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Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 12:58 pm
by Titus
In post 1548, Lady Eventide wrote:@LLD: If you have any useful info re: site culture, I'd appreciate it. I've heard MS described as "cutthroat" and "very emotional", in the context of G5 being "the most mafiascum game ever" by certain MU people I now forget the names of. Should I be expecting more flaming and AtE?
There's not much flaming and AtE here. LLD has come the closest and her lack of respect isn't a flame.

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 1:03 pm
by Tana and Ephraim
I have not brought my A flaming game, I can flame a LOT harder.

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 1:06 pm
by Lady Lambdadelta
In post 1548, Lady Eventide wrote:@LLD: If you have any useful info re: site culture, I'd appreciate it. I've heard MS described as "cutthroat" and "very emotional", in the context of G5 being "the most mafiascum game ever" by certain MU people I now forget the names of. Should I be expecting more flaming and AtE?
You shouldn't expect it to play out like any MU game I'll say that much. It's hard for me to tell you what to expect because frankly if I poison the well on you I don't know if I can read your progression from where you are now to how you naturalize into this environment.

See: Frog in the pot.

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 1:08 pm
by Lady Lambdadelta
Titus I'll say this plainly. I think you have a good chance of being scum here and I'm not at all interested in listening to your demands.

You can try and show me your town by re-evaluating from what I've said, or you can keep doing what you're doing and see what happens.

Again, if I parse you I think I parse like 5 different players alignments this game, so.

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 1:09 pm
by Lady Lambdadelta
In post 1551, Tana and Ephraim wrote:I have not brought my A flaming game, I can flame a LOT harder.
Speaking of, you've been really low key, even with the Sailor fight you didn't pop off how I thought you might.

Sakura influence or are you holding back for another reason?

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 1:14 pm
by Titus
In post 1553, Lady Lambdadelta wrote:Titus I'll say this plainly. I think you have a good chance of being scum here and I'm not at all interested in listening to your demands.

You can try and show me your town by re-evaluating from what I've said, or you can keep doing what you're doing and see what happens.

Again, if I parse you I think I parse like 5 different players alignments this game, so.
You try and make scumhunting seem like an unreasonable demand.

Even if you think I'm scum, which I seriously doubt, you should have some other reads.

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 1:15 pm
by popsofctown
Pandora is swatting at the phone screen too much for me to play ranking dungeon.

Mafiascum has a site culture of being awesomeness I like like 9/10 players

I'm curious about the wild mafia universe place but the posts are so spaced out it looks hard to read.

I don't really like a purely positional case on Titus for a day one lynch. I don't get the logic in general actually, if Bitmap is scum isn't she 1/4, which is precisely correct distribution from her PoV?

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 1:16 pm
by Titus
In post 1556, popsofctown wrote:I don't really like a purely positional case on Titus for a day one lynch. I don't get the logic in general actually, if Bitmap is scum isn't she 1/4, which is precisely correct distribution from her PoV?
Maybe this is the vodka but I don't get this.

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 1:17 pm
by Dannflor
Tana and Ephraim
- Town. I had a glimmer of doubt on this slot when Ephraim expressed his scum read on me. He's played with both scum and town me and I don't think my scum game is good enough that he should be unable to read me with a very high level of consistency. However, I can see why he might have doubts given my more laid back involvement in this game. The fact that Ephraim immediately backed off and pushed elsewhere means he's trying to give me the space to show that I'm town here, given he's not completely sure about it. This is evident in #1364. I think that's a town thought process and reads distinctly different to Gameshow Mafia—if you remember that Nancy—where he pushed us early and then immediately locked us town instead. This is more of a real progression where he's trying to give me a chance to prove my alignment.

Tana's posts are very town as well. She's actively engaging pretty much everyone and making pretty transparent attempts to sort. I've also mind melded with her on several reads and thoughts at multiple points throughout the game which makes me more inclined to town read her. Posts like #467 and #469 town ping me slightly for trying to move the discussion to more productive areas, instead of just jumping in and taking a side for the sake of it.

Sailor Senshi
- Town. The day role-block alone makes me more inclined to town read the slot. It's a mechanical thing I don't think that slot makes up just for a town read. I would think a roleblocker would be more likely a scum role than a town role, someone correct me if I'm wrong on that, so I find it more likely Senshi was targeted by scum. It's weak and certainly not a large part of my town read, but that's my thoughts on that.

With some more time and perspective on the spat between the Sailor Senshi & Tana and Ephraim slots, I can see Krazy's town motivation for forcing a push right then and there more clearly now. I don't think it was exactly a good idea but I understand why it happened. I also think it would have been very easy for scum!Krazy to keep the conflict going or use my reaction or someone else's reaction to redirect his energies elsewhere and keep the momentum going in a different direction when the quell with Tana and Ephraim was dying down. Instead, he did make an effort to reconcile and play the game in good faith with T and E, which I think would not be how that conflict resolved if it was really a manufactured scum strategy. Furthermore, he made posts defending me like in #1106 that show him still taking a logical approach to the game despite emotions getting heated earlier. I think this makes it clear it wasn't a scum tactic but a town attack that went awry.

Since Nancy and Shiro have been actively involved in the game I've found their attempts to engage and sort people town both in tone and action, similar to Tana. Nancy's reconsideration of Lady Eventide is towny in particular.

Lady Eventide
- Town. There are still a few small things that bother me about the slot—#937 is probably one of the most egregious examples of posts that still bother me—but I'm seeing an overwhelming amount of things that indicate town for me. I've been unnecessarily kind of unwilling to engage with this slot recently, see my #1330, because I've felt several of my recent posts have been misinterpreted and thus misrepresented by Lady Eventide. However, after rereading I don't think this is intentional.

In fact, I think the push on me is pretty towny. I think it's wrong in every respect, of course, but the timing and choice of person is towny. Lady Eventide was the first person to voice really any sort of suspicion about me. Her vote comes before Ephraim states his scum read on me. It also comes at a time where Lady Eventide has ~5 votes on her, the largest wagon at the time. I don't think scum!Lady E chooses that time to build a case against a fairly widespread town read. I would think it more likely she'd push a lower hanging fruit and try to get a counter wagon going. She had no guarantee anyone would join my wagon or even voice suspicion.

Her choice of continuing to swing her vote around when different people strike her as off is a town tell too, I think. She doesn't seem too self conscious about how she uses her vote. I think even IF scum!Lady E were to decide to push me of all slots after a big wagon had been built on her, she would have hard committed to it instead of voting Tana and Ephraim, Croag, and RCEnigma before coming back to pushing me. It's a sort of lack of self awareness and lack of tunnel vision that I think town is more likely to have.

Gamma Emerald
- Town.
In post 413, Gamma Emerald wrote:
In post 325, Bitmap wrote:I think Dannflor is town. He's taking initiative and leading wagons. Scum doesn't do that
This read: if you believe this why did you push me for that in Hidden Speezy? Either you're scum here or admitting you pushed a dishonest lynch in that game, in which case I'm entirely within my right to not trust any read you post here.
My town read mostly comes down to this post and the proceeding push from it. I personally think scum doesn't make cases like this. At the very least, I don't think Gamma!scum does. It's such an oddly specific circumstance taken from another game that I don't think scum!Gamma just makes that up or comes up with it on the spot. It's the sort of weird thing that town latches on to and pushes because they think they're on to something big.

I also find #1079 a town tell. I don't wanna say it's TWTBW because that's not quite right, it's more just that I think scum!Gamma would too self aware to immediately retract his vote based on somebody else calling it out. Most of the time when this happens, scum doubles down or lurks it out until they can change their vote without pressure. This was just an immediate "oops I made a mistake, nvm." I don't expect people to necessarily agree with this read in particular, but both of these instances strongly gut ping me as town.


The above reads are slots I'm completely comfortable with putting in the town bin today and only revisiting later.

I have not been been giving this game enough attention to have solid reads on other slots. I've been for the most part just cataloging my town reads.

The slots that I do have feelings on go something like this:


Hidden Happiness

Chaos Wind





This game so far strikes me as a game where extra attention has to be given to separating the "bad" town pushes and posts from the scum ones. I think quite a few slots appear scummy at first glance which makes things a little harder. It's just a difference between players making cases because they actually think they are good vs. players making opportunistic cases to justify their votes.

My efforts going forward are gonna be focused on sorting the players above and the one's I haven't mentioned who have made no real impression on me so far.

@Lady Eventide, I did take the liberty of rereading Bitmap's ISO. I know you wanted a thorough analysis but I don't have the time to do that today. I will say though that my original gut town feelings completely disappeared. What's your read on him? Also I would appreciate it if you answered why you were interested in that read from me specifically

VOTE: Bitmap

@Bitmap, can you quote some examples of pot shots Pops has made "anytime there's a new development?"

@Pops, how have your reads developed since your last reads list? Specifically, what is your read on me right now? You kinda avoided taking a stance when people started voicing suspicion of me. Like I get your hesitant to lynch me but I'm unclear where you're read on me stands

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 1:17 pm
by Lady Lambdadelta
In post 1555, Titus wrote:
In post 1553, Lady Lambdadelta wrote:Titus I'll say this plainly. I think you have a good chance of being scum here and I'm not at all interested in listening to your demands.

You can try and show me your town by re-evaluating from what I've said, or you can keep doing what you're doing and see what happens.

Again, if I parse you I think I parse like 5 different players alignments this game, so.
You try and make scumhunting seem like an unreasonable demand.

Even if you think I'm scum, which I seriously doubt, you should have some other reads.
You doubt.... I think... you're scum...

/me breathes deeply

Titus, I DO have other reads. And am generating other reads.

I literally just started engaging with this game for the first time about like 30 minutes ago.

Seriously I don't feel like getting angry can you stop with these bullshit claim and statements...

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 1:18 pm
by Bitmap
In post 1533, Lady Lambdadelta wrote:
In post 150, Bitmap wrote:my pops vote is now serious
In post 152, Bitmap wrote:The vote hopping seems opportunistic.
In post 154, Bitmap wrote:It felt different from Dann's vote hopping.
So much of this ISO is just garbage and it makes getting a strong read on this slot so hard.

Why can't you fuckers all be like Gameplay and be super obviously town when I need you to be.

Anywya, the quoted stuff above is a bit weird.

differentiates Pops and Dann's vote hopping Bit? And for that matter, include LE's voting pattern in that question too.

The ship has sailed. It's way past .

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 1:19 pm
by Dannflor
In post 1560, Bitmap wrote:The ship has sailed. It's way past 152.
okay but like you can still answer the question

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 1:19 pm
by popsofctown
LLD's case is that it's suspicious you have multiple cases and none of them seem likely to be busses, proving you know the scumteam because you are outperforming rand.


Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 1:20 pm
by Lady Lambdadelta
In post 1556, popsofctown wrote:Pandora is swatting at the phone screen too much for me to play ranking dungeon.

Mafiascum has a site culture of being awesomeness I like like 9/10 players

I'm curious about the wild mafia universe place but the posts are so spaced out it looks hard to read.

I don't really like a purely positional case on Titus for a day one lynch. I don't get the logic in general actually, if Bitmap is scum isn't she 1/4, which is precisely correct distribution from her PoV?
Okay like...

Do you see where my vote is currently? And why it's not on Titus?

If Bitmap is scum I'm lynching Bitmap.

If Bitmap is town, I'm probably lynching Titus for being scum.

And currently I'm using my vote to apply pressure elsewhere but that's kind of moot now that I've had to explain this principle.

God I hate mafia sometimes. It's like no one bothers to actually read into why you do shit and just blow up your read setups and go "look how townie I am lul"


Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 1:20 pm
by Lady Lambdadelta
In post 1561, Dannflor wrote:
In post 1560, Bitmap wrote:The ship has sailed. It's way past 152.
okay but like you can still answer the question
This please.

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 1:20 pm
by Titus
In post 1562, popsofctown wrote:LLD's case is that it's suspicious you have multiple cases and none of them seem likely to be busses, proving you know the scumteam because you are outperforming rand.

No. LLD's case is that I'm so horrible I am underperforming against rand...

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 1:22 pm
by Bitmap
In post 1561, Dannflor wrote:
In post 1560, Bitmap wrote:The ship has sailed. It's way past 152.
okay but like you can still answer the question
In post 157, Bitmap wrote:Dann started the wagons.
In post 155, Bitmap wrote:Dann's were all vanity where pop has been voting on wagons with traction.
In post 160, Bitmap wrote:Nothing but I use "we're only on page 7 and I'm trying pls this is hard" as my explanation.

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 1:23 pm
by Dannflor
In post 1558, Dannflor wrote:@Bitmap, can you quote some examples of pot shots Pops has made "anytime there's a new development?"

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 1:25 pm
by Bitmap
In post 1410, popsofctown wrote:
In post 1406, Tana and Ephraim wrote:I very frequently use phrasing that assumes the person that I'm talking to is town because if they're not town there's no point in the discussion.
Do you think Bitmap is >rand scum?
In post 1415, Bitmap wrote:I love how pops hops in a side comment as soon as I admit I made a mistake.

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 1:25 pm
by Lady Eventide
In post 1552, Lady Lambdadelta wrote:
In post 1548, Lady Eventide wrote:@LLD: If you have any useful info re: site culture, I'd appreciate it. I've heard MS described as "cutthroat" and "very emotional", in the context of G5 being "the most mafiascum game ever" by certain MU people I now forget the names of. Should I be expecting more flaming and AtE?
You shouldn't expect it to play out like any MU game I'll say that much. It's hard for me to tell you what to expect because frankly if I poison the well on you I don't know if I can read your progression from where you are now to how you naturalize into this environment.

See: Frog in the pot.
I mean, this in itself is affecting how I naturalize. Now I'm incentivised to actually go read other games, since you're being unhelpful.

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 1:25 pm
by Lady Lambdadelta
In post 1565, Titus wrote:
In post 1562, popsofctown wrote:LLD's case is that it's suspicious you have multiple cases and none of them seem likely to be busses, proving you know the scumteam because you are outperforming rand.

No. LLD's case is that I'm so horrible I am underperforming against rand...
Those are the same thing, Titus.

My case is to be clear that a lot of the people you are bushing seem to be town and if you go 0/4 in my book, even with my opinion on your ability to solve games on Day 1 (let alone other days) that makes you VERY suspicious to me.

How is this hard to understand? If you push 4 different places and they are all on townies I have a hard time thinking you are town doing that no matter what the odds are too weird.

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 1:26 pm
by Bitmap
How many votes am I at?

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 1:28 pm
by Lady Lambdadelta
In post 1569, Lady Eventide wrote:
In post 1552, Lady Lambdadelta wrote:
In post 1548, Lady Eventide wrote:@LLD: If you have any useful info re: site culture, I'd appreciate it. I've heard MS described as "cutthroat" and "very emotional", in the context of G5 being "the most mafiascum game ever" by certain MU people I now forget the names of. Should I be expecting more flaming and AtE?
You shouldn't expect it to play out like any MU game I'll say that much. It's hard for me to tell you what to expect because frankly if I poison the well on you I don't know if I can read your progression from where you are now to how you naturalize into this environment.

See: Frog in the pot.
I mean, this in itself is affecting how I naturalize. Now I'm incentivised to actually go read other games, since you're being unhelpful.
then do that. I am already accounting for you doing that.

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 1:28 pm
by Lady Lambdadelta
In post 1571, Bitmap wrote:How many votes am I at?

Posted: Mon Sep 16, 2019 1:28 pm
by Bitmap
In post 1573, Lady Lambdadelta wrote:
In post 1571, Bitmap wrote:How many votes am I at?
Love ya too LLD.