Page 58 of 64

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 3:37 am
by Incognito
Boost: Xtoxm vote switch though.

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 3:44 am
by Elmo
Day 3, Vote Count #9 - Lynching

Green Crayons (3) <- Xtoxm, Incognito, TDC
Xtoxm (3) <- Raging Rabbit, eldarad, Green Crayons

Boost Count

Xtoxm (3) <- Raging Rabbit, Green Crayons, Incognito
Green Crayons (2) <- TDC, Xtoxm

With 6 alive, it's 4 to lynch/boost. The
is Saturday, 14th March 21:00 UTC, which is 1 day, 6 hours and 16 minutes from this post.

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 4:00 am
by Green Crayons
Incog: I'm curious why you're willing to boost someone who isn't the player you will be voting to be lynched when we've had extensive conversations about why you're against exactly that.

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 4:07 am
by Incognito
Actually that's true, and I keep forgetting Xtoxm's double vote.

Here's what we do then.

Boost: Green Crayons

eldarad can choose to boost-hammer you if he'd like. The whole lynch decision is up to TDC though. He can either choose to keep his vote on you thereby allowing Xtoxm to use his second vote on you to hammer you, or he can choose to hammer Xtoxm. Be mindful that this usage of the second vote now also eliminates that Xtoxm having a second vote in a potential LyLo tomorrow fear too.

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 4:12 am
by Xtoxm
If I have to use my second vote you gotta vig right Incog cos they'll just lynch me tomorrow.

If GC is town we already lost, but I doubt it.

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 4:17 am
by TDC
I've already said how I'm not going to hammer Xtoxm if GC gets boosted.

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 4:21 am
by Incognito
TDC wrote:I've already said how I'm not going to hammer Xtoxm if GC gets boosted.
I realize this now. I've pretty much been fear-mongering about a no lynch for nothing.

So, eldarad, feel free to boost-hammer GC.

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 4:24 am
by Green Crayons
So you're asking Eld to boost someone he's not voting for? I still don't see how that's any different than you boosting Xtox.

Posted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 7:56 am
by eldarad
I will boost-hammer Xtoxm if we are lynching him.
If Xtoxm has a double-vote he could already be voting for GC, in which case GC is already lynch-hammered and the only thing preventing the lynch is the lack of a boost.

1) I am confused...
2) I won't boosthammer GC at this time as this could trigger a GC lynch due to Xtoxm's double vote.
3) My first preference is 'boost GC & lynch Xtoxm'. I recognise TDC's objection to this, and will take 'boost Xtoxm & lynch Xtoxm' as an alternative.

So TDC, is the alternative (boost and lynch Xtoxm) acceptable to you?

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 2:54 am
by TDC
Hm, yes it would.
I'm fairly confident Incognito is going to vig GC (which I think is a good choice regardless of Xtoxm's alignment).

I'll not be around at deadline, so I'll just switch now and you can finalize it with your boost vote..

unboost, unvote, boost Xtoxm, vote Xtoxm

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 3:15 am
by Xtoxm

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 4:56 am
by eldarad
boost xtoxm

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 5:07 am
by Green Crayons
One final reminder on where I stand, Incog:

Please vig TDC if Xtox is scum (see: my posts about this).
Please vig TDC if Xtox isn't scum (see: my/your posts about this).
Please vig RR only if you feel the need to not vig TDC (see: process of elimination).
Please don't vig Eld (see: Eld's defense to bad accusations thrown his way).
Please don't vig me (see: my responses to all criticisms towards me).

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 5:24 am
by Patrick
Day 3, Final Votecount - Lynching
Green Crayons (2) <- Xtoxm, Incognito
Xtoxm (4) <- Raging Rabbit, eldarad, Green Crayons, TDC

Boost Count
Xtoxm (4) <- Raging Rabbit, Green Crayons, TDC, eldarad
Green Crayons (2) <- Xtoxm, Incognito


After a fierce debate, Xtoxm is chosen to be today's victim. And because there's nobody else apart from Incognito that they trust with a boost, Xtoxm will take the second one with him to the grave. For the second time in his life he experiences that tremendous high that can't be adequately put into words, but this time he isn't given much chance to enjoy it, as he's overpowered by four angry men. Like those before him he protests his innocence, but it's only after he's stopped breathing that the group realises it's gone spectacularly wrong again.

Xtoxm - Mayor - lynched day 3

It is now night 3, with the usual 72 hour deadline. Sleep well.

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 12:48 pm
by Patrick
Despite the fears of some that a fourth day wouldn't happen, it undeniably has. Only three of you emerge today, to the sight of two dead bodies, only some 10 yards apart. It appears that Incognito and Green Crayons have killed each other, Incognito's body full of holes, and Green Crayons with a neat bullet wound in the forehead. Incognito's last bullet was well used, as a search of Green Crayons's possessions soon reveals him to be a member of the mafia, and a slippery one at that.

So now there are three, and you all know that it's do or die today. Choose correctly and the village will be free from the mafia forever, choose wrongly and there won't be a village left to talk about. Choose carefully.

Incognito - Vigilante - killed night 3

Green Crayons - Mafia Encryptor - killed night 3

It's day 4. With 3 alive, it's 2 votes to lynch, and remember that no boosting is needed today before someone is lynched.

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 12:36 am
by TDC
I'm leaning RR.

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 1:06 am
by Raging Rabbit
I'm still in utter shock about Xtoxm being town, and being wrong about GC to boot. Naturally I'm inclined to start the day leaning eld, but this kind of flip forces me to rethink my entire gameview. I'll reread everything and come back to you guys.

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 12:04 pm
by eldarad
Man, we're on page 58...

My plan of action:
At the moment I am embracing the WIFOM in #1437.
Next I will re-read the early Skillet wagon with the benefit of hindsight to see how it looks now.
Then I will look at TDC's case on Raging Rabbit.
It is interesting to note that there is no equivalent case on TDC, apart from the one made by GC Yesterday. But I'll look at that anyway.
Then I'll have a think about the mafia's Night-kill choice in the context of what was said Yesterday.

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 12:43 am
by TDC
I'm not sure what you mean by "TDC's case on Raging Rabbit", because I've never actually posted one.
Or was that the request that I should do so?

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 12:44 am
by TDC
I do remember their being a case on him, though it wasn't very convincing. Could've been Huntress?

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 12:44 am
by TDC
EBWOP: there.

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 1:19 pm
by Raging Rabbit
I don't recall anyone ever having a decent case on me. I think despite being wrong on both "obvscum" (Ice and xtoxm - the lesson here is that I really need to adjust my scum detector to better tell the difference between scum play and generally bad play), my towniness is rather apparant here. Obviously TDC doesn't see it as such, so it could just be me knowing my own meta, or him being scum, but there you go.

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 8:28 pm
by eldarad
Someone definitely said something about RR. ( may have been me, thinking about it...) So I'll see if I can find it, and then I'll read it.

RR, you said that you're still leaning towards me as scum but you also made it clear Yesterday that you thought that the two scum left were among {GC, Xtoxm, eldarad}. Does that still hold true, or is there room for doubt now? Could you see a Jahudo-Skillit/GC-TDC scumteam?

And we might as well get it out in the open now as someone is going to have to think about it sooner or later: do you think my push to boost GC Yesterday was me trying to boost my scumbuddy or am I just a misguided townie?
Does GC's actual role (Encryptor) alter or influence your opinion?

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 9:13 pm
by Raging Rabbit
RR, you said that you're still leaning towards me as scum but you also made it clear Yesterday that you thought that the two scum left were among {GC, Xtoxm, eldarad}. Does that still hold true, or is there room for doubt now? Could you see a Jahudo-Skillit/GC-TDC scumteam?
There's totally room for doubt. I'm naturally leaning towards you being the scum, but I was wrong about basically everything since day 1 and up to this point, and I certainly don't want to lose the game by being wrong yet again. I really want to reread the entire game from a fresh prespective, though I'm having trouble squeezing that into my schedule.
eld wrote:And we might as well get it out in the open now as someone is going to have to think about it sooner or later: do you think my push to boost GC Yesterday was me trying to boost my scumbuddy or am I just a misguided townie?
Does GC's actual role (Encryptor) alter or influence your opinion?
That's definitely a point against you. It doesn't in itself make you scum, though, misguided townie is also possible. My decision between the two is again pending a reread.
What does encryptor do?

Posted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 12:49 am
by TDC
Raging Rabbit wrote:I don't recall anyone ever having a decent case on me. I think despite being wrong on both "obvscum" (Ice and xtoxm - the lesson here is that I really need to adjust my scum detector to better tell the difference between scum play and generally bad play), my towniness is rather apparant here. Obviously TDC doesn't see it as such, so it could just be me knowing my own meta, or him being scum, but there you go.
Why do you not include your declaration that GC is town in this list?
I don't see much wrong with suspecting Ice or Xtoxm (though as I've said multiple times, I have no idea how you were so sure about Xtoxm, but anyway).
What I really don't understand is how you came to the conclusion that GC must be town.
eldarad wrote:And we might as well get it out in the open now as someone is going to have to think about it sooner or later: do you think my push to boost GC Yesterday was me trying to boost my scumbuddy or am I just a misguided townie?
Does GC's actual role (Encryptor) alter or influence your opinion?
Yes, this the only thing that really bugs me about you.
I don't know what an Encryptor does either, but I assume it's not going to be a role blocker or somesuch.
Either way, had we boosted GC, it wouldn't have made sense for Incog to vig him, so he probably would've vigged someone else. I assume it would've been either me or you, since he thought RR to be town.
So that's a chance of losing the game right there, though I presume it would've been you.