1'm n0t v3ry f@m1l1@r w1th th3 6s6@l @m06nt 0f sc6m f0r @ g@m3 th1s s1z3.
1n my 0p1n10n, n3r6z 1s th3 l@st sc6m 1f th3r3 1s 0nly 0n3 l3ft.
g@mm@g03y @nd 1nh1m @r3 t0wny r3@ds f0r m3. 1n th@t 0rd3r.
d@n@k1lls6... w3ll 1 h@t3 t0 b3 th@t g6y b6t h3 h@sn't b33n 0n s1nc3 th3 f06rth. M2k1ng h1m 6nl1k3ly t0 b3 m@f1@. 6nl1k3ly. B6t st1ll p0ss1bl3. F0r n0w 1 @m w1ll1ng t0 k1ll n3r6z.
1 w1ll h0ld 0ff my v0t3 6nt1l s0m30n3 answ3rs my q63st10n @b06t th3 @m06nt 0f sc6m.
F0r n0w, 1 w1ll expl@1n why 1 w@nt n3r6z d3@d.
Neruz wrote:UNVOTE: xvart (Just in case)
VOTE: YamiChan for not even bothering to pretend she is scumhunting, instead preferring protestations that everyone else is out to get her.
Th1s 1s b0g6s. Th06gh Y@m1 w@s n0t h6nt1ng sc6m. 1t w@s t0t@lly 0bv106s th@t h3r pr0t3sts w3r3 n6ll t3lls. Th3y d1d n0t s6gg3st @ny @l1gnm3nt.
1t 1s @ls0 t0t@lly hyp0cr1t1c@l. Y06 w3r3 n0t sc6mh6nt1ng 31th3r. Y06 w3r3 0nly f63l1ng th3 f1r3 by c0nst@ntly r3sp0nd1ng t0 h3r @nt1cs.
Neruz wrote:In a note unrelated to YamiChan but important to the game, the following players have yet to check into the thread.
Mastermind of Sin
Toon Fighter
I think it might be worth waiting for some input from these players before continuing any of these wagons. We've created a shitload of pages considering over a third of the player base hasn't even posted in the thread yet.
S0m3 p30pl3 st@rt3d t0 p01nt 06t wh@t 1 j6st p01nt3d 06t @nd wh@t y06 d1d h3r3 w@s try1ng t0 d1v3rt @tt3nt10n t0 0th3r pl@y3rs. Y06 p01nt3d 06t y06r 0wn sc6mm1n3ss 1n s@y1ng 1t w@s n0t r3l@t3d t0 Y@m1. Y06 @r3 r1ght. 1t w@s @ t0t@l d1str@ct10n. 1t w@s t0 d1v3rt @tt3nt10n @w@y fr0m y06rs3lf @nd 0nt0 0th3rs.
Neruz wrote:hohum wrote:Neruz wrote:Primate wrote:She's conflating people attacking her behavior with attacking her.
She does that anyway regardless of being in a game or not. Null tell there.
Yet somehow a page ago you were using that as a reason to push for votes.
Misrep some moar plz. I wasn't using the fact that she takes everything personally as a reason to push for votes, i was using using the fact
that was all she was doing
to push for votes. She wasn't scumhunting, she wasn't contributing. All she was doing was 'woe is me for i am a victim and you are all terrible bullies who hate me' and so on. Had she been both whining and scumhunting, i wouldn't have voted for her. It was not the presence of the first, but the lack of the second.
B6t y06 d1d th3 s@m3 3x@ct th1ng! Y06 w3r3n't sc6mh6nt1ng 31th3r. 3v3ry s1ngl3 0n3 0f y06r p0sts d6r1ng th3 Y@m1 dr@m@ w@s m3r3ly m0r3 dr@m@.
@ls0, h3r 3nt1r3 b3h@v10r w@s t0 b3 3xp3ct3d. @nd y06 kn3w 1t.
1f y06 kn3w th@t @ll Y@m1 w@s g01ng t0 d0 w@s m@k3 @ wh0l3 t0n 0f dr@m@, y06 @ls0 kn3w th@t sh3 w06ldnt sc6mh6nt b3c@6s3 sh3 w@s sp3nd1ng @ll h3r t1m3 d01ng h3r cr@p!
y@m1 th1ng w@s @ n6ll t3ll. N0t j6st @ p@rt 0f 1t.
Neruz wrote:Also, if someone could give me the bullet points on why CSL is scum, that would be helpful. I tunneled a bit much on Yami at the start and seem to have missed CSL being scummy entirely.
Y06 @r3 c@ll1ng 06t y06r 0wn sc6mm1n3s h3r3. Y06 d0nt 3v3n n33d my h3lp.
1s0 # 50 - 56 w3r3 m0r3 l0gs 0n th3 Y@m1 f1r3.
S0 y06 kn3w sh3 w@s g01ng t0 @ct l1k3 th@t. Y3t y06 st1ll w3nt b@ck @nd f0rth w1th h3r tw1c3
v0t3d h3r f0r 1t.
Neruz wrote:Holy motherfucking shit, FIVE DEATHS?
KN0wn sc6mt3ll. F@k3 r3@ct10n.
Neruz wrote:To be fair, RC's PR
somewhat implausible. But MoI makes some extremely strong points, i especially like the part where xvart contradicts himself by saying the only person he'd vote is Rikana while he's in the process of voting RC.
VOTE: xvart
If he was trying to policy lynch RC because he has claimed an obnoxious PR i could understand that, but MoI has brought to my attention the fact that he has been busily trying to turn what clearly started as either a policy lynch or a percieved easy lynch into a legitimate lynch. Combine that with the rest of his ISO and he is looking pretty bad.
I'm still not sold on DK being town, but i will admit i tend to be terrible at telling the difference between VI and terribad scum.
Y06 @r3 r1d1ng 0n M01's c@s3. Wh@t 1 r3@d h3r3 1s b6ss1ng sc6m. @nd b6ddy1ng t0 M01. Wh0 fl1pp3d t0wn. Wh1ch m@k3s 1t 3v3n m0r3 l1k3ly.
Neruz wrote:Honestly, i've got nothing right now. That modkill really interrupted my train of thought.
inHimshallibe wrote:Neruz wrote:God fucking damnit DeathNote, i wish you'd said something about that block, that's probably just wasted an extremely powerful ability.
Also what the hell kind of reaction is this.
My second box gave me a one-shot ability to determine what factions were active in the game and how many players in each faction. I used it on the night DeathNote blocked, wasting it entirely. I'm kind of miffed about that to be honest.
WH0@. H0ld 6P. Wh3r3 d1d th1s s3c0nd b0x c0m3 fr0m? @nd 1f 1t cl@1ms h0w m@ny f@ct10ns @r3 1n th3 g@m3 @nd h0w m@ny 1n 1t. Why w06ld 1t h@v3 t0 b3 6s3d 0n @ pl@y3r? Y06 h@v3 s0m3 3xpl@1n1ng t0 d0.
Neruz wrote:Riding votes on other people's points is wagoning and not interacting Empking. This is the most you've interacted with other players in the entire game thus far.
Y06 d1d th3 s@m3 th1ng. B6t 1'm @fr@1d 1 w06ld pr0b@bly j6mp3d 0n 3mpk1ng mys3lf f0r y06r r3@s0ns.
Neruz wrote:VOTE: Empking
Prior reasons continue to apply.
Also nice shot whoever blew up DeathNote.
F1rst p@rt 1 g3t. B6t th3 b0ld3d b3tt3r b3 @ d@rn j0k3.
Neruz wrote:You looked like you were trying to throw up a smokescreen of bullshit to hide the fact that you have completely failed to scumhunt, votehopped like you're on antidepressants and refused to illuminate the town as to the contents of your box.
Still do, in fact.
Y06 d1d th3 s@m3 d@rn th1ng! W3ll n0t s0 m6ch v0t3h0pp3d. @nd 1'll @dm1t th@t y06 sc6mh6nt3d m0r3 th@n h3 d1d.
Neruz wrote:Oh fuck it, we're not getting anywhere sitting here staring at each other.
VOTE: SpyreX
@nd l@st b6t n0t l3@st. Y06 h@mm3r3d b3f0r3 w3 g0t @ny 1nf0 fr0m d@n@'s sl0t.
@ll 1n @ll, 06t 0f th3 p30pl3 l3ft. 1 @m t0t@lly w1ll1ng t0 lynch y06.
Pl3@s3 @nsw3r my q63st10ns @nd d3f3nd.
PEDIT: @w3s0m3. d@n@ 1s h3r3 n0w. @ll0w1ng 6s t0 g3t 1np6t fr0m th@t sl0t.
PS @ n3r6z: @nd y06 s@1d h@v1ng m3 1n LyL0 w1th @ PR w06ld m@k3 m3 d1ff1c6lt t0 g3t @ r3@d fr0m. Th1s PR 1sn't bl0ck1ng @ny 1np6t. 1t m3r3ly 1s j6st @ t1m3 c0ns6m1ng 0v3rc0m@bl3 0bst@cl3.