You are Alex, aka rajrhcpfreak,
http://www.mafiascum.net/forum/profile. ... file&u=981, TOWNIE!!! Yes you are. You are the greatest character in the whole game. You must vote 5 different times during the day before your vote counts. Because we all know that Alex loves to throw votes around and hopping on and off bandwagons. Ill give you a little bit of information too, seven people in this game have mafiascum accounts. Try to use that information wisely. Other than that you win with the town.
Mod note: Alex wins if he is in the end game with the SK.
You are Patrick, aka rolandofthewhite,
http://www.mafiascum.net/forum/profile. ... file&u=786, you are a townie and a procrastinator. So in the spirit of the game you have to be the last person to vote at the beginning of the game. And every day following that day you must wait until after the noon/lunch vote count to vote. Just to let you know that everyone but two people is related to someone else in the game. Try to use that information wisely. Other than that you win with the town.
You are Aaron, aka inHimshallibe,
http://www.mafiascum.net/forum/profile. ... file&u=787, Master of the House. You are the leader of this town, the Mayor. If you do not approve of a lynch, other than your own, then you can cancel the lynch. But your choice to cancel the lynch must be in before the lynch occurs and it will end the day. Just tell me in a PM that you want to spare the person’s life if you want to use your ability. Your day action is a simple argument. You must get in a big argument with someone in the day to gain your ability. Unlike others, you don’t have to do your day action until you need to use it.
You are Tyler, aka tylersjic,
http://www.mafiascum.net/forum/profile. ... ile&u=1528, *twitch* you must figure out who of these people are scum. You are classmates and related to half of these people. So you will check someone each night. You must have everything perfect and you have a slight twitch. Because of your obsessive compulsiveness you get three results a night. You will choose a number 1-4 corresponding to a level of sanity with each name you choose to check. You are allowed to check the same person 3 times, probably could be one of the reasons you are obsessive compulsive. Your day action must involve you doing some kind of nervous twitch.
Mod note: 1=insane 2=paranoid 3=sane 4=naïve If Tyler makes it to the end game he will become a day vigilante. When Tyler dies he will appear as a Serial Killer. Once the game is over he would appear as a Super Cop/Placebo Serial Killer/End Game Vigilante.
You are Chad, aka Kool-Aid,
you are finished with this. People make fun of you too often, so you are now taking revenge to show off to your idol, Alex. You are a Serial Killer. You win when everyone but you and Alex are left in the game. Since you idolize Alex you cant kill him. If you try you will get a message back that your kill failed. If you are in the end game with him you both will win. Or if you two are in a three-person endgame then you will win then too. Once Alex is gone you are a regular Serial Killer revenging Alex’s death. Your post restriction is that you can only talk in fragments because people always interrupt you and you must repeat your self over and over again (the second one I wont be too strict about). You kill using the Nazi Chop.
You are Kalie, aka tragicheartbreak,
http://www.mafiascum.net/forum/profile. ... ile&u=1522, you are a racist townie. You want chink food tonight. So every night you force someone to go out with you and have some Chinese food. Since you are out all night with this person, then they cant effectively do their night action. Your day action involved you being a racist.
Mod note: If Kalie targets the masons then the night after she targets them they cant speak to each other.
You are Morgan, aka Morgan76,
http://www.mafiascum.net/forum/profile. ... ile&u=1257, you go out with someone at night and “save them” by being on a date with them. Because they will be with you ALL NIGHT, they can’t be killed. But unfortunately you give them so much pleasure that night, the following day their vote will be worth double. The only thing is, you will be the only one to know about it. During the day you need to talk about how horrible guys and or your boyfriend is.
You are Leslie, aka burstxbright,
you are masons with your brother Ben (help im a bug). Every night you two are allowed to talk and discuss the actions of the following day or how to play the upcoming day. You two win with the town and all evil is eradicated from the town. Your day restriction is that you must talk about dancing or you must dance during the day.
Mod note: Unfortunately if their sibling is targeted at night they will try to save them and then will be killed also at night.
You are Ben, aka n3anderthal15,
you are masons with your sister Leslie (bigAl). Every night you two are allowed to talk and discuss the actions of the following day or how to play the upcoming day. You two win with the town and all evil is eradicated from the town. Your day restriction is that you must talk about horror movies sometime during the day.
Mod note: Mod note: Unfortunately if their sibling is targeted at night they will try to save them and then will be killed also at night.
You are Andi, aka annoyingsis
a mafia goon; you are sick and tired of being in your siblings shadow. Alex is so smart…. BLAH. Screw that. Joey (Lucresia), Derek (CaptainDuctTape), and you are trying to take them out using their own game *evil laugh*. Each night you and your mafia members will discuss whom to kill. By the nights end you will send me the choice and who will make the kill. Unfortunately since you three are so young, you don’t have the stamina to make kills three nights in a row. So change the killer during the night. Also you can’t kill your brother Alex. Your mafia members can, but you can’t pull the trigger to kill him. Your post restriction is talking about boys during the day. You kill using a flute.
Mod note: If the game comes down to them and their sibling, it will be a tie between Andi and Alex.
You are Joey, aka 73h M4n
a mafia goon; you are sick and tired of being in your siblings shadow. Patrick is so smart…. BLAH. Screw that. Andi (micigante), Derek (CaptainDuctTape), and you are trying to take them out using their own game *evil laugh*. Each night you and your mafia members will discuss whom to kill. By the nights end you will send me the choice and who will make the kill. Unfortunately since you three are so young, you don’t have the stamina to make kills three nights in a row. So change the killer during the night. Also you can’t kill your brother Patrick. Your mafia members can, but you can’t pull the trigger to kill him. Your post restriction is talking sporadically in 1337 during the day. You kill using a friken’ rocket launcher.
Mod note: If the game comes down to them and their sibling, it will be a tie between Joey and Patrick.
POST GAME NOTE: Joey is a memebr of mafia scum,
http://www.mafiascum.net/forum/profile. ... file&u=881
You are Derrick, aka Derk2009
the mafia godfather,
http://www.mafiascum.net/forum/profile. ... file&u=916; you are sick and tired of being in your siblings shadow. Aaron is so smart…. BLAH. Screw that. Joey (Lucresia), Andi (micigante), and you are trying to take them out using their own game *evil laugh*. Each night you and your mafia members will discuss whom to kill. By the nights end you will send me the choice and who will make the kill. Unfortunately since you three are so young, you don’t have the stamina to make kills three nights in a row. So change the killer during the night. Also you can’t kill your brother Aaron. Your mafia members can, but you can’t pull the trigger to kill him. Your post restriction is that you must act tired throughout the day and laugh at people. You kill using a sniper rifle.
Mod note: If the game comes down to them and their sibling, it will be a tie between Derek and Aaron.