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Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 12:54 pm
by fireisredsir
also for refining reads, d1 if there's nobody around to talk to i usually go meta read people who i don't know very well to get a better feel for them, and ive done that a decent amount this game

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 1:11 pm
by Mistyx
csf can you expand on your bell townread

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 1:51 pm
by VP Baltar
In post 1522, Andresvmb wrote:HEAL: Frogsterking
HEAL: catboi
HEAL: Greeting
HEAL: StrangeMatter
HEAL: Andante
HEAL: Titus
HEAL: Dwlee99
HEAL: fireisredsir
I'm so far behind and catching up but lol wtf is this

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 1:51 pm
by VP Baltar
In post 1525, Andresvmb wrote:I’ve only read like the first 20 pages or so.
Especially when the next post is this?

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 1:55 pm
by VP Baltar
In post 1530, Andresvmb wrote:148 - Interestingly enough, I really don’t like this response from VPB. What does it matter when was the last time you rolled Scum? Like why do you feel self-conscious enough that you decide to actively state when you last rolled Scum? It’s irrelevant to your chances of being Scum in this game. The reflex to answer in this way feels like a bad sign.
Are you actually reading the game though? Frog stated I haven't been scum in awhile, and I pointed out that's not accurate. How the fuck do you walk away from that and say I'm being self-conscious?

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 1:58 pm
by VP Baltar
In post 1530, Andresvmb wrote:169 - I like this read from Frogsterking. At this point, I think I judged the slot too early, because I very much vibe with their take on VPB.
This does not look great for andres because he has actually played with me many times and always as town. Citing tone and hiding behind Frogster's read is no good.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 2:02 pm
by VP Baltar
In post 1540, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 1530, Andresvmb wrote: - Interestingly enough, I really don’t like this response from VPB. What does it matter when was the last time you rolled Scum? Like why do you feel self-conscious enough that you decide to actively state when you last rolled Scum? It’s irrelevant to your chances of being Scum in this game. The reflex to answer in this way feels like a bad sign.
wasn't he directly asked? why is it bad that he answered the question
See, like y'all keep telling me to hate fire and he keeps saying logical, accurate things.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 2:16 pm
by VP Baltar
In post 1574, Andresvmb wrote:I don’t need to read every word to have a sense for some players in the early part. And Healing doesn’t close the thread or shorten the day as far as I can tell, so doing it doesn’t have any impact until the day has ended. So I can update those no problem, and if a majority is reached without my vote, and I want to have some influence. It’s like if you’re going to criticize this about me, did you criticize Pooky when they put Heal votes down in the early part of the game (and very many at that)? Otherwise, you’re basically saying that you prefer to have less information from me, not more, and that seems kind of silly.
Yeah, but the heals tell us nothing actually because you say you've only read 20 pages at that point? So like, there is no relevance to the current game state. If you are scum, could just be a lowkey way to get some heals on a buddy by also healing some consensus town reads. I don't understand the motivation at that point to heal if you feel like you're behind. Wouldn't you want to get in the flow of the game a bit and then drop heals you feel more confident on?

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 2:18 pm
by Titus
Hmm I think scum might be healing me

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 2:19 pm
by VP Baltar
In post 1580, Andresvmb wrote:
In post 1578, Bell wrote:You didn't plop down a vote. Why didn't you vote someone?
You fault me for putting Heal votes down without reading everything (which if I’m being realistic, the odds that I get 8 Town and no Scum even if I read every word D1 are not great), but you want me to place my single elimination vote already? Why?

My strongest SR from the early going was VPB. I’m not ready to vote there until I have actually at least read the entirety of what’s been posted so far so I can be surer there aren’t Scummier slots.
Good question from Bell, a sad reply from andres.

The logic of healing becuase you can always change it applies to voting too. Except there is the additional scum cover motivation I noted above, so....

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 2:26 pm
by fireisredsir
In post 1833, Titus wrote:Hmm I think scum might be healing me
what makes you think that?

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 2:30 pm
by VP Baltar
In post 1629, StrangeMatter wrote:I hate posting readslists, but right now I feel like Bell has gone down on what I have seen so far, you've gone down for sure and I'm not at all sure how people are assuming you're even town.
This is somewhat of a beetlejuice and hating on Bell and Frog, which I don't really agree with. Still comfortable with my vote at this point in my catch up.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 2:31 pm
by VP Baltar
In post 1632, Cat Scratch Fever wrote:oof the beetlejuice. were you lurking Strange?
CSF, ok ok, I see you.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 2:34 pm
by Titus
In post 1835, fireisredsir wrote:
In post 1833, Titus wrote:Hmm I think scum might be healing me
what makes you think that?
I've deliberately done nothing.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 2:35 pm
by VP Baltar
In post 1652, Frogsterking wrote:I think fire + andres are lockscum.
Can you explain to me how you're linking these two? Like you keep saying it, and I don't understand how you're connecting them.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 2:39 pm
by VP Baltar
In post 1678, Menalque wrote:okay, I like GL, Titus, frog, CSF, bell for town
Can you explain the Titus townread for me please? I don't understand it when there is almost nothing to judge upon.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 2:40 pm
by VP Baltar
In post 1678, Menalque wrote:I'd vote anywhere in (fire, MT!slot, andres) with a slight preference to the first two
Also retract my spiciness quote on this before. I agree with Fire now that these are pretty easy/popular scum reads coming off of Frogster going HAMbone for like six pages.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 2:42 pm
by StrangeMatter
I'm back I guess, not in a great mood to be playing Mafia but oh well.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 2:47 pm
by Cephrir
HEAL: bell

A lovely shade of curmudgeonly and not afraid to stick his neck out

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 2:47 pm
by VP Baltar
In post 1737, Cephrir wrote:i actually kinda think vp might be town.
he's not playing a win-friends game
This will get me mislimmed like D3 or 4. I really can't help myself!

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 2:53 pm
by StrangeMatter
I'm wondering, does Cephrir normally do this where he seems to be having reads, but not really saying much else? Because I don't feel like what I said earlier hasn't really changed.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 3:01 pm
by VP Baltar
In post 1833, Titus wrote:Hmm I think scum might be healing me
At first this struck me as townie, then I remembered that Titus is the queen of wifoming. lol

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 3:07 pm
by VP Baltar
Ok, I'm caught up!

Basic feelings on that catch up is the fire wagon feels lazy/possibly got some scum pushing it/hopping on. Bell I kind of think is confbiased town. Don't love that this is kind of just chugging along. I don't think fire's readslist is bad, and the complaint over formatting is :roll: What's the scum motivation for formatting it in a way you don't like?

Other things: I kinda liked a few points from CSF on andres, so maybe I'm wrong on her. I hated pretty much all of andres' catch up. Alot of it was kind of pointless. The heals are weird. And it seems like he is puffing up Frogster tinfoil until frog wraps him in the shiney.

VOTE: andres

Don't think strange really looks better, but an andres wagon might actually happen today and I'd prefer that over fire.

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 3:16 pm
by Mistyx
In post 1847, VP Baltar wrote:Ok, I'm caught up!

Basic feelings on that catch up is the fire wagon feels lazy/possibly got some scum pushing it/hopping on.
Bell I kind of think is confbiased town. Don't love that this is kind of just chugging along. I don't think fire's readslist is bad, and the complaint over formatting is :roll: What's the scum motivation for formatting it in a way you don't like?

Other things: I kinda liked a few points from CSF on andres, so maybe I'm wrong on her. I hated pretty much all of andres' catch up. Alot of it was kind of pointless. The heals are weird. And it seems like he is puffing up Frogster tinfoil until frog wraps him in the shiney.

VOTE: andres

Don't think strange really looks better, but an andres wagon might actually happen today and I'd prefer that over fire.
what makes you think that? any specific votes?

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2022 3:19 pm
by VP Baltar
In post 1848, Mistyx wrote:
In post 1847, VP Baltar wrote:Ok, I'm caught up!

Basic feelings on that catch up is the fire wagon feels lazy/possibly got some scum pushing it/hopping on.
Bell I kind of think is confbiased town. Don't love that this is kind of just chugging along. I don't think fire's readslist is bad, and the complaint over formatting is :roll: What's the scum motivation for formatting it in a way you don't like?

Other things: I kinda liked a few points from CSF on andres, so maybe I'm wrong on her. I hated pretty much all of andres' catch up. Alot of it was kind of pointless. The heals are weird. And it seems like he is puffing up Frogster tinfoil until frog wraps him in the shiney.

VOTE: andres

Don't think strange really looks better, but an andres wagon might actually happen today and I'd prefer that over fire.
what makes you think that? any specific votes?
In post 1782, Mistyx wrote:
In post 1722, fireisredsir wrote:as long as the theatre involves ignoring frog and not engaging with him anymore bc he is trying to hero solve day 1 and it is clearly warping his perspective and making him useless
this post is bad

VOTE: fire