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Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 2:20 pm
by Quagmire
2 - Jericho [solid074, Mr. X]
Not voting - everyone else.
Jericho has requested that he be replaced. I'll find a replacement for him ASAP.
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 3:25 pm
by Reines
Re: Pre-major-long-post the White Blob post...
Mog? It did referencing dancing... Mog again?
Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 4:59 pm
by Quagmire
Pulchritudinous is replacing Jericho.
Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 1:03 pm
by Misha
Information we know:
Setzer- slot
Mog- dancing
Edgar-lady's man
There are:
Blue charged figure-Terra?
Thief-Locke, Lone wolf?
Healer-Celes, Banon?
Magic deflector-?????
So that leaves 4 people left, likely 1-3 of whom are guilty (unsure if the thief or daykiller are innocent or not).
large FoS:
For ignoring the role claim, at least Jericho said why he didn't take his vote off. I'm not saying that I don't find Jericho suspicious, but I don't want to let Hambone off that easily either.
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2003 4:06 am
by solid074
Why do we think that there's a magic deflector?
Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2003 6:06 am
by Misha
Because of Setzer's slot effect being deflected from Reines to Hambone. It may have to do with Hambone or Reines' roles or someone else.
Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2003 10:12 am
by Hambone
Perhaps the slot machine only affected those that had extra Gil.
FOS Reines
If Gil is a requirement of the slot machine, and it was deflected to me than perhaps he has no Gil. I think this is supicious because i doubt the mafia will begin with Gil, buying potions could give them a distinct advantage.
Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2003 5:07 am
by Misha
Well, between the two of them Gogo and Gau had 100 gil (it appears that Gau did not have any gil), so I think that mafia=little to no gil is a quite flawed assumption.
Anyhows, does anyone else have the impulse to start singing Simon and Garfunkle or Pink Floyd (i.e. Sound of Silence and Comfortably Numb)?
Of course, looking over my post a bit ago, 5+4=8 apparently, so change the 4 to 3 and everything is better ^_^
Oh and before I hop off to do things, one last point. Edgar was a lady's man, and Rhino placed the first vote on him, I would think those might be connected (i.e. Terra killing the first person to vote for him), but there was a mod update in between the two events, so I'm not sure what to make of it.
Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2003 6:04 am
by Quagmire
2 - Jericho [solid074, Mr. X]
Not voting - everyone else.
Let's post an' vote, people.
Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2003 4:36 pm
by Reines
Well, leads are thin it seems. But the Edgar angle may have some merit. From memory (aid me in recollection) the enemies in FF3 are strictly gentlemen. In fact, thinking through the cast, unless it is Terra at the beginning then all female cast characters are good. Then again the "baddies" may come from the good cast pool. My point is, if I ever get to it, is anyone successfully voting for Edgar had to be a male which increases their odds of being an evilone. Thoughts on that? Another angle that would be more productive?
Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 2:34 pm
by Quagmire
Alright, that's it.
Still 2 on Jericho.
Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 1:25 am
by Rosebud
Sorry, I've been busy/sick recently.
vote: Hambone
for being an idiot. Bob claimed an ability that's been proven to exist. Nobody else claimed to have that ability. Nobody came up with a good reason mafia would have that ability. Hambone posted since his roleclaim, so (s)he could've unvoted, but didn't.
Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 4:18 am
by Reines
Well just to make some progress
Vote: solid074
This is simply because by logic solid is a male and that slightly increases odds of being Mafia according my unopposed argument. Honestly? I have no other leads and at this point would quickly revoke that vote if someone had any other arguments/thoughts, even solid074.
Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 3:30 pm
by Quagmire
2 - Jericho [solid074, Mr. X]
1 - Hambone [Rosebud]
1 - solid074 [Reines]
Not voting - everyone else.
Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 3:50 pm
by Misha
Geez, there are a ton of leads to go with, unfortunately those who are the most suspicious aren't talking in the slightest. Still
fos: Reines
, for ignoring the arguments against Jericho and Hambone.
That said, while I don't particulary care for voting for replacements, since (s)he hasn't talked yet and perhaps 3 votes will get a response
Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 5:58 pm
by Enforcer
Hey, since I still have this screanname, I can be a replacement, if you want.
This time I'll try not to die within the first two days
Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 9:21 am
by Hambone
i hate screen names, and now you all know what my real identity is.
Oh no, not all of them do!
Here you go,
[[I didn't entirely buy his claim. In my mind i was thinking that the cure cast on Rosebud and now Reines had a spread effect or something. Now i see i was wrong but there isn't anything i can do.
As for Jericho i do think he is suspicious, or WAS suspicious, but now that we have a seemingly mute replacement perhaps we should focus our attention on whether or not we will have another day-kill today, and if the day-killer is protown or otherwise.]]
*Note: The underlined part was edited in by Quag, your awesome mod.
Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 11:13 am
by Reines
Unvote: Solid
I will wait for the replacements and review accusations/arguments. My vote for solid was not real suspicion, just a prod with a flimsy argument. Moving on...
Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 11:54 am
by Gon
Misha wrote:Information we know:
...Mog- dancing....
thats not what we know, its guess work.
Anyway, although i find hambone suspicious for not believing Bob, but i have my reservations right now
I find jericho a tempting target from previous discussions, only he has just been replaced, and not spoken yet, so
Vote: pulchritudinous
replacement or not, suspicious is suspicious
Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2003 2:58 pm
by Quagmire
Well, the deadline is reached, and Pulchriniwhatever has the most votes. He is lynched.
[[Stabbity stab. Stabbity stab. Kill! Bad descriptions coming out of the game by the mod! Whoopity do!]]
Pulchrinditiwhatever has lost 500 HP, and is now dead. It's now night three.
Puchrindiwhatever was an Empyrial Guard, who began the game with 150 Gil,and was an evil mafioso. It's now night three, choices are due by Monday at 9 PM Central.
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2003 9:02 am
by Quagmire
11:45 PM: Cure 1 is cast on
Hambone gains 100 HP, and is now at 621HP.
1:15 AM: A little white figure dances for no apparent reason.
2:05 AM: A man walks into solid074's room. With nothing protecting solid, the man lashes out at him. solid074 is wounded. He was
You are Cyan. An itinerant swordsman, you can use your Swd Tech and charge up to make one daykill.....per the game. Although you know that during Day one, your attack does 500 HP of damage, and during the second day, it also does 400 - you have no idea what it does each day after that because you have not experimented with each tech after that. Simply PM me with a choice during the day and sufficient damage will be dealt to that person. Win condition: All non-goody-two-shoes dead. You begin with 300 Gil.
PM me to confirm and with any questions.
In the newspaper headlines: Inflation has caused the price of potions to increase to
700 Gil
It is now day three, and it is 4 to lynch!
Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2003 12:50 pm
by Misha
Revision of my summary:
Cyan-daykiller, pro-town, actually in retrospect makes some of his comments make more sense
Mog-dancing, two times now and no other dancers in FF 6?, no reason to suppose anyone else
That leaves 2 people with no revealed abilities.
That said, 6 left and still a game, so either we have vigilantes on our side (the dancing fluffy, Mog) or there are a max of 2 mafia left. If there are two mafia, we have to be very careful today, because it is almost lynch-or lose. Which ties into the list I presented.
Enforcer had no almost no abilities, Solid had an ability which almost begs to hurt the town, i.e. can only definitely kill on a day in which there is no information, Jericho had no listed abilities, the healer is weaker then a doc, imo, because it can benefit the mafia greatly, I doubt that the thief helps the town, Gau would have been an iffy role as to help/hurt the town (it depends on who he/she targets), Gogo would have been copish, but not as strong imo, Setzer=very weak doc, so basically putting all those together it seems like a fairly normal game (i.e. if the mafia has no special abilities, they are still not at a disadvantage, imo), even when considering the potions.
That said, I have many more thoughts about this game, but would like to hear other people's opinions as well.
Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 1:01 pm
by Rosebud
Gah, where is everyone? (I know I hadn't been posting a lot in the last day either; I'm sorry about that, it's just not always convenient to post under this name)
The most interesting thing I noticed is that Hambone got cured despite already being above 500. Perhaps the cure got deflected last night, which means that the deflection could be part of his role. (Bob targetted Reines Night 1 and it got deflected to Hambone, so it could be something of Reines' too)
The effect-less blob is intriguing. Maybe Mog's dancing does different things, or we have a directly protecting role.
Misha, four mafia in a mini is really rare (It's only happened once in any game I can recall) and even if there are two more, it may not be lynch or lose due to the hp mechanic.
I'll try to reread the thread at some point and come up with some actual suspicions.
Solid's listed as being both dead and alive.
Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2003 7:06 pm
by Gon
side note, the inflation is interesting, i wonder where does the money of the dead go?... the killer?...
maybe mafia are poor, and inflation is to balance the game?
Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2003 6:30 am
by Enforcer
Inflation? Gah! We need tax cuts for corporations that move overseas and the richest 1%, pronto!