The Set Up:
Monty Python Mafia
Black Knight (Survives first two NK attempts, loses killing ability)
Bridge Keeper (Asks anyone three questions, two must be answered truthfully)
Spanish Inquisition (Watcher immune)
French Taunter (Draws night action of his target, forced use)
*any ability can be used in conjunction with NK.
Bruce (Cop with PR by which he must call everyone Bruce)
Machine That Goes Ping (Doctor)
The Bishop (Role name watcher)
God (Unique target roleblocker)
French Taunter (Draws night action of his target, forced use)
Brian (Cult unrecruiter)
Sargeant (Fruit kill immune, can make night target immune to specific type of fruit kill, has one-shot “tiger” daykill)
Mr. Vibrating the Argument Specialist (Roleblocks his target but only if his target aims at him)
Wedding Party (Hider, only dies when targeting actively killing roll, dies with target, survives if target survives)
Announcer (Forces different choice of night action)
Hungarian Tourist (Can ask anyone a single question which the mod will filter)
Patsy (Allows one player to track another, he determines both)
-Third Party-
Sir Lancelot ("Vig", wins if he night kills the Wedding Party, if Wedding Party is NK'd has to kill the killer, if this is impossible becomes survivor if SK is alive or SK if SK is daed)
Lumberjack (Serial Killer, survives two night kill attempts)
-Role Resolution Order-
God Roleblocker
Announcer Interruption
Argument Roleblocker
All other roles
All night kills
-Role PMs-
Black Knight:
You are the
Black Knight a member of the Evil Egocentric Characters with DarlaBlueEyes, TheSweatpantsNinja, and chenhsi. Each night you may talk amongst yourselves and submit a kill as a group. Please indicate who you wish to perform the kill. If noone is indicated I will choose a random member of your team.
You are also a fierce fighter that will continue on no matter how much you have been injured. Because of this you can survive two night kill attempts without being killed. A third attempt will be fatal. However, since the NK attemps sever your limbs, you will no longer be able to perform a NK yourself after you have been targeted.
You win when the Evil Egocentric Characters control the game or nothing can prevent the same.
You may chat amongst your partners pre-game and at night
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Mod note: after the second NK attempt he will not be able to perform a kill since he has no arms, he will be notified if when the attempts occur.
Bridge Keeper:
You are the
Bridge Keeper a member of the Evil Egocentric Characters with DarlaBlueEyes, Bogre, and chenhsi. Each night you may talk amongst yourselves and submit a kill as a group. Please indicate who you wish to perform the kill. If noone is indicated I will choose a random member of your team.
You also control the Bridge of Death. Each night you may ask any player in the game three questions. These questions must be unique (for example you cannot ask what is your alignment and what alignment are you) and not force the answer to break any game rules (for example quoting their role PM). They must answers all of your questions. However, your bridge has been faulty recently and has been not been noticing some incorrect answers. As such, not all answers to your questions must be truthful. However, if any lies are detected your target will be cast into the Gorge of Eternal Peril.
You win when the Evil Egocentric Characters control the game or nothing can prevent the same.
You may chat amongst your partners pre-game and at night
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Mod note: The questioned player must answer at least two of the three questions truthfully, but they will not be told of this. The PM to the Bridge Keeper's target should read with the line: "The Bridge Keeper will only tolerate so many lies before he tosses you into the Eternal Pit of Peril - choose your answers carefully".
The Spanish Inquisition:
You are
the Spanish Inquisition a member of the Evil Egocentric Characters with DarlaBlueEyes, TheSweatpantsNinja, and Bogre. Each night you may talk amongst yourselves and submit a kill as a group. Please indicate who you wish to perform the kill. If noone is indicated I will choose a random member of your team.
Also since noone expects the Spanish Inquisition, you can never be ambushed at the site of a crime. You are thus immune to watcher roles. However, since you always take the bus to hunt your victims you may be tracked.
You win when the Evil Egocentric Characters control the game or nothing can prevent the same.
You may chat amongst your partners pre-game and at night
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Mod Note: All mafia kills will involve Spanish Inquisition torturing. This should be told to the mafia either in their chat thread or role PM.
French Taunter:
You are a
French Taunter a member of the Evil Egocentric Characters with TheSweatpantsNinja, Bogre, and chenhsi. Each night you may talk amongst yourselves and submit a kill as a group. Please indicate who you wish to perform the kill. If noone is indicated I will choose a random member of your team.
You are also a world class taunter. You can annoy anyone to the point that they must force action against you. Each night you will submit a player name and that player will be forced into targeting you. You MUST do this every night in order to feed your addiction to being a nuisance to others. Especially silly English Knights.
You win when the Evil Egocentric Characters control the game or nothing can prevent the same.
You may chat amongst your partners pre-game and at night
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You are
Bruce a professor of philosophy at the University of Walowaloo. In order to prevent confusion, you call everyone you meet Bruce. Thus you have a post restriction. You cannot call anyone in the game any proper name other than Bruce. This applies to Quote tags as well as votes and FoS’s etc. Each day you will be allowed three “slips” after that you will be mod-killed. If you intentionally attempt to thwart you post restriction (ie quote a player and simply post vote: Bruce) you will be mod-killed on the spot. You may PM me or the co-mod if you have any posts that you would like to verify are within the limits of the rules before posting (please be careful I hate modkills). When you vote, while it will look like you are voting for noone in particular, you may PM myself and/or the co-mod with your actual vote and this WILL be counted towards a lynch.
Also, not only are you a professor of philosophy, but you specialize in the criminal mind. Because of this you may investigate a player each night and I will tell you whether or not they are a threat to the town.
You win when all threats to the Characters Union have been eliminated.
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Mod Note: Sane Cop
Machine that Goes Bing:
You are
the Machine that Goes Bing. Through the advances of modern medicine you have the ability to save lives. Each night PM me the name of a player you would like to aid and they will be safe should any type of “accident” occur.
You win when all threats to the Characters Union have been eliminated.
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Mod Note: Simply a Doc
The Bishop:
You are
the Bishop. You have a knack for arriving at the scene of a crime just after the nick of time. While you may never stop the crime you may obtain a glimpse of the perpetrators. Each night PM the name of someone you would like to watch and you may obtain some useful information as to who was in their vicinity during the night.
You win when all threats to the Characters Union have been eliminated.
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Mod note: Works as a watcher that receives results via role name.
You are
God. You are sick and tired of everyone groveling whenever you are in their presence. Each night you may target someone, and that player will abandon any night actions they were intending to carry out because they will be too busy groveling to you. By morning you will finally have convinced them to stop groveling, meaning that they will not abandon night actions if you target them again.
You win when all threats to the Characters Union have been eliminated.
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Mod note: Roleblocker that is only effective once on each target
French Taunter:
You are a
French Taunter. You are a world class taunter, and can annoy anyone to the point that they must force action against you. Each night you will submit a player name and that player will be forced into targeting you. You MUST do this every night in order to feed your addiction to being a nuisance to others. Especially silly English Knights.
You win when all threats to the Characters Union have been eliminated.
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Mod note: Role attractor
You are
Brian. A cult has been following you around insisting you are the messiah. You are doing everything you can to avoid them, but this simply isn’t working. So you are now attempting to attack with reason. Each night you may target someone and if that person is a member of the cult, they will be unrecruited.
You win when all threats to the Characters Union have been eliminated.
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Mod note: Since there is no cult this essentially does nothing but cause targeting info
You are
the Sargeant. You are an expert at defending yourself from the dangers of fresh fruits. As such you are immune to any attack from a perpetrator armed with fruit. In addition you are a master instructor. Each night phase you may PM me the name of a player, and tell me which fruit you wish to train against (example: train PlayerA against apples), for the remainder of the game they will be immune from attacks using that fruit. In addition you also have a daykill. At any point in the game you may type
Release the tiger
and a player will be killed (note it must be bolded). Since the tigers can be a bit unpredictable, you don’t quite know who they’ll target but the tiger should strike a player that you perceive as a threat.
You win when all threats to the Characters Union have been eliminated.
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Mod notes: The fruit kill immunity is a red herring as noone in the game kills by fruit. The player receiving immunity will be notified by PM. The Tiger daykill will cause the last person the Sargeant voted for to be killed by the tigers. He will not be told this.
Mr. Vibrating:
You are
Mr. Vibrating the Argument Specialist. You are a professional arguer, and can thusly envelope anyone within earshot in an argument. Each night PM me the name of a player you wish to target, if said player targets you with his night action it will have no effect.
You win when all threats to the Characters Union have been eliminated.
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Mod notes: Simply a roleblocker that only blocks if his target targets him.
Wedding Party:
You are
the Wedding Party. Today is a joyous celebration as two local lovebirds tie the knot and secure the joining of huge tracts of land. However, an overzealous knight looks to slaughter your party in order to free the damsel from her arranged marriage. Since the knight is looking for you, you take it upon yourself to hide. Each night tell me whose company you would like to keep as long as it is not the knight, and the knight does not come looking for you there you should be safe. Oh and you might not want to use your real name as the knight will be looking for you. Sir Robin might make a fitting choice for your ability.
You win when all threats to the Characters Union have been eliminated.
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Mod note: Hider that dies if he targets a
killing role (ie. Lancelot, Lumberjack, Mafia NK'er). Dies along with target if they are successfullly NK’d, survives if target survives.
You are
the Announcer. It is your job to segway between sketches in a timely manner. Sometimes sketches go on too long or in the wrong direction due to overzealous characters. Each night you may target a player and, if he has made a night choice, he will have to redirect it to another player.
You win when all threats to the Characters Union have been eliminated.
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Mod note: Forces target to resubmit a unique night choice. Note that a player submitting no choice will not be forced to make one, and likewise a player making a night choice targeted by the Announcer cannot then choose not to target.
Hungarian Tourist:
You are
the Hungarian Tourist. You are from out of town and simply wish to find a Tobaccanist so that you can purchase cigarettes and a book of matches. Each night you may send me a question to ask any other player in the game. I will translate it through your Hungarian Phrasebook and send back the reply.
You win if you purchase cigarettes and a book of matches from the Tobaccanist or when all threats to the Characters Union have been eliminated.
You can find the game thread
Mod note: When “translating” the Hungarian Tourist’s question simply use outlandish phrases as in the original sketch. The return reply to the player will be a phrase insulting the player or his family translated into Hungarian via free internet program. The purpose of this role is to simply amuse the mod, and provide the player a way to demonstrate his role name claim. He will never purchase anything from a Tobaccanist.
You are
Patsy, humble page boy to King Arthur. You are equipped with a coconut that allows you to transport a single person over large distances each night. Using your ability you can grant another player the power to track a second target. Your request should be formatted as “I want PlayerA to track PlayerB.” Note that you cannot be either the tracker or the target of tracking for your night action.
You win when all threats to the Characters Union have been eliminated.
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Mod note: Patsy will receive no tracking results, player receiving results will get actual name and target, if roleblocked will get simply "you saw nothing". PM should always be separate from other night PMs and be titled "Night X Tracking Results.
Sir Lancelot:
You are
Sir Lancelot. Your loyal servant Concorde has just had an arrow pierce his chest and you must avenge his death…er mortal wounding…er grave injury. The arrow had a note attached to it sent by a damsel in distress that is being forced into an arranged marriage. You must thwart the wedding by killing the guests of the wedding party. Each night you may target a player to be killed in order to reach your goal.
You win when you have personally night killed the Wedding Party.
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Mod note: He is essentially a lyncher that must night kill instead of lynching. If Wedding Party is NK'd has to kill the killer, if this is impossible becomes survivor if SK is alive or SK if SK is daed.
The Lumberjack:
You are
the Lumberjack. You are sick and tired of cutting hair, you just want to leap from tree to tree along the mighty rivers of British Columbia. But no one wants you to do that. They all just want you to be a barber. So you must kill them. You must kill them all. You are a serial killer, and since you are so rugged you can survive two night kill attempts.
You win when you are the only player alive.
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Mod note: He should be informed as his NK protections are used.