My readslist:
Town lean
. I haven't really had a feeling with any of his posts that they were really pro-Town, but after RVS, he started asking good questions that help the discussion. I don't really have much else to say. I would like a readslist from him though. Because that is the question I'm asking everyone, I don't have an additional question for ofrhz
Null read
. I already said this before. I think most of us have a null read on her right now. She hasn't added that much new, just spent a lot of time talking about things like vulcan's page 1 obvtown post. Like, it's ok to mention it, but most of her posts were either about this or Draynth never-explained vote.
Your RVS vote is still your current vote: it is on crepppy, who got replaced by Ventriloquist. Now that Ventriloquist has made some posts, are you still happy with your vote as of where it is?
Town lean
. His post 111 was very good. Or maybe that is because I just like readslists. His reads and his other posts as well don't come across as very solid, but he's a Newbie player so I guess it's because of that. His reads just don't feel like they're right.
Can you explain why you voted for Etromin? The reason I'm asking this is firstly, because there were other reads on your list that would be vote-worthy, and secondly, because I'm wondering if you voted her because she was voting you.
Scum lean
? It seems like he is improving over the course of the game, but his posts don't really help that much. He's hardly asking any questions and when he's answering those of others, it looks to me like you can interpret it in multiple ways. Besides, in post 140, he is talking about the reasons why people can vote, even though I can clearly remember me and others to have said that as well. Maybe, trying to come across as busy with scumcatching and stuff, but not really.
What did you want to achieve by posting post 140? What I mean by this is: what was your reason to make that post?
Empty read
. He still hasn't posted and I've already said numerous times how I read him. 4 days, no posts, so he's probably gonna be replaced in no time.
Town read
. Out of all the players, Draynth assumably is my strongest town read. He already posted a readslist and asks a lot of good questions to all the players. I think, right now, it's unnecessary to question Draynth's alignment any longer. He's 99% not going to be today's lynch so why would we?
No question here. Just keep doing what you've been doing.
Scum lean
. It could be because of being V/LA sometimes, but some of his posts look like Ircher isn't fully up-to-date and that is a letdown. Take post #89 as an example. Ircher states vulcan had been being very active whereas Draynth hasn't. This could be because Draynth posted a lot while Ircher was V/LA (iirc), and he hasn't caught up that well, but from an SE, this seems even less likely. To keep the rest short, plenty of his posts are very short and Ircher seems to change their mind occasionally.
Based on post #143: You said you didn't really have anything better. Do you know how to fix that? If you do, then do that, because I would like you to do that. If you're puzzled, I want to explain that the best way to get better reads and such is by asking others questions. Take action yourself and soon, you'll no longer have 'nothing better'.
Therefore, I'm scumleaning you because you're saying you don't have what you want to have yet, but you're not taking any actions to fix that, which to me, feels like you would be a suitable scumplayer that asks their scumpartner for missing information instead of asking it in this thread.
Town lean
. You mentioned that you're very rarely active to post and play the game, but hell, when you have time for it, you make good use of it. It feels like I've kind of left you in the middle for the most part of this game, just remembering you as 'the player that is very active when he's active'.
Yesterday, you said you'd get a full post out today, but that day has passed now. Please say what you wanted to say yesterday in addition to (preferably) giving a reads list.
I said I'd wait until I know if Alciel is being replaced or not, so I'm going to keep that promise. Even if he stays I think I'd probably vote either Etromin (for information purposes) or Ircher (because I scumread him and I really want to get clarified if some things he posted were thanks to being V/LA or not).