T3 by himself musing about who to hood. He suggest shrek because he thinks they seem townie. Then he muses that maybe Titus is better because they have more experience. He thinks that Pav is scum. He also notes that Taco bringing up a possible mason game is funny because he's close, but it's actually a neighbor game and that makes it unlikely there are masons. He then considers neighborizing Salsa. Doesn't want to talk to Seanzie because Seanzie thinks he is scum and he doesn't know what his read on him is so doesn't want to talk to him. Apologizes to pav for the mislim then says that he townreads Zyla but it would be useful to pick someone from that wagon so he picks me.
I say hello and I'm glad to be neighborized.
A return greeting and saying I was townie.
I ask if the neighborize does anything special/have modifiers and note that I've crumbed neighbors in
906. I also ask for T3's opinion on Taco, Zyla, and Seanzie.
He responds saying that it has modifiers but is mostly useless.
I ask about them/what he learned about me.
He claims the detective neighborize thing. Claims he had to look on the wiki to figure out what it did, says he believes Lucifer's claim because he is a detective, and crumbed detective on some earlier post.
I say he should know what detective is because it was in the recently finished mini normal we played. I express regret for asking about his role because anyone newly neighborized will see it. I also re-ask about his reads on Taco/Zyla/Seanzie.
He explains he was confused about the role because he thought roaming was an inherent part of it (context: previous game had a roaming detective).
I ask if I should help him decide on the next target to neighborize.
He wants input, says maybe Lucifer would be good to neighborize.
I say if we get a good Lucifer replacement it might be good and then say I'm annoyed that we killed Pav because I wanted Zyla dead. A day passes and I ask if he's really a detective.
He responds yes and is confused why I doubt him (lol)
I said his claim was weird and I want to sort him.
He said he got a negative result on me and that if he gets a guilty scum would know anyway. Says I'm obvtown cause I was not on pav (the pocketing skills jeez). The crumb is
I say I'm trying to figure out if he should be mech cleared.
He says detective + vig just makes sense.
I say that it doesn't really but mods like doing it for some reason. Also say that he might be a scum detective neighborizer.
He asks why I think that it doesn't make sense.
I talk about how vigilantes self-confirm so it isn't a real false guilty.
He says scum neighborizer is overpowered based on review threads he has used.
I have successfully been pocketed at this point and say we are masons but point out that if it's x-shot it could be scum. Say I'll crumb masons to Kyo.
He's not x-shot so awesome and agrees with mason crumb.
I say Seanzie could pick up on the crumb.
I say Taco is claiming a guilty and I don't know what I'm doing or if Taco is faking it.
T3 expresses confusion.
I ask who he trusts and that I think Seanzie is evil.
He says it wouldn't make sense for taco to claim cop as scum, shrek claims cop makes sense, and he won't CC because detective is weak.
I say I think it is seanzie + we should consider getting shrek in the hood.
He says sure, then manatee.
I said if we check manatee it should be because we want to use the detective check.
He says yes that is what the plan is and express hope taco's guilty wasn't fake.
T3 expresses annoyance at the possibility seanzie flips green.
I complain people fake guilties too much and it's super anti-town. Suggest neighborizing shrek to clear out why they thought there was a cop in the game but realize it could be bad if scum can read it and know Shrek's role later.
T3 says Shrek is blatant town.
He says we should massclaim the next day.
I say maybe he could claim VT unless he gets a guilty or there's another investigative.
He suggests picking Shrek.
I say we should use it for a guilty.
He comes up with a weird plan about claiming informed roles or something to avoid night kills. Says he'll neighborize manatee.
I say we shouldn't cause it makes setup spec too hard.
He reiterates.
I ask if she'll do the night kill. I then say how frustrated I am if taco is town for preventing my preferred elim day one and then faking a guilty.
I confirm we're detectiving manatee. Say if he gets a guilty I could try to claim it and also maybe we can try to spam the neighborhood so manatee doesn't read our plans or anything.
He confirms.
I ask what to talk about to spam.
He says manatee will know it's his hood anyway and he thinks there's a protective.
I say my plan might draw protective away from him so we shouldn't do it.
He wants the speedlim
I say Zyla should choose someone in the pool we setup.
He suggests titus cause we are picking Kyo but scum could plan around it if we say it in thread.
I say Zyla could do the night kill if she's scum and that we might wanna check Shrek just to be sure about their claim and the fact they thought a cop was in the game based on claim didn't make much sense.
He says they are obvtown.
I say new players can be tricky and that I'll be annoyed if our PoE comes up empty and Shrek!scum would be performing the kill.
He says the traffic analyst claim makes sense because of the possibility of fake guilties on hoods.
I say for there to be a vig with an even-night TA + gunsmith + detective would be really strong. Express hope I draw the night kill.
He also expresses hope I get night killed (LOL)
He is going to check Kyo
I agree. I yell to the grave that he tricked me and say hi to Kyo.
Kyo says he thought I was crumbing masons with Shrek for some reason and says he has to stop picking u p on crumbs that don't exist for that because he's always wrong. Asks if I'm a vanilla townie.
I decline to claim but say that if he thought I was masons and I'm not dead it might be a good sign for town!kyo but the kill being on an investigative role makes it plausible.
Kyo makes a face at me (idk how to paraphrase this)
I ask who is evil
Kyo says he wants to reread the hood. Maybe me and shrek cause shrek claimed traffic analyst while I was in the PT with T3 and there is now a flipped scum TA.
I ask how any of this makes sense if I'm scum and why I would kill T3.
Kyo will be back later.