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Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 4:17 pm
by popsofctown
Paragon, do you agree with the notion that Robbnva is a little higher than rand to be town for not forcing content early? Or is he a little higher than rand to be scum because he should have naturally noticed some AI thingies I can't decide eugh

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 4:19 pm
by popsofctown
I'm confused about Ame

Part of me finds her scumread unreasoned and implausible

Part of me thinks he's probably biased to have me around in games and if he rolled scum and could mislynch anybody, she'd pick anybody else, but if he rolls town and develops a conviction I'm scummy then she has to follow that.

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 4:20 pm
by Paragon
In post 194, Ame wrote:
In post 185, Paragon wrote:
In post 183, Ame wrote:
In post 177, Paragon wrote:I share your excitement for playing this game! I will allow someone other than myself to question you on your popsofctown read. I believe I have already reached my question quota for the day.
This is fishy tbh. I'll be looking at you upon her flip.
I would ask you why you perceive these fishy odours from viewing this post, but I have unfortunately reached my question quota for the day.
There was so much about my read list that warranted questioning (including my pops vote) that I don't think town!Para would miss the opportunity to pursue. Additionally, I suspect you are being cautious about forming a direct association with pops by avoiding asking me about her directly by using a convenient gag.

@pops they mean the same thing to me.
I should be cautious, but very well, I shall use my last remaining ammo of questioning here. Why have you listed Y'shtola Rhul and Aloratom as Warriors of the Light?

I do not understand your associative block building regarding popsofctown and I. My post restriction simply gave me no choice at the time.

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 4:22 pm
by Ame
It's fun dragging Para's avatar and making it fly across the forum.

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 4:24 pm
by popsofctown
Oh wow I didn't know you could do that!
On my browser it puts a red circle with a strikethrough over his face though :(

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 4:26 pm
by Paragon
In post 196, popsofctown wrote:I am fielding a lot from a lot of people right now, suddenly X_X I thought about my answer but then got distracted.
I'd say it's 80/20 that there's probably three scum in an RC designed 12p. I suspect RC never does traitor in a 12p, if there are two scum I think they're fighting a watered down town.
I apologise for bothering you with this. I can see you are under some distress. I thank you for your answer.
I have seen 2 scum for 8 to 11 players, and 3 for 13 to 15. So I had no idea of what to expect from 12. I also thought I could possibly get a hint to your alignment based on how you answered, since scum!you already knows the answer, but I unfortunately don't seem to have gathered much in AIness from your post.

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 4:27 pm
by Taly
In post 195, popsofctown wrote:It's a little IIoAish how 1 and 4 are just listed without being broken down into analysis. When I perceived this as playing the low information phase I didn't think it was as big of a deal but now it's clear that Taly is treating my slot with more gravitas it's concerning.
pedit: ignoring pedits
What does
mean? hUh? Kind of done with all these buzzwords people use in mafia games, it's much easier if someone used their own words instead of slapping a label to them that could mean different things to others.

I don't think we're at low information anymore.

And what's concerning about me trying to sort you? I've focused on much more people in this game than you.

Even if you think I'm scum, do you really think the suspicion I have for you is unjustified? You haven't directly communicated with my questions and your responses are either meant to shift focus onto another person or to state why me engaging with you is invalid.

It's defensive and it doesn't come across as genuine,


popsofctown wrote:
In post 193, Taly wrote:I don't follow at all, I have no alts.

And if you mean I have burden of good player going on, are you implying that I'm faking suspicion on you? Or that I'm SUPPOSED to have caught scum by now? Or was burden of good player a reference to you?

, I don't remember if we've ever completed a game together, and it's been months since I've started mafia again in the past couple of weeks. So I don't know how you think I'm playing effectively unless you have in-game reason to think so.
Wiisp wrote:and certainly not wolfy unless maybe you squint your eyes very hard
squint your eyes, I want to see a good reason to suspect me.
Paragon wrote:
In post 180, Taly wrote:I want to see more reasoning on your eyestott townread?
It is simply a genuineness/toneread. I believe him.
Burden of a good player is a reference to me, I think you're giving me the third degree because I'm capable of a strong day 1. Even if you haven't played with me, people pick up on diction, the join date, etc. You can kind of tell these things. I returned to site after a break last year, I figured out who the veterans were.

I don't have high expectations on you.
My best townread says Taly is town.

I have NOT read a game you're in recent memory. Join date doesn't mean much to me above someone having like 1-2 games of mafia in
case. (((I thought you wanted to talk about her vote on

And I've played mafia on/off since 2014. If you want to talk to me about joindate, diction, and veterans - apply the same concept to me and I don't outright change your read on me because you think my play is poor.

I guess my scumread on you was correct?
-You mention
Burden of Good Player"
in reference to reading me...
-Your post that contains the vote on me doesn't even pertain to me.
-You don't elaborate even after you say I'm scummy and I question you...
-You also seem concerned at the fact that I'm even paying attention to you.
-You don't explain your original post so when you give the definition of
"Burden of Good Player"
it feels like a complete backtrack, especially since you unvoted and are hopping onto the
next person that is on your wagon

This progression reads to me as
suspected me, gotta discredit that and move to the next person who thinks I'm scum"

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 4:31 pm
by Taly
, I'm waiting for them reasons. You gotta voice what you feel most confident in.

, calm with the role and setup spec... we don't need to give scum anymore information and there's nothing we can do as town about roles at this moment.

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 4:31 pm
by popsofctown
Discrediting you? In one of my posts I pointed out that treating players differently for their experience is something I consider valid.

IIoAish is when you fake scumhunting by stating facts that seem poignant but don't actually explain how they make someone scum or town.

For example, why is including a vote in a post that discusses a different person scum indicative?

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 4:32 pm
by Paragon
In post 200, popsofctown wrote:Paragon, do you agree with the notion that Robbnva is a little higher than rand to be town for not forcing content early? Or is he a little higher than rand to be scum because he should have naturally noticed some AI thingies I can't decide eugh
Yes, I do think Robbnva may have felt incentivised as scum to make something up or force some content by this point. I found his " I don't know what's going on. Are there any wagons?" post scummy however. Overall, he is >randtown. I appreciate the question.

Questioning Quota: 1

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 4:33 pm
by Paragon
In post 207, Taly wrote:Paragon, calm with the role and setup spec... we don't need to give scum anymore information and there's nothing we can do as town about roles at this moment.
Sorry. I felt the need to claim as questioning was becoming awkward for me without informing everyone of this condition.

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 4:48 pm
by Taly
In post 208, popsofctown wrote:Discrediting you? In one of my posts I pointed out that treating players differently for their experience is something I consider valid.
Instead of just regurgitating what I confront you about through a question, can you look inward and see why I think that? Or am I completely misinterpreting your gameplay here?
IIoAish is when you fake scumhunting by stating facts that seem poignant but don't actually explain how they make someone scum or town.
I just gave a lot of reason behind my suspicion on you. Originally, it was very little, I wasn't even feeling a scumread on you until this past page. So it's weird that you're already articulating this narrative that I'm disingenuous in my gamesolving when I just was stating suspicion to engage with you, and that my reasons for scumreading you are fake when you didn't ask the purpose behind them.

You didn't go for a conversation with me, you went to
"how can I muddy the waters and paint this as scum-indicative for

It's even more evident because you unvoted me when I gave you pushback. It's dismissive when you just write me off as
"I have no expectations for you so you may not be scum"
when you haven't even engaged with a teamwork mindset.

It doesn't feel town.
In post 208, popsofctown wrote:For example, why is including a vote in a post that discusses a different person scum indicative?
OK, let's break this down.
In post 37, popsofctown wrote:post 32 is a bit scummy in the way I generally find "tell me but don't show me" behavior scum indicative. VOTE: FuzzyLogic99
You vote
and give reasoning.
In post 51, Taly wrote:It's equally odd to me that you enter the game asserting someone's posting as scummy, and this person happens to have multiple votes on them already, without much detail on the reasonings why.

It's easier to push someone when there's other people to pay attention to.
I explain how that could feel opportunistic as a way to bring momentum to the first wagon (as I think you were the third vote on the wagon at the time), notice I never said you were scum. I was wanting to hear more for your perspective on why the wagon should've kept momentum.
In post 53, popsofctown wrote:I'm playing the low information stage of the game, Taly. I don't quite follow your beef. You like what I've done less than, say, Y'shtola's vote on the same slot?
You shift to inquiring about
. Yes, you replied to my questioning in but you didn't follow up about
until later, so I don't know why you emphasized discussion about that other than you just wanted to change the subject.

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 4:52 pm
by popsofctown
I do think spotlight diffusion is good

I do think you're misinterpreting my play, in general you seem to be projecting more convictions onto everything I'm doing than is due. I often like to just generally do stuff day 1 to get the game going, even if I don't have good reads or strong bases. It can often set the town up with an environment that will win even if day 1 is a mislynch. This feels like one of those games.

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 4:55 pm
by popsofctown
I moved my vote off of Fuzzy because he's pretty afk and when slots are only incrementally past randscum it's better to poke slots that can respond just to develop the game. Do you disagree with that philosophy?

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 4:59 pm
by Taly

Fair. I'll take a breather, then. Goodnight
and the thread :) I'll read more tomorrow and reevaluate if I must.

But I am starting to feel a bit more energized to play the game.


popsofctown wrote:I moved my vote off of Fuzzy because he's pretty afk and when slots are only incrementally past randscum it's better to poke slots that can respond just to develop the game. Do you disagree with that philosophy?
Nope. Part of my unvote from
was to sort him without directly pushing or entertaining his wagon.

Every slot I mention or speak to in my posts (which can be multiple at once) is meant to poke and develop the game in several aspects.

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 5:04 pm
by Robbnva
In post 209, Paragon wrote:
In post 200, popsofctown wrote:Paragon, do you agree with the notion that Robbnva is a little higher than rand to be town for not forcing content early? Or is he a little higher than rand to be scum because he should have naturally noticed some AI thingies I can't decide eugh
Yes, I do think Robbnva may have felt incentivised as scum to make something up or force some content by this point. I found his " I don't know what's going on. Are there any wagons?" post scummy however. Overall, he is >randtown. I appreciate the question.

Questioning Quota: 1
Why are those scummy though? If I were scum I’d definitely be more aware.

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 5:20 pm
by Wiisp
Please dont kill Taly night 1 again if they are town, K thanks

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 8:29 pm
by Ame
In post 197, Paragon wrote:
In post 180, Taly wrote:Ame, what makes you feel so confident that Pops is scum? Is this meta?
Thank you for asking this. I must admit it was all part of my masterplan to hint at someone else to ask Ame about her popsofctown read.

For those who don't understand what this questioning quota is;
I will now fullclaim:

At the beginning of the game, I started with a quota of questions I could ask other players.
Every time I ask a question, the number goes down by 1.
Every time I answer another player's question, the number goes up by 1.

My quota is currently at 1 since I recently answered a question from Taly. I will be using my questions more wisely. I also encourage people to ask me more questions so that I can replenish my quota.
It's a normal game though?

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 8:29 pm
by Ame
Taly I'm going to sleep now but I'll answer stuff later today.

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 10:49 pm
by Rabid Schnauzer
Will catch up when I can.

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 11:51 pm
by Yshtola Rhul
In post 133, Aloratom wrote:
In post 131, Yshtola Rhul wrote:
In post 130, Paragon wrote:
In post 123, Yshtola Rhul wrote:
In post 95, Paragon wrote:Y'shtola Rhul! What comes to mind when you think of Aloratom?

Other than how handsome he is obviously.
He could stand to raise his voice some more, but otherwise he's quite alright.
Mind explaining where these feelings of quite alrightness come from?
I like his matter of fairness. It is quite refreshing, actually.
I could listen to this kind of stuff all day.

Do either of you know anything about Rabid Schnauzer or Conspire?
I have not played with either to my own knowledge.

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 11:56 pm
by Yshtola Rhul
In post 139, Paragon wrote:
In post 138, eyestott wrote:Paragon, I like the way you think. I’m looking through each persons ISO posts, got anything you’d like to specifically get my opinion on?
And aloes, I mostly agree with you RE: 135 and Conspire. The single post also reads like he’s trying to seem more involved than he actually is.
Hi, eyestott! I would love to get your thoughts on Y'shtola Rhul. She seemed to vote for Fuzzy with little thought, and has not provided much independent opinions of her own. When I asked her for her read and reasoning on Aloratom, I wasn't very satisfied with her response, as it lacked specifics and I couldn't really understand what she meant.
I appreciate that I was unclear with my reasoning. I was asked to help with votes upon another player within the game, so I voted for them. There is nothing more to say about it and there is no other motivations for it.

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2020 11:58 pm
by Yshtola Rhul
In post 147, Paragon wrote:
In post 146, Robbnva wrote:
In post 143, Paragon wrote:
In post 140, Robbnva wrote:I’m really not understanding what’s going on. Do we have a wagon on anyone yet?
Yes, on Fuzzy. We also have Taco and Y'shtola Rhul as potential prospects which are sat on two votes each. Care to join me on Y'shtola Rhul?
Sell me on him.
She seemed to vote for Fuzzy with little thought when asked to wagon him, and failed to provide reasoning for why she followed the vote other than on the basis of simply being asked. She has also not provided much independent opinions of her own. When I asked her for her read and reasoning on Aloratom, I wasn't very satisfied with her response, as it lacked specifics and I couldn't really understand what she meant.

I would be happy to reconsider her if I could hear some more of her opinions.
I have no measure of Aloratom's aether. It will take more time and knowledge to be able to determine this one way or the other.

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 12:02 am
by Yshtola Rhul
In post 158, eyestott wrote:
In post 131, Yshtola Rhul wrote:
In post 130, Paragon wrote:
In post 123, Yshtola Rhul wrote:
In post 95, Paragon wrote:Y'shtola Rhul! What comes to mind when you think of Aloratom?

Other than how handsome he is obviously.
He could stand to raise his voice some more, but otherwise he's quite alright.
Mind explaining where these feelings of quite alrightness come from?
I like his matter of fairness. It is quite refreshing, actually.

While the chance of Yshtola and Aloratom both being scum is statistically quite low, I believe that this is the exact way that someone like Yshtola would talk about their scum-mate. And fairness? Why does fairness equate to towniness? Part 2: Aloratom coming soon.
I misspoke. I meant "matter of factness," instead.

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2020 12:05 am
by Yshtola Rhul
In post 173, Ame wrote:
Warriors of Light (no particular order):
Taly, Paragon, Yshtola, Alo, New Beginnings
Angelic (npo):
eyestott*, Robb, Taco
Demonic (npo):
Rabid Schnauzer, Fuzzy, Wisp
Sin Eaters:

VOTE: pops

*keeping my eyes on eyes
What is New Beginnings?