Page 7 of 40

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 11:16 am
by schadd_

vote count 1.3

Ivyeo (3):
Egix96, Saudade, Lukewarm
WhemeStar (2):
Demainer, Ahri
Ahri (1):
Lukewarm (1):

not voting (2):
Clasko, Ivyeo

with 9 alive, it takes 5 to eliminate a player. day 1 ends april 6th at 4:25 central US time; in (expired on 2021-04-06 04:25:00)

mod notes
  • ooba

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 11:25 am
by Lukewarm
In post 147, Ivyeo wrote: We still have 3 days, is that not enough time to retread the vote? You act as though we're on last day. You also still haven't answered if you have a preference between the two current wagons.
If we do something today, we will have plenty of time. My concern was more if we didn't start moving towards an L-1 today.

If we take like 8 days to get one person to L-1, I would be concerned only having 2 days to rebuild a whole wagon from scratch. We seem like a slow moving lobby lol.

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 12:13 pm
by Lukewarm
In post 148, Ivyeo wrote:UNVOTE:
Actually on second thought, I want to hear more form Luke here first before placing my vote
You know, this somehow makes me think you are less likely to be scum. Which is weird because, I scum read you at first for being wishy-washy, but now I am going to town read you for the same thing lol. When you voted Whemestar, I was surprised to see someone who previously seemed wishy washy, to suddenly commit and agree with me.

But then you unvoted, so your wishy-washy-ness is at least consistent :lol:

I think I'm actually removing you from my list of scum reads, and I'm down to Whemestar and Clasko. Those two would actually work as a pair, with Clasko's logic that confused me actually being an attempt to pull suspicion off of Whemestar.

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 12:14 pm
by Lukewarm
VOTE: Whemestar

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 1:26 pm
by WhemeStar
In post 151, Lukewarm wrote:If we take like 8 days to get one person to L-1, I would be concerned only having 2 days to rebuild a whole wagon from scratch. We seem like a slow moving lobby lol.
In like 90% of games a wagon can form in an hour on the final day.

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 1:30 pm
by WhemeStar
I think the person who best shares my reads is saudale so I want to talk to them.

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 2:42 pm
by Saudade
In post 155, WhemeStar wrote:I think the person who best shares my reads is saudale so I want to talk to them.
you are about to be disappointed

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 2:43 pm
by Saudade
In post 137, Lukewarm wrote:
In post 112, WhemeStar wrote:I don’t like how you are set on me being the flip on page 5
Yes its page 5 (well 6 now), but we are also on the 6th irl day for our in game Day 1. Maybe I am just not accustomed to the pacing of games on this site, but it feels like we are approaching the point where we just have to pick someone. Like there is only so much info we can really gain in day 1 until we force someone to claim, no?

I am getting pretty antsy for us to l-1 someone just so we can gain new info. Force someone to claim their role, then decide if we want to actually hammer the person based on what they claim. I mean if we wait to much longer, then if we L-1 someone, and decide we shouldn't hammer them, we won't even have long to form a new wagon.

I am not necessarily saying that I think it needs to be you, I would be happy for us to L-1 anyone on my scumread list tbh, so for now, I am gonna be on the biggest wagon between Whemestar, Ivyeo and Clasko.

VOTE: Ivyeo because I have sat on the Whemestar wagon for a while, and the Ivyeo wagon is the same size, so might as well mix it up lol
This is an excellent post, like, this guy is town

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 2:44 pm
by Saudade
In a dead/dying gamestate the person who livens it up by being proactive is 99% of the time town

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 2:44 pm
by Saudade
VOTE: Demainer enough of this guy

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 2:46 pm
by Saudade
In post 140, WhemeStar wrote:
In post 139, Demainer wrote:I don't understand why we need role claims so early in the game, it's only going to hurt town? Unless there are special mechanics in this setup I'm not aware of.

Not getting town vibes from that recent post.
That’s why I voted them
In post 139, Demainer wrote:I don't understand why we need role claims so early in the game, it's only going to hurt town? Unless there are special mechanics in this setup I'm not aware of.

Not getting town vibes from that recent post.
this pings me a little bit

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 2:46 pm
by Saudade
I've puked in my mouth a little reading that

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 2:48 pm
by Saudade
I don't know what to make of Ivyeo's vote flipping, I've no read on Egix at all nor on endlessdark or ahri

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 2:48 pm
by Saudade
Wheme and Luke are townleans for me lets go we might get a win here yet

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 4:40 pm
by Clasko
In post 86, Clasko wrote:I'm forming opinions on others that I don't want to give words to just yet. Stay tuned.
Probably about time I did this now:

TTT = Confirmed town
TT = Strong town read
T = Town read
/T = Town lean
/ = Neutral
/M = Mafia lean
M = Mafia read
MM = Strong mafia read
MMM = Confirmed mafia

- Ahri: - / - Not much to inspect from their posts.
- endlessdark: - / - Post 115 was helpful - I'd like to hear more from them.
- Egix96: - /M - Whilst I think his questions and contributions are helpful to town, they feel finely placed and thought-out... not enough to use the word "artificial" though.
- Ivyeo: - /M - Too back and forth on WhemeStar now, especially after the interaction with Lukewarm.
- Lukewarm: - /T - Pushing their mafia reads just feels like unnecessary drama given the deadline, and I have to further inspect their interaction with Ivyeo later, but otherwise this stays the same.
- Saudade: - ?? - Recently posted so I'll check that out some other time.
- WhemeStar: - /T - I look at their ISO and I don't immediately see him as Mafia. I think he responds well against Demainer. Not much else to say.
- Demainer: - /T - I still hold this opinion from post 86.

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 4:53 pm
by Clasko
Whoops, mis-linked endlessdark's 115! ...

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 5:48 pm
by Ivyeo
In post 164, Clasko wrote:
In post 86, Clasko wrote:I'm forming opinions on others that I don't want to give words to just yet. Stay tuned.
- Ivyeo: - /M - Too back and forth on WhemeStar now, especially after the interaction with Lukewarm.
Whilst I am somewhat back and forth, my logic for it is consistent. My most recent vote on Wheme I took back because I didn't really have a strong reason to have a vote on him. It's more a gut feeling than anything so I decided I didn't want to be voting based on that. Tomorrow I plan to go back through some ISOs to try to form a more solid opinion, as I currently don't have a definite idea of who I'd want to go for.

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 10:18 pm
by Egix96
In post 164, Clasko wrote:
In post 86, Clasko wrote:I'm forming opinions on others that I don't want to give words to just yet. Stay tuned.
Probably about time I did this now:

TTT = Confirmed town
TT = Strong town read
T = Town read
/T = Town lean
/ = Neutral
/M = Mafia lean
M = Mafia read
MM = Strong mafia read
MMM = Confirmed mafia

- Ahri: - / - Not much to inspect from their posts.
- endlessdark: - / - Post 115 was helpful - I'd like to hear more from them.
- Egix96: - /M - Whilst I think his questions and contributions are helpful to town, they feel finely placed and thought-out... not enough to use the word "artificial" though.
- Ivyeo: - /M - Too back and forth on WhemeStar now, especially after the interaction with Lukewarm.
- Lukewarm: - /T - Pushing their mafia reads just feels like unnecessary drama given the deadline, and I have to further inspect their interaction with Ivyeo later, but otherwise this stays the same.
- Saudade: - ?? - Recently posted so I'll check that out some other time.
- WhemeStar: - /T - I look at their ISO and I don't immediately see him as Mafia. I think he responds well against Demainer. Not much else to say.
- Demainer: - /T - I still hold this opinion from post 86.
I'm finding it hard to see how what you've written about me resolves to a scum lean overall, especially since you seemingly liked my enough to warrant unvoting me.


I'm planning to get some more work done in this game today, but it will have to wait until later due to RL stuff.

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 10:23 pm
by Egix96
In post 158, Saudade wrote:In a dead/dying gamestate the person who livens it up by being proactive is 99% of the time town
I think you have a good point here tbf.

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 11:32 pm
by Egix96

- Minor town vibes, especially considering that the thread atmosphere so far this game has mainly felt like one where scum would find it easy to point out something scummy.

- I don't really feel like Wheme has been overly defensive, and I think that the attitude shown here is justified by .

, - I find it a bit odd that Wheme goes from being "confused" by endlessdark's frustration comment to thinking it "sounded made up and fake". By which I mean, if you always thought it was fake then why would it confuse you?

-> - I think that this argument is fine.

Also, a thought that's been brewing in the back of my mind is that, so far, the gamestate has mainly felt like it's a case of "Wheme is going to be yeeted D1, but we can't drop the hammer yet because we still need to allow plenty of time for discussion."
The issue is that there still hasn't been a huge wealth of discussion, which implies that scum are content with this gamestate. Yes, Wheme has been defending himself, but why has seemingly no one else made a solid effort to divert attention elsewhere?

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2021 5:35 am
by Egix96

- Minor town feels from this - presuming that Demain is inexperienced, I think that scum would be too cautious to state this directly.

- "You can misinterpret what I said in any way you want, but you won't bait me into saying something I don't agree with." - More town feels.

- "I don't have strong reads either way on anyone apart from Whemestar, it'll likely remain that way until Wheme flips." - This I don't like, however, as it could be scum using a tunnel as an excuse to not solve.

- "I don't understand why we need role claims so early in the game, it's only going to hurt town?" - Very minor town vibes from the level of concern shown here.

Lean town overall.


- Still dislike this post, as it seems to show a lack of conviction in the initial read.

In post 103, Ivyeo wrote:Being honest, this mostly comes from being worried because my reads were *basically* 100% wrong last time I played, and I don't want to cause us to lose again.
I have some reads but I'm not sure if they hold any water?
Like I had bad vibes from Wheme but then their defense made me less confident in that, and now them trying to keep pushing defensively isn't feeling very towny to me, but again that's just kidna vibes and also nothing special for how town has been feeling. I had a town read on Clasko for example, because the whole W/W thing felt good, but also them saying they town lean *both* of them instead of "picking a side" makes me like them less. I still think I need more time to really have anything scum reads at this point, as I feel less sure on Wheme, but part of that may be a thing from the other games I play, as they're generally more strict on behaviorial stuff.
When first reading this paragraph I thought it was mostly waffle, though looking at it again, I can kinda see where Wheme might have felt "vibes" from it (), e.g. bolded.

- This post is a bit redundant, as it's mostly re-stating the question I asked in the very previous post.
"Your post makes it seem as though you just want to eliminate someone rather than anyone in specific, and you gave the three names that town appears to be most willing to eliminate right now."
To be fair, this is a bit more in-depth than how I stated it.

I'm not feeling as certain about this slot as I was before, but it's not as if I had a lot of confidence to begin with.

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2021 5:37 am
by Egix96

VOTE: Clasko

I think this is who I have more bad feels about at this point.

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2021 5:50 am
by Egix96
In post 95, Clasko wrote:If I'm answering truthfully, from my perspective, my nerves come from interacting with 8 strangers on the internet playing a game I love, but having outdated experience in.

Also, in response to being scum-read/bad reads, whilst I feel they're inevitable in every game, yes, I am afraid of making mistakes and looking bad. I also hate offending people and try to avoid it in games I'm in at all costs.
Like, I could definitely see this being an "It's not just because I randed scum, honest!" sort of post.

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2021 6:05 am
by Egix96
I'm not really getting any AI feelings from Dark's ISO. / are a little bit weird but that's pretty much it.

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2021 6:08 am
by endlessdark
In post 137, Lukewarm wrote:
In post 112, WhemeStar wrote:I don’t like how you are set on me being the flip on page 5
Yes its page 5 (well 6 now), but we are also on the 6th irl day for our in game Day 1. Maybe I am just not accustomed to the pacing of games on this site, but it feels like we are approaching the point where we just have to pick someone. Like there is only so much info we can really gain in day 1 until we force someone to claim, no?

I am getting pretty antsy for us to l-1 someone just so we can gain new info. Force someone to claim their role, then decide if we want to actually hammer the person based on what they claim. I mean if we wait to much longer, then if we L-1 someone, and decide we shouldn't hammer them, we won't even have long to form a new wagon.

I am not necessarily saying that I think it needs to be you, I would be happy for us to L-1 anyone on my scumread list tbh, so for now, I am gonna be on the biggest wagon between Whemestar, Ivyeo and Clasko.

VOTE: Ivyeo because I have sat on the Whemestar wagon for a while, and the Ivyeo wagon is the same size, so might as well mix it up lol
People who responded to this post:
In post 138, WhemeStar wrote:VOTE: Lukewarm
In post 139, Demainer wrote:I don't understand why we need role claims so early in the game, it's only going to hurt town? Unless there are special mechanics in this setup I'm not aware of.

Not getting town vibes from that recent post.
What are you guys talking about? Lukewarm's post is sensible. The person we're eliminating obviously has to claim and it's useful information for the town. There's no getting around this and it's not a scummy thing to push the town into action a bit.
In post 141, Egix96 wrote:
In post 139, Demainer wrote:I don't understand why we need role claims so early in the game, it's only going to hurt town?
The rule of thumb is to only claim when you are on the verge of being majjed.

The part I specifically take issue with is this:
In post 137, Lukewarm wrote:I am not necessarily saying that I think it needs to be you, I would be happy for us to L-1 anyone on my scumread list tbh, so for now, I am gonna be on the biggest wagon between Whemestar, Ivyeo and Clasko.
Those three names can't all be scum at once, so Luke, do you think any of them are particularly more likely to be scum than the others?
How is it an issue that Lukewarm outed 3 scumreads? Of course Lukewarm is aware they're two mafs, clearly they have to narrow down the suspects from the playerpool and come to an elimination consensus with others. If you push a single scumread alone, as opposed to a pool of three, there's less chance others think it's that particular person too.
In post 142, Ivyeo wrote:
In post 137, Lukewarm wrote:
In post 112, WhemeStar wrote:I don’t like how you are set on me being the flip on page 5
Yes its page 5 (well 6 now), but we are also on the 6th irl day for our in game Day 1. Maybe I am just not accustomed to the pacing of games on this site, but it feels like we are approaching the point where we just have to pick someone. Like there is only so much info we can really gain in day 1 until we force someone to claim, no?

I am getting pretty antsy for us to l-1 someone just so we can gain new info. Force someone to claim their role, then decide if we want to actually hammer the person based on what they claim. I mean if we wait to much longer, then if we L-1 someone, and decide we shouldn't hammer them, we won't even have long to form a new wagon.

I am not necessarily saying that I think it needs to be you, I would be happy for us to L-1 anyone on my scumread list tbh, so for now, I am gonna be on the biggest wagon between Whemestar, Ivyeo and Clasko.

VOTE: Ivyeo because I have sat on the Whemestar wagon for a while, and the Ivyeo wagon is the same size, so might as well mix it up lol
Do you not have preferences between the three of us? Your post makes it seem as though you just want to eliminate someone rather than anyone in specific, and you gave the three names that town appears to be most willing to eliminate right now.
Same answer as to Egix96.