Posts that were unaddressed before Night fell
Trilobyte wrote:So you don't think Furpants is reasonable? As someone who has engaged in a extended dialog with him in my last few posts, I think you are very wrong.
Actually in my exchanges with Furpants I found he used jokes to avoid answering questions, was generally dismissive and reactionary. None of this is necessarily a scum-tell but told me not to bother engaging him for the moment. Once again your opinion differs from mine.
Trilobyte wrote:The one liner was made by Zach.
The follow up questioning you was done by me, I forgot to sign the post. It was me who said the wagon was opportunistic and I do stand by that considering the inital reasoning and how fast it grew when other wagons just didn't go anywhere.
The general point I was making was two-fold. First that Zach’s response served only to be sarcastic. You rather closely followed on the heels with a general Sotty style comment. Since you are playing a Hydra and not making a significant effort to distinguish your posts the juxtaposition looks odd.
Benmage wrote:But scum post less....GIEFF in mafia 98 ran the numbers on all the players in the game somehow and all but i think alexhans posted drastically less as scum than as town. This was illustrated not with total posts counts at the end of the game, but how often they posted a day when town compared to when scum. Go look for yourself the numbers are drastically lower and I bet if you just made a poll in mafia discussion asking people if they personally post less when scum than when town 90% will agree.
So you are asserting that statistics drawn from one game correlate to clear site-wide proof? Bullshit. If you can show me a thread where statistically a significant sampling of games is statistically analyzed and corrected for days alive, number of players in the game, and the statistical impact each other player in the game has and the results correlate to proof that greater than 65% or so of players post less as scum and I’ll buy it. Otherwise you are simply trying to pass of your opinion related to Mafia theoretical discussion as a scum-tell.
Plum wrote:Yes and no. You'll be apt to find scum all along the continuum in that case. And hey, lemme ask, you call Furc's behavior scummy and then say that Cult know he's Investigator. So which is he, or what?
In regards to scum being everywhere along the continuum I agree in general. I choose to look at the players clearing in the face of his play (which I see as consistent regardless of alignment in personal experience) as opposed to those questioning and pressuring him. I’m not sure why then not peep one had been made regarding all the accusations that Cult-scum must be in the Furcolow early wagon.
Furc’s behavior was scumtastic. No disputing it. That said the scumminess is most likely from his VI nature given the Mod confirmation he stumbled blindly into. So he’s acted scummy (bad cases, flailing and calling everyone who looks funny at him scum, etc) but is most likely just a bad Investigator.
Why go out of the way to assert this is some sort of contradiction?
Plum wrote:Here's a question for you: why didn't you stalk him last Night, in that case, eh? In any case, you're wrong and I still find that initial play scummy. Thanks for reminding me.
Because blindly stalking Night 0 would be stupidly anti-Town. You know this so why bother asking the question? I'm not stupid. The one free shot at a kill each Investigator gets should be not be wasted frivolously based on prior experiences. It should be saved to nail Cult. I reserve the right to interact with players as I feel appropriate to the player. Feel free to find my personal opinion about Furcolow scummy. In any case you are wrong about that.
Plum wrote:In which case Furc just threw away his team's ability to off El Goosuki or throw their slot an extra Insanity because they CANNOT use that Fetish without proving that Furc was lying Cult (because you can't craft a Fetish of someone you have a Fetish of, so any Fetish sent or used to Ritual El Goos would have to originate with Furc-Cult per this theory). BRILLIANT explanation there.
Nice thinking. Except for the fact, of course, that on ANY SUCCESSIVE NIGHT that El Goo hears a noise and is not warded a Fetish could be created. So once El Goo hears Noise and is not warded (or multiple wards claims are made) your theory goes Kablooie. So the Cult would have to be, I don’t know, patient enough to wait a few days and then could throw doubt on multiple Ward claims or exploit an unwarded noise. Or perhaps El Goo could be Cult. Glad you didn’t factor that into your BRILLIANT explanation. Any reason why that possibility slipped your mind?
And then on to new business –
Dispatch RC
Dispatch Fate
Eventual flips are absolutely required for any sort of long term relational analysis. Plus if Cult want to burn sanities Warding graves and thus making themselves more susceptible to Occult Books that would be wonderful.
Does anyone else find it odd that El Goo, whose input into the game has been less than stellar, has been warded on successive nights?
– You chose to ward El Goo over any number of more Pro-Town players (Hito for one) just to test a theory that we put to be 30 or so pages ago thanks to Furc's mod clearance?
Trilobyte wrote:I think Magna's question to Benmage is pretty ridiculous. Why kill a modkilled player?
Despite Benmage’s attempted backtrack today the drum he hammered yesterday was ‘Killing Fate will CONFIRM me as Town’. And Fate’s Soul Rip left him alive but unable to actively help Town. So going through with the Murder of a still alive but useless Fate accomplishes the mission he kept screaming about Day 1. So no, the question is not stupid.
Benmage wrote:Magna that is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. One of our strongest tools as town is we all have viging powers. I stalked someone I believe to be scum. Why would I waste my one shot on someone dead...that is horrible logic.
Me being confirmed town is secondary incentive. Primary being killing cult.
I’m calling complete bullshit on the bolded. This is absolutely NOT what you spent all Day 1 saying.
1. If you believed the bolded you would NOT have stalked Fate N1 as you had ZERO reason to suspect he was Cult. You didn’t know, unless you are Cult, his alignment N0 and couldn’t have known you would not hear noise until Day 1 started. So your N0 actions directly contradict your statement.
2. After you gave up your charade of attempting to call Fate confirmed cult early D1 you wrapped yourself in the blanket of “I’ll kill him and be confirmed Town” til the very end of D1. So this once again contradicts your bolded statement.
If you were worried about outing your target to the Cult you’ve failed as Cult absolutely know which members heard noise. So saying you aren’t hiding anything after you were more than happy to claim Stalking of Fate D1 is ludicrous.
VPBaltar wrote:On my reread of MoI yesterday I was finding his dismissal of the VV case to be excessively confrontational. When VV made his case I do agree that MoI is the type of player that you basically have to hunt by feel because he just snows you with words. Arrogantly dismissing that as nothing seems to be intentionally ignoring his own meta, which I'm sure he's well aware of.
My dismissal of VV was absolutely confrontational. I make no bones about it. He swam in the rhetoric pool and got what was coming to him. If you are trying to make some Meta argument that Town Magna can’t be abrasive you better read my interactions with Furc and Kast ‘Captain Theoretical’ in Brave and the Beautiful. Just because I normally don’t act so cavalier doesn’t mean I’m not willing to do so when the situation demands it.
I’m not going to jump on the Benmage must be lynched wagon. Depsite his anti-Town play he can be directed or dealt with at a later date.
Once all Noise claims are in today I’ll be reviewing and placing my vote.