La Isla de la Muerte (Game over!)
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- JasonWazza
JasonWazza Jack of All Trades
- JasonWazza
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So hey there you FUCKERS.
I'm back and ready DUDES.
So prepare for the RESPONSES.
That come with this TUNE.Saved by my own stupidity \o/
Sometimes a Psychopath with a notebook wins.- Sakura Hana
Sakura Hana Survivor
- Sakura Hana
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- JasonWazza
JasonWazza Jack of All Trades
- JasonWazza
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Yo dude your pulling LEGS.In post 113, waynegg wrote:A reason is still a reason. Implied reason without reason is still scum.
Implicated reasons are still REASONS.
So quit the fucking MISREPING.
And go get lynched FOOL.
Fuck yeah guys, this SCUM.In post 117, waynegg wrote:
So THAT'S how I've helped to pop scum D1 in every game I've played on site..., though I've still yet to draw a scum role with around 30 games.In post 112, JasonWazza wrote:Without foundation in fact HEY?
Well i hate to GO.
Bursting your bubbles, but DUDE.
Nothing here is based FACTUALLY.
Unless your scum and KNOW.
The other scum butts YO.
"I'm such a fucking HELP.
So please don't lynch ME."
Paraphrased so perfectly ain't IT?
If your thinking this ARGUMENT.In post 122, Klick wrote:If we're laying everything out now:
I think SD/Mitzi are partners based on this, and it's the only thing so far that I can really get a read on, besides feeling that the waynegg/Sakura argument is TvS.In post 13, SalmonellaDoctor wrote:Mitzi's picture doesn't look like an actual post restriction, just a joke (that almost flew over my head).
As for the morse code, it looks like it says "obviously scum," but with a typo.
Is town and the SCUM.
Then why lynch SD INSTEAD?
Oh yeah you know IT.In post 125, SalmonellaDoctor wrote: Jason is a pretty good poet
Why you not reading HEY?In post 148, waynegg wrote:Why Mitzi? I see what people are saying about SD, but I'm not completely convinced.
He said it earlier FOOL.
Quit faking that there SCUM-HUNTING.
Cause if you were REALLY.
Then you would have READ.
That klick explained his REASONING.
Dude what you been SMOKING?In post 154, Karnage wrote:VOTE: Sakura Hana
I wouldn't have wasted my time reading through that shit if she would have just clarified her "reason" instead of arguing semantics. Plus I find sheeping scummy.
Sakura, at the time of your vote did you think waynegg was scum? if so, why?
And can i get SOME?
Read it again you FOOL.
And realize Sakura wasn't ARGUING.
Them semantics of yours TOOL.
Her reasoning was clearly THERE.
And he semantic-ed it UP.
In post 159, Skullduggery wrote:I'm not sure whether this is relevant or not, but my role PM said that there are only 16 contestants on the island. Just throwing that out there.
Dudes quit this conversation NOW.In post 162, Desperado wrote: Skull: my role PM doesn't mention contestants at all.
Don't give the scum ROAD-MAPS.
Yo the fuck is THIS?
You gonna be that USELESS?
Vig if you exist HERE.
Save us from this HERE.
Should i start a SPOILERING.
My posting is long SO.
It might be useful YEAH?Saved by my own stupidity \o/
Sometimes a Psychopath with a notebook wins.- waynegg
waynegg Mafia Scum
- waynegg
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- Location: Somewhere in the vapours surrounding the Moon
Playin' with the wrong TEAM
Swagga the lame rap'a WAZZA
Misquote, misrep in his RAPORT
Ask why? I say BECAUZZA
Must be bumpin an GRINDIN
For her, Whiteknight you DID
Fire up the hibachi AND
Eat that Cherry Blossom, KID
For all your many WORDS
Your rap be weak, HO
I'd like to welcome YOU
To the Jason Wazza SHOW
Wayne's reading...odd, but I think he's trying, he's just decided the quickest way to the market down the street was to create a causality portal and tesseract between the two spaces rather than walking. down. the street. ~ Ghostlin
Like LEGO minifigs?- JasonWazza
JasonWazza Jack of All Trades
- JasonWazza
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You think you hot SHIT?In post 203, waynegg wrote:Playin' with the wrong TEAM
Swagga the lame rap'a WAZZA
Misquote, misrep in his RAPORT
Ask why? I say BECAUZZA
Must be bumpin an GRINDIN
For her, Whiteknight you DID
Fire up the hibachi AND
Eat that Cherry Blossom, KID
For all your many WORDS
Your rap be weak, HO
I'd like to welcome YOU
To the Jason Wazza SHOW
You call me a WHITEKNIGHT?
Well dude you not HEARD?
Town can defend town NERD.
You keep defending yo SELF.
Cause no one else WOULD.
It's clear your scum FUCKER.
Put the keyboard down SUCKER.
Cause it's taken enough ABUSE.
From those fingers of YOURS.Saved by my own stupidity \o/
Sometimes a Psychopath with a notebook wins.- waynegg
waynegg Mafia Scum
- waynegg
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- Location: Somewhere in the vapours surrounding the Moon
Kick back, take a BREAK
Jason, sit on the FLOOR
Stretch out my arms WIDE
And let the words ROLL
Scum from the first POST
In eye ess oh ZERO
In his second fucking SENTENCE
Jason claims he's anti HERO
He goes on and ON
Bark and growl about FLUFF
But if you look CLOSE
His shit's fulla that STUFF
Grinds up on the CASE
To buddy up to HANA
If he don't go TODAY
Then we get him MAÑANAWayne's reading...odd, but I think he's trying, he's just decided the quickest way to the market down the street was to create a causality portal and tesseract between the two spaces rather than walking. down. the street. ~ Ghostlin
Like LEGO minifigs?- Klick
Klick Flash Forward
- Klick
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- Sakura Hana
Sakura Hana Survivor
- Sakura Hana
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- Location: In the Magical World of Anime
- waynegg
waynegg Mafia Scum
- waynegg
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- Location: Somewhere in the vapours surrounding the Moon
I agree. Reading back over Despardo once it was all said mad done, he looks more town from outside the box. His stubbornness along with holding onto a point he really thought was vital does seem town motivated. I think he bares keeping an eye on though. Dodging questions doesn't look good.
VOTE: SAKURA HANAWayne's reading...odd, but I think he's trying, he's just decided the quickest way to the market down the street was to create a causality portal and tesseract between the two spaces rather than walking. down. the street. ~ Ghostlin
Like LEGO minifigs?- waynegg
waynegg Mafia Scum
- waynegg
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- Location: Somewhere in the vapours surrounding the Moon
You, Jason, and who?In post 207, Sakura Hana wrote:Cool we've found 3 scum already, that's nice. This game is turning out pretty easy.Wayne's reading...odd, but I think he's trying, he's just decided the quickest way to the market down the street was to create a causality portal and tesseract between the two spaces rather than walking. down. the street. ~ Ghostlin
Like LEGO minifigs?- Sakura Hana
Sakura Hana Survivor
- Sakura Hana
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- Hydrochloric Hydra
Hydrochloric Hydra Townie
- Hydrochloric Hydra
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VOTE: SakiIn post 199, Saki wrote:forgot that I was in this game
oh well
Call me if y'all need a hammer
or I'll just come regardless- waynegg
waynegg Mafia Scum
- waynegg
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- Location: Somewhere in the vapours surrounding the Moon
What's that? Can you appeal to my emotion a little louder please?Wayne's reading...odd, but I think he's trying, he's just decided the quickest way to the market down the street was to create a causality portal and tesseract between the two spaces rather than walking. down. the street. ~ Ghostlin
Like LEGO minifigs?- Sakura Hana
Sakura Hana Survivor
- Sakura Hana
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- Location: In the Magical World of Anime
- waynegg
waynegg Mafia Scum
- waynegg
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- Location: Somewhere in the vapours surrounding the Moon
If that misrep were true I might agree with you.Wayne's reading...odd, but I think he's trying, he's just decided the quickest way to the market down the street was to create a causality portal and tesseract between the two spaces rather than walking. down. the street. ~ Ghostlin
Like LEGO minifigs?- Sakura Hana
Sakura Hana Survivor
- Sakura Hana
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- Location: In the Magical World of Anime
- JasonWazza
JasonWazza Jack of All Trades
- JasonWazza
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For someone who was BITCHING.In post 205, waynegg wrote:Kick back, take a BREAK
Jason, sit on the FLOOR
Stretch out my arms WIDE
And let the words ROLL
Scum from the first POST
In eye ess oh ZERO
In his second fucking SENTENCE
Jason claims he's anti HERO
He goes on and ON
Bark and growl about FLUFF
But if you look CLOSE
His shit's fulla that STUFF
Grinds up on the CASE
To buddy up to HANA
If he don't go TODAY
Then we get him MAÑANA
About all this stupid "MISREPPING".
That Sakura has apparently DONE.
Your quick to misrep ME.
And it's not even CLOSE.
To that thing called TRUTH.
You think i'm talking FLUFF?
Dude this is my STUFF.
You want me to POST.
Normally, well that's it DUDE.
Cause i just can't FUCKER.
You think i enjoy THIS?
This five word constant MARATHON?
I do it for TOWN.
So get out my FACE.
And leave this damned PLACE.
Cause you know your DIRTY.
That corpse yeah its BLOOD?
The blood's on your HANDS.
So fuck yeah my VOTE?
It stands, on the SCUM.Saved by my own stupidity \o/
Sometimes a Psychopath with a notebook wins.- waynegg
waynegg Mafia Scum
- waynegg
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- Location: Somewhere in the vapours surrounding the Moon
Jason. If you can get all those words out, you can build cases in those words. All you've done is point fingers and shield Sakura to this point. You can be town for now, but try working evidence in instead of just derp, scum this guy. You're wrong about me and I think you're wrong about Sakura too. I'll commute my judgement on you and put you on probation to give you the opportunity to improve your posting.Wayne's reading...odd, but I think he's trying, he's just decided the quickest way to the market down the street was to create a causality portal and tesseract between the two spaces rather than walking. down. the street. ~ Ghostlin
Like LEGO minifigs?- Saki
Saki Jack of All Trades
- Saki
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who are youIn post 211, Hydrochloric Hydra wrote:
VOTE: SakiIn post 199, Saki wrote:forgot that I was in this game
oh well
Call me if y'all need a hammer
or I'll just come regardlessretired
LoL - Atlantica / Viera Assassin (NA)
FFXIV - Seiina Araki ofCoeurlSargantanasunsubbed
GTKAS: Saki- waynegg
waynegg Mafia Scum
- waynegg
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- Location: Somewhere in the vapours surrounding the Moon
<can't be bothered to read as far as>In post 218, Saki wrote:
who are youIn post 211, Hydrochloric Hydra wrote:
VOTE: SakiIn post 199, Saki wrote:forgot that I was in this game
oh well
Call me if y'all need a hammer
or I'll just come regardlessWayne's reading...odd, but I think he's trying, he's just decided the quickest way to the market down the street was to create a causality portal and tesseract between the two spaces rather than walking. down. the street. ~ Ghostlin
Like LEGO minifigs?- Klick
Klick Flash Forward
- Klick
- Flash Forward
- Flash Forward
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- Saki
Saki Jack of All Trades
- Saki
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yes.In post 219, waynegg wrote:
<can't be bothered to read as far as>In post 218, Saki wrote:
who are youIn post 211, Hydrochloric Hydra wrote:
VOTE: SakiIn post 199, Saki wrote:forgot that I was in this game
oh well
Call me if y'all need a hammer
or I'll just come regardlessretired
LoL - Atlantica / Viera Assassin (NA)
FFXIV - Seiina Araki ofCoeurlSargantanasunsubbed
GTKAS: Saki- Saki
Saki Jack of All Trades
- Saki
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tbh i havent even read the game since my first post.retired
LoL - Atlantica / Viera Assassin (NA)
FFXIV - Seiina Araki ofCoeurlSargantanasunsubbed
GTKAS: Saki- Zoidberg
Zoidberg Mafia Scum
- Zoidberg
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- Saki
Saki Jack of All Trades
- Saki
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something worseretired
LoL - Atlantica / Viera Assassin (NA)
FFXIV - Seiina Araki ofCoeurlSargantanasunsubbed
GTKAS: Saki - Saki
Copyright © MafiaScum. All rights reserved.
- Zoidberg
- Saki
- Saki
- Klick
- waynegg
- Saki
- waynegg
- JasonWazza
- Sakura Hana
- waynegg
- Sakura Hana
- waynegg
- Hydrochloric Hydra
- Sakura Hana
- waynegg
- waynegg
- Sakura Hana
- Klick
- waynegg
- JasonWazza
- waynegg
- JasonWazza
- Sakura Hana
- JasonWazza