Page 772 of 2016
Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 9:08 pm
by PJ.
I'm not argueing with you. If you played the game right, we would of won. Something about KDA doesn't mean anything or something.
Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 10:48 pm
by TehBrawlGuy
Same to you.
Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 11:03 pm
by Ankamius
↑ mykonian wrote: ↑ TehBrawlGuy wrote:Them: NO DON'T PICK TEEMO vs SINGED
Me: Who should I pick?
Them: Rumble. He can kite Singed all day.
Me: You do know what Teemo does, right?
They trolled and dodged.
Can I insert here that I'm really happy with the fact that teemos build ap nowadays?
Yeah, something about an annoying skill becoming much more annoying than it used to...
Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 11:25 pm
by mykonian
which one?
The fact that he blinds you? His shrooms? or the fact that he can run away from everything?
Or that you keep blinking red for seconds after the bastard hit you, and it even means he's actually beating you?
Teemo is just a pile of being annoying. His lategame is a tad limited though, blind is "ok", vision from shrooms is "ok" but nothing spectacular compared to other ults. So the teemo/singed matchup rather depends on teemo wrecking singed in lane. If he doesn't do that, the tanky dude with cc and an AOE q kind of will have the upper hand. So building liandry's, very cool of course, isn't going to help you against that. It's a straight up lategame item. Nashor's tooth... yes, it's cool, yes it helps, but it's not amazing to wreck people early game.
So if Teemo wants to counter singed, the point is to kite him, but above that, to force him repeatedly out of lane. Blind, which is ap teemo's main source of damage is a bit lackluster vs singed. Above that, it's somewhat easy to itemize against. I don't know, but I've not been scared of teemo's lately, they leave it mostly at poking with their blind and a couple of auto's. I've played the singed teemo lane a couple of times by now, and it's always annoying. As long as teemo stays out of your fling range, he's winning. But the only times I've actually been wrecked/shut down is during the times when ad/tank teemo was still popular.
I've had the idea for a little and I don't know if it was true, but that half the singed counters in top that were known (olaf was one as well) were counters not because of their skills, but because they used to rush mallet. If teemo rushes mallet you are in quite a problematic situation as singed. 1. you aren't going to get at him. 2. he hurts like hell because of the toxic shot 3. if you ever get hit halfway the lane, you are going to be hit all the way back to your tower. Slows in toplane make the lane binary. If you are ahead when you get mallet, your opponent simply cannot get near you anymore, as he'll be run down that long long lane if you ever hit him. Teemo, by virtue of being ranged (and toxic shot to some extend) is always ahead of singed as the game starts. All he lacks is a build in slow to capitalize on it.
Posted: Tue Apr 09, 2013 11:33 pm
by Lady Lambdadelta
Here's the better question. Why does Teemo beat Signed? (My opinion is that he doesn't).
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 12:16 am
by mykonian
because singed hates ranged opponents in lane. He doesn't mind them as much in a teamfight, though.
And I don't know if it's much of a why. A couple of months ago, when teemo was really popular, there were one or two weeks that singed was popular enough to turn up on LoLking's top matchups chart. Singed had (and still has) very few bad matchups, as nearly every matchup he has involves getting through the first couple of levels unscathed, then having a tanky lategame with lots of pushing. Anyway, there were at that moment 3 champs that on average beat him in lane: teemo, nidalee and riven. Rumble is another known one, but he isn't played enough often to end up on that chart. Rumble doesn't need to trade though. I mean, it helps etc, but it's mostly that rumble's late is strong enough that he doesn't actually have to force singed out to win the lane. The other three win by hurting singed everytime he dares to come near you, and all three can do that without serious harm back. Nid/teemo simply because they have range, riven because her shield is rather effective against the dot of poison and cc works.
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 12:22 am
by PJ.
↑ Lady Lambdadelta wrote:Here's the better question. Why does Teemo beat Signed? (My opinion is that he doesn't).
↑ mykonian wrote:Teemo, by virtue of being ranged (and toxic shot to some extend) is always ahead of singed as the game starts.
And in the big "how to beat singed arguement" one man stand above, his name? Yorick Mori. Dude single handedly stopped me from playing singed ever again.
But Anyone ranged or with an ungodly ammount of Harrass should beat singed because they make his early life hell to where he doesn't snowball off of incredible farming and become trololol singed. If Singed beats you in lane, you either picked wrong(Irelia) or played wrong(losing with a ranged hero or Yorick).
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 12:28 am
by mykonian
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 12:38 am
by Ankamius
I was mainly talking about the shrooms. AP Teemo's shrooms are the most annoying thing ever.
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 1:25 am
by TehBrawlGuy
Due to scaling, you do need to wreck him in lane, but if you're good, you will go 100 cs up on him. Blind, auto, auto, auto every time he goes for creep.
As far as AP Teemo, I like Liandry's, Lich Bane, Dcap. It makes you relevant late with mushrooms, assassination, and ungodly spilt pushing power.
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 2:11 am
by Lady Lambdadelta
You think so?
Because Singed beats Elise. 100%.
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 2:11 am
by Lady Lambdadelta
By which I mean Elise is the queen of harass in lane, and I know for a fact Singed stumps her out of lane.
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 2:18 am
by DeathRowKitty
There's no way that Singed stomps Elise out of lane o_o And Teemo definitely at least somewhat beats Singed too, though I hate playing that matchup from the Teemo side.
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 9:55 am
by Glork
As someone who mains Elise in Mid/Top, I can assure you that I love laning against Singed.
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:10 am
by PJ.
↑ Lady Lambdadelta wrote:By which I mean Elise is the queen of harass in lane, and I know for a fact Singed stumps her out of lane.
Normally you're not wrong about things, I'll give you that, but apparently you are reverse mykonian. Right about everything besides Singed.
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:15 am
by DeathNote
lol banned for three days now... FML
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:18 am
by PJ.
Would you mind posting your report card? Cause we like that sort of thing around here.
Also how did you get banned and you've been playing for like 3 weeks?
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:22 am
by DeathNote
I have no idea.... the last game i played, I had someone knock on my door so I left my character in the heal and went to answer it. Gone maybe 5 minutes, game was over... I got a notice of being banned 3 days.
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:32 am
that woudl explain it
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:35 am
by quadz08
They don't usually ban for first-time AFK offenses, do they?
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:39 am
by DeathNote
Ehh it wasn't my first time but most of the situations are similar to this.
The thing that gets me... is it isn't even ranked.
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 10:51 am
by Glork
Doesn't matter if it's ranked or normals, Dominion, TT, or even ARAMs (once the new map/queue gets implemented).
If you are inactive for 5 minutes, you get logged out. League also contains this automated program called LeaverBuster, which tracks how often people go AFK or quit/disconnect. LeaverBuster is pretty lenient, so if you're been banned for going AFK repeatedly, you had to have done it quite a bit. This is a game, but your 4 teammates are relying on you being present for the game to be fair.
Basically, for the next ~2 weeks or so after you get back, make sure you will be able to play completely through any game you join. After a certain number of games, your infraction history will be either partially or completely cleared, and you won't be getting banned for disconnecting/AFKing.
EDIT: A decent LeaverBuster FAQ can be found
here. If you need a tl;dr, play games and don't go AFK or leave.
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:09 am
by DeathNote
Harsh system...
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:18 am
by SensFan
Eh. Keep in mind that everyone else in the game is committing to not leaving the computer, and relying on you to do the same. I play at least 3-4 sessions a week (of multiple games), and I can't remember the last time I've left the game for even 30s.
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2013 11:23 am
by Bub Bidderskins
If you can't commit to playing for 40-50 minutes without interruption, then you should probably be playing a different game. When you queue up for a game, it is a commitment to the four other people on your team that you will stay with them throughout. Do not make that commitment unless you know that you can follow through with it.