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Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 9:31 am
by tris
i dont know yet sorry

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2021 1:33 pm
by hellbooks
6PM PST tomorrow. will also give you a ping tomorrow morning about it

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2021 3:17 pm
by hellbooks

three cats in and the scorings are so. while Cat 5 was defined by a strong difference in cat interpretation and scoring between our two lovely judges, this category we found ourselves largely aligned, including the first place position...

congrats to davsto for being the highest single-round scorer of points in helris walrus history by over a full point. the competition continues to be tight, and the mobility of the list shows that everyone is very much performing at a Winning Level.

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2021 11:19 pm
At this point I'm inclined to say I'm going to dip precipitously and continuously, COMPLETELY cratering after a decent start.

At the very least no one guessed me, right?


Not right. Of course they did, because what other monster on this site listens to nu metal. HOIST BY MY OWN PETARD.

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 1:04 am
by Sirius9121
also can someone please tell me what my music is like

every time i try to explain what music i like to my friends the only phrase i can come up with is 'japanese'
which is very vague??? like what makes my music so easily recognizable

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 1:19 am
by Cheetory6

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 1:25 am
by PJ.
also can someone please tell me what my music is like

every time i try to explain what music i like to my friends the only phrase i can come up with is 'japanese'
which is very vague??? like what makes my music so easily recognizable

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 1:33 am
by Sirius9121
In post 180, Cheetory6 wrote:dancefun
and what does that mean i can't find it on google

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 1:35 am
by Cheetory6

artfunk feels more right maybe


p-edit: idk I just tried to put words to feelings about your submissions.

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 2:17 am
by shaft.ed
vocaloid anime soundtrack on speed

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 2:45 am
by Isis
I hope I make last in this thing and rly give hb the monkeys paw

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 6:00 am
Honestly I’m just kicking myself for not switching the last two categories for different songs, because I was considering it for quite some time.... I was seduced by Tineidae’s incredible space ambient and my deep love of nu metal, that’s my only excuse.

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 6:03 am
by tris
i'm really glad you submitted the space one. i enjoyed it a lot

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 6:43 am
by shaft.ed
In post 187, tris wrote:i'm really glad you submitted the space one. i enjoyed it a lot
I've relistened a few times over the last week

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 1:11 pm
Both of you should check out the full album, Exo. From Blacklight Trail to Epilogue, every track is amazing, and I had a sort of minor existential crisis choosing one to submit. Tineidae is just outrageously good at space ambient. You'd think it was their usual wheelhouse, and you'd be wrong -- no other Tineidae album is space ambient or even space-themed.

If you want more stuff like that, in a very vague way, you can also check out Hilyard - Furthermore and Silent Universe - The Infinity Coordinates. Both are far heavier on the ambient and aren't as jawdroppingly amazing, but they all fit in a meditative playlist together.

Closest I can recommend in sheer quality would be In Quantum - Memory 417, which is practically an hour long audio drama with less than a dozen lines, and is absolutely THRILLING for its entire runtime, but it's very much cyberpunk, not space.

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2021 8:36 pm
by tris
i was going to post this but then lena (hi lena) grabbed my laptop charger with her mouth and ran off into the forest, and i had to chase her for two days until she finally let me catch up with her, so here it is now:

Spoiler: anyway i also accidentally created to many spoilers. amazingly

hellby is very great


tris spelled backwards is shirt

Spoiler: 1st: davsto (come & buy)
(tris: 1st // hellbooks: tied 1st)

LIKE: 5.4 (4.2/5)

9.1 (7.6 +
1.5 shared first place points

i think maybe an oversight on the first round of listenings that i had was that i was just strongly envisioning the yowling to have divine feminine energy. but i think this song with vibrato-heavy lines like "i can sell you... lo-o-o-ove..." singlehandedly helped me to recontextualize what sort of things i saw as catfitting for the next go of it, so it's very possible that many of you owe some catfit points to this song!

compressed-style drums are a known beloved musical aspect and catfitting aspect of mine and you can see that it corresponds with cat example
come in by weatherday
. the last minute of it is sheer excellence and sheer catfittery.


9.2 - .1 + 2 = 11.1
lots of fascinating lyrics! the ending section clinches the fittage for this cat. there's some kind of frantic desire in this. the vibrato when he's trying to sell love and the morning sun is good. i want to go look up a live performance of this.

Spoiler: 2nd: caledfwitch (evocation)
(tris: 4th // hellbooks: tied 1st)

LIKE: 5.9 (goign to scale down to institute a theoretical hard cap of 4.5/5 for Well-Known Songs, which this pushes up against on merit of me listening to it more deeply, with a renewal of appreciation, on catfit evaluation grounds + the music video being really incredible and new to me)
ADDITIONAL UNFAMILIARITY: -0.5 i think should be accurate via listening data comparatively to tris's wandering cat submission
SUSPECTED USER: cheetory 6 i bet
ACTUAL USER: caled boly fuck
THEORETICAL PLAYLIST POINTS: i would give you 0.5/0.4 for my single favorite playlist (one about witches) if it weren't already on there

9.1 (7.6 +
1.5 shared first place points

headcanoning you as a submitter who knew that this is a song/artist pairing that i like a lot but found the pull towards the cat so compelling that you had to submit it anyway. which i find to be an excellent decision, which is reflected in the amount of points i gave you.

similarly to the lost one's weeping vocaloid "AAAA", the opening howl is literally the most catfitting sound that could ever even be theorycrafted. thinking that there is some sort of divide between this song's strong finality and closure vibes and how i've been envisioning the emotion of the yowling animal. which is kind of the only thing preventing you from grandslamming. but i could be biased by the narrative of my witch playlist


aaaaaaaAAAAAHHH! this song is very powerful. that's a solid and cool yell. i'm into whatever she's evoking here. cool!
shaft.ed NO its caled

Spoiler: 3rd: schadd (it wasn't god who made honky tonk angels)
(tris: 5th // hellbooks: tied 1st)

LIKE: 5.8 (4.4/5)
ADDITIONAL UNFAMILIARITY: i kind of want to schaddphobically give this an additional -0.2 if this is schadd but i think i won't do that bc i think i would have only been barely and vaguely able to audiate the titular lyric before this walrus
SUSPECTED USER: schaddphobically guessing this is schadd
MEDAL FOR BEST TRACK NAME - yes which kind of just belies the goodness of the lyrics overall
HONORABLE MENTION MEDAL FOR BEST ARTIST NAME - certainly the most "cat" fitting artist name

9.1 (7.6 +
1.5 shared first place points

i am aware of it wasn't god who made honky tonk angels courtesy of schadd. i'm pleased at the reintroduction of this song because i like it more than the last time i listened to it (and i already liked it then). maybe this is schadd and that was his intention -- in fact, i thought about doing that to him in his walrus.
(editor's note: i was correct)

i think the pain-expressing lyrics and oldie-style historically specific wan vocal production are frankly excellent catfitters here. in addition, if last cat's Big Winning Instrument was snare drums electric organ, then surely this cat's must be the fiddle. well done on that immunity idol find.


i could see lena singing this. the strings help with the effect. lena probably would like to complain about unfair things.
hellbwks NO its schadd

Spoiler: 4th: sirius (the lost one's weeping
(tris: 3rd // hellbooks: 10th)

LIKE: 4.2 (3.6/5)
UNFAMILIARITY: 0.1, partially for how difficult it was to find out what the artist situation is
SUSPECTED USER: sirius!!! hi!
ACTUAL USER: i got it correct, phew! -0.1!


unfortunately the songs that are faithfully vocaloid are rather difficult, to be enjoyed, by me. for the most part. i found this to be a good listen for at least a couple goes though. i want to say that the song earns a good chunk of the catfit points on virtue of the "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" happening in the beginning although the singing style is generally somewhat foxfitting as a whole (it just feels like fairly vulpine to me)


8.9 - .1 + 1 = 9.8
yeah, it's a scream! i like the background bit that keeps punching forward and then retreating. really, all the layers of sound doing their thing driving the song forward. the vocaloid stuff seems like it's pretty clear and well done as well.

Spoiler: 5th: chevre (heartstruck)
(tris: 7th // hellbooks: 5th)

LIKE: 4.9 (3.9 w.d.)
UNFAMILIARITY: 0, i think it wouldn't make sense to penalize the featured artist for being Known
ACTUAL USER: yeah i got ya ! -0.1


the crooning singing is definitely a workhorse element of catfit but where it went totally above and beyond is that moment when angel olsen comes in and instantly kind of clips the vocals with her high note. the way that her voice maintains that character is really good, i genuinely love it here


8.0 - .1 = 7.9
those strings bursts in the background sound a lot like lena actually. i like angel's vocals especially. they were particularly fitting to the picture. the part where it slows down and then ramps up again is cool

Spoiler: 6th: shaft.ed (rusty cage)
(tris: 9th // hellbooks: 4th)

LIKE: 5.7 (4.3 w.d.)
ACTUAL USER: ohhhh shafted good


unfamiliarity penalty as i have listened to badmotorfinger a total of about 1.2 times, but i'll refrain from giving you the whole -0.4 as i would not have been able to audiate any of it until now. uh the metric interestingness of the instrumental is actually really crucial to holding my attention. it has this strong hypnotic character and it feels like this intense "struggling against restraint" i'm gonna break my rusty caaaage emotion to it. the breakdown in the last minute is narsty.


lena hates her rusty cage probably. um, this is fine, but not my preference. it does fit so thats good.
pj NO its shaft.ed

Spoiler: 7th: pj (i luv the valley oh)
(tris: 6th // hellbooks: 8th)

LIKE: 4 (3.5/5)
SUSPECTED USER: like maybe pj maybe lol ! : )
ACTUAL USER: pj -0.1


the slowly vibrating low distortion wails and thumps are like cool and catfitting. as is the "OHHHH!!!" at the middle. his voice is incredibly catfitting but not in a way that i particularly enjoy. i have no choice but to award some unfamiliarity point here because i am so unaware of xiu xiu making music that is even remotely tolerable -- so i commend you for showing that side of them.


this guy is very distressed /:( he is really straining against the meter of the song. there's a haste to this that the plodding rhythms are rubbing up against.
schadd NO its pj

Spoiler: 8th: mushshagana (i'm not right)
(tris: 10th // hellbooks: 7th)

LIKE: 4.6 (3.8/5)
SUSPECTED USER: mushshagana
ACTUAL USER: correct. -0.1


i like the breakdown section at about 2:24 with the double stabs. this is a pretty solid song. i think the high pitched guitar wails are more catfitting than the vocals actually, which might give some clarity to how i'm evaluating the catfits.

i added this to my dysphoria playlist.


7.3 - .1 = 7.2 plus i gave it another tenth point 7.3
dysphoria???? its slightly off from lena's vibe, but not by too much. hmmm, this doesn't grab me that much,

Spoiler: 9th: cheetory6 (high together)
(tris: 8th // hellbooks: 9th)

LIKE: 4.6 (3.8/5)
SUSPECTED USER: really want to guess sirius for artist name fun situation but i'll go with euh... like tris actually. lol


intriguing. the first taste of the vocals really threw me for a loop. the electric piano jingles starting at 1:50 are really appealing. i think that the vocals have this mystical inhuman energy that is surely a bit catfitting. going to give this 0.1 unfamiliarity points for this feeling of not knowing where the song was going to go to almost a stressful extent


7.5 - .1 = 7.4
oh no! i like this a lot, but it doesn't fit the category very well. its really good; it's a great combination of sounds, but it just doesn't fit...

Spoiler: 10th: isis (yoshi's dinosaur egg hunt)
(tris: 11th // hellbooks: 11th)

LIKE: 4.5 (3.7 w.d.)
SUSPECTED USER: isis ? ? ?
ACTUAL USER: hi : )) -0.1


i am aware of mochipet courtesy of schadd. i had a mild struggle reconciling yoshi noises with music in my mind but it was an interesting friction that i feel compelled to give some Catfit Points of Interest to alongside some interesting compelling noises at the back end


6.6 - .1 = 6.5 plus i gave it another tenth point 6.6
unfortunately this one is only mildly like the lena image. it's fun, but it also goes too long.

Spoiler: 11th: hellbewk's (worm's playground)
(tris: 2nd)

9.0 + 1.6 = 10.6
this is good and great. lovely singing. cool layered bits. yeah, it captures a tension that exists in picture! i like the reversy bit at the end. i wonder what song its transitioning into. i like the part: “someday they'll all see the side of me the side i hide from myself”
caled NO its hellbooks

Spoiler: 12th: tris (inai)
(hellbooks: 6th)

LIKE: 5.4 (4.2/5)
SUSPECTED USER: caled maybes
ACTUAL USER: aghhh tris hello tris


sorry i like listened to this song. i'm disinclined to penalize you more because it was probably right around the walrus submission period. however, i'm disinclined to penalize you less because i'm a known tricot liker/listener.

i think there are little vocal production elements that are highly catfitting. i like the trippy delay effect for catfittance as well.

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 5:40 am
by shaft.ed

So I think I'll be moving WALRUSMASTER into signups some time next week

in case people needed more WALRUS

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 5:41 am
by caledfwitch
shafted when are you planning to host? keely and i have a walrus in the works too but i dont wanna compete with a dear pal LOL

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 5:49 am
by shaft.ed
In post 192, caledfwitch wrote:shafted when are you planning to host? keely and i have a walrus in the works too but i dont wanna compete with a dear pal LOL
Was going to start up a week from a week depending on signups
but, I can wait until after your run if you were planning to start yours up.
I didn't mean to snipe your work.
And I don't want to overstress the Walrus population, that'd be bad for the ecosystem.

I think the format can coexist well with the current WALRUSes as I'm planning:
-Forum only No Discord
-Round over round submissions instead of front loaded

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 6:13 am
by caledfwitch
no worries shafted i think that our walruses (walrii?? hrm) can run concurrently since keely and i will probably more closely follow the format of schadd/helltris walruses and i think we will probably have different categories lol. i just dont wanna cause like walrus drama or smth LMAO

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 6:13 am
by caledfwitch
i expect a walrus tier list from schadd at the end of 2021

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 6:58 am
by shaft.ed
In post 194, caledfwitch wrote:i just dont wanna cause like walrus drama or smth LMAO
me either <3

also schadd has to run a WALRUSWALRUS once everyone has run one

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 7:09 am
by schadd_
In post 193, shaft.ed wrote: -Round over round submissions instead of front loaded
would gently advise against this unless you'd like to send a large amount of followups as the thing goes on. though, it seems to work fine when people allow revisions halfway through, i just didn't want to do it myself
In post 195, caledfwitch wrote:i expect a walrus tier list from schadd at the end of 2021
dont tell me im expected to say any of the walruses is worse than the other . . . . weary emoji

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 7:28 am
by PJ.
I'm probably going to do a walrus. Time line on thread is between tonight and climate disaster

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2021 8:36 am
by hellbooks
in observance of the long weekend and my particular absence during it, this weekend may not have a reveal. I will speak with tris