There's really no point in me waiting any longer on this. I'm Joel. Mason buddy with help. never told me the nature of your roleblock. That's funny.
"You see, help, I assume you fucked somebody tonight. Isn't that how you get people to like you?" [/movie reference]
Okay, so I get messages from people who have been erased(I have faint memories of them). RotN just told me he was vanilla, and AniX told me that I was town(always good to know
) Unfortunatly, Ani never told us his Role name, and didn't leave it in his message. Neither did RotN.
Anyway, I think it is pretty clear that Clara was scum. First of all, she practically claimed the same role as I have, which is very unlikely.
Second, Ani wasn't paranoid, he got innocent on me, so that leaves only insane or sane. But what are the odds he'd be insane, but just so happen to get the correct results on me and Vaughn?
Third, Pie claims to have switched Clara and Help's abilities last night, and then Clara get's erased while help tried to RB her. I believe that Clara was scum, and so the switch gave help the mafia kill ability, and thus he killed Clara and erased her.
Pie could be scum, but I think it unlikely. I'm eagerly awaiting Ibaesha's claim.