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Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 1:14 pm
by Faraday
dramonic wrote:It's tans.

well that is a good incentive


this has been fun

let's do it again some time i'm going to go do STUFF now

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 1:14 pm
by dramonic
Do you have fruity drinks?
I want fruity drinks!

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 1:15 pm
yeah I'm off to pee and blacken my lungs with tar and heat up hot sauce chicken pizza and drink a LIT or something


Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 1:17 pm
by Faraday
dramonic wrote:Do you have fruity drinks?
I want fruity drinks!

:( no

i shall buy you one soon

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 1:18 pm
by tanstalas
Faraday wrote:um I can semi understand dram wanting to nl if he thinks minasuki might be scum

i'm curious why tans wants it though :S

on reflection I guess it doesn't make a difference I'm not likely to vote mina in lylo and if it was you and dramonic left I'd probably go for dram or flip a coin.

And reck are you fucking retarded? I was saying it was you or dramonic for awhile so your recent post is stupid.

I was against the mini lynch yesterday and only voted him because town is being derp derp.

So I have been on all the scum lynches and was against the lynches of sens and mini and you still consider me a suspect?

Or an easy mislynch?

Now I'm even more confused. I think ic has about the same chance to flip scum as dramonic.

And reck made phone posting on this page a pain.

...wheres my lucky coin...

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 1:19 pm
tanstalas wrote:I was against the mini lynch yesterday and only voted him because town is being derp derp.

by this logic if you're actually town you're admitting to being derpderp aswell

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 1:19 pm
tanstalas wrote:So I have been on all the scum lynches and was against the lynches of sens and mini and you still consider me a suspect?


Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 1:23 pm
by dramonic
Why you are on that wagon seems more relevant to me than what the lynchee flipped. I mean, scum can easily be on all the scumlynches and none of the town lynches...

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 1:29 pm
by tanstalas
xRECKONERx wrote:
tanstalas wrote:I was against the mini lynch yesterday and only voted him because town is being derp derp.

by this logic if you're actually town you're admitting to being derpderp aswell

I was being apathetic because town was being derp derp. It was obviously going to be him or I.

Vit was the only one to realize I was town.

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 1:30 pm
by Faraday
mina has called you town at least twice

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 1:32 pm
by tanstalas
Faraday wrote:mina has called you town at least twice

I thought she said she thought I could be town. Not checking since phone posting is a pain in the ass as it already is

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 1:38 pm
by Faraday
it was stronger than that iirc

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 1:39 pm
by Faraday


Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 1:41 pm
by dramonic
*punch throat*

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 12:11 pm
by Faraday

i'm v/la for a bit as i'm playing a speed game offsite, expect the large post thing me and reck are working on to be on the backburner till that is over

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 8:16 am
by Patrick

No votes!
4 alive, 3 to lynch.

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 5:44 pm
by tanstalas
This game stalled again eh?

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 6:51 pm
by Mina
I'll be virtually V/LA for the next week with work, parties, holidays, and reading fun-filled facts about sprinkler demands for rack storage. *retch* I'll try to check in on the thread, though.

Patrick: just a request, but can you post a countdown tag to the deadline after each vote count? It'd make it much easier to keep track of things.

After the Minineko fail, I've kind of lost all confidence in my reads, particularly since town was doing much better when I was absent. I know I declared tanstalas obvtown yesterday, but to be honest, he's coming across as worse than dramonic today. My problem is that I tend to assume overemotional play is innocent (see GreyICE in BotW). So tans' play could fit as craplogic AtE flailing (particularly with his self-serving "you're idiots for not calling me confirmed town, because I was on two scum lynches"), except I don't have a gut sense of when someone's faking an over-the-top reaction. (Also, tans would totally be willing to buy someone a bottle of alcohol in exchange for winning a game.) Except if it's tans, I'm going to hate myself.

To make matters worse, Katsuki thinks it's IC based on (direct quote) "vengeful claim + gut" (apparently, he didn't like Faraday's tone all game, although he didn't give examples of why). I just personally can't get past them completely flipping out after the vengeful unclaim., the above sounds like such fence-sitting scummy bullshit. I'm sorry. Anyway, I'm going to ask questions to each of you in a separate post (since this will be LONG).

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:11 pm
by tanstalas

It's IC or Dram, if it's Dram I can blame it on him being lurky as fuck, if it's IC and he doesn't die I will kick myself for not voting him.

As well, look at all the dead people who suspected IC. Including the fucking cop.

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:14 pm
by Mina


1) You made an MD thread saying you were much better as scum than town. What makes scum come more naturally to you than town? What do you think your strengths and weaknesses are as scum? As town?

2) Name three things you'd have done differently this game were you scum. Name three things you'd have done differently this game were you town.

3) Why did you think Minineko looked more townish than dramonic? I'm not sure where your strong town read on him came from yesterday.

4) Why did you go from saying you thought the scum was either me or dramonic at the beginning of D6, to the scum being Irish Carbomb or dramonic in the end? It seems as though it was solely because no one else was willing to follow your suspicions of me.

5) In a past game, have you ever viciously bussed a scum partner before for town cred? Have you ever voted for a scumbuddy? Have you ever defended a scum partner?

6) Why should we clear you as scum and not IC, who was on the Blackberry and Nikanor wagons?

7) Be honest. Would you have bet a bottle of alcohol on your alignment were you scum?


@Irish Carbomb:

1) Say you were scum and faked a vengeful role. Say you were town and faked a vengeful role. I then posted that the 100% winning strategy was to lynch you to test your claim. How would you react in each situation?

(aagh...I'm going to hate myself if I caught IC by logic, but then let my gut override the evidence. Admittedly, the Fate, Kise, and TBM NKs make perfect sense for them.)

2) So both of you are known for having very accurate reads, right? Why were your top scum reads TheButtonmen, SensFan, Minineko, and tans (alignment unknown)? Why did Faraday say earlier that he was happy with his reads this game?

3) Why did you push for a Minineko hammer yesterday, rather than go along with a plan to use his bodyguard ability? Weren't you guys most suspicious of tans earlier?

4) Why didn't you mention that you thought tans was likely town for his outburst until VitaminR and I brought it up? Before then, you acted as though you thought he was scum in your interactions with him.

5) Why did you call tans' reads terrible if you thought he was scum?

6) To both of you: are you shameless and dishonest enough to have reacted the way you did to my vezok comment were you scum, in order to play to your win condition? Do you believe faking that reaction WOULD have been shameless and dishonest?

7) Faraday, why haven't you trolled or deliberately been unhelpful so as to fish for reactions this game?

8) Another one for Faraday: on D1, you answered my accusation that you looked halfhearted by saying you were apathetic to Mafia in general. Why did you not replace out or lurk in any other games you were playing at the time? Why didn't you ever tell me on AIM that you were apathetic with Mafia? Why was this something that came up miraculously out of the blue in this game?



1) Why didn't you mention Nikanor while he was being wagoned?

2) Your Fate vote was terrible. Yes, I know this isn't a question. I was going to ask you why you'd voted Fate, but then I noticed that you'd explained it. It was just a bad explanation.

3) Why did you think ABR was town on the day we lynched SensFan?

4) Name three things you'd have done differently this game were you scum. Name three things you'd have done differently this game were you town.

5) Please link to an example of a big case you made on someone when you were town. Please link to an example of a big case you made on someone when you were

6) Why are you so confident in your ability to read Faraday and Reckoner? were you willing to trust Faraday/Reckoner's read on me? Also, do you still trust them more than me?

7) Why are you so confident in your ability to read Faraday

8) Lastly, something that's been bugging me:

I posted this defending SensFan:
Mina wrote:As someone who shares a QT with SensFan, I'll speak out against the Sens wagon. Some of his stances have frustrated me, but if he's scum, well fucking done, because he's a phenomenal actor. For example, you know when he did that random 180 on Fate on D1 and called Reck town...only to vote Reck again? I kid you not; at that time, he posted in the QT (I'm paraphrasing), "Oh, by the way, I still trust your scum read on Reck, but I'm just trying to get people to think the masons are no longer united to test for reactions." And I checked the time stamps; accounting for daylights savings time, this came BEFORE he called Fate scum. Their whole argument was scripted.Is that a silly gambit that only muddied things up and drew suspicion on himself? Well, yeah. (Sorry, Sens.) But would scum do that in a million years? I've seen scum retroactively claim something scummy they did was a gambit to test for reactions. But this way, Sens only drew negative attention to himself, without reaping the town credit. There was no scum agenda for the move.

You then posted a big case on him. Significant part:
dramonic wrote:
Comes ISO 25 where Sens actually flips around and decides Fate might actually be scum! Can't blame him, Fate's stance on Reck was/is BS. Still, sayign Fate changes his mind suddenly and then Sens changing his mind suddenly is lulzy

ISO 26 is the cult recruit regretting against his leader. He's been kissing Fate's butt all game, but Fate's been apparently talking out of his ass all game. Talk about being a close listener. What Sens seems to be saying here is that Fate makes no sense as town from his perspective but he sheeped him anyway. That's pretty cool and pro-town... right?

Some antagonizing later...

Sens jumps onto Reck in ISO 29, after... wait, I thought you said 4 ISOs ago that Reck was town? Could it be... YOU CHANGED YOUR READ? But that's what scum does, by your word...

ISO 30 is Sens advising Berry not to follow Fate... (ISO 46 is Sens sinking himself)... and then he goes back to sheeping Fate, who he's been spending a while calling scum.

ISO 56 makes no sense at all. He's sheeping Fate but saying he'll vote him if the wagon picks up... what??

Basically, you make a case on Sens for having contradicted himself on Fate...which I'd already explained was confirmed in the QT to be a deliberate.

When Sens pointed out that I'd explained that you, you brushed it off with "stop hiding behind Mina."

Admittedly, Sens' response was pretty unclear, so I'd thought maybe you'd missed my post explaining that Sens was literally posting, "Guys, look, I'm going to pretend to suspect Fate to keep him alive" in the QT while he was backtracking on him.

But then I asked you if you'd seen my post on SensFan, and you responded with this:

dramonic wrote:
Mina wrote:Hey, dramonic. I'm just curious about something.

Did you ever read this post of mine?

yes. What about it?

So apparently, you saw my post...but still made a disingenuous case on Sens? Care to explain?

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:32 pm
by Mina

Just as I was leaning toward tans being the last scum, he dropped a secret LYLO towntell of mine.

This is so annoying. Everyone has done something that looks townish. Now I'm getting paranoid of IC just because everyone else in the game will kill me if they turn out to be scum and got away with claiming and retracting a vengeful claim just to save themselves from two lynches in a row. It's just that not only have they been the most overtly protown of the survivors, but I really can't believe that they'd fake that heated outburst at my wanting to lynch them. Both because it was a phenomenal acting job (I mean, come on, Faraday actually went and made a vezok scale), and because I'd honestly feel like it was a punch in the gut if it turned out they'd sunk to that level of nastiness and vitriol and emotional manipulation as scum. Maybe I'm just a softie.

Hey, Faraday, your V/LA is over. Where are you? Why haven't you posted your VCA, yet? Hey...come to think of it, when do you even LIKE VCA?

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:52 pm
by Mina
Yeah, I apologize to the survivors.

I'm probably going to get it wrong. Just warning you in advance. There's a reason they left us alive, after all.

...okay, feeling much better again about IC after ISO-ing them. (Also, sorry, but I forgot that ABR was one of their suspects early on.) I mean, all the references to Faraday and Reck's discussions behind the scenes, and stuff like this:

Irish Carbomb wrote:Mina you know the way you sometimes think no one gets my sense of humour?

'Are you retarded that wasn't a scumslip' >_>

I just got told that.


Irish Carbomb wrote:
VitaminR wrote:I thought Faraday was too overtly trying to manipulate me to be scum (the whole "vit with me"-thing would be pretty shameless) and I thought we'd lose two townies because of the vengeful.

I actually like to think this is the sort of thing I could do as scum but I'm not sure. Other people are probably in a better position to answer but I feel my meta is reasonably consistent and it's small things that seperate town faraday and scum faraday. but enough about me!

do you think abr is scum Vit?

I still want an answer to my questions, though.

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 8:16 pm
Mina wrote:Hey, Faraday, your V/LA is over. Where are you? Why haven't you posted your VCA, yet? Hey...come to think of it, when do you even LIKE VCA?

I'm the one who did the VCA, FYI

I suggested it and Faraday refused

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 8:16 pm
also DRUNK so I barely read anything
more responses tomorrow

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 8:34 pm
by Mina
Fair enough.

Oh, almost forgot. tanstalas, dramonic, do either of you have a role to claim?