Page 78 of 88

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 7:42 am
by Thor665
Oversoul wrote:Empking is probably town

Actually, explain this one to me too - he's felt as useless as NS to me.

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 7:44 am
by Empking
Thor665 wrote:@fat - claim targets please.

Seriously people, why was this not already pressed?

Because commuters don't have targets.

/the more you know

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 7:49 am
by Thor665
I thought commuters were the ones who switched targets.

Sigh - to the Wiki!

Oh, okay, untargetable, and he chose not to do it because there was a Gunsmith and...bleh...whatevs. Silly not to use it to my mind, Gunsmith or no, whatever, I don't really have a strong urge to lynch him right now anyway.

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 7:50 am
by Thor665
@Emp - why do you think people should have a town read on you? Have you done much of anything to promote solid scumhunting in your opinion?

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 7:59 am
by Empking
Thor665 wrote:@Emp - why do you think people should have a town read on you? Have you done much of anything to promote solid scumhunting in your opinion?

Loads of it.

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 8:31 am
by Oversoul
Thor665 wrote:
Oversoul wrote:Empking is probably town

Actually, explain this one to me too - he's felt as useless as NS to me.

Other than today I agree with that sentiment. His reaction towards your claim and what not makes me feel he is town. It could very well be rolefishing to try and make the tracker claim to kill them tonight (which is probably what is going to happen), but for now, I see it as town motivation.

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 8:48 am
by fatlikepig
Oh, by the way, NS has been wagon hopping all day.

"Hey, people support a Fat wagon! Let's jump on!" Also note the timing of his vote, which I already pointed out later. I hardly think that it's down to him sheeping.

And then later,

"Hey, Fat wagon's dying! What's this? Some people are suspicious of Oversoul? Better claim that I find him scummy so I can jump on the wagon later!"

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 11:20 am
by Thor665
Empking wrote:
Thor665 wrote:@Emp - why do you think people should have a town read on you? Have you done much of anything to promote solid scumhunting in your opinion?

Loads of it.

Could you provide me your current reads on everyone please?

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 1:53 pm
by mastin2
Know hopw some people do drunk posting:

Well, I;m tired, overworked, and very heavuly distracted, which means I might as well be. LP

I figure this is the oerfect time to do a readthrough of the game, since it;ll certainly be more interesting than when I'm fully awake. :P

And by readthrough, I mean looking at the Isos of certain people.

For startsr, I want to confimr that Oversoul and RedFF ar both town like I suspect they are. (Thor;s already a given; I need not doubt he is town. As is Eivl.) mEaning I also need to look at fat, NS, and Empking. Roughly ordered most to least for me right now suspect-wise.

Wish me luck!

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 2:41 pm
by mastin2
Stopped at redFF's ISO 87. Got too tired to continue. Deosn't matter, since I've concluded there's a 90% chance that he';s town.

I've gone throughj Oversoul as well, and trust him too. That, plus Thor and Evil being town, limits it dowmn to Fat, NS, and Empking. Let's see what my tired midn comes up with., ;_

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 2:53 pm
by mastin2
Not even five posts into fat's iso and it already makes me want to keep my vote on him. IO'll read the entire thing, bu t still...

Getting to 56 or so, I can't keep on going. Either I really an comfirmation biasing badly and acn onlky see "Serial Killer', or jhe really is that bad. Maybe have to biuld a cause against him when more coherent.

Bujt for the sake of competion, I still need to do Vifam/NS plus Empking as well. Maybe draw into meta as well; surely, there are similar games for NS?Emping? 'COurse, that's a little extra work, but a;ll in the name of lynching the SK... ;(

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 2:57 pm
by mastin2
Oh, small warning,m I'm feeling a little lag over hgere right now; connection's that slow, for some reason. Also, if my ramblings are TOO inchoerent, just has me for a translatoin after I get a klt of sleep. :P

(That is, assuming *U*( can translate what I'm saying right now... :P)

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 3:07 pm
by fatlikepig
I'm not bad, you're just drunk.

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 3:08 pm
by mastin2
By ISO 10, Empking l;ooks preetty cown. Actually, quite before that; all his early posts look good. I'll have to keep going for as longas I can, since I distinctly remember it not being as good later on. We'll see.

I'd say by 100, there's probably a good 75%ncuance he';s town.

meH, 135 IS CLOSE enough. He;s i85%, just like I said.

Also, not as positive, but I'd say that NS is probably 75-80% town, right behind Emoking. This is wsihtout NS?VIfam reseach, but I'm pretty cnfidnet ab out it right now.

Yay, for process of elimination!

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 3:10 pm
by ObliviousDruidMuncher
Prodding Nobody Special and evilpacman18.

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 3:11 pm
by mastin2
fatlikepig wrote:I'm not bad, you're just drunk.
I am NOT drunk. Even though I may appear that way. I don't drikn. I just get really tired, which I suppose in a way is a type of intoxication on itself, but it's not technically drinking even if the end results are just as bad as if I was. Normally, I don't work tfo too mogn in this state, because it gets worse the longer I am at it, but I have noticed that my reads while in this stird set of mind are actually sujrpsingly good if you give them the channce.

Hence, whyn I am trusting myself in my fat vote. :D

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 3:12 pm
by evilpacman18
mastin2 wrote:I don't drikn.

Anyway. What's the case on NS? Besides lolurking.

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 5:21 pm
by Thor665
I refuse to read any of Mastin's fake bad write cause lol-tired posts. I've been legitimately crazy tired - I can still type with a minimum of errors. He's playing it up for...reasons. I hate it, he is still in lynch list for that alone.

@evilpacman - why you no claim targets/results yet?

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 5:23 pm
by Oversoul
Ya, I usually doubt people who try to muck it up like that...

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 5:46 pm
by fatlikepig

fatlikepig wrote:Oh, by the way, NS has been wagon hopping all day.

"Hey, people support a Fat wagon! Let's jump on!" Also note the timing of his vote, which I already pointed out later. I hardly think that it's down to him sheeping.

And then later,

"Hey, Fat wagon's dying! What's this? Some people are suspicious of Oversoul? Better claim that I find him scummy so I can jump on the wagon later!"

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 5:57 pm
by mastin2
Huh. Coulda sworn I was the last post on the page. Wasn;'t I a 49?

I coulda sworn i saw a 49 in there. :/

Giess not.

[quote="Evil"]Anyway. What's the case on NS? Besides lolurking.
[/wiute] Pretty much nothing, as far as I can tell. Hence, one of the manyh reasons he is town on my list. And whyu I will not be lynhcing him.

[quiote="THor"]I refuse to read any of Mastin's fake bad write cause lol-tired posts. I've been legitimately crazy tired - I can still type with a minimum of errors. He's playing it up for...reasons. I hate it, he is still in lynch list for that alone.[/wuote] You think I'm faking beung tired? No. My eyes are barelky awake. You think I am p;urposefully sabotaing the way I SEPAK for the sake of a troll? SUre, grammatical errors I can see you think I cwan kake. But my thought process being different is the entire oiunt of me posting tired. I don't think this way same. Restructuring the typos so that they're,..not typos, you still will find that my speech apterns aren;t normal. THAT:S NOT SOMETHING I EVEN *CAN* FAKE IF I WANTED TO! If I could, then I'd be a good player. But nope, I use Mastin logic normally, and when I'm tired, I use tired-Mastin logic neither of which is even reomtely similar to the other and neither of which is even close to what yiu define as being normal logic.

And I fully assure you, the typing's not my fault either. Sure, your'e correct, if it were just tiredness alone, I probably wouidlnt' make all of these typos. But you have to factor in the distractions as well, which interfer with my cooridination (more so than normal() while also distracting my mind from the screen so I don't even notice when I'm making a typo.

It;s a very iunteresting state of mind. DOn't you remember it in Mirror Mafia? (Or was that my Calcifer game before Mirror Mafia? Well, either way, Evil's seen it, as he was in the Calcifer game before that as well. There will be bloodshed, it was. I know I had this problem ionce or twoice around that time as well. Nacho presumably would not have had that problem at any time. :P)

[quiote="Oversoul"]Ya, I usually doubt people who try to muck it up like that...[/quote[ There is no try. Only do or do not. :P Trust me, I know what I'm doing with this. It;s a wonderful insight into mh mind at it's absolutely mist mabis way. SHows you have I think without actuall thinking. And the reads it creates are something I think will be awesome.

Now, back to work.

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 6:06 pm
by mastin2
Reading VIfam's ISO, he starts out null--no t scummy, but not town, either. But the further I go into it, the more it begins to look like he's town. "Cpurse, I'm still reading as I'm going along, but I don't think that this will be changing that much.

I must admit, sometimes, I am a little more lucid, but it's only for brief moments. Seems ostly to be tied to laughter. THe more I smile, the more I can focus. Unfortunately, the more I think when in that state, the less I can remember when I'm in the normal tired state. And it is the normal; I can assure you that there's no faking involved at all.

Snyway, I should get back to Nobodyu Special. Vifam's given me enough from my quick clance at him. (And it's all day one, after all.)

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 6:35 pm
by mastin2
I idd a look through the first half of NS's ISO, and it was pretty much oure town. Covers all of my bases, I'd say.

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 7:03 pm
by mastin2
Anyuway, probably going to go to bed, now. I';m rather tired, and I got what I needed. Too tired ot do any other work, after all, and got nothing but tiem tomorroew to work. ;)

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2011 8:23 pm
by Nobody Special
Prod received; I really thought I had posted here recently. Just got home from dinner & shopping; promise to answer questions in the morning (or afternoon, depending on how late I sleep).