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Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 9:39 am
by Jaguar
Just so you all know, I am still having computer problems at home and if my "restore to 10 days ago" doesn't work, I'll have to do a full reformat
. So please bear with me as I will have only sporadic internet access while at work and on my breaks. I'll keep you all updated.
Besides that, we need some more conversation in this place. This school is starting to get dull. Are the geeks already taking over? Post 125 on March 16 to post 149 on Mar 22 and my post (150) on Mar 23. 25 posts in a week! That's pretty slow.
I would urge Uraj to not reveal his role unless he thinks it will help the town. On the other hand, if he is afraid that he will get targeted tonight, it might be worthwhile to give us any information that he may have gathered (if any).
Well, not sure where to go from here, but I second the mod-prod on Melchizedek.
Vraak, I understand you were out of town, and the posting here has left a lot to be desired when it comes to opinions, but I think even posting a bit rather than keeping quiet is better and I am sure that Talitha agrees after the whole first day arguments between Yaw and BadAndie.
Yaw, any reason you are keeping your vote on Uraj? (At least I think you are still voting for him). You said you were inclined to believe him when he circumspectly tried to let us know that he has a pro-town role, and I think we can all figure out what he is hinting at. Just wondering, that's all.
Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 9:41 am
by Vraak X
Well, remember Jaguar, I got berated not for my lack of posting but rather the quality of my posts. I defended the quality of my posts due to the rather.. the absence of quality evidence introduced in the game..
Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 11:11 am
by Yaw
My grandfather passed away this morning, so I'm going home for the funeral and to be with my family. This means I will have limited to no access until Sunday or Monday.
Jaguar -- I didn't say I was inclined to believe Uraj. I think he's lying, and just hinting as a strong pro-town role to get us to back off. I know what you think he's hinting at, but since we really have no way of knowing what Vraak put in this game, I don't think it safe making that assumption. I said I didn't want him to claim because I have a personal claim-at-lynch-minus-two rule, because that's pretty indicative that the bandwagon's going to get you unless you claim. I still think he's scummy because of his prior actions.
I will, however,
Unvote: Uraj45
. This isn't because I think he's off the hook. It's because I don't want to be unconsciously involved in a lynch due to my absence. When I'm back, assuming it's still the same day, I'll read over the thread and decide (but if we're in the same position as we are now, the vote is going back on).
Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 12:32 pm
by thorred
Sorry about your grandfather, condolences to the family, Yaw.
If Uraj45 has a pro-town role (not scum), he's probably going to be the most likely target at night. Should we get him to come out with some info before we decide on a lynch?
It's going to be really hard for me to post till 1 April, I really need to sleep. Just to let you know.
Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 12:47 pm
by melchizedek
I apologize for my lack of posting.
I think avoiding a role claim from Uraj45 is useless. If he has a pro-town role he will almost definately be targeted tonight whether he claims or not on the assumption that we have no other doctor. If we knew his role before hand we could at least see if it balances any future role claims we might get today. In other words, I would like a role claim.
Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 1:01 pm
by BadAndie
Sorry about ur grandfather, my grandmother passed a few weeks ago...i know the feeling.
I would like to hear a claim, but it could mean 1 of 2 things; 1. It's bull and we lynch u or 2. Mafia kills you. Then again if u r mafia, and we buy the claim, then u live for yet another night to see the fall of someone popular. hmmm choices choices
Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 1:24 pm
by Yaw
Thanks for the condolences. Please don't lynch me when I'm gone.
I would also prefer to have a chance to comment further on this day before it ends, if it can be arranged. I agree with melchizedek, though, that a roleclaim may be unavoidable now that it's been hinted at.
Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 3:05 pm
by vIQleS
Vote count:
melchizedek - 1 - (Talitha )
Vraak X - 1 - (thorred )
Not voting: Meh, you figure it out.
melchizedek's prod message has been received, let the chips fall where they may.
/me washes his hands...
Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 4:20 pm
by Uraj45
I'm really sorry to hear that Yaw
In any event, I figured I already had a big target sign on my forehead as well and I agree that it's probably more useful to have the role out so I'm role claiming.
I am the quarterback of the Animal Mascots. Because of my problems with agression I can beat up people at night and remove them from the game.
So, I'm a vigilante.
If you choose to believe me, I would appreciate it if we could also discuss possible targets for me tonight depending on how the lynch turns out.
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 4:36 am
by Jaguar
Well, that's not what I was expecting, Uraj...
My condolences Yaw.
It looks like my home computer will not be operational for a bit, so only daytime posting from me.
I'm fairly busy today, so don't expect a whole lot from me. In a course this afternoon and contract reviews this morning...
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 5:09 am
by BadAndie
so ur like a SK? if u can remove people from the game i don't think i want u in the game
Vote: Uraj45
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 10:01 am
by Uraj45
BadAndie, this is from the rules page of mafiascum
mafiascum wrote:
The Vigilante is a killer on the Town side who can either choose to kill every night, or choose to kill a certain number of times during the game, depending on the variation.
They are very common in mafia games. I'm
like an SK. SK's are independant. I'm on the town's side.
Jaguar, I know you were expecting that I was the cop, which is why I'm glad that's cleared up now.
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 10:19 am
by Vraak X
Your role falls in line with the role of the Serial Killer. I'm not feeling too comfortable with that.
Vote: Uraj45
Either way, Vig or not.. you still will have to kill..
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 10:28 am
by Talitha
Well at least this is a roleclaim that we can test... And the fact that there has only been one 'kill' per night so far does suggest that if Uraj is telling the truth about his ability, then he's probably pro-town. If he was an SK, he would've been killing each night I'm sure.
The problem with letting him prove his ability is that chances are he won't target a scum.... Worst case scenario is that we lynch a townie, Uraj kills a townie, and the mafia kill a townie. I
that would put us in a lynch-wrong-and-lose position tomorrow.
I think we should wait and see how the day progresses...
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 10:39 am
by Uraj45
Vraak, I don't
to kill. I just
kill. Even if i'm good you still want to lynch me?
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 11:07 am
by melchizedek
I am willing to beilieve that Uraj45 is a vig.
I am going to
Vote: Vraak X
for ignoring what seems an obvious fact that Uraj45 is not required to kill. The mafia are the only people who would gain by killing either a vig or an sk. Even if Uraj45 is an sk we can still let the mafia take care of him, because now that he has claimed to be a vig he has to be responsible for any kills he might make. Therefore lynching him would be a waste for the town, but a good idea for the mafia.
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 11:15 am
by Vraak X
Oh.. I thought it was a requirement to kill.. SORRY
Unvote: Uraj45
I rushed through and skimmed through the stuff.. I misunderstood the criteria..
Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 12:03 pm
by Samadhi
Why is it that by the time I get to check the thread everything interesting has happened. I hate saying "Yeah, I agree with what they said."
Anyway, I tend to believe uraj's role. No one has denounced him and I think Football Captain is likely to be in the game.
UnFOS: Uraj45
As for testing, well, that we'll have to leave up to you. Otherwise it's like a dual lynch and I don't think we have enough info to go there. Although, it'd be like double voting so it
give us more info (I.E. who voted for whom). Hmmm.
Could be good. Could be bad. Nobody knows.
Most suspicious for me ATM: Jaguar. Just gut, except for the lack of vote on Argoti. And Post 108 is less than convincing. Don't trust my gut that much though lately.
Of course, how can you trust someone that looks like a bird but calls themself Jaguar? Maybe that's it.
Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 3:22 am
by BadAndie
well that does make sense to me so
unvote: Uraj45
i have been thinking, who were the people who voted for Arigoti?
I was one of the people; when i get back from class i'll look over to see who it was.
Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 3:49 am
by Vraak X
I slammed the final vote..
Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 3:51 am
by Vraak X
thorred wrote:unvote samadhi
(forgot to unvote random vote)
PBug I think has cleared himself, and Uraj45 I will give the benefit of the doubt.
Melchizedek, why do you want Yaw to come out with a claim? I don't think that is necessary now. Very fishy, so
vote melchizedek
On the Argoti bandwagon, I won't vote yet unless he comes up with a better explanation. But i will put a
big FOS on Argoti
(And I'm not sure how much I should trust Talitha's scum radar, I think it's broken.
Thorred never voted for Argoti.. Defending one of his Mafioso brothers, perhaps?
This was Thorred's last post before we lynched off Argoti..
Just wanted to point that out in my search for the people who voted..
Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 5:22 am
by BadAndie
Ok i am out of my psychology class, and as I said earlier I would put up who voted for Argoti.
People who voted for Argoti (not in order of who voted 1st):
Uraj45 – but unvoted, maybe just to temporarily jump on the bandwagon
PBuG – was killed
Vraak X – only after Argoti had enough votes to be lynched…maybe to only seem like a townie by voting for Argoti; meaning this vote doesn’t count
Now for who didn't vote for Argoti:
Uraj45 - unvoted and never placed a vote back on
Vraak X – I am including him in here because Argoti was dead already when he placed his vote.
For this reason I am going to have to put
Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 7:49 am
by Talitha
Yeah - Vraak's behavious when Argoti was being lynched was interesting. It looked like he didn't want to miss the bandwagon, so he piled another vote on even though Argoti was already lynched.
I am going away for 2 days. Back before you know it!
unvote: melchizidek
Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 10:38 am
by Samadhi
I'm going to
FOS Vraak
That quote by Thorred is right after Jaguar says nearly the same thing in post 108, which I already pointed out in the post three before yours.
Why did you overlook that and try to put the spotlight on Thorred instead?
Plus you did not, as you claim, slam the last vote. Melchizidek made the last vote, every thing after that does not count.
On second thought, given that I'm not the only one who finds this behaviour odd, I think upgrading to
Vote: Vraak
is appropriate.
Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 11:36 am
by Jaguar
[quote=”Samadhi”] Most suspicious for me ATM: Jaguar. Just gut, except for the lack of vote on Argoti. And Post 108 is less than convincing. Don't trust my gut that much though lately. [/quote]
Well, I never voted for Argoti because he was lynched before I had a chance to vote for him after I said that I
vote for him if he didn’t post a better explanation back in post #108. And as for my interpretation of PBuG’s claim, I did have a smilie behind that, indicating it was my goof originally. What can I say? I misunderstood the post by PBuG when I first read it. People make mistakes all the time.
As for Vraak, I know you were away, but you could have started up conversations when you returned to get more talk happening to see if you could raise the quality of the posts. Instead you barely posted and that is what I think makes you suspicious. And that extra vote on Argoti does make you look suspicious.
BadAndie, you’ve got melchizedek in both the voted for and not voted for Argoti column. Melch put on the final vote for Argoti’s lynch. To me that doesn’t make him innocent, but Vraak’s vote after is indeed more suspicious.
I was ready to put my vote on Vraak (when I was composing this offline, Samadhi had not yet posted), but that would put him on 4 I think. I think it is time for a defence and rather than a vote I will
FOS Vraak X