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Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 8:54 pm
by MathBlade
In post 1571, humaneatingmonkey wrote:unfortunately, i'm really just actually busy with my life and i still took this game anyway. i'm kinda lost atm, and i don't know what happened to merit MathBlade claiming on behalf of us. Was I at L-1?
Anyway, consider me Math' extravote.
I didn’t want to wait that long and wasn’t sure if you had just flaked due to my predecessor’s mean things said.
So I took a calculated risk as I said in the PT

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 8:56 pm
by humaneatingmonkey
i think it's alright. i trust you.

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 9:01 pm
by MathBlade
It’s almost midnight Monkey
I left thoughts in the PT but gotta crash

You’ve read more than me so if you disagree
Vote whoever and I will sheep you.

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 9:04 pm
by humaneatingmonkey
good night. i'll go read the thread.

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 9:16 pm
by Datisi
i find it entertaining how in a previous 9:12 game, i said how math's vca was wrong because it was perfectly possible for scum to lazyvote their partner and not push it

and i got shut down because that's really good scumplay and people usually don't do really good scumplay

but now he's outright denying that the most common scum strategy is looking town and that scum almost never does both looking town and planning in advance and making all those complex ploys and never votes a wagon for the heck of it, especially so early in the game

but anyway yell at me if i talk about this again
In post 1563, Aristeia wrote:btw who do you want to vote for now?
wu/std/yeet actually, but (1) i haven't actually read the 12 or so pages that happened while i was sleeping (2) i want to relook at the wagons again for myself now that we have two mason claims

so that pool is not guaranteed

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 9:22 pm
by humaneatingmonkey
In post 1199, Save The Dragons wrote:
In post 1105, skitter30 wrote:Hey this is a spicy take, can you elaborate a bit on why you find ari worse than hem?
at first i was like HEM's "lol" post looked like deflection

but then when i saw the arguments recently, i thought ari was being a little unreasonable. i felt HEM asking for elaboration on the entire list was fine while Ari said things like "pick one" which seems like a way of saying "ha you didn't do what i asked you to do, you're being unreasonable" it was kind of the way it was said too

i think the arguments like "you ghosted the thread" and "you didn't pick up on my "trapcard" read of STD" aren't super meaty either.

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 9:25 pm
by humaneatingmonkey
my wagon was mounted at the same time datisi's wagon was mounted, and it was escalated because town "needed" to consolidate. in the end, only a handful really thought i was scummy, but i wasn't really that scummy anyway — just heavily misrepresented. and i can't keep up with the tempo. i think there was merit to Math's suggestion, but i dont expect you to agree with that because it would mean you'd be scum, Datisi.

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 9:33 pm
by humaneatingmonkey
In post 910, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 909, Datisi wrote:@baltar, is there a reason why you did not include me in the early readslist? i see you have a null category, and pretty sure i had posted at the time
I started with the full list of names at the start of my catch up and was slotting them into those piles as I was going along and getting feelings one way or the other. So while I had a null category, by the time I finished read I was kind of tired and didn't feel like writing out WHY I felt null on a bunch of people still (including you), I just knew I wasn't ready to make an alignment call on those people yet.
this exchange just feels so wrong

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 9:34 pm
by Mizzytastic
Lets start scoring the game I shared a picture of previously. First we remove captures. The stones I have marked are ones that would be captured. How we deal with them will differ based on if we use area or territory counting...


Official Votecount 1.11GeneralWu (4): fua, Save The Dragons, VP Baltar, MathBlade

Datisi (1): humaneatingmonkey
fua (1): skitter30
Eyes without a face (1): Cape90
VP Baltar (1): Nero Cain
tenebrousluminary (1): fireisredsir
humaneatingmonkey (1): Yeet
Yeet (1): Frogsterking

Not Voting (8): Scorpious, DeasVail, MalcolmTucker, Datisi, Eyes without a face, Aristeia, tenebrousluminary, GeneralWu

With 19 players alive, it takes 10 votes to achieve an eliminaton.

Day 1 will end in (expired on 2022-03-12 05:15:00).

click here for joined mod iso.

I am going to be low access for until the 13th. I am still going to be checking multiple times a day but mod actions and vote counts will be when I am free and not waiting to hit the top of a page or whatever. the worst will be handling more of the the votes overnight, unless I decide to try phone posting.

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 9:39 pm
by humaneatingmonkey
oh we have 7 days til elimination and i dont have to make a decision now?


peace out.

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 9:47 pm
by skitter30
Ok i probably believe the claim now

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 9:48 pm
by skitter30
In [url=]post 1545[/url], PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:it might be useful to see who actually follows this logic of his though!

how are you dats?

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 9:50 pm
by skitter30
In post 1568, Nero Cain wrote:
@ everyone
is cape town
Why do u think i'm sus of u ?

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 9:57 pm
by Datisi
In post 1581, humaneatingmonkey wrote:but i dont expect you to agree with that because it would mean you'd be scum, Datisi.
i actually do currently think wu might be scum here

i disagree because i've been in a few games with math and i he keeps spewing wild vca and other theories based on how he imagines scum operates which doesn't have to be, and often isn't correct

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2022 11:01 pm
by fua
In post 1568, Nero Cain wrote:
@ everyone
is cape town
Not sure. Townlean for me at best, but he’s kind of been in the background most of the day.

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 12:53 am
by DeasVail
ugh I'm reading through and Nordom was so scummy. Like I know MathBlade is almost certainly town but woah how are they the same slot

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 1:10 am
by DeasVail
Hmm, another question to fua on . I must admit that my yeet read has dampened somewhat with them not having kept up their enthusiasm and activity, but I feel like your reasons for townreading Frogsterking could just as easily apply to Yeet. I know that explaining readslists is often a crapshoot, but I must say the readslist in 1063 strikes me as being a lot of words but doesn't actually give me a strong idea of
your reads are what they are.

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 1:17 am
by DeasVail
In post 1111, VP Baltar wrote:Sigh....I kind of like fua for this exchange with fire.
This is where I'm at too. I'm not as sure about the read there now.

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 1:21 am
by fua
In post 1591, DeasVail wrote:Hmm, another question to fua on . I must admit that my yeet read has dampened somewhat with them not having kept up their enthusiasm and activity, but I feel like your reasons for townreading Frogsterking could just as easily apply to Yeet. I know that explaining readslists is often a crapshoot, but I must say the readslist in 1063 strikes me as being a lot of words but doesn't actually give me a strong idea of
your reads are what they are.
I just wanted to give at least some reasoning behind where I ranked them. I’m not typing out a whole paragraph for everyone.

The difference between Frogster and Yeet is that I don’t think Frogster has any associates or an agenda he’s really pushing, unlike Malcolm’s note about Yeet (who has been pretty well-defended so far). That and his opening was so outlandish it makes me want to townbin him without thinking about it further.

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 1:26 am
by DeasVail
In post 1212, Yeet wrote:Of all the players here I would say I find myself nodding and agreeing the most with DeasVail's posts. Call it a mindmeld if you will, I remember he said something similar about me a while back. The similar lines of thinking would make me believe it is likely that he is also town as we seem to be looking out for similar things. If he was attempting to pocket me here, I don't think I would feel the same way about him, and moreover I'm not sure what his incentive is to overtly pocket a random player like me. Unless my earlier pushes were somehow dead on and he wanted to establish some sort of influence on me, but that feels like a stretch.
I can assure you that I am town! I think the hard thing about playing games as town (and something I'm particularly finding in this game) is that while the most fun is in working with other people to solve the game in a collegial way, that collegiality itself is often treated as suspicious.
I obviously hope that I have not been wrong in calling you town (and if I have been, then bravo), but I seriously have found your presence in the game super fun and hope to see more of you around.

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 1:27 am
by DeasVail
In post 1593, fua wrote:
In post 1591, DeasVail wrote:Hmm, another question to fua on . I must admit that my yeet read has dampened somewhat with them not having kept up their enthusiasm and activity, but I feel like your reasons for townreading Frogsterking could just as easily apply to Yeet. I know that explaining readslists is often a crapshoot, but I must say the readslist in 1063 strikes me as being a lot of words but doesn't actually give me a strong idea of
your reads are what they are.
I just wanted to give at least some reasoning behind where I ranked them. I’m not typing out a whole paragraph for everyone.

The difference between Frogster and Yeet is that I don’t think Frogster has any associates or an agenda he’s really pushing, unlike Malcolm’s note about Yeet (who has been pretty well-defended so far). That and his opening was so outlandish it makes me want to townbin him without thinking about it further.
I guess I also found a lot of Yeet's stuff outlandish in a way, hence my slight confusion, but this does give me a better idea of where you're at, so thank you.

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 1:29 am
by fua
No problem.

Remind me who you’re SRing right now again?

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 1:35 am
by Nero Cain
In post 1587, skitter30 wrote:
In post 1568, Nero Cain wrote:
@ everyone
is cape town
Why do u think i'm sus of u ?
prob b/c you have a scum pm. but I think it was some silly nonsense about the Wu push.

but I think you are scum b/c you are asking pointless filler questions like ^

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 1:36 am
by Nero Cain
In post 1582, humaneatingmonkey wrote:
In post 910, VP Baltar wrote:
In post 909, Datisi wrote:@baltar, is there a reason why you did not include me in the early readslist? i see you have a null category, and pretty sure i had posted at the time
I started with the full list of names at the start of my catch up and was slotting them into those piles as I was going along and getting feelings one way or the other. So while I had a null category, by the time I finished read I was kind of tired and didn't feel like writing out WHY I felt null on a bunch of people still (including you), I just knew I wasn't ready to make an alignment call on those people yet.
this exchange just feels so wrong
i mean he's prob scum .

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 1:37 am
by DeasVail
In post 1422, Nero Cain wrote:I've also decided that Scorp is maybe prob town here.
I've decided the opposite because I'm running out of scum spots. Why is scorp maybe prob town?