Page 59 of 168

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:03 am
by Nero Cain
Could t3 just be town here and scum is like meta dgb a50 and gamma?

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:05 am
by Nero Cain
I feel like I'm the only one that finds it ridiculous that a50 and gamma are town reading t3 based on his recent play

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:10 am
by Shrek
In post 1451, Nero Cain wrote:I feel like I'm the only one that finds it ridiculous that a50 and gamma are town reading t3 based on his recent play
thats actually a good point. i think on second glance t3’s posts feel like caught scum working to get out of their situation by seeing what sticks

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:12 am
by T3
In post 1301, Dragon of the West wrote:
In post 1281, Dwlee99 wrote:I have an extremely accurate meta scum read on t3 right now, y'all should sheep me.

For real though what's your actual case on T3? Since it's definitely not solely based in meta
Dw is scum.

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:12 am
by Shrek
although gamma could just be trying to get the heat off of them by being dismissive of it too. reading t3 as town based off of that and not wanting to lim him feels like he knows what t3’s alignment is and could be implicated in the event of a flip green

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:17 am
by Nero Cain
Yeah, maybe I'm overthinking it but scum is prob some combination of gamma t3 mega dgb a50

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:21 am
by Nero Cain
The other thing is that t3 is chaotic and would make a good meat shield if he wasn't scum. So scum could just want him around to soak up attention/targets

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:26 am
by TemporalLich
VC 1.14Gamma Emerald (5) - Save The Dragons, Roden, LicketyQuickety, T3, Nero Cain
T3 (3) - Dwlee99, Dragon of the West, KittyTacky
MegAzumarill (3) - Shrek, CheekyTeeky, NorwegianboyEE
Testarossa (2) - DrippingGoofball, Gamma Emerald
Nero Cain (2) - ArcAngel9, MegAzumarill
Save The Dragons (1) - Testarossa

Not voting: Almost50

With 17 alive it takes 9 to exile.

Day 1 will end in (expired on 2021-08-21 18:00:00) or when an exile is reached.

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 2:29 am
by Dragon of the West
I'll vote any of the T3, Mega, Gamma wagons if it means we get a flip and don't let this day run another 50 pages.

The reality is people keep saying "we have to wait to get more content from the lurkers" or "I want a NEW reads list from X" but 1) lurkers are going to provide minimal extra content, that much should be clear by now 2) for every new post a lurker
make, each active players will make an additional 30 posts so it'll still feel like you have no info from the lurkers, especially relative to the # of posts in the game 3) it'll be even harder to sort through because the thread is just full of worthless posts.

It's D1, we have such little info to go off of. Just list 2 or 3 people you're willing to lim and see if combining everyone's lists can put anyone over a majority

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 2:34 am
by Shrek
In post 1458, Dragon of the West wrote:I'll vote any of the T3, Mega, Gamma wagons if it means we get a flip and don't let this day run another 50 pages.

The reality is people keep saying "we have to wait to get more content from the lurkers" or "I want a NEW reads list from X" but 1) lurkers are going to provide minimal extra content, that much should be clear by now 2) for every new post a lurker
make, each active players will make an additional 30 posts so it'll still feel like you have no info from the lurkers, especially relative to the # of posts in the game 3) it'll be even harder to sort through because the thread is just full of worthless posts.

It's D1, we have such little info to go off of. Just list 2 or 3 people you're willing to lim and see if combining everyone's lists can put anyone over a majority
i actually agree with this yeah.

for me my lim order would be mega > gamma > t3, but im willing to be flexible

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 2:35 am
by Shrek
not my lim order, my lim preference i mean. i think gamma gives us more info on t3 + the people on his wagon while t3 could be an easy miselim/attention sponge like nero said earlier

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 5:20 am
by Save The Dragons
vote early
vote often
vote gamma

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 5:29 am
by Nero Cain
3 of u should just vote gamma so we get a claim

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 5:30 am
by Shrek
would anyone be opposed to a town bloc of me/nero/cheeky/lq/norwe/possibly roden?

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 5:34 am
by Nero Cain
I wouldn't provided you vote gamma

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 5:36 am
by Dwlee99
VOTE: Gamma

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 5:37 am
by Shrek
one of my qualms with mega is that none of the people i scumread are on his wagon and hes gotten incredibly heavy resistance for someone who hasnt posted in two days, but i guess he can be focused on later

VOTE: gamma

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 5:39 am
by ArcAngel9
Hello folks

Oh boie 50 pages. I am back from today. Let me skim through what i can!!

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 6:04 am
by NorwegianboyEE
I honestly think T3 is a bit scummier, but if Gamma flips town we can just do him tommorow so i'm not that against this.

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 6:04 am
by Dwlee99
In post 1468, NorwegianboyEE wrote:I honestly think T3 is a bit scummier, but if Gamma flips town we can just do him tommorow so i'm not that against this.
Agreed. Also good with killing mega

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 6:11 am
by Nero Cain
Norway u had ur chance to vote t3 and u voted mega. getting gamma to claim is game progress. If he's scum he'll more than likely claim a pr and he'll prob not get eliminated. I guess I don't care that much but I'd rather not have a 200 page d1

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 6:11 am
by ArcAngel9
First 5 pages, too much of focus on T3 meta.
I also have my 2 cents there on T3 meta. He will definitely lurks as scum!

Cheeky teeky and Roden look decent so far.

And DGB, You should definitely be proud of being a veteran in MafiaScum. I miss our Pictionary games! you are so talented. :)

Not liking Nero OMGUS vote on Roden, Cmon nero you could handle some pressure. cant you?

6to10 pages

I have an issue with Rodent post on check my scum Meta, because it is one of those moments people say things like "check my meta", does things exactly opposite to their meta.

MegAzumarill pretty quicly townread Gamma. That doesn't sit well at all.

Nero romancing with shrek? Is that correct? Why he is so fluffy nero?

Testarossa - welcome post is so bad!! Not surprised to see quick vote shifts.

Not a fan of Shrek post about how he moved his vote from nero to TR.

Lickety good call to vote on Shrek.

Shrek post #177 is very fishy, All their reasons to lean town mostly basis on tvt conversation or how people asked the right questions. They don't sound solid town reads to me!!

Good point from cheecky to sherk on post #193, It seems Shrek added people who are easygoing as their townmates as they won't ask many reasons for being read as the town.

Cheeky completely misunderstood Nero's meta. He is never aggressive regardless of his faction.

Dragon asked some intriguing questions.

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 6:33 am
by NorwegianboyEE
Arcangel that sort of catchup is extremely annoying. I don't see the context and it's hard to understand if you actually have anything to say about the games currents circumstances other than making remarks about the first pages like an football commentator.

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 6:41 am
by LicketyQuickety
In post 1445, KittyTacky wrote:
In post 1386, NorwegianboyEE wrote:This feels like an gamestate of: "scum is getting wagoned so something fucky is going on, but it’s hard to tell where it’s coming from"
I feel like we should eliminate in T3/Gamma today but i’m not entirely sure whuch one is best yet.
That something is a split wagon. I'm getting slight scum vibes from Gamma (perhaps subconsciously sheeping) and strong scum vibes from T3. I just don't see town acting like that. If that makes any sense?
Shrek wrote:kitty can i get reads from you? theres not much to go off of based on your iso tbh
Alright. I'm having a bit of a difficulty reading people though. Maybe the game's too fast paced.


{Me} - no explanation needed.
{Nero} - strong town vibes, seems to play somewhat different from his traitor game. Talks to people more. I can bin this.

{Cheeky, Shrek} - haven't done anything noticeably scummy, good tone.
{STD} - meta read.

{Meg, Norwe, Roden, DOTW, Dwlee}
{DGB, A50, ArcAngel}


Hi. I'm in this game and I have been active. Would like to know why you left me off your list, thanks.

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 6:48 am
by ArcAngel9
11 to 20 pages

Is almost50 seriously a double voter?
I wonder what made dragon read LQ As scum in his post #256
Nero post #281, He is just trolling with the town.
Cant agree with Cheeky on post #289, how quickly those town reads were developed, especially on Gamma. What about the scum reads?

There is too much read so far in this game. Like everyone go some meta shit going on.

Cheeky scumreading Nero based on their own META on him.
Norw townreading cheeky based on their scum game
Roden townreading Mega based on past game. ( i agree on the read on MEga and dont know anything about meta)

I am unclear with the part why Nero scum reading Mega especially when there are so many others looked lot more scummy than Mega.

Cheeky post #396 is the second time they are pushing town read on gamma. Not a fan of it this slot anymore.

T3 town block looks like a convenient list.

21 to 30 pages

I like DGB reads, they seem logical and leaning town on her.

HUGE OMGUS From Cheeky, why so insecure?

Not liking Dwlee post #533, they only appeared to push on T3.

I like almost 50, their post #547 gives it all. That looks like it came from the heart of a townie.

I agree with Roden post #576 except about STD.

Dwlee99 , very lame reason for not to contribute into game or rejecting to see other possibilities. (post#582) Leaning scum there!

that testrosa wagon was built fast. not that i deny it though.