by breaking Posting and Communicating Rule 5? (
question directed at AP, not you
Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 7:53 am
by SafetyDance
I don't throw my vote around in lylo, especially so since I'm not actually scum.
Frankly, considering that we had a town-suicider, two town-aligned trolls and a slot-flaking all on day one then its no wonder we are here in day 3 and I don't really expect or have high hopes that we'll lynch correct so I'm not going to be that fussed if I mis-lynch because I didn't believe town.
making the effort to try and crack this, I'll post my thoughts, ask questions, give my reasons but it's not me who's going to lose sleep if the town-player between you two can't convince the rest of us of your actions and motives are pure.
Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 9:23 am
by buldermar
In post 1431, SafetyDance wrote:Or he could just an egotistical twat who's letting a result get to his head and affect his brain function, that's what I have to figure out and decide. You yourself give off the impression that you're resigned, defeated, why else but because you're caught scum? I'd expect an experienced player to start fighting a bit more against the claim.
Yes, you essentially nailed it.
have to figure out and decide, not me. I already know that he's scum. I'm not quite sure why you'd think I've resigned, nor do I know what it is that you'd expect me to do. I've showed where he made a critical mistake - you even pointed it out yourself. If you're just going to pass it off as an egotistical act, then what exactly can I do about it?
This is how you're responding to being caught in a lie?
I hope town will carefully read and understand how you can't be town, since you'll obviously not admit to it.
In post 1412, buldermar wrote:Oh cool - now that you have finally admitted to having read the wiki, the only thing left to do
is to hope that town is actually capable of understanding that you by knowing that the role can be town-aligned would have waited for my claim had you been town.
These are not appeals to emotion, lol. I think you don't actually understand what an appeal to emotion is, but I don't think it's relevant anyway.
If you do want to have this discussion, please explain to me why you disagree with the definition of Appeal to emotion provided by wikipedia.org: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appeal_to_emotion
Tell me you didn't just lose the game for town by breaking Posting and Communicating Rule 5? (
question directed at AP, not you
To my understanding he merely asked how frequently someone encountered town-aligned ninjas in her play, with no reference to this specific game.
Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 9:38 am
by buldermar
orc is scum with mala or pitoli, and atm I'm thinking pitoli since he'd want to act as if he's lining up lynches now so that if he gets lynched, his partner was the hypothetical lynch of the subsequent day and would thus be considered conftown by virtue of his flip.
I just realized something. From your perspective, if you were actually town, you wouldn't know for sure if me being ninja would be scum-aligned or town-aligned. Therefore, you'd ALWAYS wait for me to claim as by having me claim anything but ninja would mean for sure that I'm confirmed scum to you whereas by having me claim ninja would strongly suggest that I'm town despite your result. Since you already know for a fact that I'm town, and that I'm not a ninja, you didn't think of allowing me to prove myself scum to you by claiming something other than ninja, because you already have the information you would have gained by doing so by virtue of being scum. Nice try, though.
You deprived us of everyone claiming, you deprived the town of seeing bulder claim VT, you deprived us of seeing all PR claims and letting us all figure out ourselves which role claims were right without any noise. You destroyed any chance of that with the only reason being your ego. How the fuck should we accept that?
Why is Mala clear? She's not. She could be your partner, you've given no reason as to why you've completely backflipped there, in
. The only one you're definitely not paired with is Bulder.
Pitoli needs to claim too.
Mala is 100% clear at this point in time. Buldermar wanted to lynch her first, and there's no point in scum bussing at 5p lylo. There really isn't. Plus, her outburst yesterday was very town.
Why does seeing buldermar claim VT even matter? Was I supposed to expect the possibility of seeing him claim town 1-shot ninja? My night result was effectively a scum investigative result. He even claimed VT later, if it matters that much to you.
We have over a week to process information yet you are trying to get us to rush this. And why can't Mala be Bulder's partner?
Oh and I forgot this in the last post--Buldermar is confscum to me right now, so I don't want anyone else to claim. That would just be giving unnecessary information to Buldermar to influence his night action
I am trying to rush this. Because I know who's scum in this game and my goal right now is to make that lynch happen before you all drink too much of Buldermar's soup.
I addressed why Mala can't be Buld's partner. Two very simply points--outburst yesterday and interaction with BUldermar. If you need more, ask.
In post 1170, Syryana wrote:My point was fery wouldn't have hammered herself if you hadn't put her at L-1. But anyways.
So, what did you think of my case against pitoli?
Well that first point is pretty bullshit. There's no point keeping a suicidal player in town, no matter how good a scumhunter, she was basically pushed to the point of so much frustration. I also felt that town was getting far too bogged up towards her.
The fact that BOTH wagons yesterday were on town
means that something is off (and on that note it sort of clears me as scum because there isn't a single reason why I wouldn't have pushed for a fery lynch). It's okay, she's learned not to do that anymore.
That's fferyllt and I. This is a slip? There's no way you know we're both town unless you are scum. As per above post, there's no way you'd push someone as scum if you did think they were town.
I thought you were town on day 2 by virtue of your neighbor result. And then I realized that you could be scum neighbor, and that I was still working on your flavor being Zoe Graystone. So yeah, I had you as a weird read.
Tell me you didn't just lose the game for town by breaking Posting and Communicating Rule 5? (
question directed at AP, not you
But then by that same logic, you just scumslipped in this post too by saying that if I get modkilled, I would get lose the game for town. Thus implying that you know that I'm town, and that you're scum.
See how weak that line of reasoning is?
Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 2:45 pm
by orcinus_theoriginal
In post 1436, SafetyDance wrote:I don't throw my vote around in lylo, especially so since I'm not actually scum.
Frankly, considering that we had a town-suicider, two town-aligned trolls and a slot-flaking all on day one then its no wonder we are here in day 3 and I don't really expect or have high hopes that we'll lynch correct so I'm not going to be that fussed if I mis-lynch because I didn't believe town.
making the effort to try and crack this, I'll post my thoughts, ask questions, give my reasons but it's not me who's going to lose sleep if the town-player between you two can't convince the rest of us of your actions and motives are pure.
Hahahahaha WOW fuck you very much.
Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2013 2:49 pm
by Malakittens
I been thinking about how a Miller (town) neighbor, watcher, Role cop could go in a balance structure with ninja which means the other scum member is a normal goon or possibly godfather. We are still unsure if there's another PR in the game.
I have never seen a town-aligned ninja. Please tell me though Buld.. What use would a town aligned ninja be while we have a town watcher?
Wait.. There's none.
Also Pit.. has been around since Day opened. I just checked timestamps and we did get a day on.. so her avoiding posting right now is odd as hell.