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Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 2:23 pm
by audacesiuvat

If you have no restriction, why make up one? Why not come clean when Nightcow called you out?

I'm so confused. And I feel cheated. I don't know if I'll be able to trust anyone ever again.

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 4:00 pm
by Twomz
??? don't have a posting restriction? Is that a restriction? Not having a restriction?...

??? w/e... i still think MoS is most likely scum, but D_M is up there on LAL principles...

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 7:40 pm
by Nightcow
:Yawn: Remember this post?
Cow wrote:
D_M wrote:Post restrictions suck.
I notice Pooky isn't in this game.
I have nothing to say now, but I'll use my other posts to better effect as we go on.
I stole a teddy bear fom you. I have no idea what it means.

It hardly saves your arse, but it is fairly mundane too.
D_M wrote:unvote, vote Nightcow
If you only have ten posts
Why waste one like that?
Why to breadcrumb with, obviously. Not that you'd have worked it out. I was hoping you'd be a little kid or something. The Haikus really put me off a bit. Samurai kids etc...

I have no idea where we go from here, unfortunately.

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 2:10 am
by Twomz
ARrrr... i say we run up MoS today, then figure out who the other scurvy mafiaso be tomorrow. I still think he be mafia. Avast!

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 2:37 am
by DrippingGoofball



Vote: MOS

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 5:06 am
by PookyTheMagicalBear
MoS AIMed me to tell you guys that he is following the game but can not post due to technical issues..

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 2:51 am
by DrippingGoofball

Image = Image Image

draygn_mage wrote:BTW I lied, I have no restriction. (I CAN'T BELEIVE I HIT SUBMIT!!!!!!)

I am Joe Normal, vanilla townie.
Obviously anything Nightcow stole from me would be something incredibly ordinary.

Nightcow come save my arse!

draygn_mage wrote:BTW I lied
Image = Image :?:
draygn_mage wrote:I have no restriction.
Image = Image :?:
draygn_mage wrote:I am Joe Normal, vanilla townie.
Image = Image :?:
draygn_mage wrote:Obviously anything Nightcow stole from me would be something incredibly ordinary.

Nightcow come save my arse!
Image = Image :?:


Image Image Image...

Image Image :?: :?: :?:

Image = Image, ImageImageImage = Image :?:

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 4:24 am
by DrippingGoofball
Image :?:

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 4:28 am
by neongrey
Neongrey blinks, shakes her head, then mimes sleeping for a moment, before looking questioning again.

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 11:51 am
by draygn_mage
does that mean that you plan to try and get some info on me tonight, DG?

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 12:55 pm
by Twomz
Arrr? Me thinks it do.

I thinks that MoS has to be scum. I see no way around it. If he be not, then we'll be able to figer it out tomorrow... Arrrrr...

Agreed? Disagreed? Yo ho?

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 12:57 pm
by DrippingGoofball
Twomz wrote: I thinks that MoS has to be scum.

Image :?:

Image :?:

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 1:36 pm
by draygn_mage
Perhaps DG can get some info on me, and Nightcow can do MOS?

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 5:51 pm
by Mastermind of Sin
armm, errrr, why am i scum again, duh...uh...?, duh...uh...?, duh...uh...?, duh...uh...?, duh...uh...?, duh...uh...?, duh...uh...?, duh...uh...?, duh...uh...?, duh...uh...?, duh...uh...?, duh...uh...?, duh...uh...?, duh...uh...?, duh...uh...?, duh...uh...?, duh...uh...? ololololl~~~ DgUST BECUZ IH ABE A HArD POAT REStRICTION, duh...uh...?, duh...uh...?, duh...uh...?, duh...uh...?, duh...uh...?, duh...uh...?, duh...uh...?, duh...uh...? cudd someon3 rest8 t3hh reasons f' me, duh...uh...?, duh...uh...?, duh...uh...?, duh...uh...?, duh...uh...?, duh...uh...?, duh...uh...?, duh...uh...?, duh...uh...?, duh...uh...?, duh...uh...? llo... I don't remembeh seieng much in d3 awy of 7Ogibc! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!!

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 12:48 am
by audacesiuvat
Good to see you back, MoS. I'm voting for you because you're the last player to not have claimed something. Claim, and I'll unvote.

At least, I'm thinking that I'm still voting for you. It's been so long since we had a
vote count
from our Mod. I wonder if my presence caused him to abandon the game. Wouldn't be the first time.

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 6:13 am
by GreenLiquid
Vote Count

Mastermind of Sin - 2 - audacesiuvat, DrippingGoofball
draygn_mage - 1 - Twomz
Twomz - 1 - draygn_mage

There are 8 of you alive, which means 5 votes to lynch.

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 6:17 am
by Twomz
Unvote, vote: MoS

Arr.. i think that DG should check MoS tonight, and NC should check someone who hasn't been looked into yet. Avast.

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 6:23 am
by DrippingGoofball
Twomz wrote:Arr.. i think that DG should check MoS tonight.
Image Image

Image Image

Twomz wrote:
Unvote, vote: MoS
:?: :?: :?:

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 6:26 am
by Twomz
ARRRGGG... i meant D_M :(. (the parrot attacked my ear while i was postin... srry.)

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 8:33 am
by Mastermind of Sin
im a nO0b haXC0r, basical so/\/\eone whio is ruid and d1kns dey ar bettre dna otdehs ubt ackula si pretty dummm, 4nd etc i can try t' haX0r someone's c'pootr t' find outr \/\/h4t teyh did l4st nigght, uh, but siss im a |\|00b ti oon hhaxz 50% chass fteturnnig a rEsult i OW|\| dgO0. LOLLOLOOLOLOLL~~~~ NGHT 1 I FOUND THAt THOK TARGETTEd NIGHTCOW, AND ALST NIUGHT I 4Hd NO RTESULT WSHE NI TARGETTED dRIPOPINGGOOFBALL! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!1~~~~

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 8:58 am
by DrippingGoofball
Twomz wrote:ARRRGGG... i meant D_M :(. (the parrot attacked my ear while i was postin... srry.)
Image = Image :!:


Unvote. Vote: draygn_mage

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 9:01 am
by Twomz
Arrrr... so yee be a partial nightwatcher, that doesn't even have the pastries to know if their watchins be right?

So you targetted someone who can't confirm your story (thok) and you got a false(?) result on DG... When i were mafia an try'n to make up a claim, i used dead players for me targets as well... cause they can't confirm nor deny yer alligations.

Confirm vote: MoS

I be sure he scum now me Harties... and if he isn't, then there be a %50 chance that DG be lyin (?not sure on this?).

Yo Ho Yo Ho a pirate's life fer me.

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 9:06 am
by neongrey
Neongrey scratches her head, yawns, then reads some more.

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 9:53 am
by Mastermind of Sin
Twomz wrote:Arrrr... so yee be a partial nightwatcher, that doesn't even have the pastries to know if their watchins be right?

So you targetted someone who can't confirm your story (thok) and you got a false(?) result on DG... When i were mafia an try'n to make up a claim, i used dead players for me targets as well... cause they can't confirm nor deny yer alligations.

Confirm vote: MoS

I be sure he scum now me Harties... and if he isn't, then there be a %50 chance that DG be lyin (?not sure on this?).

Yo Ho Yo Ho a pirate's life fer me.

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2006 9:56 am
by Mastermind of Sin
BTW, I KNOW TY3H RESULT ON THok L0OKZ BAD, BUT IF I WADS SCUM ANYTHINFG I MADE UP WPOULD LOOKBAD, SO CITING THAT aS A REASNO ISN LOGICAL! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!1~~~~~~ OLOLLOOOLOLO~ ebehyone has claimewd, uh uh uh uh, osi F iw ads sucmi cudds easy piX0r 4nyuone as a target sinc3 i know what hey'be done... Um uh.dhe trud, hoWebuhbeh, si htat i diD target dok, becauz i know him t' be 4 skillful playeh, adn i webuhantid infromatino on h1m in ase he wass scum! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!11 HAZORTHE PLANNET! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!! Doihh, COOL!11