Cue mood music.
Greetings. I have spoken to you through Andrius, I have spoken to you through inhim – now I speak to you directly.
I would like to first and foremost apologize for a bit of arrogance on my part. One of our long-term strategies was to leave clues suggesting we had used the Holy Order "Omniscience", which tells us what orders the scum have available. We have not used this order. I mistakenly thought that we could sufficiently speculate and have enough of an idea of the setup that we wouldn't need the Omniscience.
Consequently, the vig shot took us completely by surprise, because we assumed the restriction of must-grant-vig-to-town was still in play. We had no idea how to react to the flow of events. Furcolow knowing (some bastard derivative of) the Memetic Vig rolename suggests that he had been contacted by scum. So, by the one-order-per limit, his death couldn't have been a bolt. Yet, no vig was claiming the shot, and I assumed it was some wrongheaded, confused townie who had been granted vig by the scum, shot a townie with it, and was remaining silent for some reason.
Thank goodness for our friendly sk, helping me see the light!
And now, I'm willing to make one more wager about the setup. Two daykills advance the game forward a 'day', which means the scum could turn LYLO into an instant win. I'm thinking – hoping is more appropriate, actually – that the scum do not have this ability. I'm hoping the scum have no bolt.
(For those of you worrying that I'm gambling away our chances, take heart – this is the only table in the house that isn't rigged against us.)
Here is some key information you guys need to know:
Firstly, the 'endgame threshold' is 5 – below five players, many orders shut down. Which means that the big-sparkly-gamechanging orders were forbidden to us, but are now available. This is, more than anything else, the reason we had to descend. The only chance of town victory we had up there was sussing out who the sk and scum were and a coinflip with Appoint Doublevoter.
Secondly, the death penalty for the Righteous Seraph is more leinient than MoHo. If we die, you do not "auto-lose"; you simply lose the next time a Righteous is lynched. Since that's true anyway for the rest of the game, this is not going to get the town killed early.
Thirdly, being on the ground like this significantly boosts our faith generation. Won't say any numbers because scum taking the field might having them accumlating less than we do, and if there's one thing I love it's making the forces of evil have trouble with math.
So, here are the big things to know:
As long as I am alive, no one votes until I say go.
Self explanatory.
If I die and a town victory becomes impossible, the town will do everything in their power to ensure the Serial Killer wins.
You hear that, scumbags? Bolting me gives the SK the win, not you. And hey - SK's killed more scumbags than the town has. Shit, we're practically
over here.
Keep the goddamn battery up.
I've said this repeatedly through inhim and watched as it didn't happen – activity vanished when there was no voting. Hopefully with me here it'll be easier. My faith generation is awesome while I'm on the ground, and every day of buffed accumulation is a good one.
This is getting a little long, so I'll save my personal reads for another post. Only I will be posting in thread, but I can share "Word of Zach/Sotty" if asked or if they have something to say; I'm still in our god QT as normal.