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Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2020 11:59 pm
by TheFuzzylogic99
yes we have no watcher claim but it would be weird to through in the role of enabler withat a enabliber role ( in this case a watcher) . I am pretty sure there is an unclaim watcher wandering abou

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 4:04 am
by Insanoflex
Every time fuzzy posts I want to see it as pure, take him off the list of potential scum in my eyes.
In post 1490, Dunnstral wrote:Unwnd, I want your opinion/help making sense of this

For the rest, Unwnd is, at the very least, nai. I lean towny, and don't want them to be the elimination today
Not wanting to eliminate, I can understand, but leaning towny, someone whose opinion you want, why, exactly?

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 4:24 am
by TheFuzzylogic99
My last post looks terrible.

Maybe posting when I am half asleep was not a good idea after all

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 5:04 am
by PlusJOYED
I think fuzzy is town I just have a weird gut paranoia on his slot but not enough to warrant a fade or shot by any means

I wonder what happened n1. The thing about Insanoflex's claim is that it's probably not a maf role when theres just 1 vig. But also fuzzy brought up a good point. The odds of me and the mafia shooting titus are statistically pretty low although I see reasons for both me and mafia shooting titus. So either:
a. me and mafia just both killed titus (most likely)
b. mafia target had protection (via commuter, roleblocker, rolestopper, or doctor)
c. mafia decided to not kill (why though)

the thing is, if I understand bodyguard right, if insano protected the maf target he'd be dead also I think he said it was 1shot. But with this many roles out there already; there is no way we have another protective running around and insano is town.

My solve is like
1. Johny XOR nopoint (I'm pretty confident in this)
and 2 of insano, uwnd, gera or fuzzy

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 5:07 am
by PlusJOYED
so let's elim nopoint today.
if nopoint flips maf, who should I shoot?

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 5:15 am
by innocentvillager
Vote count 2.06

with 12 votes in play, it takes 7 to eliminate. Day 2 ends in (expired on 2020-12-26 12:19:38).

2. Andresvmb [0]:

3. unwnd [1]:

4. Flavor Leaf [0]:

5. Insanoflex [1]:

6. Noraa [3]:
, ,
7. PlusJOYED [0]:

8. Not_Mafia [0]:

9. JohnnyFarrar [0]:

10. geraintm [0]:

11. TheFuzzyLogic99 [0]:

12. Dunnstral [0]:

13. nopointinactingup [4]:
, , ,

no elimination [0]:

Not Voting [3]:
, ,

mod notes

Spoiler: vote log
Day 2 vote log

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 7:05 am
by Insanoflex
Hot take: if nopoint is scum, andres is very plausibly a partner.

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 7:26 am
by PlusJOYED
andres is my strongest non-mechanical (as in roles/claims not being a thing) TRs personally.
But POE is tightening for me
I think andres, Noraa are dayplay wise town
I think either nopoint or johny is town and other maf
Notmafia and dunn gotta be town
FL is town

that leaves insano, gera, uwnd, or fuzzy as the 2 remaining scum slots in my book. I think uwnd is probably scum, he's been trying to slow things down as of late and talking himself up. I'll probably shoot him if nopoint flips red today.

if I had to guess a solve it'd be nopoint/uwnd/insano.

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 7:49 am
by unwnd
Hey guys. My living situation is uncertain (Our lease is up) and I need some time to figure out the next course of action in my life. So I'd like to take a V/LA as Mafia will just be an added stress to me. Thanks.

acknowledged, RL always comes first. Good luck -innocentvillager

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 8:19 am
by geraintm
In post 1508, unwnd wrote:
Hey guys. My living situation is uncertain (Our lease is up) and I need some time to figure out the next course of action in my life. So I'd like to take a V/LA as Mafia will just be an added stress to me. Thanks.
Have you tried asking if there is room in the stable?

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 8:27 am
by TheFuzzylogic99
out of game comment
sorry to hear that Unwnd. I hope you can sort out your living situation soon. Take care my friend

back to the game

posting on phone but on at glance your logic does not make sense.
how can you say that scum amd you shooting Titus is low but then ssy it is most likely.

I am on the phone so i will dig deeper when searching is easier. Not sure about your POE

I personally think we need to out the watcher...imho

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 8:28 am
by TheFuzzylogic99
out of game comment
sorry to hear that Unwnd. I hope you can sort out your living situation soon. Take care my friend

back to the game

posting on phone but on at glance your logic does not make sense.
how can you say that scum amd you shooting Titus is low but then ssy it is most likely.

I am on the phone so i will dig deeper when searching is easier. Not sure about your POE

I personally think we need to out the watcher...imho

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 9:28 am
by PlusJOYED
sorry to hear that uwnd

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 9:31 am
by PlusJOYED
In post 1510, TheFuzzylogic99 wrote:how can you say that scum amd you shooting Titus is low but then ssy it is most likely.
statistically low, but the other possibility would be we have a doc on top of all these pr claims. There's no world where we have a doc and a bodyguard. And if you think about it doc and mafia targeting same person is about the same odds as me and maf targeting titus

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 9:39 am
by PlusJOYED
but yeah my and maf both killing titus is a 1% chance it can totally happen

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 9:40 am
by PlusJOYED
In post 1511, TheFuzzylogic99 wrote:I personally think we need to out the watcher...imho
nah I don't think they exist

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 11:11 am
by JohnnyFarrar
In post 1507, PlusJOYED wrote:that leaves insano, gera, uwnd, or fuzzy as the 2 remaining scum slots in my book
Our poe is the same except replace fuzzy with noraa. Actually why not noraa?

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 11:27 am
by Noraa
In post 1476, JohnnyFarrar wrote:Lol I guess I shouldn't have claimed since plus is just gonna merc me regardless


Given I know my own alignment and trust nopo my suspect list just never includes nopo or Dunn here. The vig enabler claim matches up with the vig, so I don't really want that gone today either. No fuzzy, NM, and prolly not Andre either.

This leaves my vote potentially on unwnd, gera, noraa or insaneo
you've been avoiding me like the plague. idc if ur scum. talk to me mon :(
I came here to do that >:((((

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 11:28 am
by Noraa
In post 1480, geraintm wrote:
In post 1302, Noraa wrote:
In post 1300, PlusJOYED wrote:actually who is jacko? Is that Flavor leaf?
oh fuck me. jacko is jacko the amazingest and they aren't in this game. wrong game.
ok, i am really confused now :(
has someone claimed Vig or not?? or is noraa just making things up
plus claimed vig.
I said jacko claimed vig. Thats a different game. I got them mixed up.

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 11:32 am
by Noraa
In post 1481, Flavor Leaf wrote:im fine fading Noraa.

They aren't a PR claim anyways, im fine letting all that work itself out. We haven't faded anyone this game.
I haven't claimed yet. Are you fishing for prs?
In post 1483, geraintm wrote:
In post 1330, nopointinactingup wrote: I have an inno on Johnny (not a cop inno but I'm not willing to say what it is unless Johnny is ok with it). If you lynch me, you'd better not lynch Johnny tomorrow.
Dunn = COp (now usless)
Not mafia = innocent from Dunn
Flavour = Vig enabler
NoPOint - some sort of investigative role
Johnny = innocent from NoPoint


excuse me trying to keep on top of things in thread
What did nopo claim again?
In post 1508, unwnd wrote:
Hey guys. My living situation is uncertain (Our lease is up) and I need some time to figure out the next course of action in my life. So I'd like to take a V/LA as Mafia will just be an added stress to me. Thanks.
Ah I hope everything works out for u.

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 11:33 am
by JohnnyFarrar

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 11:33 am
by PlusJOYED
In post 1516, JohnnyFarrar wrote:
In post 1507, PlusJOYED wrote:that leaves insano, gera, uwnd, or fuzzy as the 2 remaining scum slots in my book
Our poe is the same except replace fuzzy with noraa. Actually why not noraa?
Noraa was shelly and shelly was a TR, a lot more because the kill target

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 11:34 am
by Noraa
In post 1217, Noraa wrote:Johnny u always asked me for ur scum tells. I'll give them to you. These are the things that stuck out to me from the tiny bit of this game that I've read otherwise known as your iso.

First red flag: Wall post on page 1. You're not a blabbermouth type playstyle so seeing that alone is very strange and + scum points

Second red flag: One of your town tells that maybe you haven't realized yet is that you love making posts like: "Hey I'm online. Anyone want to talk?" I think about it as ur bored as town and don't know what to talk about so u kinda need to bounce off of others. You didn't have a single post like that here which is BIG BIG BIG red flag.

Third red flag: You never addressed me calling you scum and I did it multiple times. Ur dodgy bc ur afraid I catch you considering I've played a shit ton of games with you. Confidence is key and even fake confidence is better than none.

Last red flag: You're not really snarky(dunno if this is a good word to use. its hard to describe the vibe) as town. Like I think town!Johnny is fluffy as clouds with not a care in mind. But here you kinda give me those "aaaaaaaaaa what do I do? lets have loads of sarcasm in every post and hope people like me!"
Ok so Johnny is avoiding me and not answering my questions or taking my attempts to engage.
The town is a pile of garbage.
Im going to lead us to a scum elimination today ASAP

VOTE: Johnny

I didn't wanna see u die as soon as I repped in after I figured out ur alignment but if this town is a pile of garbage, what's gotta be done, has gotta be done.

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 11:37 am
by Noraa
Johnny!!!! talk to me about candy!

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2020 11:38 am
by Noraa
We can talk about gummies or lollipops or sweet tarts :O

sour gummies are the best!