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Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2003 1:10 pm
by Demeech
Werebear wrote:Demeech - you are one vote away from lynching. Right now is not the time to start wondering what other people are doing. A role claim would be good. Geesh! Or are you trying to get lynched?
Now, I would be happy to claim my role, either before or after -o-'s investigation hints are posted. I don't mind.
Demeech wrote:I'm Pinocchio, a townie.
Why isn't it the time? I roleclaimed. What else do you want?
Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2003 3:09 pm
by Werebear
Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2003 3:27 am
by Macros
vote DB
trying to shamlessly lynch a claimed townie.
Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2003 3:27 pm
by Dementia Blader
Hey! Lynch the other one!
Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2003 5:26 pm
by Demeech
Surely roleclaiming with 1 vote left to go is a bit less suspicious than roleclaiming out of the blue and not explaining that you're a townie until the next day. Right, DB?
Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2003 8:30 am
by Werebear
Have Macros and Cadmium roleclaimed yet? I know I haven't, I'm waiting to see what the town decides with Orbiting's (magic mirror) investigation
Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2003 9:35 pm
by Cadmium
blackhawk - Lord Farquaad
Cadmium - ?
Demeech - Pinocchio (?)
Dementia Blader - Three Blind Mice (?)
Macros - ?
MD_Reloaded - Monsieur Hood
MeMe - Donkey
Orbiting - Magic mirror (?)
Quagmire - Three Little Pigs
Totem - Knights of Duloc
Wacky - Princess Fiona
Werebear - ?
Werebear, it's not what the town decides on Orbiting's investigation. It's what the mod decides. I asked for the hints and she wouldn't give them until the mod answered her question. So, can she tell us her results? If not, I think she should give Werebear's rolename. That's not in the PM, right? If Werebear confirms the role name, we're probably down to three suspects (Cadmium, Macros & Demeech).
If this is the case, I'm voting for Demeech. I know I'm innocent and Macros was the first one who said he didn't believe Blackhawk's roleclaim, which is pretty stupid if you're on the same side.
Or should Macros and I also claim roles first?
Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 3:55 am
by Orbiting
I don't have Werebear's rolename - I get more like descriptions. Having checked with the mod, I have permission to tell you this:
When I investigated Wacky, I got the information that despite appearances, he was good in a fight (Which we saw as her late lamentedness pummelled Mr. Hood).
For Werebear, I got that he had found love in an unexpected place. I figured that made him Donkey, but as MeMe turned out to be the donkey, I'm only getting the idea of two characters this could possibly apply to, and both would be pro-town. (unless you guys have another idea. Admittedly, it's been a while since I saw the film, but I think there were only four characters in the film with love interests.)
For Dementia Blader, I asked the mod to let me investigate him, as he was acting odd. My results indicated him to be handicapped by his oddness. I take that as confirmation that he is, as he claimed, the Blind Mice.
That's what I got - what do you kids think?
Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 5:51 am
by Werebear
It fits, since I am The Dragon. No, I have no idea how he'd manage a death scene if I were lynched. I'm a vigilante, only I can't have two nights in a row without killing.
Night 1, I didn't kill. *Grin*
Night 2, I chose one of the people who didn't vote for Farquod.
Night 3, I chose not to kill again.
Tonight I'm going to have to kill again, but now I'll have help choosing a target. I'd advise roleclaims from the two left.
Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 6:12 am
by Cadmium
Great, this is getting us somewhere. I'll claim too now (I wanted to wait for Werebear first). I'm the other one that had found love in an unexpected place
. I'm Shrek.
After Macros' claim, I'll reread the thread once more, and then I'll vote for the most suspicious one.
Oh, and please don't lynch anyone before my next post! I may have a solution to Werebear's kill this night (if we don't win today).
Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 9:50 am
by Macros
well im the ginger bread man, its DB or Demeech, in view of orbs info
unvote DB
Vote Demeech
if hes inocent, kill db tonight.
Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 9:59 am
by Demeech
Well, I roleclaimed and thtere's not much we can do now except lynch randomly, since we know who everyone is or says they are. I suggest we use our cop and vigilante during the night so they'll give us info tomorrow, while we
Vote: No Lynch
Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 11:22 am
by Dementia Blader
Werebear, so glad you didn't kill me
And to Orbiting, for joining my cause. Although I really want to see some people lynched witthout the dragon
Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 10:35 pm
by Cadmium
Vote: Demeech
I find him more suspicious than Macros looking back at the game and the Gingerbread Man is a more believable roleclaim than Pinocchio. It would have made sense to me if the Three Bears were in the game, but since they aren't, I don't believe Pinocchio is either.
Werebear, forget what I said about your kill. If the game isn't over after Demeech's lynch, I think you should kill Macros. He and I then are the only two unconfirmed innocents and since you can be much more confident about Shrek being in the game as opposed to the Gingerbread Man, it's the logical thing to do. Or you could decide for yourself
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 3:55 am
by Werebear
I agree.
Revote: Demeech
The List (love the colors)
blackhawk - Lord Farquaad
MD_Reloaded - Monsieur Hood
Quagmire - Three Little Pigs
Totem - Knights of Duloc
Wacky - Princess Fiona
MeMe - Donkey
Cadmium - claims Shrek
Demeech - claims Pinocchio
Dementia Blader claims Three Blind Mice
Macros - claims gingerbread man
Orbiting - claims magic mirror
Werebear - claims dragon
Please don't protect me tonight, there are others that need protecting.
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 5:07 am
by Demeech
As I see no point in lying when you're lynched, I'm Felonius the Executioner.
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 5:20 am
by Cadmium
[quote="In the "Ethics"-thread, Dragon Phoenix"]Don't forget that the mod may also have introduced weird roles like lynch-savers. It is NEVER a good idea to admit you're scum until the mod says you're dead.[/quote]
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 5:35 am
by Demeech
Well, I'm pretty sure there's nothing like that here. Anyway, I'd probably be killed by the vigilante. Just proves my point. All 3 of us sucked at being mafia. blackhawk's claim was dumb, Totme claimed to support Duloc. I thought I could win when I guessed there would be no Pinnochio in the game and was right.
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 5:48 am
by Dourgrim
With enough votes, the roles are reversed and it's Felonious being led to his death. He doesn't put up much of a fight, though, and within moments the last member of Duloc's evil has been fed to The Dragon.
Congratulations, Town, on what ended up being a ridiculously easy win, it seems.
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 5:57 am
by Cadmium
Yay, go town
. One baddie-lynch every day, just the way it should always go.
I'm really curious about the abilities of all the roles. Also, what about Werebear being the mechanic that made it possible for us to lynch? What would have happened if he would have died?
Great play, everyone.
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 7:47 am
by Macros
i had no ability.
but w00t, go us!
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 8:31 am
by Dourgrim
(Italicized = Mod notes, unknown to player)
The Mafia
blackhawk - Lord Farquaad
Demeech - Felonious the Executioner
Totem - The Knights of Dulac
The Fairytale Creatures
Cadmium - Shrek (Immune to Banishment once.)
MeMe - Donkey (
Cannot be killed by The Dragon at Night
Wacky - Princess Fiona (May try to find Shrek. If he's found, then
immune to Banishment once because she turns into Love's True Form, an Ogre like Shrek. Always immune to abduction by Monsieur Hood
Werebear - The Dragon (Vigilante, may not choose not to kill on two successive nights.)
MD_Reloaded - Monsieur Hood (Must abduct each night. May talk to abductee via PM during the following Day.
Killed if attempts to abduct The Dragon. May not post if attempts to abduct Princess Fiona.
told there might be people dangerous to abduct.)
Orbiting - The Magic Mirror (Cop-like, receives information on target's role in the form of a clue)
Macros - The Gingerbread Man (Townie)
Quagmire - Three Little Pigs (Townie)
Dementia Blader - Three Blind Mice (Townie)
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 8:44 am
by Dourgrim
Night One
The three dastardly dudes of Duloc decide to Banish poor MeMe (aka Donkey).
Wacky checks to see if MeMe is Shrek.
Orbiting scrys upon Werebear and finds out that he found love in an unlikely place.
MD_Reloaded abducts Orbiting, who promptly goes out of town, thereby preventing MD from talking to him during the Day.
Werebear decides not to eat anyone.
Day One
blackhawk is fed to The Dragon.
Night Two
The Evildoers of Duloc decide to banish Quagmire (aka The Three Little Pigs).
Wacky checks Quagmire to see if he's Shrek (once again targetting the same person as Duloc, how ironic is that?).
MD_Reloaded decides to abduct Wacky (aka Princess Fiona) and gets his ass kicked in the Swamp as a result.
Werebear decides to eat MD_Reloaded. Heh.
Orbiting scrys on Wacky and finds out "he can take care of himself in a fight, believe it or not".
Day Two
Totem gets fed to The Dragon.
Night Three
Demeech (the last member of Duloc) decides to banish Wacky.
Wacky checks to see if Werebear is Shrek (getting closer, but still no cigar).
Werebear decides not to eat anyone.
Orbiting scrys on DB and finds out he's handicapped.
Day Three
Demeech is fed to The Dragon, game over.
Cadmium: I have no idea what I would've done if Werebear would've been Banished (or fed to himself!). I hadn't worked that part out yet...
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 10:41 am
by Totem
That was an enjoyable game. I made not so good claim I admit. Somehow it stuck in my mind to try to claim the role that when investigated by cop who finds clues or rolename would confirm me.
I was thinking about something like that:
"You are the Knight of Duloc. You, and only you should be the hero of this story. If only you manage to outlast Farquad and Shreck all will end like it should, you will get Fiona as your wife and a kingdom to rule." Vigilante that can turn into SK if kills Fiona.
Apparently that was doomed from the start (and the other claim I was considering was Magic Mirror
Not my lucky day .
When I realized I claimed too close to truth I only hoped that my 'fight' with Demeech would save him for a while
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 10:54 am
by Dementia Blader
So boring. Couldn't you have had the decency to let me investigate but never, ever get anything resembling a result?