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Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 1:55 pm
by Snow White
Hm. I see. Well my only defense for that really is i compiled my thoughts as i went and while previously being uneasy with Juls, her attempts at scum hunting and interactions with others have caused a change of heart on the matter.
Though im always willing to be proved wrong on that matter.
Looking forward to your thoughts when you've aught up Taranski.
Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 7:00 pm
by Taranski
that's actually a towntell for me. I just always like to ask...
and i am procrastinating this reread hardbody. 7 mafia games isn't a good idea.
Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 7:39 pm
by Tjoe Min Ja
my monitor is down...gotta take a while to repair it...
Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 2:22 am
by lewarcher82
another quick post from job.
1) (OT) I re-read my last posts. I have a really bad temper, I know. Sorry if I ever sounded offensive to anyone. It is my way, I would like to be nicer but I just do not realise it as I write.(OT)
2) About Mae: I thought about it and I do not think that misquoting (or rather quoting in a confused way) is scummy "per se". I just feel that the misquoting was the result of an excessive enthusiasm about the case on me. Therefore I am not calling Mae scummy, for the moment.
3) About Juls: I am sorry, but I keep feeling that the question
fishy. I realise that I should have pointed at it
answering, and I see why attacking her
looks bad. I do not know what to say, I guess I wasn't really bothered until I realised that she actually wanted to use the question to lynch someone. But of course, it was fishy anyway and from the beginning. My bad.
I cannot demonstrate that I am not malicious in my approach, but something that may be close enough is perhaps the following statement. I will not join any wagon based on the answers to Juls' question (unless there are further proofs, of course), even if this were the only way to save myself from a lynch. If you do not believe me, just test me.
ALSO: I see that there is something going on about Tar and Snow. I do not have time to read attentively now. I will do a re-read of all the matters that do not directly regard me, Juls and her question and I will post some substance later. I will also ask a question to Juls, as soon as I have it formulated.
Bis bald!
Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 5:12 am
by Maemuki
I still don't see how that is misquoting. It would be misquoting if I had posted the quotes as lewacher's, but that was not the case, now was it? No. It wasn't. I can only wait here and hope you come with some better evidence to vote for me.
Haylen, J-Fox, and pretty much everybody is lurking.
Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 5:47 am
by Haylen
Lol. I prodded the mod.
Juls, why do you think I am scum? Is it because I missed your question first time?
Honestly, I believed your question to be rolefishing aswell and sacrificing a townie is never good in any circumstance.
Snow wrote:And Haylen, dont be modest, your reputation precides you. I knew about you before i inned for this game. And the more notority a scummer gets the more players will follow their lead if they believe them to be town.
Oh goodness. What did you hear? Where from? And i bet the majority was bad...
Why am I antitown Snow?
Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 6:15 am
by Snow White
The question is why would town delibtarely misquote? The posts are fairly seperated apart. Either way. Ive said my part on the matter and laid my thoughts down clear but if no one else sees them and i ant persuade anyone then there is little for me to be doing except keep observing in case anything else does happen.
@Haylen. lol. All good things.
I also read your performance in the Battle Mod Love Fest (i think) where you won as SK. I was shocked!!
but it was an awesome read. Anyway! Back on point!!
I dont see you so muh anti town as distracting with your duck claim but it was in the RVS and understandable. Tbh. I dont see you as scum. But i dont necessarily have a read on you either.
Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 6:18 am
by Maemuki
SW wrote:The question is why would town delibtarely misquote? The posts are fairly seperated apart. Either way. Ive said my part on the matter and laid my thoughts down clear but if no one else sees them and i ant persuade anyone then there is little for me to be doing except keep observing in case anything else does happen.
Town wouldn't misquote on purpose. Town could, however, misquote out of habit for not putting people's name's on the post.
And if they are separated, it's because I was skimming and looking for stuff that made me go
Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 9:16 am
by Juls
Haylen wrote:Juls, why do you think I am scum? Is it because I missed your question first time?
Honestly, I believed your question to be rolefishing aswell and sacrificing a townie is never good in any circumstance.
Unvote, vote: Haylen
If you thought that, you should have said it....
Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 9:17 am
by Juls
By the way I have been skimming the thread but I am in super-crunch mode at the end of the semester here...I will have more time after December 8.
Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 9:59 am
by Haylen
Oh yeah. You're voting me because I did a reread and developed me thoughts?
Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 12:37 pm
by Budja
That was bad.
Haylen wrote:
Honestly, I believed your question to be rolefishing aswell and sacrificing a townie is never good in any circumstance.
You just lost your townie points. Guilty of the same thing as lewarcher.
Juls wrote:
Unvote, vote: Haylen
If you thought that, you should have said it....
Scummy, yes you are right, but you had very little reaction to lewacher's almost identical action.
Scumbuddy link to lewarcher.
@Haylen, why didn't you say so earlier when you answered?
Haylen wrote:Lol. I prodded the mod.
This mod V/LA is getting ridiculous
Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 12:44 pm
by Haylen
Because I thought it when i did a re-read. That's what happens when people re-read things. They develop their thoughts.
Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 3:12 pm
by Juls
Budja wrote:Scummy, yes you are right, but you had very little reaction to lewacher's almost identical action.
Scumbuddy link to lewarcher.
Not a big fan of rehashing things that have already been said. I voted him...he came back about thinking it was a scummy question, you covered the reasons why his reaction was scummy...I agreed with you. Where do I have an inconsistency? The reason Haylen looks worse is that he is piggybacking Lewarcher's argument now. Pretty sad to piggyback a bad one.
Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 10:45 pm
by lewarcher82
Results of my re-read of pages 6 to 9 + question to Juls.
Part 1: on Snow.
I see what Tar means, but I always get very frustrated when people attacks me for changing my mind, so I am not calling Snow's attitude "scummy", at least not for the moment. Tar, on the other hand, has played a very quiet game so far, I have no feelings at all about his alignment.
Part 2: on Juls.
I already exhaustively posted my suspicions about her. I am convinced that she is scum. I am convinced that her question is fishy.
Part 3: on Budja.
I do not see what you are doing. You were favoured by the fact that almost no1 FoSed you since the start, and you kept pretty quiet, you just posted comments here and there, normally supporting all the cases that were created. Generally pro-town, but I am not sure. Something I cannot define bothers me.
Part 4: on Tjoe.
An early BW can be a blessing if you are scum. I honestly lost track of the case on you (it was thin, I kno, but whatever). There was no further development, and this may also depend on the fact that, ever since Juls's question, we stopped discussing about you. This may be casual, but may also be a good strategy.
Part 5: on Haylen.
I am not sure. As I said about Snow, I tend to respect the evolution of thoughts.
Part 6: on Mae.
There is some stuff to discuss. As I read the post where the quotes were posted without the names, I thought "well, my name is the only name that appears in the whole post, so the quotes are prolly mine". Then I read through it and "OMG, I never said THIS!". Therefore I preceived the post as a misquoting, although, as I already said, it is not properly "misquoting", but rather a confused quoting.
I hope that I was not the only one who was confused by that post. Also, I keep failing to see how misquoting would be useful to scum. I prefere to think that, for one reaon I do not know, yet, Mae was very fond of the idea of getting me lynched.
Part 7: on Menthos
Well, u are pretty cautious, and little more. You agree with me that the question was potentially fishy, but you also think that Juls didn't mean it? Cannot but wait for more substance.
Part 8: on Vaya
I do not agree. I am not going to vote anyone based on the answers to Juls' question. Why would you want to lynch a "yes", by the way?
Question to Juls
: According to your post #161, your answer to my arguments is that you reckon that at the moment there are no power roles at all, and all of us are potential power roles?
Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 12:29 am
by Budja
@Juls, the inconsistency is that you seemed pretty evenly weighted on lewarcher/Haylen.
Juls wrote:Why I chose lewarcher over Haylen? There is no real reason other than Budja and J-Fox are eliminated from contention for me sense Budja is scumhunting and J-Fox is non existent. And the aforementioned lack of scumhunting make both front runners for me.
(This is after I have posted my case). As far as I can tell, you chose these players by your question and a general lack of scum-hunting.
Juls wrote:The case of how he is behaving after the fact? I buy it. I think it's a legitimate case. It probably gives him the edge over Haylen for scum.
After I ask, you acknowledge my case but don't seem to place much weight on it.
Juls wrote:
The reason Haylen looks worse is that he is piggybacking Lewarcher's argument now. Pretty sad to piggyback a bad one.
The scummy part is not the opinion, its is the inconsitancy. The opinion that your question was role-fishing isn't scummy (although pretty weak), the sudden change of mind is.
But I do take your point on the piggybacking. Still, I think lewarcher is the better lynch. His change of opinion was stronger/more of a shift.
lewarcher wrote:
I do not see what you are doing. You were favoured by the fact that almost no1 FoSed you since the start
I have no idea what you are saying here.
Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 3:17 am
by lewarcher82
u should, Budja. u act like a clear, and u aren't. u better have a good explanation for this once Juls is lynched and scum or I am lynched and inno.
please do not forget my last post people. I would like some comments, and I do want Juls to answer my question.
Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 3:19 am
by Snow White
Post due sometime later today.
Communication assignment meeting first.
Snow White.
Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 5:29 am
by Snow White
Havent particularily found much to say about: Vaya&menthosman, taranski too.... You left him out Lewarcher. Purposely?
Though my feeling toward Budja, Juls and Haylen are in limbo. My feelings toward Maemuki have not changed.
The fact people are giving her excuses is infuriating.
Lewarcher, i find it hard to believe you seem to accept Mae's position even though are posts are side by side and my post is one of the shortest im like to have ever made bar "/in" Ugh. Thought there'd be more. There's not. Ive to go home. Read up on later events... later. lol.
Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 2:14 pm
by Juls
My experience with mods who disappear for two weeks is not good (reference: roffman). So, if this game ever gets a mod again...
please replace me
. I joined because I like short deadlines. This game should be well into Day 2 by now.
Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 2:26 pm
by Budja
I do get your point though. This game is in dire need of prods/deadlines.
lew wrote:
u should, Budja. u act like a clear, and u aren't. u better have a good explanation for this once Juls is lynched and scum or I am lynched and inno.
a clear = confirmed town?
I really don't understand what you are trying to say there.
Why would I need an explanation on the off chance you turn up town anyway?
Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 11:41 pm
by lewarcher82
I do not like the fact that you are leaving now Juls. Not even a little bit.
Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 10:26 pm
by Maemuki
lewacher wrote:I prefere to think that, for one reaon I do not know, yet, Mae was very fond of the idea of getting me lynched.
Mmm, really? Why?
Does this game have a back-up mod? I mean, we should already be on D2...
Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 10:44 pm
by lewarcher82
Maemuki wrote:lewacher wrote:I prefere to think that, for one reaon I do not know, yet, Mae was very fond of the idea of getting me lynched.
Mmm, really? Why?
Does this game have a back-up mod? I mean, we should already be on D2...
cuz I see no way that posting confused quotes could help scum. So this is my answer to someone (dun remember who, just re-read) who defined this an "interesting case" on you.
A lot of roles, and not only scum, would be happy to survive day 1 lynching another player, no matter how thin is th case: pr's, for instance. But also neutrals and in this particular setup even nilla townies.
@Budja: I am not saying much, it is a matter of style. You have more or less supported all cases. This is what I call the "judge-style": a player does not defend anyone, he simply mildly supports all upcoming cases and he will be able to act as if he was confirmed town, gradually winning town's trust. In some cases this is a scumtell, in my experience. If I were a different player, and lewarcher82 gets lynched today and turns out to be innocent, I would want you investigated tonite or lynched tomorrow.
I am writing to the mod of the Queue forum to get a backup mod.
Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 11:58 pm
by Snow White
^^ I like everything about the above post except paragraph1.
And i believe it was Taranski who said it was an interesting case, and who still needs to catch up.
Sad about Juls leaving... though im not sure i can really blame her atm.