If I'm blind picking I aim for Vlad or Leona. I'm comfortable blind picking Jungle after asking my team what they're doing (it's not like the old days where Amumu gets wrecked if his blue is stolen), but I think Vlad and Leona are the two least-exploitable picks.
↑ xRECKONERx wrote:Re: Top Lane- Sure, fine, I guess. Vlad is actually pretty weak if you get matched against someone who knows what they're doing. But if you're getting morons, more power to you. I also feel like Nasus is super easily countered and if my team needed AD top there are a ton of bruisers I'd rather play.
People just love stupid builds like Warmog's Vlad for some reason. He's strong if you build him smart.
Yeah, I wouldn't ever blind pick Nasus into top - he has quite a few counters. Maybe I should grab a bruiser I'd be okay blind picking, if we want AD but enemy top hasn't picked yet?
Re: Mid Lane- Uhhhhh really? Okay, I guess. Galio is pretty bad though... he's not borderline OP at all against someone with half a brain. I could see picking him in response to something like Leblanc or Katarina.
See, this weird meme about Galio being bad has popped up seemingly out of nowhere but it's just not true at all! He's a little bit below the tippy-top mids but it's hardly any gap, and he's BY FAR the most obscure competitive mid. This has several advantages - no one can dodge resolute smite worth a damn, people don't realize you're deliberately tanking minions to heal and set up punishes, junglers go for bad ganks not realizing how much smite hurts, etc.
People focus too much on Durand, reason (correctly!) that Durand has a fair bit of counter-play available, and miss the point that Galio can build resistance and mana regen, receive huge damage for free, and just harass, shove to punish roam, and never ever die because of Bulwark. He's a lane bully with a teamfighting ult that demands respect. His cooldowns are a little long which is a bit problematic for prolonged teamfights, but Athene's helps a lot for that.
(Also, I think Galio gets a bad rap because of the world's mystifying fascination with Thornmail. Oh gosh, durand means the AD attacks you a few times, Thornmail is super OP on Galio!! Ya because when I get 90 armor just for hitting the w button and a 50% damage reduction on ult the defensive stat I really need is armor and not HP .-.)
Re: Jungle- Amumu is the low elo wrecker, good call. Voli can get super OP but he's also stupid easy to kite. If I were you, I'd play it like... tanky-AP Amumu... then pick a champ that does well as a real pure tank (like Nunu)... then get a bruiser in your lineup (J4 is OP obviously, Vi or Pantheon are always strong picks). Also just as a note, Fiddles is ridiculously good right now in the jungle, I've been playing a ton of him recently.
I might work on my Vi, she's fun.
re: ADC- AD Carry is my weakest role. Ez isn't very good in bot lane IMO just because of the meta right now... if you want someone that doesn't need to kite well, pick up Sivir. Great engage, great scape, and just throw Qs from miles away and press "W" and watch a minion wave disappear.
Haven't played Siv since the day's of Starks, maybe I'll give her a shot.
One crucial thing is that Sona's slow is one SHE fires but Nami's slow is one the AD CARRY fires. This is pretty significant when you have the crappy HP both Nami and Sona have!
I don't like Sona because it requires a lot of coordination. Nami does her poke by empowering the AD Carry to do it for her. As Leona I make big obvious plays because I am a juggernaut, but when I'm a vulnerable support I much prefer giving the initative to my lane partner.