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Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 6:31 am
by Menalque
In post 1923, Ydrasse wrote:have you no humor today
what if we cross-voted each other in lylo Image

haha jk


Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 6:31 am
by Ydrasse
okay i don't have enough brainpower right now and i snorted far too hard at that dumb fucking joke

okay team will reconvene later / tomorrow ? given that i do not think i will be sober enough to read this game tonight

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 6:31 am
by Ydrasse
or if i get bored of pretending to work

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 6:32 am
by Menalque
In post 1926, Ydrasse wrote:okay team will reconvene later / tomorrow ? given that i do not think i will be sober enough to read this game tonight
this sounds like good plan, do u think the rest are buying the theatre?

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 6:33 am
by Menalque
hopefully, I have all my faith in u to win in 3p after u bus me here

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 6:33 am
by Ydrasse
the wesley snipes meme hit different, they're never gonna think we're aligned after that one

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 6:34 am
by Ydrasse
when u manage to get your scum-wim back and 1v1 me and i eventually get all sad when im voted out no one will think u would drive me to be that upset

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 6:37 am
by Menalque
its the dream baybee everyone forgets that my top-secret scumtell is only being mean to by partners (intentionally mean)

and even then only because I can apologise to them and tell them how gr8 they are in the scum pt which goes double in ur case

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 7:31 am
by Not_Mafia
Y’all spammin’

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 7:32 am
by GrandpaMo
Fuck, uh... This is stressful.

Okay I think these are the only pairs I can really see.

Mena + Ydrasse
Bingle + NM

Mena you said it could be possibly Ydra? Didn't you townread them?

I'm still curious on Bingle's stance.

And honestly, there is something I caught on with... I feel like your diminished acitvity was just an excuse of balantant ass WIFOM. THINK ABOUT IT.

You come in to the game all optimistic on finding scum, you even give out guidelines and all this mech talk and hence why I townread you.

Then later into day 2 or (3 I forgot), you back down because you want to see people talk and take it more a passive approach.

Then you start questioning me based on me townreading you for your high levels of activity in the beginning.

Then you back down again.


now look at where you at rn. doing unhelpful stuff for town and completely changed your playstyle from first day 1 till now.

and yes thi sgame has been mountainous but i feel like this isn't the true bingle i am talking.

so now tell me, what happened?

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 7:37 am
by GrandpaMo
In post 1912, Menalque wrote:
In post 1905, Ydrasse wrote:do you genuinely think that i would think you're someone that won't be listened to or easy to miselim? (in theory i guess "viable" isn't the same as easy but given i don't have a lot of momentum as scum they're two things that go hand in hand for me, and i very much would not come into a game as scum like, off the bat trying to pick at you)

and you're ignoring the point, you gave me that advice, /but do you think i put it into use against you/

knowing that we could also have this same exact conversation in front of everyone?
I think my position is much weaker this game than it is in most lylo situations. why? because I was (1) largely absent for the first couple of days (2) drap specifically tried to create linkages between our slots with his posts and to make me look like a buddy, something which really makes me look worse in conjunction with my soft-defending the slot (3) a number of flipped dead town have been susp of me (4) I was again on the wrong wagon EoD yesterday

yeah, I'm never gonna make it *easy* for scum to mislim me if I can help it, but I've been wrong a lot this game and people the to perceive that as scummy even when they shouldn't (look at what happened to infinity in p-mylo)

and whether I'm listened to or not is directly related to whether scum think I can be miselimmed here. if they think I can, they don't need to worry about people listening to me, the only case they need to worry about that is if they think I *can't* be miselimmed (when I think I clearly can be) bc then there's a risk that if I successfully lim scum today, I might be cheeped tomorrow (I'm assuming the only cases where I'm not limmed today are cases where I lead a lim on scum, which in turn makes me very town after a scumflip)

and uh, yes, I think it's v plausible that you would lol
so are you saying that you being alive could be wifom?

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 7:38 am
by GrandpaMo
i feel like someone is bullshitting in the ydra / mena interaction

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 7:38 am
by GrandpaMo
In post 1929, Menalque wrote:hopefully, I have all my faith in u to win in 3p after u bus me here


Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 8:18 am
by Ydrasse
In post 1934, GrandpaMo wrote:

Okay I think these are the only pairs I can really see.

Mena + Ydrasse

Bingle + NM
we did it team

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 8:18 am
by Ydrasse
In post 1934, GrandpaMo wrote:

Okay I think these are the only pairs I can really see.

Mena + Ydrasse

Bingle + NM
we did it team

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 1:55 pm
by Bingle
In post 1911, Ydrasse wrote:what are you thinking about bingle?
Mostly marathons, tbh.

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 1:58 pm
by Bingle
Mena, have you ever seen N_M give this many fucks in a scumgame? If so, lynx?

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 2:06 pm
by Bingle
In post 1934, GrandpaMo wrote:so now tell me, what happened?
Well, on D1 I led the town and we ended up limming scum. And then on D2 I wanted to be able to see what other people would do without me and got very disengaged because there was no thread motion. And then on D3 we no limmed because it was optimal play. On D4 there was a lolwagon the day before limlo and the person I suspected the strongest put a vote down to allow N_M to hammer while I was in fact being active and solvey. And today is a holiday weekend where most if not all of my mafia energy is going to be elsewhere.

I'll be happy to solve the game on Tuesday, because it's XLO and I need to read again before committing to anything, but yeah, if it was deadline it would be Ydrasse vote.

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 2:34 pm
by GrandpaMo
In post 1942, Bingle wrote:
In post 1934, GrandpaMo wrote:so now tell me, what happened?
Well, on D1 I led the town and we ended up limming scum.

is this sentence really necessary???

And then on D2 I wanted to be able to see what other people would do without me and got very disengaged because there was no thread motion.

this is true

And then on D3 we no limmed because it was optimal play.

still disagree on its optimal level. i still feel like a no lim on day 4 is way better. do you see how you used lol wagon in the sentence below? and u thought a no lim was better on d3? smh.

On D4 there was a lolwagon the day before limlo and the person I suspected the strongest put a vote down to allow N_M to hammer while I was in fact being active and solvey.

u say lolwagon but push for no lim for d3 -- when that no lim could have been used in day 4, psych will probably not have been killed and we would have been gotten a way better precentage on findign skill because we would use that night kill from mafia as an advantage for us on to scumhunt based on the kill that was made

And today is a holiday weekend where most if not all of my mafia energy is going to be elsewhere.

I'll be happy to solve the game on Tuesday, because it's XLO and I need to read again before committing to anything, but yeah, if it was deadline it would be Ydrasse vote.

excuses excuses. smh.
honestly i

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 2:38 pm
by GrandpaMo
In post 1942, Bingle wrote:
In post 1934, GrandpaMo wrote:so now tell me, what happened?
Well, on D1 I led the town and we ended up limming scum.

is this sentence really necessary???

And then on D2 I wanted to be able to see what other people would do without me and got very disengaged because there was no thread motion.

this is true

And then on D3 we no limmed because it was optimal play.

still disagree on its optimal level. i still feel like a no lim on day 4 is way better. do you see how you used lol wagon in the sentence below? and u thought a no lim was better on d3? smh.

On D4 there was a lolwagon the day before limlo and the person I suspected the strongest put a vote down to allow N_M to hammer while I was in fact being active and solvey.

u say lolwagon but push for no lim for d3 -- when that no lim could have been used in day 4, psych will probably not have been killed and we would have been gotten a way better precentage on findign skill because we would use that night kill from mafia as an advantage for us on to scumhunt based on the kill that was made

And today is a holiday weekend where most if not all of my mafia energy is going to be elsewhere.

I'll be happy to solve the game on Tuesday, because it's XLO and I need to read again before committing to anything, but yeah, if it was deadline it would be Ydrasse vote.

excuses excuses. smh.
honestly i expected a better reaction...

yes you did explain it but i feel like town would have more need for motiviation to actually and try to solve this game.

johnny was right. you got greedy and cockey with ur day 1 scumsolve and started acting lazy thru out the game because it felt like the game was going to get easier.

but now we are at a mountanious spot where the only true scumhunting can be dervied from scum themselves and what drap says or there interactions.

honestly i lost all hope in town on this day and it seems like town isn't trying anymore or just gave up. if mena is the only one here actually trying to solve and figure shit out, i might as well townread you. if you are scum, oh well, you played a good game and escaped an elim on the previous day. i rather lose to scum!mena atp just because town isn't even acting town anymore.

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 2:39 pm
by GrandpaMo
sorry for the double post.

also @bingle im just joking bout the last quote where i said excuses excuses. i understand you have priorities, i am just upset that's all.

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 2:39 pm
by GrandpaMo
and when i meant you, i mean the whole town got greedy and cocky*

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 2:40 pm
by GrandpaMo
In post 1939, Ydrasse wrote:
In post 1934, GrandpaMo wrote:

Okay I think these are the only pairs I can really see.

Mena + Ydrasse

Bingle + NM
we did it team
to elaborate, i mean its probably 1 scum in between.

and im probably looking at you ydrasse and bingle as the scumteam here.

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 2:48 pm
by GrandpaMo
also nm is hard town.

Posted: Fri May 28, 2021 3:02 pm
by GrandpaMo
i forgot to explain this but there is 1 reason that no one has gave yet on why nm is town, and no it aint no meta bs.

the only time nm is scum is if they are scum with me. (i think?)

everyone here has townread nm at one point and i feel like mafia has an advantage when they townread NM. there is no reason for scum to keep questioning NM's allignment. all ppl who scumread nm early days, all died. this would make mena probable town for this -- and this could just stem from worried town. i even felt like this and now i understand mena but instead of worrying bout it now i worried about beginning of day 4 hence why i questioned you nm.

now i have seen this happen so many times and most of the time it is true, they have this one standalone character that everyone in the back of the head collectly townread nd (kinda scared to push either as scum or town) and most of the time it happens to be scum.

for example, if bingle is scum >>> you can see this happening. Bingle has upmostly defended NM multiple times on why he is town due to meta again if Bingle was town then i feel like bingle!town would have been more weary in xlo especially considering the fact this happened to be true for most of the other players bingle has scum read / townread ... the only read i got out after a50 died was that he townread bingle. scum is playing passive this game and im now figuring out why... i was thinking about this during the night and wasn't going to say anything because i thought it was dumb but i realized that playing passive in a mountainous game is actually the most optimal thing here for scum. think about it, town ppl have been driving this game into the wrong direction... jonny did and died (me, because im town) and flipped town. nm did (johnny) and is probable town. pooky has (t3 i think?) and flipped town. lukewarm has (t3) and flipped town. a50 even got to the point of giving up... and vfp ? vfp notes are actually really good and i will need to find it again to see what is up with that. also if vfp was the kill during that lover kill then they scumread nm and johnny (who one was town and nm is probably town) and flipped town. scum has been consitent with voting patterns >>> kills because WE town set them up like that.

scum is just winning by this ; hence why the optimal play for them is just to play passive and start pocketing ppl . you can see this happening with bingle + ydrasse where bingle townread nm + (and i think townread mena) , and ydrasse who i dont know yet (i do wanna hear from ur reads)

but if this theory is true .

there HAS to be one scum between ydrasse + bingle , and if not both.

thank u for coming to my tedtalk

does any one agree wit this???