It has come to my attention that certain players who attempted to sign up for the game before it was officially available may have not understood the new queue rules. One of them (Vorkuta) PM'd me stating that they still are interested in playing, so I am tentatively including them in the signups, and PMing the other person in question to ascertain if they're still interested (they will get the last slot if so).
If this is breaking any rules, please let me know.
made a oopsie not counting PenguinPower, so Vorkuta is now tentatively in the last slot. If the list mods are okay with this, I will have this game up by the night of April 4.
Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2019 8:39 pm
by davesaz
I don't see anything in the OP about not being able to sign up before a game gets a number -- that would basically be the same as a pre-in.