I DID, in fact, get the crime boss ability. What's more, it's still a double vote, but only one of the votes will appear on the VC
In other words, it's me or him and three to lynch.
VP Baltar wrote:Also note that Gorrad absolutely has to be lying because if the town still has the double vote power, then we would have won yesterday because we would have had more voting power even if the game went to a 1-on-1 tie breaker. It is ridiculous to think there are two more scum left. You shouldn't have been so bold Gorrad. You still might have had a shot of a mislynch if you had just played the day out.
seeing as how the role exists the mod has a way to stop it. Obviously if it came down to one scum and one DV town the scum would win that exchange. Otherwise the scum would have had 0 chance of winning this game. Possible ways to do this is A) Without anyone to lead the leader ceases to be a leader, thus flavor wise he loses his DV. Or, the role has on it some petition that comes into play in endgame where he either doesn't have a DV or he needs a second town to lynch regardless of his DV.VP wrote:It's not problematic. I agree that all threats to town have to be eliminated, but the point is that if town still had the double voting power absolutely nothing could prevent that from happening. Think about it. What situation would there be if one of the town had the double voting power that the scum could win?
This would be true in a normal game, but we are talking about extraneous circumstances here. This game has been seemingly built around the DV mechanic, so it only makes sense for a balance perspective that scum would be able to offset this in their own way. If the DV ability could never be removed from the town, then it is highly likely that the scum could never win.Juls wrote:This post is very problematic! Town do not win until all scum are eliminated. The 50% win condition only comes into effect with scum.
Case in point. Here you argue town can't have a DV because the scum couldn't win.VP wrote:This is why I am saying Gorrad absolutely has to be lying. I highly doubt the mod would make it so the scum cannot win the game at all.
And here you are arguing he can have one to save your ass.VP wrote:If Gorrad has the DV and is scum, we very much are in LYLO. Say I get lynched today. He kills either Juls or Korlash tonight, and then insta-wins because nothing can prevent his victory the next day.
No it doesn't actually. Currently there are 3 town and 1 scum (who possibly can double vote). Scum can still be eliminated if town votes correctly today. If you flip that situation around and give the town the DV, there is no way the game should be going on because the scum could not win.Korlash wrote:You can't argue it's impossible for town to have a DV and then argue it's possible scum has one. Either the ability screws over one side or it doesn't.
What could even possibly make you think this?VP Baltar wrote:It is my understanding that in the case of a 1-1 situation scum win by default right? However, in the case of a 1-1 with DV, the victory would almost certainly have to go to the side with the strongest voting power
VP Baltar wrote:Yep, my thoughts exactly. Now, if we were willing to risk a don lynch (which I am ok with), we could have either Juls, Zilla or Vi unvote and haveRhinox vote for Don. This would prove or disprove if he has the ability to double vote.
Rhinox was voteless and scum knew this. You were trying to cast doubt about charlatan. Plus, with Rhinox, dj you did not vote them at all but were "threatening to hammer". With Zilla you were late on the wagon, unvoted, and then went back to "threatening to hammer".VP Baltar wrote:Before we lynch don, can we test Rhinox's ability to double vote? We may as well at least confirm or deny this before ending the day.That means someone needs to unvote, Charlatan needs to revote and then Rhinox needs to vote...if I'm keeping count correctly.