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Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 7:47 pm
by TheFuzzylogic99
I dont like how Unwnd tried to stop the mass claim ....since
1) it was already happening
2) It keeps scum from the pressure of claiming/fake claiming

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 7:57 pm
by JohnnyFarrar
Lol I guess I shouldn't have claimed since plus is just gonna merc me regardless


Given I know my own alignment and trust nopo my suspect list just never includes nopo or Dunn here. The vig enabler claim matches up with the vig, so I don't really want that gone today either. No fuzzy, NM, and prolly not Andre either.

This leaves my vote potentially on unwnd, gera, noraa or insaneo

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 10:46 pm
by geraintm
In post 1269, Flavor Leaf wrote:
In post 1262, geraintm wrote:
In post 1000, Flavor Leaf wrote:I know for a fact you are scum here, Unwnd, and you know exactly why I know you are scum.

I think Shelly had a decent chance of being the scum leader now, and unfortunate that it got replaced to Noraa.

What are your thoughts on that slot, Unwnd?
I believe people when they make claims. What isnyour reason for knowing unwnd is scum? Inhavent seen you explain yet
It's mainly VCA and gamestate evaluation.

I'd rather fade Noraa today, though, at this point. I'm feeling less inclined to vote Unwnd, and that I was tunneled.
please don't use the word "fact" when it isn't. i will beleive people when they say things like that or make a claim. i abhor fake claims

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 10:47 pm
by geraintm
In post 1277, Flavor Leaf wrote:I'm a Vig Enabler, Plusjoyed.
oh my. i hadn't seen this claim before. noted

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 10:51 pm
by geraintm
In post 1293, Noraa wrote:
In post 1257, PlusJOYED wrote:
In post 1256, Noraa wrote:
In post 1254, unwnd wrote:I'm slightly annoyed at feeling like I'm a lim candidate just because Flavor deemed for me to be so
its okay ur not. he's just annoying and the vig should take care of it tonight please.
we have a vig?
I thought Jacko already claimed vig right?
i really, really shoul be paying more attention. or someone helpfully keep a record of the claims

Dunn is Cop (but no useless)
Not mafia is innocent from Dunn
flavor is VIg enabler
but who is Jacko?? as Vig

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 10:52 pm
by geraintm
In post 1302, Noraa wrote:
In post 1300, PlusJOYED wrote:actually who is jacko? Is that Flavor leaf?
oh fuck me. jacko is jacko the amazingest and they aren't in this game. wrong game.
ok, i am really confused now :(
has someone claimed Vig or not?? or is noraa just making things up

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 10:55 pm
by Flavor Leaf
im fine fading Noraa.

They aren't a PR claim anyways, im fine letting all that work itself out. We haven't faded anyone this game.

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 10:55 pm
by Flavor Leaf
In post 1480, geraintm wrote:
In post 1302, Noraa wrote:
In post 1300, PlusJOYED wrote:actually who is jacko? Is that Flavor leaf?
oh fuck me. jacko is jacko the amazingest and they aren't in this game. wrong game.
ok, i am really confused now :(
has someone claimed Vig or not?? or is noraa just making things up
Plus claimed vig

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 10:57 pm
by geraintm
In post 1330, nopointinactingup wrote: I have an inno on Johnny (not a cop inno but I'm not willing to say what it is unless Johnny is ok with it). If you lynch me, you'd better not lynch Johnny tomorrow.
Dunn = COp (now usless)
Not mafia = innocent from Dunn
Flavour = Vig enabler
NoPOint - some sort of investigative role
Johnny = innocent from NoPoint


excuse me trying to keep on top of things in thread

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 11:01 pm
by geraintm
In post 1359, Insanoflex wrote:I'll just fullclaim here and now since everyone's pretty much outed: My role's 1-shot loyal bodyguard. Yes, a complete garbage role that is nearly identical to ABR's garbage fakeclaim in that other game. Loyal modifier on a BG only makes sense if a vig exists in a setup, so I believed the enabler claim.
Dunn = COp (now usless)
Not mafia = innocent from Dunn
Flavour = Vig enabler
NoPOint - some sort of investigative role
Johnny = innocent from NoPoint
insanoflex = 1 shot loyal bodyguard - soft confirming Flavour's role

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 11:19 pm
by TheFuzzylogic99
@ geraintm - This is your free repeat next time I am charging you a wooden nickle
In post 1472, TheFuzzylogic99 wrote:Roles Claim
Cop Enbaler

3) Plus- Vig
4) Flavor -
Vig Enabler

5) John- Complex Neighboizer ( can not neighborize scum and VTs)
6) NoPoint-
Watcher Enabler

7) Insane- 1x Loyal Body Guard (cannot protect someone from another alignment)
8) Fuzzy- Vanilla townie
9) Unwind=????
10) Noraa=????
Not Mafia
13) Andre=???

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 11:21 pm
by Dunnstral
In post 1473, TheFuzzylogic99 wrote:at this point a mass claim is the way we should go and those who dont should be killed or vigged imho
No I don't think that is necessary

There's enough out in the open to where we can figure something out

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 11:26 pm
by Dunnstral
OK, I'm keeping in mind that Complex Neighborizer is a possible scum role

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 11:28 pm
by geraintm
In post 1485, TheFuzzylogic99 wrote:@ geraintm - This is your free repeat next time I am charging you a wooden nickle
In post 1472, TheFuzzylogic99 wrote:Roles Claim
Cop Enbaler

3) Plus- Vig
4) Flavor -
Vig Enabler

5) John- Complex Neighboizer ( can not neighborize scum and VTs)
6) NoPoint-
Watcher Enabler

7) Insane- 1x Loyal Body Guard (cannot protect someone from another alignment)
8) Fuzzy- Vanilla townie
9) Unwind=????
10) Noraa=????
Not Mafia
13) Andre=???
yeah, i just got to this post (i reply as i go along rather than save everything to the end)
i would add that Not Mafia is claimed innocent from Dunn.
it seems like there is a small pool of people who are going to get voted off tonight...

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 11:29 pm
by geraintm
In post 1487, Dunnstral wrote:OK, I'm keeping in mind that Complex Neighborizer is a possible scum role
and enablers are def not certain town. must remember that (for me)

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 11:33 pm
by Dunnstral
in fact, I'm going to step up and take charge since this thread is a mess and most people consider me lock clear

Stop Claiming

Unwnd, I want your opinion/help making sense of this

For the rest, Unwnd is, at the very least, nai. I lean towny, and don't want them to be the elimination today

I'm considering whether NoPoint's roel can be real but mafia aligned. I think if we decide we want them gone, we can consider vigging them instead of eliminating them.

As to whether a Watcher fits into the setup on the town's side: it depends on what exactly the claim is, and we can sort that out later

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 11:37 pm
by TheFuzzylogic99
we could have two possibilities
a) scum enabler / scum role
b) town enabler/ scum role

I dont see there being scum enaber / town. Possible but it seem like a far fetch IMHO

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 11:38 pm
by TheFuzzylogic99
Do you think there is a Cop, Complex Neighborizer . and a watcher.....seem like a lot of power for one side

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 11:39 pm
by Dunnstral
I don't think a is particularly likely just by setup design principles

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 11:42 pm
by TheFuzzylogic99
Either John is scum or whoever is the watcher is.

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 11:42 pm
by Dunnstral
In post 1492, TheFuzzylogic99 wrote:Dunn
Do you think there is a Cop, Complex Neighborizer . and a watcher.....seem like a lot of power for one side
There is no watcher claim right now, and if there is one we don't know what restrictions they may have. I don't really want to guide fake claims any more by elaborating, but this isn't a slam dunk mech guilty for the Complex Neighborizor (though I'm willing to listen to why they're scum by play, and I acknowledge that they can be true claiming and also be scum)

I don't think Complex Neighborizor is a strong town role in the current setup. Or at least, not significantly stronger than a normal neighborizor. it has light investigative abilities. It would be more useful in scum hands, likely

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 11:45 pm
by Dunnstral
Something to consider:

Vigilantes cannot be scum-aligned, so Vigilante is a self-clearing role. This is of note when considering other investigative roles.
I consider Plusjoyed to be lock town as long as they manage to get a shot off, or if FL's role is vig enabler (in case of roleblocks, I consider that enough. Plusjoyed doesn't fake claim vig here as scum off of a vig enabler claim, because it's very likely there's a vig who would shoot them)

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 11:45 pm
by Dunnstral
In post 1496, Dunnstral wrote:Vigilantes cannot be scum-aligned
In normals, that is. Which this game is

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 11:52 pm
by TheFuzzylogic99
Watcher is a good scum role to have as a scum role. if done right can weasel out PR . I tried doing that last game/ I agree we are far from solving here

Agreed- Plus is pretty much town ATP

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 11:54 pm
by TheFuzzylogic99
I can see either the watcher or neighboring flipping scum atp