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Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 6:08 am
by jjh927
At any rate, I have now received 0.5 exp retroactively

Also nah, you're the third person in this game to claim a third party wincon, although the only one of them to claim to not have a town one too

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 6:09 am
by Enchant
In post 1900, jjh927 wrote:At any rate, I have now received 0.5 exp retroactively

Also nah, you're the third person in this game to claim a third party wincon, although the only one of them to claim to not have a town one too
Someone likes dumb wincons much.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 6:10 am
by jjh927
If I'm being honest your wincon also sounds unrealistic as it's harder than just survivor. It would make sense as an extra, but not by itself.

To put it in simple terms, you aren't actually gonna meet it even if you do keep living. Yume has spent 9 exp

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 6:16 am
by Enchant
In post 1902, jjh927 wrote:If I'm being honest your wincon also sounds unrealistic as it's harder than just survivor. It would make sense as an extra, but not by itself.

To put it in simple terms, you aren't actually gonna meet it even if you do keep living. Yume has spent 9 exp
Aren't winning as survivor requires effort like "Once per day post "I am survivor"", unless you scumside and don't claim before ELO?

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 6:23 am
by Yume
I say just lim him and go from there.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 6:26 am
by Enchant
My offer stays btw.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 6:29 am
by jjh927
Technically, once you've claimed survivor there's a point at which you are obligated to scumside by game theory, and town only need to keep you around for as long as there are decent leads on scum

Claiming as a survivor is usually negative for your survival but is itself a pro-town move that shows willing

In your case I don't really believe you

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 6:47 am
by Enchant
jjh927 wrote:Technically, once you've claimed survivor there's a point at which you are obligated to scumside by game theory, and town only need to keep you around for as long as there are decent leads on scum

Claiming as a survivor is usually negative for your survival but is itself a pro-town move that shows willing

In your case I don't really believe you
Was my point ever to prove something?
I wished to help scum but you curbstomp them for now, or we think you curbstomp them. No way i survive this day, and i fully acknowlidge this before claiming.

My offer stays.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 7:45 am
by Frozen Angel
In post 1883, Enchant wrote:Indeed.

Either way, i am too lazy to make fakeclaim, so deal with fact that i am Sage, i need to survive AND buy more abilities than anyone else in the game. I aligned with self.

I can place spellcounter (Which grants 0.5XP), trade abilities per skill trees and suck up XP from one person i choose(i choose JJH, that's why i know all XP he earn). I also investigated as Town after upgrade.

P.S. I don't have illusions i will survive day, just when i die pls revive, i will aid to my reviver, thanks!
and there goes my correct read about "enchant is not with any mindset of solving the game"

what is spell counter and what will else it does beside granting extra exp

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 7:50 am
by Frozen Angel
" i need to survive AND buy more abilities than anyone else in the game. I aligned with self."

is this "and" or "or"? like you need to both survive and do the extra thing?

cause that would make no sense.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 7:59 am
by jjh927
Enchant does strike me as the kind of person who thinks 3ps make good fakeclaims

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 8:01 am
by Enchant
In post 1910, jjh927 wrote:Enchant does strike me as the kind of person who thinks 3ps make good fakeclaims
I agree, claiming town is far worse.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 8:04 am
by Frozen Angel
mechanical theorieis

with this claim now I highly doubt we have any kind of cult etc situation

we had only 2 mafia flips and enchant is here as 3p

lets say enchant is telling the truth, then the game lacks one more mafia (the 2 flipped mafia roles doesn't justify them as a faction, they were too weak ...) so lets say 1 more scum exists then it should be a mafia not a cult or another evil 3p and there cant be 2 more scum here with enchant being 3p cause like no ... then town count would be SO LOW

and if enchant is lying then they are either last mafia or an evil 3p. if evil 3p then same logic as above stands, game just would lack 1 extra mafia.

but there is one scenario were enchant is actually mafia and we do have an evil 3p hidden somewhere as well, which can still be the case

mechanically, I really think enchant has to be more than what they claimed.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 8:06 am
by Frozen Angel
I'm really worried about an arson type kind of situation. then all our protections are fake technically and we'll have a massive fall when evil in game is ready to just wipe us all, guess that would be enchant if he is lying. if he is telling the truth then its in mafia faction or something and is instead of their nk

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 8:07 am
by Enchant
In post 1909, Frozen Angel wrote:" i need to survive AND buy more abilities than anyone else in the game. I aligned with self."

is this "and" or "or"? like you need to both survive and do the extra thing?

cause that would make no sense.
Yes, i need do extra thing. It's not hard though, i am very good at XP gaining, my only real competetors are Yuma and mafia.
Frozen Angel wrote:
In post 1883, Enchant wrote:Indeed.

Either way, i am too lazy to make fakeclaim, so deal with fact that i am Sage, i need to survive AND buy more abilities than anyone else in the game. I aligned with self.

I can place spellcounter (Which grants 0.5XP), trade abilities per skill trees and suck up XP from one person i choose(i choose JJH, that's why i know all XP he earn). I also investigated as Town after upgrade.

P.S. I don't have illusions i will survive day, just when i die pls revive, i will aid to my reviver, thanks!
and there goes my correct read about "enchant is not with any mindset of solving the game"

what is spell counter and what will else it does beside granting extra exp
Revealing this intel helps scum, so it only makes sense to reveal on my flip.
But it have other effects.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 8:14 am
by Enchant
In post 1913, Frozen Angel wrote:I'm really worried about an arson type kind of situation. then all our protections are fake technically and we'll have a massive fall when evil in game is ready to just wipe us all, guess that would be enchant if he is lying. if he is telling the truth then its in mafia faction or something and is instead of their nk
I think major move for scum will be to revive every dead scum when it helps them get majority or atleast tie vote/waste time. Atleast that's what i would do.
I know only mafia exist, idk if there's even other 3p.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 10:05 am
by Titus
Can we just eliminate jjh already? Dude is boxed in and flinging mud.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 10:07 am
by Yume
That's not the right play. I would explain why, but I am not good at paraphrasing.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 10:32 am
by Enchant
You have strange tunnels this game.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 10:38 am
by PookyTheMagicalBear
im always down for eliminating possible necromancer lord

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 10:42 am
by Enchant
In post 1919, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:im always down for eliminating possible necromancer lord
Actually one of my picks was necromancer.

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 10:44 am
by Yume
In post 1918, Enchant wrote:You have strange tunnels this game.
Oh, this one ain't my tunnel (well, it sorta is, but the main pusher is someone else.)

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 10:51 am
by PookyTheMagicalBear
is it scumtina

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 10:51 am
by Enchant
I meant town overall but ok

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 10:52 am
by Enchant
In post 1922, PookyTheMagicalBear wrote:is it scumtina
This for example, like aren't it makes sense to attack person who masonised mastina at first place as liar or what?