Oh grr. Whenever im caught up in one game i fall behind in my initially started game. Oh well! 2games down from win and death i should be okaies from here on in.
Lewarcher thank you for clearing that up about your sacrafice. Its good to have it on record.
@Budja post 140 you ask why should we just assume both mafia and town start out with no powers? Well it seems a little unbalanced otherwise do you not think? I read a lot into these games, i cant help it. And iwhatever the circumstance everything in mafia is always a possiblity.
Who is more likely scum? Ill try to compile a scumlist at the end of my post.
And Haylen, dont be modest, your reputation precides you. I knew about you before i inned for this game. And the more notority a scummer gets the more players will follow their lead if they believe them to be town.
Juls, why do you find Haylen scum?
Anti town i most certainly agree with but i dont believe it intentional nor do i feel particularily strong enough to place a vote on her. Moreover. I feel Budja, maybe with the most content would be precieved as scummier than any of Haylen, Lewarcher or JFox. What has made you VOTE Lewarcher over the others? You may say you find them all scummy because they refused to self sacrafice but what warranted you to SINGLE him out above Haylen.
ALSO. You have thus far still failed to give an excuse as to why you SINGLED me out as a lurker. When i was out of the bunch one of the most active until other priorities came to the front.
I agree with Vaya. The more likely scum, would have presumably played matyr. I see nothing suspicious of Juls question. Its a fair question to ask and i feel at least we have been segrated into conversation. Serious conversation. But basing a lynch on someones answer is a definate no-no. Its a risky game one which i will, if i dont feel the lynch is correct, refrained from.
Lewarcher we are going back to questioning the mod on how he has designed the game whether in giving roles at the beginning or not when the fact is we dont know.
And i agree witth Budja its just a whole lot of WIFOM. And likewise, im beginning to think JFox may be in need of a replacement, we cant just guesss for him and Juls you have just subjected JFox to scrutinisation even though he has had no say of his own.
FoS Juls
You have suggested lynching from a pick of those who have said they will not sacrafice themselves.
It is a good question Lewarcher because it HAS stimulated conversation. And we DO know which side people are on. Thus the people who are willing to sacrafice themselves may be called to do so in the future. No? Those who have answered "no" will have questions hanging over their head aas regard to what motives they have for wanting to stay alive.
I agree with Lewarcher's annoyance that you have used my confusion to vote him[quote]I didn't avoid the question, and you know it, since you immediately register my first answer as "not willing to sacrifice". I simply tried to provide meta-information to explain my position. Then you saw that someone felt confused by my answer and you decided it was useful to say that I avoided the question. This is scummy. You are fishing AND scummy. [/b] Rereading back over the event, after Lewarcher gave his reply you DID register it as a no Juls.
Okay, im not referring to the possiblities of the set up anymore. You all know my view at this stage. I do not see Juls question as fishing. End of imo.
FoS Budja
I believe one should have more reason to vote for someone than to see the reaction. We are imho out of the RVS. And the vote 2posts apart was hardly to be taken seriously. What sort of reaction were you expecting?
And what is Lewarcher scum for? What actually IS the case on Lewarcher? I presume there is one? And if someone bases a vote on Lewarcher on the fact he's honestly refused to willingly sacrafice himself then
FoS your way too.
because there were 2other people who said no too. To site one person over 2 others without valid reasons is not just anti town it is scummy.
Lewarcher same question to you. Why (apart from the question Juls asked!!) do you find Juls scummy?
Maemuki. Post 170 is ENTIRELY addressed to Lewarcher. But you are USING 2 OF MY QUOTES.
Confirm Vote: Maemuki
The excuse, that it wasnt, is nothing short of a lie. At no point did you mention MY name.
Lasty. Lynching lurker is a dangerous business. Frankly, i know lurkers suck. I know I sometimes suck. But you've got to distinguish when someone is trying to participate and when someone says nothing and sails through the game. But if you base a lynch on someone who is trying but not succeeing over someone who actively participates but is scummy then its a blind stab in the dark. *Everybody, cross your fingers!!*
Lastly, your advising someone you, as potential town think is scum, to not act so scummy. ???...???....
Im sorry Juls you are not enjoying the game that much, hopefully if you are still alive tomorrow, the interest with perk up.
I heartily agree with MM8. Frankly atm. I see both Juls and Lewarcher as townies who have just locked horns.
As always subject to change. Mae, will be looking at you closely.
IGMEOY Neutrals
However i can always be wrong and nothing i write should be taken as gospel. Obv.
I like ignorant people.
Cause they dont talk to me, and i dont wanna be talked to.