2,12 sorasgoof Even-Night Vig ENV
10,1 Pomegranate Tracker Tracker
11,7 Sando Gunsmith Gunsmith
12,3 Porkens Odd-Night Vig ONV
13,7 Dramonic Universal Backup UB
1,1 SerialClergyman Watcher Watcher
1,1 manho Redirector Redirector
3,6 Socrates Janitor Janitor
3,6 Zoiaum Weak Doctor Weak Doctor
5,4 Ellibereth Neighborizer Neighborizer
5,15 DGB Watcher Vanilla
6,1 superawesomemegapimp Neighborizer Vanilla
6,2 Budja Watcher Vanilla
7,3 Fate Neighborizer Vanilla
7,11 Parama 2 Shot Janitor Vanilla
4,5 PranaDevil Neighborizer Vanilla
4,7 CryMeARiver Gunsmith Vanilla
4,8 12keyblade Jailkeeper Jailer
9,2 Zang Fruit Vendor Fruit Vendor
9,4 Faraday Jailkeeper Vanilla
9,9 Hoopla Odd-Night Vig Vanilla
9,15 mb53 Universal Backup Vanilla
I'll dredge up the night actions if you really want them but they're pretty self explanatory this game.
Additionally its up to various QT'ers to deliver those.
This game was something. I think I'm going to have to modify the pre-game stuff because, for whatever reason, that seemed to take the sails out of the early game (and the late game was pretty much a stompin' fest).
Pom was all over it.
I would have lynched the masons, I swear.
They ALMOST jailed Sando when he caught Elli - it would have been interesting to see how that played out.
No cop, no bomb.
Additionally, thank you for being guinea pigs for my parser. Its working better than I hoped but it still has a few hiccups I need to hunt down.
So, standard:
1.) Did you like the game?
2.) Did you let the setup?
3.) What would you keep?
4.) What would you change?