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Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 9:56 pm
by Pretentious
Vote Count 1.04
Pretty happy with the Oscars and how they turned out. A lot of surprises that I didn’t expect to win. Irishman winning nothing was unexpected.

(4): Wimpy, Emperor flippyNips, AaronFrost, insomnia
(1): Ame

Not Voting
(4): Luca Blight, clidd, Dsjstr, Hectic

With 9 alive, it takes 5 to lynch.

: (expired on 2020-02-17 14:00:00)

Mod Notes:
Don’t be outta pocket.

1-up girl aka Mario Odyssey aka Hectic is on VLA until the 10th.

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 9:59 pm
by Emperor flippyNips
how did i imply that i had a tr on your opening? i don't think i've talked about my reads at all really

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 10:00 pm
by Ame
In post 170, insomnia wrote:Aaron’s explanation and posts are generally aesthetically pleasing if I were to describe it in some way. The way he handled my slot I read as not the type of trying to appease a town member from dropping the push.
Could you point out what is aesthetically pleasing about them? This is a town indicator for you?

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 10:10 pm
by insomnia
Are you gonna answer my question?

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 10:10 pm
by insomnia
Oh lol

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 10:12 pm
by insomnia
In post 177, Ame wrote:
In post 170, insomnia wrote:Aaron’s explanation and posts are generally aesthetically pleasing if I were to describe it in some way. The way he handled my slot I read as not the type of trying to appease a town member from dropping the push.
Could you point out what is aesthetically pleasing about them? This is a town indicator for you?
Well yeah because it sort of goes hand in hand with the tone almost, I take them as the same thing. That’s what I meant.

I mean not sure what you would like me to point out as it isn’t anything individualistic it’s rather holistic and if you didn’t see it, not sure why you’d do after I pointed it out

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 10:13 pm
by Ame
In post 176, Emperor flippyNips wrote:how did i imply that i had a tr on your opening? i don't think i've talked about my reads at all really
A town OR null read. Maybe for stylistic purposes, I should word it as a "null or town read".

My only post when you asked the below question was my opening. It implies that you had a null or town read on me, which implied that you had a null or town read on my opening:
In post 71, Emperor flippyNips wrote:
In post 69, Luca Blight wrote:Early good feels from dsjstr and Flips, bad feels from Ame and Hectic.

Why do you have bad feels on ame.? I get the hectic one
Then, here you voted me for the reason of not liking my opening:
In post 107, Emperor flippyNips wrote:VOTE: ame

Yeah I didn’t like their opening post either & im liking Aaron rn
Again, from this I inferred that you forgot about your previous question, which led me to think you aren't genuinely game solving and fabricated a reason to vote for me.

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 10:20 pm
by Ame
In post 180, insomnia wrote:
In post 177, Ame wrote:
In post 170, insomnia wrote:Aaron’s explanation and posts are generally aesthetically pleasing if I were to describe it in some way. The way he handled my slot I read as not the type of trying to appease a town member from dropping the push.
Could you point out what is aesthetically pleasing about them? This is a town indicator for you?
Well yeah because it sort of goes hand in hand with the tone almost, I take them as the same thing. That’s what I meant.

I mean not sure what you would like me to point out as it isn’t anything individualistic it’s rather holistic and if you didn’t see it, not sure why you’d do after I pointed it out
Holistic to me is just a way to say something without really saying anything. I'm asking you to be specific because I want to know there is real merit to your read. A person's tone is based on the words they write and how they string them together. Could you point out to me, which of Aaron's posts are indicative of a town tone to you?

I'm sorry, I missed or don't quite understand your question. Could you rephrase?

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 10:24 pm
by insomnia
I’ll do it when I’m on PC (wrt the question)

I’m not going to pick words, tone is almost never anything specific and it’s holistic, I liked the post he addressed towards me.

I’m not even sure how I should phrase it to even be coherent

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 10:28 pm
by insomnia
Have you not heard of a read like that in your life? Hard to believe.

You’re literally asking me to explain a gut read, how does that help with anything

If you want to hear my thoughts on other people or something that is actually explainable and doesn’t pertain to me looking like an idiot, then I can help you

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 10:37 pm
by Ame
Tone is the outcome of using specific words, responses, and grammar modifications. When pondering deeply enough about why something gives a certain impression, it can be broken down.

I'd be content with just knowing which of his posts give you the impression of town, even if you're not willing to break down why. And to be clear, you do currently town read him, correct?

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 10:40 pm
by Ame
Also what do you think about the point I made about flippy?

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 10:42 pm
by insomnia
In post 93, AaronFrost wrote:
In post 90, insomnia wrote:
In post 86, AaronFrost wrote:
In post 84, Ame wrote:Those questions aren't random. They are the result of hundreds of hours of research into the best way of identifying vocal discrepancies between town and scum. The test has a 97.7% accuracy rating. Scum simply can't help but exhibit certain physiological responses when answering.
What do you make of it considering no one has answered your questions.
How does this help you discern Ame's alignment?
It doesn't and I'm not sure why you think that I expect it to, I'm just hoping to get some discussion going.
In post 96, AaronFrost wrote:Honestly I welcome the engagement if it gets other people talking, which is really what I'd like to happen here. How people are reading me is something I'm not concerned about atm.

Ame's entrance was the only thing that stuck out to me as something worth pushing, so naturally that's where I'm going to go.
In post 101, AaronFrost wrote:So far, yes. Not sure I like Luca's clidd vote though.
In post 103, AaronFrost wrote:
In post 102, insomnia wrote:I can kind of see your premise for the push, but the part that bothered me was that you followed upon it only later, which read to me as weird because it's attempted to look like a joke while technically you're pushing out of RVS, it felt very agenda-y in that sense. As in, it's disguised as RVS, has a snarky tone to it but isn't flat out stating a suspicion. And you saying the wall is scummy and the voting being focused on something else strikes me as odd, as I'd imagined the vote and your initial accusation / gut feel should've been a contiguous thought, whereas that waiting period made it seem like you were baiting reactions from other people so as to see how they felt about Ame's wall and judging whether it was worthy of a push or not. Also why i pointed out the "something worth pushing" whereas I would've expected town to say "It's scummy" as opposed to "worthy of pushing" because it involves two different mentalities. Scum look at what pushes they can get away with, and town pushes for things that are actually gonna make someone flip scum.
The snarky thing is just sorta my personality tbh but also I wanted to see how Ame reacted to it and wasn't as concerned with others' reactions. I can see how it might come off like that though.

One thing to note is that no one else came and said 'yeah I found Ame's opening scummy too' and Hectic even sorta defended them, although it may have been a joke (I can never tell with him). So if I'm scum here, and I'm observing that no one else wants to push Ame, then I'm not going to continue the push whereas town me is going to follow the one read I have, even if it's met with resistance.

This set of posts. If he’s scum then consider me pocketed. I just like the phrasing and how he went about my slot.

He did have a shit begginning ngl but he’s trending upwards, his opening was bad, everything up to my encounter was bad but seeing how good this is in contrast is probably why I ended up town reading him.

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 10:45 pm
by insomnia
Your flippy point is good

VOTE: flippy

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 10:48 pm
by insomnia
Clidd needs to start doing something and so does hectic.

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 10:50 pm
by Ame

Vote: flippy

Also thank you for the quotes. I had actually completely missed that you had already started to consider town Aaron before you logged off.

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 11:40 pm
by insomnia
In post 152, Ame wrote:Somni is currently my town axiom, essentially playing the game on the assumption they are town. they remain this way until/unless the game becomes inconsistent with this assumption. Also my initial impression of their interaction with you is someone trying to scum hunt with scare resources
The first part of that made me ask myself whether you have read any of my posts but I guess you skimmed some of em.

My question was if you town read me on auto and didn't try to read my posts because that's what scum often do to me, they town read me asap and don't want to deal with me.

If so, you jumping the gun on Wimpy's point seemed opportunistic because you left from the premise of I'm town, you didn't read my posts and then at the first sight you vote me. Especially when your slot was quite under some scrutiny.

So, is your town read on me any serious or where are you at wrt my slot?

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2020 11:54 pm
by insomnia
nvm just re-read from PC and you look a ton scummier than flippy tbh


your wimpy read sucks from all PoVs possible


Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 12:06 am
by insomnia
Ame come here and explain yo damn self

no way you scum read wimpy, he makes a post that you could've requested an answer for and not just paint him to be scum for it, and then you forget your entire read on him and on me in order to vote me while not having any opinion on my slot

You ignoring my slot and town reading me for literally nothing is scummy as all hell

get in here and state some concrete opinions, i want every bit of that shady process that was conveyed into the thread

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 12:14 am
by insomnia
Yo Aaron, how do you feel about Ame atm?

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 12:28 am
by Wimpy
In post 167, insomnia wrote:That was a joke anyway but i’m addressing your main concern now which is me not engaging you for a naked vote and an attempt at making me get banned which i’m not taking :shrug:

I’ll comment on actual relevant stuff which is Ame’s switch on me, the guy who town read and offered a 7 line explanation on but from my understanding and what i wanted to ask, did you actually read any of my posts or just said im town
No attempt to get you banned. That’s a huge stretch

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 12:31 am
by insomnia
I know you aren't doing it consciously but this is just unnecessary banter that I've dealt with in the past. Wasn't trying to put it on you, not my intention, I was explaining why I'm not snapping at you, of course you wouldn't know. I'm just on really thin fucking ice and this is the reason I took a break, because of my toxicity so I'd appreciate if you just stopped trying to poke a creature that will wreak havoc. I can endure stuff but like don't push it too much either.

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 12:33 am
by insomnia
Well you are doing it consciously as in trying to bait a reaction out of me and poking me but not the me getting banned part. I think? I hope.

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 12:42 am
by Luca Blight
I’ll get to this tomorrow, but does anyone else think Ame’s entrance post was very nice/inoffensive?

That’s certainly the feeling I got from it, so their denying it seems strange to me.

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 12:59 am
by Wimpy
No I was just trying to see if you were a man of your word. You aren’t. I can’t trust you anymore.