Page 72 of 556

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 11:09 am
by popsofctown
In post 1770, GreyICE wrote:At what point? There's various reasons, mostly related to everything you're doing making sense to me (I can disagree with something and still think it's town motivated FYI - I'd love a confirmed town commuter too, for instance).

Why would I scumread you?

I was trying for a gotcha if you said, "who said I I've townread you at all this game?" because your iso reflects both types of thoughts and I think you can sometimes catch scum forgetting their own read progression because feelings are easier to remember than representations.

This response is consistent with your iso.

You could scumread me because Chickadeelogic frustrated me so much I wanted to lynch her against wincon if you wanted to, I think that is one of the ways of going out that would not put an angry first post in the dead PT.

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 11:11 am
by Alisae
In post 1764, GreyICE wrote:
In post 1744, Alisae wrote:like I feel let down because I feel like town!jjh
Okay Alisae, I hate meta as much as anybody, but I went looking for this paragon of scumhunters, JJH: ... er_sort=Go

Can you please walk me through what I should be looking for? Because how he interacted with people is different, because the people are different. And certainly he did more as the game developed. But I'm not seeing the large differences.

I'm well known for putting little stock in meta, but I'd love it if one of you can tell me what these damn differences are? What should I be looking for? What am I missing? This game, is as of now, 4 days old. In the town game I lynched, everything before this post was the first four days: ... #p11083459

What was the extra stuff he did in that game? I am happy to vote with confirmed town, all the time, as long as there's at least a glimmer that the wagon makes sense. But I need the wagon to make sense to me. JJH's votes speak to me on a primal level. You could practically chart the course of his game. He:

- RVS pokes around at some people
- Votes Xofelf because it's any case is a good case when the game is a day old, it moves the game forward
- Votes Krazy because Krazy is producing zero content and he notices that.
- Votes UT because see above
- Votes Ari because lets face it, Aristophanes cheeriness has been FAKE AS FUCK and I'm sure I'm not the only one getting a little jumpy at that slot. Especially since I looked up this previous game and it TURNS OUT ARI WON THE WHOLE THING FOR PINE SOLO and lets face it, drafting the guy who won him the whole thing solo again is both cheeky and smart, and Pine is cheeky and smart.
- Votes Krazy because lets see, did Krazy add any content or do anything?
- Votes Ari because see above
- Votes Krazy because see above
- Votes LLD because he's slightly sold on the case, and voting Krazy is not getting results
- Votes Krazy because he isn't sold on the LLD wagon and Krazy is still producing zero content and he's not going to let that slide

Christ it's like Dennis the Menace dotted line trails here. I see exactly what he's doing.
I wanted to double check what I had meta wise as well and his recent game
the UT vote specifically kind of came across as latching onto something that seemed easy to push and it kind of stuck with me. For awhile I kind of wanted to see how UT and jjh would interact and if that would turn into theater, because I kind of expect that to turn into theater if there was scum there.
But UT is gone now.

there are also like
other people not producing much
so why Krazy in particular?
Why jjh seems so interested in that slot just, doesn't really click in my head atm

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 11:11 am
by Alisae
In post 1761, Lady Lambdadelta wrote:I am not scum and having to fight my husband about it is gonna make this game a nightmare so

Ali, JJH is not CES. He isnt GreyICE and he isnt me. He is JJH. Like... I dont go in for meta but if Keith is arguing about the CES tell lots of scummy people did that shit and do that shit.

It is about vote motivation

And he doesnt have it. He just doesn't.
this is something that just
kind of sticks out to me atm
I feel like his votes would have atleast some motivation to them

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 11:12 am
by Alisae
In post 1771, jjh927 wrote:Huh that's pretty much it

Maybe a bit overly specific in some cases, and the Ari justification is off because Ari just generally reads fake to me

And my most recent Krazy vote was because Dannflor voted there and it seemed like we might get a wagon there which would force Krazy to produce more content, plus since Dannflor is one of my main townreads it just worked
ok but
why Krazy
I never really got that.

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 11:13 am
by Gamma Emerald
Spoiler: 20-25
In post 475, Firebringer wrote:
In post 474, Menalque wrote:
bargain: neighbourizer

Pine, if this hasn’t happened yet (as technically chicka hasn’t met their side of the bargain) can I get in on it instead?
why do you want it?
Not sure I like this. Seems to be freight training a certain course of events.
In post 477, Menalque wrote:Because I don’t like chickadee asking for fruit immediately (I think twice because iirc it was her entrance too?), I don’t like how good the bargain pine’s giving her is, neighbouriser is like my favourite power theoretically and yet I never fucking get it

Also, VOTE: xof

Not totally sure I agree with LLD about the not engaging with pine thing but I thought the logic made sense from town because I’d been wondering about the same thing myself
I think this is a town post but I don't like the agreeing with LLD and callling her town because I honestly think that wall was scummy. Also why would ignoring Pine be scummy? Didn't someone else say to put flipped scum on ignore?
In post 482, Alisae wrote:
In post 481, Menalque wrote:
In post 479, Ankamius wrote:that might be the single most disgusting couple of posts I've seen in a while
Are you referring to me?
In post 480, Alisae wrote:idunno how obvious I need to make it to establish that voting xolelf is not cool
Do you actually think that xof is town or you’re just looking forward to playing with them?
Is there an explainable logic to this? I have xof at no read rn but iirc xof only has one or two posts so I haven't really combed that hard for a read there.
In post 486, popsofctown wrote:
In post 85, Firebringer wrote:I edited these to post in here:

The fruit are- 7 of them

Watermelon - This fruit makes the user bulletproof for a night but also makes it so they take one less vote to lynch (they aren't informed of this)
Red Apple - This fruit allows a player to use a one shot tracker at night. The downside is that scum will know who you visited. (aren't informed of this)
Banana - This fruit gives user double voting power when eaten. It also tells scum what role they are when eaten. (arent informed of this)
Grapes - This fruit is the informed mechanic. It basically informs the player to what roles aren't present in the game. Pine doesn't want this released to give them freedom in fake claiming
Black Apple - This fruit allows a player to give it to another and kill that player. Pine will probably use this for someone he knows will misfire.
Lime - Tastes bad. Fruit gives you ability to multitask.
This post is a townslip for Firebringer.

Both town Firebringer and scum Firebringer would create this list in an effort to look scummy. That is the way Firebringer plays mafia or something. I don't know.

But only townFirebringer would produce this list, because scumFirebringer would have consulted the scum PT. Would he have faked them or listed them totally inaccurately? I don't know. There is really no telling. His thought processes are literally made of magma.
But whether the list was genuine or fake, they'd be produced conscious of what was in the scum PT. He'd either make all of their flavor correct, or make none of the flavor correct. That's not my assumption based on me expecting scum!Firebringer to go through dramatic machinations to fool us, just what I think would be more cognitively convenient.

But this list is partially aligned with the likely images in the scum PT rather than fully disjoint or fully aligned. Yoshi's Story images would have been the easiest to obtain (we have one already), and it includes a Red Apple, Banana, Watermelon, and Grapes. I checked more carefully for Black Apple, but there's no Black Apples or Limes out there in any of the source games.

Particularly clinching is that Firebringer used the terms "Banana" and "Grapes". The sprite for bananas in Yoshi's Story depicts a bunch of three bananas, rather than just one. And "Grapes" shows he was not just blindly singularizing all of the items. He would have been more likely to say "Bananas"

At the end of the list, he has run out of creativity and used "apple" again, choosing a recolor. It's doubtful Jingle had to resort to any recolors, which would only be applicable for some of the berries in Paper Mario, so recolored fruit wouldn't be on his mind after looking in the PT. It's also doubtful that -even if- Firebringer decided "I'm going to make a list of seven fruits but I'll make some up and some will be real", that he would run out of ideas and need to resort to a recolor. He would have a five fruit head start because at least five of these were really visible in the PT. It is much more difficult if I give you seven minutes to name seven Presidents than it is if I give you seven minutes to name seven Presidents other than Abraham Lincoln, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Thomas Jefferson, and Rutherford B. Hayes.
This is probably my strongest townread in the game right now, I have a couple others. Firebringer has also been behaving protown in a couple other ways.
This is Insane Troll Logic but I think it's sound logic.
In post 490, Pink Ball wrote:Am I obvtown enough to start building our mighty townbloc?

The whole scumteam is not posting while you guys scumread each other's asses, noobs.

Only exception is Gamma.
In post 237, Pink Ball wrote:
In post 4, Jingle wrote:

Alisae, fearing the worst, (...)

Well, that was easy.

VOTE: the worst
In post 249, Gamma Emerald wrote: Pink Ball gut town
Wait so are you SR me for the gut town read on you? Also you SRing me probably makes you town because you seem to not have a handle on reading me rn if our last two games are an indication.
In post 496, Ankamius wrote:I'd be shocked if the scumteam was mostly in the least active players
Absolutely this. If I wanted to pick a scumteam, would I make it a bunch of Purples? No, you want real Game Changers.
(can you tell I'm on a Survivor kick)
In post 501, Skygazer wrote:the worst is obv scum
In post 522, Alisae wrote:- If a player is old and came out of retirement to play, or is new and their play is still developing, they most likely were randed town
- If Pine doesn't have the meta knowledge or personal experience with a player, they are most likely town
- If Pine does not work well with them they are most likely town

From there, Pine has a smaller list of people that he can work with to try and assemble his dream team.
OK this is deffo wine. first off why does the first point exist? Pine joined in 2011, and came back in like 2016/2017, and afaict hasn't been inactive since. So why does not having played in a long time matter? I also see Pine as someone who'd be willing to take aleap of faith on a newer player, so the other half of that makes no sense. Also why is personal experience relevant, I think Pine is more than capable of doing research, plus I feel like if there was no personal experience they wouldn't be here. Only sensible point is the last one. I wouldn't want to clash with someone I'm trying to work with, that sounds like an unenjoyable experience. I think I recall a team with RC and Mathblade blowing up because they couldn't handle each other.
In post 527, Aristophanes wrote:
In post 347, Alisae wrote:
In post 260, Aristophanes wrote:I am so confused on the idea lmm pace for this game. So far It has felt pretty ideal tbh. 25 pages a day is a lot, even with a large playerlist.
25 pages means 1 page per player no?
yeah but are we expected to make 25 posts a day? That's a fucktonne!
lol to the whole Ari chain of posts
In post 547, Ankamius wrote:
In post 544, chennisden wrote:if you're town i expect you to understand this conversation is unproductive and won't actually help you read me/vice versa.

if you're scum i expect you to understand that trying to mental gymnast your way into a scumread of me won't work.
how exactly am I supposed to take you sidestepping my question then?
In post 548, chennisden wrote:that was the answer, not the sidestep.
I don't understand this interaction
In post 556, Ankamius wrote:Wendys
good choice
In post 563, Dannflor wrote:the worst and jjh are both scummy but the worst is a not-as-good wagon because he's 1. V/LA and 2. I know he has a good enough town game that it's worth not lynching him D1 regardless

also jjh im sad you did not debate me
In post 464, jjh927 wrote:Ali

Where are you on Gamma Emerald
In post 465, jjh927 wrote:Because I could vote there
bad bad bad

I think I've correctly read Gamma like... 5? times in a row now? probably actually statistically meaningless but regardless I'm gonna need you to explain your read there
Interesting, which games are your sample size? I haven't formed any opinions on your ability to read me at all so I want to see. I remember we played like a couple normals, and also MD rerun.
In post 565, Dannflor wrote:fuck you pine that arrow almost hit me
OOOOh, what did he tell you?
In post 568, mastina wrote:Skygazer
Gamma Emerald
Pink Ball
Lady Lambdadelta
Untrod Tripod
the worst
Talk about Maria, Ari, GreyICE, and PB pls
In post 569, GreyICE wrote:Oh Mastina is scum. Lawl.

Ez money ez mode.
Alright, I'm willing to hear you out on why Mastina is scum.
In post 572, Iconeum wrote:
In post 214, PenguinPower wrote:I like dragonfruit.

You called?
(I hope you're town so this image actually works out)
In post 576, the worst wrote:I knew signing up for this game was a good idea.. :lol:
VOTE: mastina think I agree with you GreyICE
Why do you agree with GI?
In post 577, popsofctown wrote:Mastina please do what chennisden does with respect to your masonry PT.
disregard all my mason talk lol
In post 582, Iconeum wrote:words words words
I feel like your reads are rather surface level. They seem genuine though here, so that kinda recolors my view of the posting I found scummy before.
In post 593, Iconeum wrote:Dann get's an early townread from me because he questions the same thing I saw with Chennis's posts regarding opportunism
Honestly I have Dann as town because I think he has a certain solviness here that he lacks as scum
Though I think I've only seen one Dann scumgame.
In post 594, Iconeum wrote:
In post 344, Chickadee wrote:I don't really have a counterargument. I just want fruit. I know I'm town and that's good enough for me. I'm not here to be liked. I'm here to drown in a huge game, and god damn if I'm gonna drown and be miserable, I'm gonna eat fruit.

I don't dislike the plan of Ali suggesting fruit bargainers, but there's nothing to say Pine has to go for anyone Ali suggests. And Ali doesn't have all the answers anyway.
Chikadee's townread is more feel then the other ones. This post in particular feels very 'free flowing'. Not caring. No agenda. 'I'm not here to be liked'.
This is town doing it's own goddamn thing and the others can suck it if they don't like it. It reads like town to me I don't think I can put it any other way.
In post 596, Alisae wrote:If scum are going to make up a reason to want fruit
They do what Chickadee is doing
Ali has a point and I agree with her side here, but idk if that invalidates the read.
In post 623, Ankamius wrote:I'm just as irked about you townreading me as I am Firebringer ftr duckling
If I townread you will you have a problem
I honestly think tw's townreads aren't bad, though Chick and GI are probably the weakest options.

wallpost songs

Questions for mastina, Dann, GreyICE, Menalque, Alyssa, tw
I like tw's townreads so those can pretty much be mine too
PB town
Ari kinda feels like town
may end up SRing mastina based on what GI says
Fire is in the void of null reading
SR on LLD and nullscum read on Maria haven't changed
(fyi these reads are partially to put pen to paper so I don't end up with nothing at the end, because I've had games where having no reads despite being present has really f***ed me)

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 11:14 am
by Gamma Emerald
deffo not finishing everything today but want to be like halfway by the end

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 11:14 am
by Chickadee
In post 1697, Gamma Emerald wrote:
Spoiler: Pages 15 through 20
In post 357, jjh927 wrote:Also
think I'll go back to

VOTE: Krazy
I think I've seen you vote this multiple times. Why?
tbh I don't know how to read Krazy despite playing with him several times.
In post 361, jjh927 wrote:Chaos is a bad idea
Chaos is a ladder. Get it right.
In post 371, Alisae wrote:
In post 369, Pine wrote:
In post 366, jjh927 wrote:Yes and that is why you have been giving us information to try to indicate that we can't leash this mechanic
Truth: this mechanic is designed to resist leashing
oh I’m sure I can outplay you
But can you outwit or outlast him?
In post 373, Chickadee wrote:Chaos Chaos! Embrace the chaos!
Is ThIs A dElTaRuNe ReFeReNcE?
In post 386, Firebringer wrote:
In post 221, the worst wrote:VOTE: v/la til 14th
obviously still be around because I'm me
would appreciate a better pace than this
game isn't going that fast, and worst would only be complaining like this if he has difficulty keeping up from a scum mindset. Just from outside worst has no problem keeping up with heavily active games as town, even if he is busy, this game also isn't that busy which is hilarious that i am seeing people go "ohh god the speed of this game".

Bitch, you people don't know what a fast pace game. This is what 15 pages in nearly 2 days now? Ive seen games that had 96 pages in 24 fucking hours. Cry me a river.
In post 224, the worst wrote:Like Gamma and pops a tiny tiny bit. I actually like Ank a tiny bit too. Got a small warm fuzzy from Fireb's opening posts. Leaving on a ferry now gl remember to lynch Ari d1
Empty posting.
In post 266, the worst wrote:
bargain: lemon

bargain: fruit

idk which one of these I'm meant to be posting
This seems out of character and weird to do from his mindset? Where did "lime" come from exactly? Almost seems like hidden info unless pine mentioned something about it and I am a derp. Unless worstie is in a trolly mood i don't think he risks the bargain this early with so little info, thats something i do, not him.
In post 269, the worst wrote:
In post 224, the worst wrote:Like Gamma and pops a tiny tiny bit. I actually like Ank a tiny bit too. Got a small warm fuzzy from Fireb's opening posts. Leaving on a ferry now gl remember to lynch Ari d1
I don't really like pops all that much off p2ish (but I love her as a person <3) but Gamma is still town!Gamma. Ank is somewhere in null/nulltown.
In post 251, Alisae wrote:Dude
Should I be worried of people jumping on firebringer?
I’m starting to get a bit worried
I don't feel all that worried about it. Don't overthink it too much.
more empty posting.

Disagreee. Honestly worstie reminds me of his play in The Thread TItle Sucked, so why do you think he's scum? Also he said lemon not lime?
In post 393, Ankamius wrote:Alisae

do you have a rough read for how much presence the scumteam has had so far?
I like this question
In post 431, Alisae wrote:Firebringer is having the time of his life right now
Is that AI for Fire, genuinely interested.
In post 400, Pine wrote:And with that, it’s time for the first fruit to be offered!


The first available fruit will grant the consumer a 1-shot Neighborizer ability.

This shot must be used the night after it is received. It will open a PT between the user and a target of their choice, which will be active for the rest of the game.

This is the image associated with the fruit: Image
Can I neighborize Alisae or Pine?
In post 407, Pine wrote:You may bargain with me now. If I understand Jingle correctly, the syntax is
Bargain: Neighborizer
. I will then either grant you the fruit, require a service, or impose a condition. If the fruit is not immediately granted, you may choose to accept my bargain, make a counter-offer, or reject it entirely.

I will ALWAYS bargain in good faith.
Good to know.
In post 416, Ankamius wrote:
In post 224, the worst wrote:Like Gamma and pops a tiny tiny bit. I actually like Ank a tiny bit too. Got a small warm fuzzy from Fireb's opening posts. Leaving on a ferry now gl remember to lynch Ari d1
holy shit this looks HORRIBLE on a second read through
Okay you were also in The Thread Title Sucked so what am I missing?
In post 418, Firebringer wrote:neighborize is such a shit power, what are you possibly worried about?

scum team will hear chickadee and whoever she neighborize talk at night about bone drawings?
Well yes but actually no. In theory neighborize doesn't do much but in practice the hood members genreally end up TRing each other, making an all town hood pro-town and a hood with at least one scum in it pro-scum. For an example see how my neighbors in the NR.-ey Mystery Hood in Pokémon Fusion UPick.
In post 451, Alisae wrote:at this point
every time I've played with pops I've read her wrong so...
Hm. Me and pops I think our first game together was a Making Friends and Enemies, were you in that one? I vaguely recall you being in it. Maybe you were the mod idek.
In post 464, jjh927 wrote:Ali

Where are you on Gamma Emerald
In post 465, jjh927 wrote:Because I could vote there
In post 466, Alisae wrote:
In post 464, jjh927 wrote:Ali

Where are you on Gamma Emerald
thats halfa humina
Uhhh what's a humina again
(btw trying to find this image almost led to me losing my responses to the previous pages but using Chrome history helped me at least get the posts I wanted to respond to back.
In post 473, Firebringer wrote:part of me thinks i can be this genuine as scum tho miss chickadee...
Kinda wanna TR this.

Official song of this post.

Not really any reads but have some questions for Alisae, FB, Alyssa, jjh (who I want to start calling Splatlock rn), and Pine. Along with less serious questions to Alisae and Chickadee.
Sorry, It was not a delta rune reference. I had to look up what that was. I just like chaos.

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 11:15 am
by Alisae
In post 1781, Chickadee wrote:
In post 1697, Gamma Emerald wrote:
Spoiler: Pages 15 through 20
In post 357, jjh927 wrote:Also
think I'll go back to

VOTE: Krazy
I think I've seen you vote this multiple times. Why?
tbh I don't know how to read Krazy despite playing with him several times.
In post 361, jjh927 wrote:Chaos is a bad idea
Chaos is a ladder. Get it right.
In post 371, Alisae wrote:
In post 369, Pine wrote:
In post 366, jjh927 wrote:Yes and that is why you have been giving us information to try to indicate that we can't leash this mechanic
Truth: this mechanic is designed to resist leashing
oh I’m sure I can outplay you
But can you outwit or outlast him?
In post 373, Chickadee wrote:Chaos Chaos! Embrace the chaos!
Is ThIs A dElTaRuNe ReFeReNcE?
In post 386, Firebringer wrote:
In post 221, the worst wrote:VOTE: v/la til 14th
obviously still be around because I'm me
would appreciate a better pace than this
game isn't going that fast, and worst would only be complaining like this if he has difficulty keeping up from a scum mindset. Just from outside worst has no problem keeping up with heavily active games as town, even if he is busy, this game also isn't that busy which is hilarious that i am seeing people go "ohh god the speed of this game".

Bitch, you people don't know what a fast pace game. This is what 15 pages in nearly 2 days now? Ive seen games that had 96 pages in 24 fucking hours. Cry me a river.
In post 224, the worst wrote:Like Gamma and pops a tiny tiny bit. I actually like Ank a tiny bit too. Got a small warm fuzzy from Fireb's opening posts. Leaving on a ferry now gl remember to lynch Ari d1
Empty posting.
In post 266, the worst wrote:
bargain: lemon

bargain: fruit

idk which one of these I'm meant to be posting
This seems out of character and weird to do from his mindset? Where did "lime" come from exactly? Almost seems like hidden info unless pine mentioned something about it and I am a derp. Unless worstie is in a trolly mood i don't think he risks the bargain this early with so little info, thats something i do, not him.
In post 269, the worst wrote:
In post 224, the worst wrote:Like Gamma and pops a tiny tiny bit. I actually like Ank a tiny bit too. Got a small warm fuzzy from Fireb's opening posts. Leaving on a ferry now gl remember to lynch Ari d1
I don't really like pops all that much off p2ish (but I love her as a person <3) but Gamma is still town!Gamma. Ank is somewhere in null/nulltown.
In post 251, Alisae wrote:Dude
Should I be worried of people jumping on firebringer?
I’m starting to get a bit worried
I don't feel all that worried about it. Don't overthink it too much.
more empty posting.

Disagreee. Honestly worstie reminds me of his play in The Thread TItle Sucked, so why do you think he's scum? Also he said lemon not lime?
In post 393, Ankamius wrote:Alisae

do you have a rough read for how much presence the scumteam has had so far?
I like this question
In post 431, Alisae wrote:Firebringer is having the time of his life right now
Is that AI for Fire, genuinely interested.
In post 400, Pine wrote:And with that, it’s time for the first fruit to be offered!


The first available fruit will grant the consumer a 1-shot Neighborizer ability.

This shot must be used the night after it is received. It will open a PT between the user and a target of their choice, which will be active for the rest of the game.

This is the image associated with the fruit: Image
Can I neighborize Alisae or Pine?
In post 407, Pine wrote:You may bargain with me now. If I understand Jingle correctly, the syntax is
Bargain: Neighborizer
. I will then either grant you the fruit, require a service, or impose a condition. If the fruit is not immediately granted, you may choose to accept my bargain, make a counter-offer, or reject it entirely.

I will ALWAYS bargain in good faith.
Good to know.
In post 416, Ankamius wrote:
In post 224, the worst wrote:Like Gamma and pops a tiny tiny bit. I actually like Ank a tiny bit too. Got a small warm fuzzy from Fireb's opening posts. Leaving on a ferry now gl remember to lynch Ari d1
holy shit this looks HORRIBLE on a second read through
Okay you were also in The Thread Title Sucked so what am I missing?
In post 418, Firebringer wrote:neighborize is such a shit power, what are you possibly worried about?

scum team will hear chickadee and whoever she neighborize talk at night about bone drawings?
Well yes but actually no. In theory neighborize doesn't do much but in practice the hood members genreally end up TRing each other, making an all town hood pro-town and a hood with at least one scum in it pro-scum. For an example see how my neighbors in the NR.-ey Mystery Hood in Pokémon Fusion UPick.
In post 451, Alisae wrote:at this point
every time I've played with pops I've read her wrong so...
Hm. Me and pops I think our first game together was a Making Friends and Enemies, were you in that one? I vaguely recall you being in it. Maybe you were the mod idek.
In post 464, jjh927 wrote:Ali

Where are you on Gamma Emerald
In post 465, jjh927 wrote:Because I could vote there
In post 466, Alisae wrote:
In post 464, jjh927 wrote:Ali

Where are you on Gamma Emerald
thats halfa humina
Uhhh what's a humina again
(btw trying to find this image almost led to me losing my responses to the previous pages but using Chrome history helped me at least get the posts I wanted to respond to back.
In post 473, Firebringer wrote:part of me thinks i can be this genuine as scum tho miss chickadee...
Kinda wanna TR this.

Official song of this post.

Not really any reads but have some questions for Alisae, FB, Alyssa, jjh (who I want to start calling Splatlock rn), and Pine. Along with less serious questions to Alisae and Chickadee.
Sorry, It was not a delta rune reference. I had to look up what that was. I just like chaos.
don't mind Gamma Emerald
he's a gamer :cool:

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 11:22 am
by Alisae
Hey GreyICE/Lexi
lets talk reads yo

How do ywall feel about Pink Ball?

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 11:23 am
by GreyICE
In post 1778, Alisae wrote:
In post 1771, jjh927 wrote:Huh that's pretty much it

Maybe a bit overly specific in some cases, and the Ari justification is off because Ari just generally reads fake to me

And my most recent Krazy vote was because Dannflor voted there and it seemed like we might get a wagon there which would force Krazy to produce more content, plus since Dannflor is one of my main townreads it just worked
ok but
why Krazy
I never really got that.
Okay, I have a few things to answer, but real quick and IMHO, it's because he RVSed Krazy. That's all. There's like ten people who aren't in the game right now. I didn't know penguin Power existed until Xofelf (who is scum) showed me. Did you know there was a skygazer in the game? Yeah, me either. She's a nonentity.

He kind of "owns" Krazy because he RVS voted Krazy, that's all. We all have one or two of the lurkers we'd love to kick in the balls (or ovaries) and get some damn content out of.

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 11:24 am
by jjh927
In post 1687, Aristophanes wrote:What about the timing of this has anything to do with ulterior motives and how!?

What a dumb broad statement with no follow up and no gravity to it. This is exactly the kind of bs post I'm talking about! It looks decent on the surface but there is nothing to it!
In this particular case, I was trying to figure out if Dannflor was seeing what I was.

I thought the timing was super weird with your vote being quite clearly a means to shift attention off of UT, preferably onto me, when the people around who were talking about UT have effectively cooperated with me but still aren't sure about my alignment.
I am the only active player who has continued to express interest in you being lynched.
I've a firm feeling which has not gone away that Krazy's vote on you in RVS was a bus due to your likelihood of being rung up early, which he later shifted when the risk of that dissipated
LLD being the main proponent of my lynch also adds an interesting dynamic to it, especially if she's scum.

But back to the timing:
You didn't vote me when LLD cased me, or at any ensuing point
You didn't vote me right after isoing me
But you did vote me after... isoing UT and comparing the percentage of posts you considered to contain content, which is flimsy, and then there's that bunch of reasons for why scum!you would vote me then and there that make sense to me

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 11:24 am
by Alisae
In post 1784, GreyICE wrote:
In post 1778, Alisae wrote:
In post 1771, jjh927 wrote:Huh that's pretty much it

Maybe a bit overly specific in some cases, and the Ari justification is off because Ari just generally reads fake to me

And my most recent Krazy vote was because Dannflor voted there and it seemed like we might get a wagon there which would force Krazy to produce more content, plus since Dannflor is one of my main townreads it just worked
ok but
why Krazy
I never really got that.
Okay, I have a few things to answer, but real quick and IMHO, it's because he RVSed Krazy. That's all. There's like ten people who aren't in the game right now. I didn't know penguin Power existed until Xofelf (who is scum) showed me. Did you know there was a skygazer in the game? Yeah, me either. She's a nonentity.

He kind of "owns" Krazy because he RVS voted Krazy, that's all. We all have one or two of the lurkers we'd love to kick in the balls (or ovaries) and get some damn content out of.
I am
starting to get it

okay sure, I'll play ball

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 11:26 am
by jjh927
In post 1778, Alisae wrote:
In post 1771, jjh927 wrote:Huh that's pretty much it

Maybe a bit overly specific in some cases, and the Ari justification is off because Ari just generally reads fake to me

And my most recent Krazy vote was because Dannflor voted there and it seemed like we might get a wagon there which would force Krazy to produce more content, plus since Dannflor is one of my main townreads it just worked
ok but
why Krazy
I never really got that.
Because if I'm gonna guess someone who Pine has picked here to be scum, it's Krazy, and he's not done shit.

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 11:27 am
by Alisae
In post 1787, jjh927 wrote:
In post 1778, Alisae wrote:
In post 1771, jjh927 wrote:Huh that's pretty much it

Maybe a bit overly specific in some cases, and the Ari justification is off because Ari just generally reads fake to me

And my most recent Krazy vote was because Dannflor voted there and it seemed like we might get a wagon there which would force Krazy to produce more content, plus since Dannflor is one of my main townreads it just worked
ok but
why Krazy
I never really got that.
Because if I'm gonna guess someone who Pine has picked here to be scum, it's Krazy, and he's not done shit.
the only one who is allowed to say "pine probably drafts X" is me so come up with a different reason please :3

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 11:28 am
by popsofctown
In post 1785, jjh927 wrote:
In post 1687, Aristophanes wrote:What about the timing of this has anything to do with ulterior motives and how!?

What a dumb broad statement with no follow up and no gravity to it. This is exactly the kind of bs post I'm talking about! It looks decent on the surface but there is nothing to it!
LLD being the main proponent of my lynch also adds an interesting dynamic to it, especially if she's scum.
Why does Lambdadelta being the main proponent of your lynch adds an interesting dynamic when she's town?

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 11:29 am
by jjh927
There is no different reason

It makes it a pretty solid RVS vote

The lack of doing things is really just getting me to double down on it

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 11:32 am
by jjh927
In post 1789, popsofctown wrote:Why does Lambdadelta being the main proponent of your lynch adds an interesting dynamic when she's town?
I don't think he can vote there without being suspicious, and if I somehow get mislynched that's great for scum in the universe where LLD is town

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 11:35 am
by popsofctown
In post 1788, Alisae wrote:
In post 1787, jjh927 wrote:
In post 1778, Alisae wrote:
In post 1771, jjh927 wrote:Huh that's pretty much it

Maybe a bit overly specific in some cases, and the Ari justification is off because Ari just generally reads fake to me

And my most recent Krazy vote was because Dannflor voted there and it seemed like we might get a wagon there which would force Krazy to produce more content, plus since Dannflor is one of my main townreads it just worked
ok but
why Krazy
I never really got that.
Because if I'm gonna guess someone who Pine has picked here to be scum, it's Krazy, and he's not done shit.
the only one who is allowed to say "pine probably drafts X" is me so come up with a different reason please :3
While I don't share the position.
"Allowed to say" is a rude thing to say to someone else in the thread.
It elevates you above them and I don't think it's nice or kind.

"I believe my arguments are stronger than your arguments" is ok.
"You don't get to think, I get to think" is like the kind gameplay environments that are not fun to be in.

I know you have more information and that's a good reason you can say "My arguments are stronger/better/more informed".
Maybe you're just trying to be hyperbolic and Poe's law but it's a little triggering for me.

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 11:38 am
by jjh927
Eh Ali can be blunt with me if I seem to be forgetting I lack information comparatively

The main way I'm seeing this is that Ali can tell me I should be townreading someone but not that I should scumread someone

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 11:38 am
by Alisae
In post 1792, popsofctown wrote:
In post 1788, Alisae wrote:
In post 1787, jjh927 wrote:
In post 1778, Alisae wrote:
In post 1771, jjh927 wrote:Huh that's pretty much it

Maybe a bit overly specific in some cases, and the Ari justification is off because Ari just generally reads fake to me

And my most recent Krazy vote was because Dannflor voted there and it seemed like we might get a wagon there which would force Krazy to produce more content, plus since Dannflor is one of my main townreads it just worked
ok but
why Krazy
I never really got that.
Because if I'm gonna guess someone who Pine has picked here to be scum, it's Krazy, and he's not done shit.
the only one who is allowed to say "pine probably drafts X" is me so come up with a different reason please :3
While I don't share the position.
"Allowed to say" is a rude thing to say to someone else in the thread.
It elevates you above them and I don't think it's nice or kind.

"I believe my arguments are stronger than your arguments" is ok.
"You don't get to think, I get to think" is like the kind gameplay environments that are not fun to be in.

I know you have more information and that's a good reason you can say "My arguments are stronger/better/more informed".
Maybe you're just trying to be hyperbolic and Poe's law but it's a little triggering for me.
yeah ik its rude
I want to shut it down because
A. I want an actual reason.
B. I don't want to encourage that type of thinking.

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 11:39 am
by Alisae
In post 1793, jjh927 wrote:Eh Ali can be blunt with me if I seem to be forgetting I lack information comparatively

The main way I'm seeing this is that Ali can tell me I should be townreading someone but not that I should scumread someone
pink ball

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 11:39 am
by popsofctown

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 11:40 am
by jjh927

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 11:41 am
by Alisae
sorry :(

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2019 11:44 am
by jjh927
He's clearly having a good time at least but I feel like he's having less and less of an actual impact on the game